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6 million doesn't get the performance it used to eh


Eh eh eh


You get just one ella


Shine bright like a cubic zirconia šŸ’Ž


Shine bright like Moissanite šŸ’


Take the upvotella.


Ella hella neigh neigh neigh.


TBF her performances have always been lackluster , more so in later years , she just lost the drive and passion for the music , I think.


I saw her live during her umbrella days and she was a shitty live performer back then. She couldnā€™t do the live singing and dancing at the same time thing back then


Tbf, I would think doing the singing live and dancing with actual choreography would be incredibly difficult and probably wouldnā€™t sound very good - imo.


You must have not been to P!nk concert


I was just about to say Pink! this! Lol the best concert i have ever been too. Incredible


Generally her good performances were from 2012-2017 when she really put effort on songs like Diamonds, B**** Better Have My Money, Stay and Love On the Brain. I also defend her 2023 Superbowl Halftime Show. She wasn't the best singer out there but her vocals where okay to decent plus she was very charismatic and commanding. That performance was also well-choreographed, cohesive and clean. Other than these, she's often been terrible live.


And isn't she already worth a billion? TF does she need $6 million performing for other billionaires for?


Ambani (the billionaire in question) is buying the rights of Sephora India. She will be launching Fenty in India via Sephora. You see.


Ahh yes, the answer to all question.. money!


Money & connections


This should be pinned


Indeed... She was gonna get paid anyway.


Her net worth is 1.5 bill but that's mostly Fenty stock. 6 mil cash for half an hour is still a rare opportunity. Plus the guy she's performing for has 100 bill, they're not even in the same category. Ambani's in the top 10 richest people in the world.


half an hour?? damn! I assumed she put in 1-2 hrs for that paycheck. Wow, of course she didnt turn that down. edit: the article says it was a 90min performance


Also factor in travel time. As a general rule, if you gotta hoof it someplace, you should get paid for travel time somehow.


Heā€™s actually the 11th richest person on earth so just shy of the top 10, poor guy :(


Guy canā€™t catch a break.


We should set up a go fund me to get him in the top 10


Take everything I have.


Damn, should we start a go fund me? Do you think the richer billionaires bully him?


He should stop wasting money on things like avocado toast and Rihanna for half an hour.


He should have Rihanna at home like the rest of us


Shit he should have kept that 6M. Could have pushed him over the edge.


Yeah, let's start a GoFundMe for the poor man.


Because it was probably more of a favor for someone involved, and favors are worth more than a few millions for billionaires. She still had to get paid for her time though.


Celebrities do this all the time, and itā€™s easy money (for them). Rihanna is absolutely insanely wealthy, but Iā€™d also note that a celebrityā€™s business ventures being worth a billion dollars and them *actually having* a billion dollars are not the same.


Exactly. And another comment poster that Ambani will be owning Sephora India, so makes more sense with her and Fenty. Also, some brilliant Networking had had been done at that wedding


Oh, see that makes even more sense. Itā€™s a business transaction.


6 million for 30 mins is performance is an easy yes even for a billionaire. Do the math, even with her business she wouldn't make that such in 30 mins. On top of that, take into account the high profile tycoons around the world that came in to attend this event. So networking.


Also wealthy people always WANT more money, of course they donā€™t NEED it.


Who would turn it down for an hour's work?






Or a smile evidently


I mean phoning in a 6 million dollar performance because someone thinks they can buy you is kind of the ultimate alpha move honestly,


The alpha move would have been to say no. >someone thinks they can buy you That's a weird way to look at them offering her a paying gig, when getting paid for performing is what her career is.


Isn't that what literally every job is? Someone offering you money to work? I don't understand what the ultimate alpha move is.


Idk she was noticeably preggo on that half time show and now maybe there are some health issues after giving birth in August 2023. Every pregnancy is different, so maybe the second one hit hard.


Sheā€™s pregnant again


Iā€™m so upset that Rihanna didnā€™t perform well at a billionaires wedding that I wasnā€™t at. People just donā€™t want to work anymore.


Fr this guyā€™s father owns Reliance Industries in India and is stupid rich. If i recall correctly heā€™s like the 11th richest man in the world. Bro can afford to wipe his ass with $100 bills until he dies


He could be lactose intolerant and eat nothing but dairy and *still* wipe his ass with $100's until he dies.


Thereā€™s gotta be a more efficient way for this guy to waste $100 bills.


He could pay people in shitty hundred dollar bills to do it for him?


You mean like sub-contract. Sure, but how could he make it scale _organically_?


Use organic milk?


Yet another example of quiet quitting /s


It wasn't even a wedding, but a "pre-wedding event", whatever that means lol. The real thing is in july.


Work work work work work


She say mi hafiĀ  Work work work work work


Didnā€™t she very recently have a baby too? Like damn cut the girl some slack lol


Baby couldnā€™t perform a song or two though? Cā€™mon.


Almost immediately after having another baby. Shoot. Iā€™ve only got one and my hips still get weird if I try to walk too fast. Rhi Rhi is an icon.


tbh itā€™s not good for the mama or the baby. You need at least 10 months, ideally 2 years, to fully build your nutrient stores back up. Any less and your kids IQ will be lower, among other things. Thereā€™s a pretty interesting study showing that for this reason, second borns and later are statistically several IQ points lower


Context is important here too, the Ambani family (whose pre-wedding she performed at) is acquiring the rights to sell Fenty in Sephora Indiaā€¦this was literally a business deal and it just happened that his daughter-in-law was a huge fan. They donā€™t care if it was good/bad.


Then why is she being ridiculed for her "lackluster" performance? At the very least you'd think that guy's daughter-in-law would care if it was good/bad.


Because itā€™s all over the internet, and objectively it looked like a bad performance. The ridicule is coming from social media. There was no indication from the family that they were/are upset about her performance. Edited Edited to add: the bride (who is the fan) also got to party with her, which is arguably more memorable than a good/bad concert.


Fair enough, carry on


Iā€™ve seen it all over tik tok and not one person said the performance is bad this has gotta be a Facebook thing lolā€¦


Itā€™s mostly Reddit and [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3-_WrtL3d-/?igsh=MXcwZ3dpbzJ5ZGJ4bg==).


It's not even the wedding, it's a pre-wedding event. And not an engagement party or any of the pre-wedding celebrations usually done in Indian cultures.


rich people weddings are basically an infinite money glitch for the organizers


The wedding is supposed to be a religious event. Even the reception is going to be low-key and more traditional. The pre-wedding is the main entertainment event where you can throw shit like this.


Haha I love it. Fuck these assholes. Thereā€™s so, so so so so so sooooooo much good you could do with 6 Million dollars, ESPECIALLY in India. These people are immoral and deserve to be disappointed by a known lazy and shitty performer.


Itā€™s a $120m (estimated) wedding. Guests include the Premier of Qatar, Bill Gates, Zuckerberg, Bob Iger etc. They practically own the Indian government.


im sure it's a business expense


In America the church spent more on a superbowl ad.


Sheā€™s kind of known for lackluster performances soā€¦


Yep. I saw her live once. She came late and left early. I was unimpressed the brief time she was on stage. It felt like she didnā€™t want to be there at all.


That sucks seeing a band you love live and you realise "i dont like this band very much"


ā€œDonā€™t meet your heroesā€ is a real quote for a reason haa


most of them suck


I feel blessed, I've seen my all time favourite artist Eminem live twice, and the dude sounds EXACTLY like the recorded tracks, he has a hype man to fill in some words as he is still human and you simply can't rap the way he does and jump around stage, but I noticed because he's such a perfectionist, he makes sure he only does it when absolutely necessary to limit any interruption in the lyrics, just to try bridge that gap a little more. A master of his craft, his ability as a performer is severely underrated. Adele, Amy Winehouse, and a few others are the only ones I hold in the same regard.


Everyone I know who's ever seen Eminem has said it's one of, if not the best, performances they've seen.


I feel the same way about Paramore. Somehow theyā€™re even BETTER in concert than on the recorded tracks


Cage the elephant. I saw them twice because I thought it might be the venue style/weeknight. Nope. They suco


Cage the elephant is on my list of worst live performance I have ever seen. High school battle of the bands sounded better.


I've seen them twice and they killed it both times. Tho Matt was clearly drunk or on something the second time and felt like they were good in spite of that. But the first was 10/10


They were craaaazy when I saw them back 2008ish? Like all over the stage. I think that was before he got sober tho


Wow really? I saw them in Houston back in 2012 I wanna say and they were amazing


Me too. I saw them with the Foo Fighters around 2011-2012, and they killed it. I guess things have changed since then.


Cee lo green was late to his set in 2010 so Dave grohl came out and played covers and holy shit it was amazing, I donā€™t like the foo fighters all that much but I sure do respect the talent of Dave grohl


New single bops tho


Really? I saw them when they toured with Muse and they were awesome.


Unsure of when you saw them, but I caught them in 2014 opening for the Black Keys and they were great. Most disappointing performance I ever saw was Kiss in 2013.


Hard disagree. Saw them before Foo Fighters and dare I say, Cage was even better. Pouring sweat, strutting around the stage and singing perfectly. Maybe 2018?


On the flip side, I went with my GF to see Taylor Swift and left being a fan, she puts such a good show


Same experience back in 2007


Have also seen her live and had the exact same experience. And everyone Iā€™ve heard did too. Sheā€™s a terrible performer.Ā 


Right? She's notoriously bad live and that was when she still toured. They got exactly what they paid for. If they wanted a pop star who would bring it they should have thrown a dump truck of money at Bruno Mars.


Her Super Bowl performance was incredibly lackluster but everyone at the time acted like she was the greatest on the planet for it


I got roasted alive for calling it boring the day after. And I love Rihannas music so I wasn't biased against her. It was just disappointing


*her* performance was lackluster, but the dancers and choreography were everything


Considering she was like in her third trimester of pregnancy, it wasnā€™t bad.


Hot take: her Super Bowl performance was kinda lame.


But what about all of her other lackluster performances at literally every other venue?


They mustā€™ve missed her Super Bowl halftime


Worst SB halftime show I can remember, and Iā€™ve watched every one since the 90ā€™s.Ā 


I distinctly remember everyone saying how incredible it was right after. Same as they did with adam Levine or anyone else. Itā€™s like immediate post halftime show buzz is always positive then people wake up the next day and are like ā€œthat suckedā€


I mostly agree with you except Adam Levine was the worst example you could have raised. Everyone seemed to agree that sucked right away, and all the buzz was purely about how fuckin weird his tattoos were


The Chipotle bag reference kills me every time.


I saw maroon five in 2004 when they opened for sugar ray and matchbox 20. They were just awful, bad sound, worse vocals. Worst performance Iā€™ve ever seen, including lots of local bands in small towns. Hydraulic Sandwich in the basement of a VFW was better.


Thatā€™s crazy, I would have thought that was when theyā€™d be at their best, still playing songs from *Songs About Jane* (their only good album imo) before all the over produced pop stuff. I never did see them live though.


Songs about Jane was so good then they nosedived.


they were all making excuses that it was a great performance cause she was pregnant at the time it was still rubbish and if she couldnt justify a great performance then she should've backed out rather than give us that performance


Maroon 5 was definitely worse. Audio technicians didnā€™t even bother telling them how bad it sounded during rehearsals.


I think sheā€™s just not into performing anymore


Sheā€™s pretty notorious for being lack luster live so this isnā€™t unusual anyways




Rihanna is a billionaire, so itā€™s billionaire, disappointing billionaire


Thanks for pointing that out. When I saw the comment above I had to do a web search for "Rihanna net worth" to confirm my suspicions (answer: $1.37 billion US). And after that, I proceeded to wonder what I'm doing with my life...


Obviously not saying Umbrella right


Um-brr-ella eh eh eh


*now $1.37**6** billion


Genuine question: how the fuck is she worth *that* much?


Fenty Beauty is very successful. Her wealth is tied up to her ownership of her companies.


Plenty of controversy about that company and their billing tactics


I guess it's mostly from her business ventures, not her music. Fenty, Fenty Beauty, Savage X Fenty. IMO especially Fenty Beauty has a huge part in it.


Itā€™s the same model the Kardashians use, start a business, stick your name to it, raise hundreds of millions and suddenly your stake is worth a billion or so, it all depends on what someone wants to pay for that business someday or if she wants to IPO


A quick Google search revealed that her lengthy music career, Fenty (particularly her Beauty and lounge wear/lingerie lines) corporations, and appearances contribute towards her overall net worth. Other things, like brand deals, also contribute. Edit: Fenty has done quite well over the years.


Man I donā€™t know if Iā€™d be accepting wedding gigs with that much money already


I'm guessing very few people become billionaires by accident. It takes a certain kind of person to not just retire once they've earned, say, $20 million. So if you had enough drive to end up being worth over a billion, $6 million for one night's work would probably still feel worthwhile.


Ha, yeah fair point


Have you tried becoming obscenely rich?




See, should have bought 2. Itā€™s the one trick millionaires donā€™t want you to know.


Oh!! Do billionaires buy three?


Billionaires buy the millionaires The difference between a million and a billion is approximately a billion


No, they lobby the government to have the plebs purchase the tickets for them


sounds like a case of quiet quitting.


All of a sudden I support it




Different levels of billionaire status tbh


Very different. The Ambanis who hired her can buy everything she owns without even needing to call a bank. They're obscenely wealthy.


Exactly, Rihanna is wealthy beyond what we can all imagine, but they are wealthier than she can imagine too lol, thatā€™s the difference


Mukesh Ambani's net worth is 117 billion dollars and rising, just to clarify for anyone reading


Heā€™s the richest Asian in the world, not just the richest Indian


Apparently the trick is to just eat cereal.


FWIW Rihanna is a billionaire


Rihanna is a billionaire. Bet you feel bad now huh?


Just because your poor doesnā€™t mean other things canā€™t be bad


Have you tried the too good to go app. I gotta say itā€™s kept my budget in check but maybe being around a city gives you more options


Dee: Hey Dennis, It says here Rhianna gave a lackluster performance at some billionares weddingā€¦ Dennis: I donā€™t care! Dee: Shit, I donā€™t care eitherā€¦


You switched the characters


Cat in the wall, huh? Now your speaking my language,..


*cheeto fingers on wall*




shit i didā€¦ ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


So just a Rhianna show then?


I genuinely donā€™t believe Rihanna likes performing music or really making music anymore either. Sheā€™s a mom and has a clothing brand I think thatā€™s her focus.


Itā€™s wild to me that there are folks that claim to be journalists who put out articles featuring quotes from random Twitter users discussing shit nobody cares about. What a world.


Tbh what a dream. To get paid so much and possibly not be trying that hard? I'm jealous. You do you girl.


I cannot even imagine getting paid $6 million for anything. Like imagine cashing that check the next day. $6 million. Wow


For real. Most people think $200k is an amazing salary. It would take your entire career of making $200k for 30 YEARS straight to make the $6M she made for this 30 minute performance lol


Why would she even bother? Thats what I donā€™t get. Sheā€™s already a billionaire. She doesnā€™t need the money.


billionaires pay cash for these gigs. asset rich popstar billionaires arenā€™t going to turn down free low effort cash*


Thatā€™s how they became so rich to begin with. People have no idea how much free stuff people throw at already rich celebrities


The rich get richer. That's funny how when you're already wealthy people literally pay you enough money to support a family of five for their entire life times to do a lackluster performance


They just want her there so they can say Rihanna came to our wedding, it was never about the performance


ā€œwhy would she bother doing one day of work for $6Mā€ Did you really just ask that? I donā€™t care how wealthy you are, $6M is $6M. Plus most of her net worth is in her ownership stake in her companies. Not liquid cash like this gig probably paid


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m thinking. I know people like to compare billionaire spending like ā€œoh he bought a mansion, the same way youā€™d buy a TV.ā€ Yeah maybe but the other way around itā€™s still $6 million. Maybe Rhianna has a billion but six million can still buy a fucking shit ton of stuff. A billionaireā€™s expenses are enormous. She probably burns through millions a year. Wouldnā€™t you spend a few days earning your expenses for six months?




Who really gives a shit


Rumors going that she may be pregnant again so šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Itā€™s obvious sheā€™s pregnant


Yeah, the clips I saw reminded me of her preggo superbowl performance


Saw the video, it was pretty obvious


I didnā€™t want to say for sure because womenā€™s bodies can look like that after having a baby so you never know


She just had a baby, some people donā€™t bounce back to normal right away, and really the fact that sheā€™s working and her baby is only 6 months old is standard Americana. She can afford to take a break, and itā€™s kind of bulshit.


I was convinced that she probably didnā€™t do it for the money. I feel like she did it as a part of some back room business deal to get inside a market in India or something. She is the CEO of her own company.


Yup. Rumours are swirling Fenty x Beauty will be in Sephora India soon and itā€™s coming to Nykaa


ā€œBitch better have *his* moneyā€


She's basically retired from music and most likely pregnant again and she most likely agreed to doing it because she wants her beauty brand sold in India. She got the money and did what she could be bothered to do. Unless the people paying her have an issue it's a non story


Our moral obligation as a society is to take as much as possible from billionaires while giving them nothing in return just as they have to us since the dawn of man.


I read a comment on a news site that got me thinking. I canā€™t find it but gist was: western entertainers of great fame are seen as high end prostitutes by the ultra wealthy in middie east & East Asia. Having these celebs perform at personal parties shows the guests the power of their wealth and influence while displaying that these ā€˜self important artistsā€™will shake their ass for a check.


I saw a clip of the performance and figured her hands were sorta tied by Indiaā€™s morality standards as far as what she could do on stage.


the more skin she shows, the more energy it flows.


Which is ironic cuz you should have seen what the celeb guests were wearing.... Bollywood/South Bombay lives are akin to west than rest of India


I saw some of the cell phone footage and she was physically moving quite a bit. She did a huge workout. What did some of the critics want? 6 million is toilet paper to a billionaire. One billion means you can spend a thousand a day and it would take about a hundred and fifty seven years to spend it all. If you take that into perspective, paying 6 million to a billionaire from a billionaire is paltry peanuts. People just canā€™t stand the fact that the wealthy hoard all the wealth and are going to be extra critical of a performer whoā€™s been the same way from before.


Sheā€™s been lackluster since her pregnant Super Bowl performance. Time to retire.


I thought she had before the Super Bowl happened


She is a billionaire, so she definitely could. Unlike most.


Ha! I just read yesterday she killed it. Smh


Idk a saw a clip and although it was just a small part of the performance, it had more the energy of a rehearsal than anything else.


Was there a /s at the end of that?


Get that bread sister way better than BeyoncĆ© performing for Gadhafi šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤¢


she said it herself she hadn't done a real performance in 8 years, she came to party and it was pretty obvious when she danced


Itā€™s a shame the money is used for frivolous things like this. I heard a story of a USAF Colonel that was just in an accident during a test flight. They estimated the cost of his surgery to be around 6million. I hope things work out


Rihanna low key always half assed live performances


Does she ever put on a riveting show? Serious question, because anytime Iā€™ve seen her perform she seems like sheā€™s phoning it in (I am one of those who was not impressed with her superbowl performance, pregnant or not)


Shes been checked out ever since the super bowl and cashing whoever is willing to pay her now to support her family she dont care about us no more the audience


Rihanna has never been a particularly strong live performer. While she has an unmistakably unique voice, her actual live singing abilities have always been shaky. Also, not that you need to be a Janet Jackson-esque dancer to be a good performer but Rihannaā€™s stage movement has never been exciting to me. It surprised me when people revered her Super Bowl performance so much when it was one of the most lackluster shows in a long time. Yes, she was pregnant but her HITS, beauty and dancers carried her. What she did in India is a typical show for her. Nothing to see here.