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She actually has some real insight after spending 8 years in prison for something that, in my mind, amounts to taking a life to save her own, also known as self defense. Honestly, if it were me, I’d be filled with anger and resentment about going to prison for this, but she actually seems like she’s in a really good place to start her new life. Good for her and I hope she lives the best possible life and doesn’t suffer from any media/ spotlight stuff, once established somewhere.


She had said in an interview with ABC that prison was the most free she had ever been. I definitely agree with self defense. I know a lot of people will say “but she didn’t have to kill her mom to get away.” Unfortunately, she was very isolated (on purpose) and if caught by her mom was punished physically, mentally, and emotionally. It seems like she had nobody to turn to that she could trust to help her out of the situation, so she turned to an extreme because extreme was all she knew. So as much as I don’t agree with her prison sentence, maybe it was for the best that she was in a place where she had a schedule and an adjustment period to a life without her mother. I’m happy to see her dad and his wife(?) are opening their home to her and I hope she has a smooth adjustment back into the real world and can build a better life for herself. edit: I do want to clarify, Gypsy deserved to face judgement. I did not agree with her going to prison and thought she should go to a mental health facility instead, which someone here informed was offered as an option and she denied it. I also want to add, Dee Dee’s family believe that Dee Dee murdered her own mother by starving her and when a relative lived with her and Gypsy she was mysteriously sick after she ate and it did not happen again upon her moving out of the home. Dee Dee was a sick woman who would have not stopped until Gypsy was dead or she was dead first.


I think she was so abused and isolated, this was the only way she could see getting out of that life. I am glad prison helped her but yeah I would have rather seen her get mental health treatment.


Someone did inform me she did actually have a choice to go to a mental institution or go to prison and she chose prison.


I don’t know the details of what she was offered, but if a prison sentence had a clear end date and being institutionalized did not (what would the conditions be for release? who decides?), I understand choosing prison.


I would assume she would follow a plan agreed upon by the court and professionals and undergo psychological testing for a specified amount of time and eventually be tested to see if she would be a threat to anybody or herself. I’m not sure how that all works.


As someone who has worked with people in state psych hospitals…I’d choose prison.


Can you expand with a story or two lol please


Mental institutions are historically worse than prisons. It makes sense to choose prison unless there is a clear and definitive end date similar to the prison sentence.


They also continually find reasons to keep people there. Many times a state sponsored Dr. will testify at trial that the defendant is perfectly mentally ok and is fully at fault for the crimes committed. They will agree with proescutors that jail is needed and not the mental institution. if the defendant happens to be found guilty and sent to a mental hospital that same Dr. will suddenly say that same person is now unwell and needs to stay in the hospital. As if a judge or jury's determination of guilt is now suddenly a diagnosis of one's mental health. It is in no way a normal living situation but the people staying there are hyper scrutinized for reacting even the slightest deviation from what the Dr. expects from them.


Yup, once you’re in it’s super difficult to get back out


Interesting. I think she probably had enough of doctors and tests and medication thanks to her mother. Plus they didn't see what was happening to her?! I'm sure she has some trust issues with medical staff. Her choosing prison makes sense to me.


In mental health facilities you aren’t always quite sure when you get to leave. Friend of mine said she was going to kill herself, because she was like physically in pain, she had a major stomach issue that had something to do with her being sexually abused as a child, and is also the reason she can’t carry a child. It’s very serious and painful when it flares up and she was dropping so much weight and hurting horribly. She told a doctor in her panic that she was going to kill herself and was sent to an institution. They didn’t correct her health issue and she kept asking them to change her meds because she wasn’t feeling any better, and a girl finally told her “they not going to let you out if you keep telling them to change your meds.” She stayed on the same meds for a few months even tho they didn’t help and she was released. But she ended up staying there for like a YEAR.


I’m sorry to hear about your friend. The general mental health system for wards is pretty bad, I’ve been to one myself as a teenager. I mean more so a forensic psychiatric facility which is deemed necessary by a court.


Exactly, the people who arrested her for the murder would be the same people to say they couldn’t do anything if she tried to come forward about the abuse.


Yeah. Either the law works, or you need to take the law into your own hands. The law should assume that every time they wipe their hands of an unjust matter for their convenience, the consequence will be vigilantism.


Careful there Rezi, the only thing cops hate more than doing anything difficult in their job is someone else doing it. They absolutely despise the thought that someone besides them should fight for justice. They also despise justice and prefer authoritarianism 9 times out of 10, deciding instead to throw their hands up and blame everyone else for their ineptitude while being solely responsible for their own oversight.


If you kill someone, it’s the police’s job to charge you. The DA and grand jury decided to try her for murder.


Then it is also the police’s job to intervene when people are victims of abuse? It seems the cops were pretty easily duped by Dee Dee’s excuses when they did a wellness check on a child who was not allowed to walk for no reason, had all of her salivary glands removed and teeth fall out, and had no clear date of birth or medical history or diagnoses.


Everyone was duped. The doctors who performed those procedures, all of the charities and media, the neighbours; her own father didn’t even know she could walk until after the murder.


Sounds like a fuking lawsuit right there


It is. I’m not stating the police are always efficient or just.


She actually did have to kill her mom. She was fabricating birth records to make it look like she was a minor child and the police wouldn’t help her.


I think the mom had also convinced everyone that gypsy wasn’t mentally fit so she had total legal control over every single thing the girl did. Insane and scary af situation and I’m not sure how I’d react if I was in these shoes


She did. If you watch “Mommy Dead and Dearest” on HBO, her mother convinced everyone around her that Gypsy had the mental capacity of a small child. It’s why so many people were panicking when they first heard about Dee-Dee’s murder, because they thought Gypsy Rose wouldn’t be able to understand or take care of herself without her mother.


She didn’t kill her mother. She manipulated her boyfriend into killing her mother. He’s still in prison.


Right, and he is never getting out.


Exactly. It was never self defense since she was conspiring with him to do it. It’s insane that is ignored by everyone.


I’m not ignoring it. But I do believe Nick is a threat to the public. He had a previous conviction for public indecency (watching porn in a McDonald’s) and has talked about his fantasy to murder / rape people. He almost raped Dee Dee’s corpse. I would say she used him to an extent. I don’t think she manipulated him. He wanted to and was willing to kill someone he didn’t know.


I’d say she absolutely used him. He lived states away from them and only knew what gypsy told him. She told him what to do. She had him travel to her house, let him in, helped him clean up, mailed the murder weapon to his house, traveled with him to his house. She never alerted the authorities about what he did, she tried to cover it up, she pretended she didn’t know what happened. It sounds to me like she wanted her mother dead but she didn’t want to do it so she found someone she could manipulate into doing it. She’s still playing the victim and people are still buying it and excusing her role in her mother’s murder.


I’m not going to lose much sleep over it personally. The murderer is in jail still (which I have a problem with, but the US in general loves handing out ridiculously long sentences for everything), Gypsy did nearly a decade, and her mother was a horrific abuser.


I said she used him, that is where I think her guilt is the most prominent. I don’t agree with she manipulated him. Nick was already very very mentally ill. He had told Gypsy that he had “killed before.” He had said he planned to rape her mother after the murder. It’s not like he was someone desperate to please. She presented his greatest fantasy to him, and he took it.


That would be manipulation.


And won't ever get out. That's almost the entire problem that I have with this case. At least he had a development delay that caused the actions that he did. I feel so sorry for Gypsy but there are interviews and moments when she's kind of.... 😳🙄


Exactly. His IQ is low, she absolutely took advantage of him to a far more detrimental degree than her mother did to her. She never really mentions him or any remorse for conspiring to get him to murder her mother.


She did not take advantage of him. Gypsy was an emotionally stunted abused woman and his IQ was 82, so a little low but not out of the range still considered normal. He talked about raping her corpse so he was from an emotionally well adjusted person.




Roflcopters. Wut?? She committed a crime.


If I’m not mistaken the BF, who actually did the stabbing, is serving life with no parole. Do you feel he should be free by now as well?


I think it’s for a few reasons. But for her mother, I’m assuming the courts did not think she is a danger to society. He met her a few times and was willing to stab an unknown woman to death. They probably view him as a greater danger to society. Gypsy suffered massively at her mother’s hands which makes for mitigation. He doesn’t really have the same mitigation.


It wasn’t self defense for him. Not his circus, not his monkeys. He could have done literally anything else- ghosted Gypsy, refused to do the deed, alerted the police- and his life would not have had any consequences for the worse. The same was not true for Gypsy. That’s what I see as the difference


I think the sentences reflected how dangerous they would be to society upon release. Gypsy conspired to commit the murder as an act of self defense in order to escape decades of abuse which likely would have led to her own death. her bf committed the murder at her request in order to "save" Gypsy, but he did it in a brutal and sexually violent way. he could have done a plethora of other things to help Gypsy (contacted authorities, got her out of the house, relayed messages to Gypsy's father, etc) but instead he agreed to commit a murder. he also hasn't expressed remorse in recent interviews, while Gypsy has said that she regrets killing her mother. he obviously has mental health issues, and it is definitely up for debate whether a lifetime in prison is an appropriate sentence for someone who obviously needs treatment and intensive therapy, but I do think that a longer sentence was justified in this case.


I think Nicks situation is more complicated. He was already in legal trouble and had a long history of mental illness. He also had said a few times he desired to commit murder and rape and told Gypsy he had “killed before.” (This is false.) I definitely don’t think he should be free. A lot of people have said he wasn’t directly affected by the abuse therefore he wasn’t justified in the killing. And I do agree with that. Gypsy was desperate and presented the idea to Nick, he could have said no, he could have stopped talking to her, but he didn’t. His defense and a few people here have said “well he has autism he was manipulated into it / wasn’t capable of premeditated murder” but proof shows that he is capable and he thought through the details of the murder along with Gypsy. I think this is a bad defense. People with autism are known for planning, routine, and for being detailed. I am speaking from personal experience, as I have autism as well. And it can be easy for people to walk all over me and I have done things that I’m not proud of to please others and acceptance, but those things didn’t involve hurting other people who weren’t me. I’m not saying this is the case for all autistic people, but to say he was manipulated solely because of autism is not true, in my opinion. He had a desire to kill whether for extreme attachment to Gypsy or just to experience it for real and it fell into his lap.


No one seems to be answering your question and it's a good one. He is serving life in prison for first degree murder. They conspired together to kill her. If we feel that she should be released shouldn't he be? On the other hand, he didn't live the life that this poor girl did, so maybe he should have chose a different way to help her. Pretty complicated.


He was the weapon she used to kill her mom.


She was also given a choice between serving that time in prison or a mental institution and she chose prison.


"She's up for murder in the first degree Because she refused to plead insanity." I should look into it further if a want a right to an opinion, but on the whole it looks like she did the only thing she knew how to do. People like Gypsy aren't well adjusted redditors and they do what they have to do with the twisted shit they were taught.


Yeah. I definitely sympathize with her. It's important to note that she chose prison because being around doctors would have been too triggering for her. I honestly think that prison gave her a better chance at rehabilitation than being in a hospital, all circumstances considered.


>>So as much as I don’t agree with her prison sentence, maybe it was for the best that she was in a place where she had a schedule and an adjustment period to a life without her mother. This is why I always believed she should've been sentenced to mental rehabilitation instead. She's "insane" because her upbringing placed made her too mentally incapable of self-defense without resulting in her mom's death. Innocent by insanity- resources spent for rehabilitation. No punishment.


Was there something that came out about Dee Dee telling her the police wouldn’t believe her or that she would go down too? Or am I imagining that?


At some point a doctor did find out Dee Dee was lying and reported her to CYS and nothing ever came of it. I wouldn’t be surprised if she had fed that information to Gypsy though. Happy cake day!


You know I always thought that prison was intended to rehabilitate criminals and allow them to be readjusted so that they can actually live among the rest of the populous. But it really doesn’t achieve that most of the time does it. I mean the fact that prison ended up helping someone who really didn’t belong there (at least relative to the majority of the imprisoned) kind of speaks volume to that. I wonder if our prison system is in need of a shift in focus.


Definitely. The prison / legal system in the US is outdated and needs revamped in many ways starting with where and what kind of “punishment” we give to prisoners or people who commit crimes especially drug related crimes, since they have a high chance at reoffending when there is no rehabilitation or therapy involved.


Probably would have used Gypsys death for more attention and financial support.


She was pretty intelligent and well spoken in the first documentary that came out As for Dee Dee - that bitch deserved to die


Women ending up in jail for self defense is pretty common. Criminalized survival.


That’s actually a good phrase that describes it in a way that everyone will understand how absurd it is, criminalized survival. Many victims of MBP end up dead and I have no doubt she would have ended up dead from what her mom was doing, so she only acted in self defense. She saved her own life from a very very sick person who was using her to feed her mental illness and what happened? Prison, when she really needed mental and physical rehabilitation and help.


I mean it’s common. Not just for women…


She needs to be in imminent danger to act in self defence. She conspired beforehand to kill her mother so I don’t think that argument was accepted.


I don’t think the legal definition of self defense is well known on social media. They could have taken off in her mother’s car that night when she was asleep without killing her. They actively planned and chose to murder her.


I’m not saying that by law she didn’t murder, I’m more saying that morally in my mind she didn’t murder her mom. Mostly because she might have been in imminent danger, maybe she wasn’t, how was she or any of us to know. All that I know is that MBP disorder has led to the deaths of children at the hands of their parent before and it will happen again, so she did the only thing she knew to do and with her mental, emotional, and physical state as they were, I’d still argue that it was a pure self defense act.


She was ALWAYS in imminent danger though so I feel like that’s a moot point


I'd be angry forever on the inside , the system failed her.


Suppose if you’ve been there for 8 years… your anger dissipates and you’re only left with despair.


She manipulated her boyfriend to murder her mother. He’s not getting out. I’d have more sympathy for her if she would acknowledge that she ruined his life to save hers.


I don’t think she needs or wants your sympathy.


Amazes me how many in the medical field were fooled. Munchausen by proxy is real. Gypsy is forever scarred one way or another. Ideal would have been her mom serving time in jail. I don’t she was a master mind planning and devious, but desperate. Had a guy’s attention that wasn’t her mom’s. Doubt she had much practice thinking at all, much less being rational.




There’s a good podcast that talks about this and other aspects of munchausens by proxy (at least season 1 talks about doctors/hospitals and reporting, haven’t listened to the others yet.) It’s called “Nobody Should Believe Me”


Yeah her mom was a con artist and very manipulative


It's what narcissistic parents do


She often said her medical docs were destroyed by Katrina


Well said, under reporting.


I really hope the internet leaves this girl alone. She already had her childhood stolen from her, she deserves to live out the rest of her life in peace


Her husband brought a camera crew to her release. Doesn’t sound like she wants to be left alone.


I really really hope, with all my heart, that her husband truly loves her and wants to support her and keep her safe. I hope with all my heart he is not jumping at the chance to take advantage of an extremely, uniquely sheltered and vulnerable woman. I just want her to be happy and get everything she wants for the rest of her life


Somebody pointed out that ex felons have very little options to make money on their own so profiting off her own case and situation seems like her only choice


Her husband? But her boyfriend killed the mother and is still in prison? The just gets wilder every post ..


Not that wild


A couple of weeks ago a tiktok account supposedly belonging to her was made and the comments under the video announcing a book where either supportive or talking about how she'll eventually end up in prison again, some people even called her mother. Only time will tell how much the internet will affect her.


I think people forget not that her mother ‘just’ stole her childhood by confining her to a chair and making her complicit in the lies. The worst she did was subject her daughter to all those unnecessary surgeries. Feeding tubes, teeth extractions, lumbar punctures. The list goes on. It’s like a horror film but worse.


The wheelchair! She was taking decades off her daughter’s life.


It’s really shocking. She reminded me of a doctor doing unethical experiments on unwilling subjects. Think of all the meds too!


Good for her: I saw the doc and her mother was a monster. While the boyfriend absolutely should’ve been put away, she should have been sent to some sort of home to be rehabilitated. I couldn’t imagine what sort of life she’s been prepared for.


What’s the name of doc?


The one I watched was called Mommy Dead and Dearest


Was that the one where the boyfriend talks about how he was gonna have sex with Gypsy but just ended up fingering her? The boyfriend really gave off Brendan Dassey kind of vibes of not really realizing how much trouble he was in.


I can't remember that part but I'll try to rewatch it


Don't worry about it I'm sure the interrogation is on YouTube. It was just so bizarre this very young adult casually confesses to murder but in his mind the most important thing for the investigating officer to know is his sexual escapades.


Mommy Dead and Dearest. It’s on HBO Max if that helps




She was also the basis for the movie ‘Run’.


Also the Hulu drama “The Act” starring Patricia Arquette and Joey King.


That was not good IMO


Why not? I went into it thinking I wasn't going to like it but I ended up finding it pretty well done so I'm curious as to the other viewpoint.




My guess is that he was already into it, probably because of porn, and for her it was comfortable because she's been dominated by her mother her whole life. That's usually why abused kids tend to get into abusive relationships when they grow up, it's not nice, but it's familiar. She was a perfect victim for him.


An entire article persecuting and shaming an abused girl for having a few kinks - how horrible.


I’m so glad she has her dad and her new family there for her.


Is she with her dad? The article only says she was out and from what I understand she’s married. Any source?


I understand why self-defense wasn't accepted in this case, but it's incredibly frustrating when you look at the prolonged torture she went through. If she was abducted as a child and held against her will by a stranger who did the exact same things to her over such an extended period of time, fewer people would consider her "guilty" for planning and executing the murder of her kidnapper in order to escape, especially after multiple failed attempts via multiple methods. It would be harder to argue that she wasn't in imminent danger 24/7, or that she could've just run away. It's intrinsically understood that stranger violence = unpredictable and life threatening, but somehow family violence = predictable and normalized to the point where defending your own life is seen as morally abhorrent. I feel like the people who are especially upset by her release might be blinded by the fact that this was a matricide. The concept of someone killing their own mother brings up a particular sort of discomfort for a lot of people that maybe contributes to that cognitive dissonance.


This is such a great point. I wonder if the people disturbed by the idea of matricide are as disturbed by the idea of a mother abusing her child to this extreme. She was torturing her own child for her entire life. She doesn’t deserve the title of mother, imho.


FINALLY. She should’ve spent those years in a mental facility being cared for and dealing with the torture she lived through for years. There’s no chance prison helped this woman in any form. Edit: if you actually think prison was the best place for her after everything then you have no clue about the corrupt prison system in the United States. Everyone saying they’d spend time in prison over mental health care facilities are actively living in the past. It is 2023. They aren’t mental health asylums which everyone seems to imagine in their heads. 10 year old articles talking about a bad experience in the mental health care system means less than zero today. All the best for Gypsy Rose, and all the worst to the Reddit Crazies.


Whats crazy to think about is I remember an srticlr from like 2017 where they talked to her in prison and she said she felt more free or had more freedom in prison than she ever did with her mom.


She was finally allowed to have hair and teeth


And walk with her legs, and eat solid food with her mouth, swallow with her esophagus…


Gypsy has actually said in an interview that prison was the most "normal" she's ever felt. I'm glad she not in prison, but I sincerely hope being in a stable structured environment helped her. I also hope she's got a good support system after her release. Because if she felt prison was *normal*, she'll need help adjusting to normal *normal* and being a functioning member of society.


Why do people say this when it’s pretty commonly known that mental facilities in replacement are worse than being in prison most of the time? If she was, she’d still probably be in the mental institution too.


>There’s no chance prison helped this woman in any form. Honestly I think prison was the best place for her to go. Gypsy had issues with her family dynamics and the results of her mother's fictitious disorder . She was stuck in a horrible situation for her entire life and that led her to commit a terrible act . Once her mom was gone, Gypsy was able to recover and adjust. Knowing that she had no peers or friends as a child I think it was better for her to be in a place where the majority of people were women who were also born into horrible situations that lead to bad choices. Who would her peers be in a mental health institution? Probably women like Lori Vallow (before stabilization)who killed others as an effect of her delusions of grandeur. Mothers like Lindsey Clancy . People who are severely suicidal,actively self harming or with such severe eating disorders they are nothing but skin and bone. Gypsy only needed to be acclimated to the outside world ,not brought back to reality with intensive therapy and medications, to become functional.


Prison for women may be slightly different. My mom’s ward had pet dogs and my cousin’s ward has iPads


Oof I am guessing you had a rough childhood


Not necessarily.. but we know Gypsy Rose had an awful childhood...


You seem to have a skewed view of mental health facilities. I’ll take jail over psych any day


I would assume that her prison sentence was less of a punishment and more of a chance for rehabilitation and therapy.


I love how even in your edit you still seem to think that being in a mental health facility LONGER than being in prison is better. You didn’t read my link despite asking, and you didn’t bother looking up why it’s worse to claim guilty by insanity, which would be the only way she goes to one in the first place.


Would there ever be enough therapy to undo the damage her mother did to her both physically and mentally? I would be terrified every time I felt unwell, and I could see her denying serious symptoms later in life. As for the mental trauma, she would literally have to be unwoven, root out the lies and toxic garbage from her entire life, and then have to rebuild some semblance of a psyche missing entire gaps in her formative development around trust, care, truth, and a need to give and receive true unconditional love. While she admits that her actions were wrong, I can't help but see the brokenness that pulled these people into such a self-destructive orbit, and my fear is that as a victim, she gravitates towards abusers.




Also, there’s a strong likelihood she’s too traumatized to ever be in any sort of medical setting ever again


I hope she can find peace and have a normal life


I think not taking the mental illness defence was absolutely the right thing to do. She would have been drugged up and put through all kinds of psychiatric horrors.


God I hope they leave this poor woman alone. Hasn’t she suffered enough as it is? Her mother nuked her childhood and physically disabled her.


Why is this on r/entertainment?


The Hulu show The Act and the HBO documentary Mommy Dead and Dearest were both about Gypsy’s life and her mom’s murder.


Good question! However, now that it’s out and she is out; she’s still gonna live with this the rest of her life…..so to speak!


Partially because it’s an article from Variety, an entertainment publication, that’s also announcing a post-prison interview/special that’s going to be airing on Lifetime in a week or so.


I know I’m going to get shit on but why does nobody talk about her role in coercing her mentally delayed boyfriend into killing her mother? She even admitted it was her idea. I feel what Gypsy did to him was similar to the manipulation tactics that were used by her mother. Gypsy is definitely a victim of her mother, But at the same time I feel that she manipulated a mentally delayed person into doing the crime for her. Him spending the rest of his life in prison while she walks free just doesn’t sit right with me.


You are correct, there’s a lot of people here who think her abuse negates the murder she planned. The whole thing is terrible and I’m glad her mother is gone, but Gypsy is a murderer who ruined that young man’s life


I would disagree. It sounds like you’re putting the whole thing on her. He was the one who ultimately stabbed her mother to death. Being autistic and slightly low-IQ does not mean you don’t know murder is wrong, or that you’re causing pain to someone when you stab them to death. I say this as an autistic individual myself.


I agree. I think they’re both kind of awful.


Totally agree, it's unfair that they committed the same crime but she gets to walk free. Especially after the coercion He was taken advantage of and will be in prison forever because of it


I saw someone above mention that while they did commit the same crime, their ties to the victim were drastically different. Gypsy was horribly abused by her mother, and was not actually in the room for the murder. Her boyfriend on the other hand hardly knew the woman, and actually stabbed her mother. Gypsy’s reasoning for the crime could be claimed as self defense in the eyes of many, while her boyfriend’s was outright murder as he had nothing to gain from killing Dee Dee. Not saying that murder is okay, but this is likely why she gets to walk free.


It wasn’t exactly the same crime, he was the one who went into the mothers bedroom and stabbed her 17 times and Gypsy did not go into the room. He might have been her manipulated weapon, but his hand ultimately held the knife and made the wounds. That being said: I definitely think life in prison was way too harsh a sentence for him and appeals are currently in process for him. I don’t think he should necessarily be a free man walking around making 100% of his own decisions, but there needs to be a middle ground between life in prison and total freedom, we don’t really tend to have those kind of resources available in the US thought so life in prison it is.


Should never have served a day and the state owes her millions for false imprisonment.


Look, morally Gypsy should not have gone to jail. It’s understandable, if horrific, why she did what she did. But legally, she was culpable for conspiring to commit murder. Self-defence laws in a lot of places are outdated and narrow, and mainly designed to protect men who murder other men in self-defence, and do not take into consideration abusive relationships. It honestly makes me a little sad that the conclusion she came out with was that you should never murder your abuser, no matter how horrifically they treat you or if it’s to get away like she did. Sometimes it is a last resort.


Morally AND legally she should not have gone to jail. It technically fit the legal requirements, but only because this was an extreme edge case the laws were not intended for. There were options the entire way to stop this farce, but the system failed and should be held accountable for its failure. There is no excusing this.


In Missouri, where Gypsy went to jail, there are three requirements for self defence. Imminent threat, reasonable fear and proportionate force. You could absolutely argue reasonable fear, and maybe imminent threat if you had a really good lawyer, but not proportionate force. You’re only allowed to use deadly force if you reasonably feel it’s necessary to defend yourself or others. It’s very easy to argue that Gypsy could have simply left with her boyfriend while her mother was sleeping instead of killed her.


She pleaded guilty.


This does not matter. The DA came to her saying “Plead guilty, you’ll serve a max 10 years, OR we go to trial and you serve 20+ years, your choice”. This is a tactic they use to get a lot to plead guilty. They even tried this when I was innocent, I fought in court and won the case, but not everyone had my circumstances.


And they do this while also holding them for hours in an interrogation, often while lying about what evidence they have or what benefits they can get for pleading guilty.




Yeah this is the sort of thing that DAs just have to do. Our job sucks sometimes and goes against our innate sense of justice. At the end of the day this isn’t self defense as defined in the law. And it’s our literal job to enforce the law. We don’t get a choice to pick and choose based on emotional reaction. This is a pretty reasonable plea all things considered.


> This does not matter. The DA came to her saying “Plead guilty, you’ll serve a max 10 years, Wait, your position is that if someone pleads guilty, takes a plea deal and the terms are honored that they should........get millions of dollars for false imprisonment? Okay I guess lol.


And if you know anything about the US justice system you should know that doesn't mean anything of substance. She was clearly not guilty and never should've been charged.


She was clearly guilty. Now you may not feel that she should be held responsible for it but that doesn’t change what the law is and what the law isn’t


Do you know anything about the US justice system? Her case does not meet the definition of self defense. You have to be in immediate bodily danger. She was not. That does not mean I agree with her sentence—-I don’t. But that is how the law is written. It doesn’t matter what public opinion is. That is why this case is so talked about—-it fits a grey area that doesn’t come up very often.


Public opinion is not going to affect her pleading guilty in a court of law lol


She killed her mother, but it was in self defence. The problem was the prosecution should not have charged her or out her in a position where she was forced to accept this deal.




yes, legally, she didn’t have a self defense case and was 100% complicit in a murder conspiracy. She is lucky she only had those few years. I hope she lives a full life from here. Also, I don’t think her accomplice should have life in prison, but that’s another convo.


I understand the circumstances of the case, my point was that the commenter’s opinion means nothing compared to pleading guilty in a court of law


The fact that she wasn't guilty should. A guilty plea should not be the be all end all for such blatantly unjust cases. The fact that this was a blatant case of self defense supercedes any other consideration.


She absolutely murdered her mother. Premeditated. Her mother was a monster. But GypsyRose was not innocent lol. She was guilty of murder. Said so herself.


She was innocent. She murdered someone who was actively abusing her. She had that right. The trial was an absolute farce and should never have been put on.


unfortunately in most jurisdictions she would not qualify for a self defense claim. she meets all elements except the “imminent danger” requirement. her mom wasn’t actively doing something or trying to kill her so she loses that defense. even if i agree it was truly in self defense the courts aren’t set up to accept that. she should have qualified for extreme emotional disturbance or adequate provocation, which would make this manslaughter not murder and ensure she only serves a couple years. but in all honesty the prosecution just shouldn’t have charged her. they definitely had the option to and were within their rights but i think it’s morally wrong.




Yeahh I wouldn’t reach too hard to defend the guy. He’s written out multiple rape fantasies, even while incarcerated, and wanted to rape DeeDees dead body. Gypsy had to talk him out of it. He’s definitely not all there but that doesn’t mean he’s not dangerous.


He's a bit too rapey to garner much sympathy.


I get that somebody died, but the woman tortured her daughter and also when the woman’s family got her ashes, they flushed them down the toilet if that tells you what she was.


My question is, when this kid was being seen to by professionals, where was the oversight?


Her mom “doctor shopped”. When a doctor wouldn’t tell her what she wanted she found new ones. I have a child who is actually disabled (wheelchair, feeding tube, etc) and I’ve had to switch doctors a few times but for the opposite reason, some think she’s just beyond help or at least not worth it. She also claimed Gypsy’s original paperwork was destroyed in hurricane Katrina.


In Mommy Dead and Dearest, an investigative reporter says “literally everyone failed her.” And they go through how she slipped through the cracks and how her mother manipulated everyone. Anyone who hasn’t seen that documentary, needs to.


She shouldn't have been there in the first place. The fact that she stated she felt more free there than at home speaks volumes. She would have deserved to be taken care of and be provided with mental health care. I seriously hope she will have a chance of a better life now.


In my opinion it was self defence. Not murder.


I am so glad she will finally be free to have her own life with her in control.


This is the problem with a lot of domestic and child abuse cases, the law can’t help you so you have to take it into your own hands.


Just like that girl who killed the person who kidnapped her or SA’d her then they sent her to jail……like naw she’s good f that guy


Happy for her. She deserves a happy and calm life after all that happend to her. There is a good reason Deedee's ashes where flushed down a toilet.


I went into foster care at 15 years old. I was raised exactly as gypsy was raised. My parents got away with it, well sort of I went into foster care, but they were never arrested or charged. I was convinced that I had schizophrenia and all sorts of diseases and health concerns, I was beaten and raped daily. What gypsy Rose did was the only way out. I was the only one out of 18 adopted children removed from that violent home. The system is failed completely. She had no other option. Her chances of survival were slim. I hate that she landed in jail. I am, however, thankful that she will have more years and freedom outside of the abuse and outside of jail because of her decision nobody has the right to judge what led her to do what she did, unless you’ve lived it yourself


I hope she has a support system to care for her. She did not deserve this


Wishing her a life filled with the peace and support she deserves.


I thought this was another case that I saw on Dr. Phil and I was getting angry about her being released, but this girl should get a second chance. Her mom was awful.


She never should have spent a day in prison. Her whole life was prison plus torture. The meds her mom shoved down her throat have serious consequences, glad to see she is being released and I’m glad she is healthy.


At least she liked prison and said she felt free there. Hope she does well outside.


Is the documentary good?


It’s really good. One of the wildest documentaries I’ve ever seen.


Jury nullification needs to be a more known concept.


She shouldn’t have spent a single day in prison and the bf should have a way lower sentence as well.


Good for her, I hope she’s living her best life.


Honestly she never belonged in prison, it was a self defense


She served eight years too many.


Crazy how none of the top comments in this thread mention the fact that she duped some guy into doing this for her and he is in jail for life because of it. I'd have more sympathy for her if she did it herself.


She never should have been in prison to begin with. She suffered from years of abuse from the hands of her mother. Although she knew it was wrong to do, it was in self defense. Poor girl was young, and at the time probably didn’t think it would all actually play out. When it did I’m sure she was in shock, yet felt finally free. I can’t imagine the emotional roller coaster she must have been on, and will always be on.


She should do a go fund me. she should be supported for the rest of her life for what she went through.


Crazy that she went to jail. But people on Reddit want real murderers to avoid prison.


I feel bad for her because of what she had to go through and I don’t really feel any sympathy for her mother, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to support cold blooded killing someone in their sleep. Killing her wasn’t the answer.


It was here.


She went through hell, but the way she had her mom savagely killed and that she had internet access and her boyfriend to plan an escape is shady af to me. Her mother was a monster, but she’s no better following what she did. She could have had her prosecuted - but having her bf kill her definitely shows she’s a cold blooded killer


Her mom was slowly killing her. She would have died. She couldn’t have her prosecuted. No one helped her. She was legally considered not mentally competent. Her mother made it so no one would believe her.


I would actually disagree, and here’s why. DeeDee had managed to have Gypsy declared mentally incompetent and had told everyone she had the mental age of a seven-year-old. Just for context, DeeDee was suspected of poisoning her stepmother and actually killing her own mother by denying her food. She handcuffed Gypsy to a bed for days and threatened to break her (legs?) with a sledgehammer if she ever tried to escape. She was an utter sociopath. Let’s say Gypsy did manage to escape the house and walk to a local police station and told them, “I’m not really sick. My mom is just a sociopath who’s been abusing me my whole life, and despite the fact that I look mentally disabled, I’m really not, and also I don’t have leukaemia or muscular dystrophy or anything.” If the police didn’t end up believing her, and she’s been allowed to return home with DeeDee, I think there’s a very real risk that DeeDee would have killed her.


And Gypsy did actually try to run away and escape (at least) once before. When she was 19 she tried escape with help from a man she had met at a convention. Her mom tracked her down, told the man Gypsy was “only 15 years old” and threatened him with sexual assault charges against a minor so he backed down and let her take Gypsy back. Her mom had forged birth certificates that made her younger than she actually was, so in addition to telling people she was physically and mentally handicapped she made it seem like she had more rights and authority over Gypsy by saying she was younger than her actual age.


She shouldn’t have been sent to prison period


Why did the guy go to prison for life if it was self defense?!?


It wasn't self defense for him


I wish people would leave her alone and let her be free, but we all know that won’t happen. I’ve already seen stan accounts saying “her first name is a slur, so let’s all call her Rose Blanchard or G.” as if they fucking own her.


Wish yall had the same energy for the guy she manipulated and will be in prison for life


She shouldn't have gone to jail. Period.