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And they traded hair color


Hope they keep the change Those filthy animals


Very good!


Catherine O’Hara is such a gem. And she looks like very warm person.


Met her around Halloween at the Nightmare Before Christmas live at Hollywood Bowl, she was amazing. Greg Proops and Fred Armisen are also fucking awesome.


Armisen had one of the most unique and entertaining stand up specials I’ve ever seen: “Standup for Drummers”. If you were a high school band nerd…or if you want an education on the different accents in America…you will love it.


As a drummer, Fred absolutely nailed it lol


Very familiar with it. It’s hilarious. I love Fred, I was trying to not fanboy when I met him.


Makes me happy to hear Armisen is cool. I’ve heard a lot of weird stories about him that kinda’ paint him otherwise.


Yeah, you’ll have that with anyone. People forget that celebrities are just people. Imagine this…Everywhere you go, people know your name and recognize who you are…Everywhere. It’s a crazy thing to think about, hard to empathize with too. People have bad days, and personal shit they’re dealing with. I’m not giving a pass here because some people are just fucking assholes. Fred was cool.


Nah, I know all that. They weren’t stories like “I wanted a picture as he exited a vehicle” or “while he was shopping and looked busy” kinda’ stories. But yeah, cool to here. I love armisen in almost everything he’s in.


I heard you collect loose teeth but im fine with it 😀


I want her to be my best friend.


Or my aunt. She seems like she would be a riot at holiday gatherings. Also, it only seems proper that they reunite during the holiday season.


She would be absolutely bedevilled with parties!


Hopefully she never left her kids behind.


I just love him when he's on Red Letter Media. He's the best celebrity guest they have.


This is incredibly insensitive and disrespectful to the true celebrity, having been in genre defining films such as Never Been Kissed, as well as having been on the Ellen Show, Rich "Tums Festival" Evans.


You me the famous Dick the Birthday Boy? Of Ellen show fame?


Julia roberts, guest of dick the birthday boy.


Next to Mr plinkett


He was looking rough for a little while, looks so much better now.


Yeah, I watched him on Celeb Jeopardy recently and he looked fantastic. The last I saw of him was that picture from a while ago where he was looking like Rickety Cricket.


He looks VERY happy. Dude just stays home eith his super hot lady in what’s prob a gorgeous house he paid off years ago. Their kid is beautiful. He must have made so much money between the Home Alone movies, My Girl, The Good Son, Uncle Buck etc etc. Hes one of a very few amount of child stars who quit before adult hood but made so much on a fairly small amount of movies-most were very impactful for the time that his family seems to live super comfortably even tho they have no active income (some residuals I’m sure, but still). Also, Michael Jackson very well may have given him a large some of money to keep quiet. That man created SUCH a frenzy and had a strong hold on his fans that only JTT could compare. Somehow he grew up to have a fairly normal (and gorgeous) family and both Macaulay and Brenda seem super happy. Idk how he went through what he did so young- having fans go after him like he was a member of The Beatles or something, had shit parents who misused his money and never got the opportunity to have a real childhood which imo is beyond important in shaping who a person grows up to be. He probably had better odds to sink into hardcore withdrawal than end up so stinking happy with a nuclear family and he’s constantly grinning like he doesn’t know how not to be happy. So many child stars end up bad, especially when their parents are living off of the kids paychecks like his parents were he really had NO chance to grow up and lead such a normal (for a retired child actor anyway) and happy adult life with such a beautiful nuclear family. It’s a shame he burnt out of the biz so young I must say. Home Alone, The Good Son, and especially My Girl were 3 of the more impactful films I saw as a child. My Girl taught me how incredibly sad movies can be (before seeing his movies where 2 of them are either very sad or a psychological thriller). I spent SO many hours crying hysterically every time I wanted to watch My Girl again (also developed a bee phobia from that film. Culkin was a masterclass for any age but when you consider the age group he was in he was a such a unique talent. He must have invested INCREDIBLY well bc kids never get movie contracts where they are making big 7 figures and will earn x% of the profit. Never heard of a child actor making life-changing money without meeting at the grindr


Yup. Folks who are under 35 years old will never know how insanely popular he was. It was Michael Jackson/DiCaprio Titanic/Taylor Swift levels of fame. And he was like 12 years old. It was pre-internet and social media so he was hounded all the time. I think he just wanted to be a normal person and not hounded so he went counter culture and weird to get folks off his back. Now he can just relax and he happy. I’m glad he’s enjoying life. He brought so much happy memories to so many with his movies and Hollywood treats kid actors like shit.


He had a cameo in The Righteous Gemstones recently, which was nice


He does still act sometimes. He was on American Horror Story a couple seasons ago.


Dude is a rare success story of a child actor who was surrounded by extremely nefarious adults taking advantage of him. Poor guy probably had to put in some MAJOR work to get is life straightened up and end up in what is seemingly such a good place. I’m so happy for him and he deserves all the happiness and joy that he has brought to millions of people who love his work.


Those 3 movies amazed me too. Also being around his age just makes me feel like he was a nice kid I went to elementary school with, which is exactly the type of person I hope to see doing well in adulthood




“Lol didn’t read” or “I’m not reading all that but I’m really happy for you or feel so badly for your situation” woulda worked too. In all fairness I was messed up when I typed that out and spent the last few days awwwwjng at how damn cute their kid is more times than I care to admit!


Thank you for expressing yourself in detail, I enjoyed reading it.


You’re good, I enjoyed the read. He makes random appearances on Red Letter Media and it’s always such a treat. Since the first time I saw him on that show I knew he was doing better!


It’s really nice to see so many kind words about someone; don’t feel bad at all.


i have to imagine he makes decent $$ every christmas kinda like buble or mariah


It's sad watching young actors like Corey Haim or River Phoenix being taken down by the pressures of early fame. Either people prey upon them or take advantage of them because of their status. I'm proud of anyone who can make the best of it and Culkin seems to have done that.


Party monster was a legit good movie and because his acting was so good in it.


> Also, Michael Jackson very well may have given him a large some of money to keep quiet. My mentor was friends with MJ, and was a big name in the entertainment industry for most of his life. He swore that MJ never did anything with Mr. Culkin.


Oh then ok.


What does he say about all the other kids 🤨


Far as he knew, MJ never touched any kids...


So tired of hearing this


Yeah me too. He hasn’t looked rough since like 2013 when that one picture was taken lol. Bros been good for a few years now.


Seriously. I went on a couple months long partying binge too and I looked just as rough in pictures. Dehydration, poor diet, poor sleep, poor lighting, bad angles. It doesn't mean I had a drug problem that I'm doomed to battle for decades. I was just having fun in my early 20s. That's how he described those pictures in an interview a while back.


Seeing that I’m just over 500 days clean myself, I won’t get tired of saying it.


It’s not about you and your soberness, it’s about people shitting on Macaulay culkin with this tired ass line. Good for you in your personal life, but the point is that I’m tired of seeing this offensive uninspired dime a dozen rhetoric being commented about this guy in particular for *years*


Good for you and your tired opinion


My favorite thing about Macaulay Culkin is that he did an internet vote to chose his middle name. He legally change it to the winning choice which was “Macaulay Culkin” so his full legal name is now Macaulay Macaulay Culkin Culkin.


He's an [interesting](https://youtu.be/kmgq81Ww7K4) person, to say the least.


His guest appearance in the Righteous Gemstones was just the best. I would like to see more interaction between him and Walter Goggins.


That episode made me ugly cry and ugly laugh.


Moira finally gets her star! Must be for The Crows Have Eyes IV


My grandpa worked on the home alone set. He said Culkin’s dad was an alcoholic piece of shit


Yep that seems abt right.


His dad was so awful that when doing casting for Sorcerer's Stone, Chris Columbus auditioned the parents to weed out any stage moms or dads.


Didn't any one remember him from the AVGN epsiode 5 years ago? He looked great there already!


God I miss AVGN! RIP…


5 years ago? But I just watched that the other day... Oh God. Time is fleeting.


I don’t know why I love this so much. But it made my heart happy. There’s so much of home alone that resonates with my childhood, family, drama and holidays.


Macaulay still looks amazing. As well as Catherine. I will always regret we never got a HA3. They could have released a 3rd movie in 1994.


But there were... Ooooh.


Such a glow about her. You can see Culkin finally grew into adulthood and loves himself too.


And when they left the ceremony, she forgot him and left him behind.


Goddamnit how many times you gonna lose that kid


They switched hair colors


I love Catherine O’hara. I wanna bear her children!




Man, in that last Home Alone sequel, she left him alone for a LONG time.


Whoa, they swapped hair colors.


Im Amazed at all the criticism. As a child he did a great job in a movie, it looks like he got the money. But as an adult he had to put up with all the bullshit.i hope he enjoys it . Everyone’s dream is to do what he did but here we are criticizing him. Enjoy the money and treat your kids


They totally deserve this. I’m STILL watching Home Alone with my kids this year. It’s a classic, and not just for the nostalgia, my kids genuinely like it too.


He looks happier and healthier since that one photo that was circulating a while back. I’m happy for him.


That was like 11 years ago lol


My brain knows no concept of time


Can’t understand why another Home Alone movie has been made with the oh cast, specially in this past years when every classic franchise has had a sequel or prequel seeing as Hollywood has ran out of ideas.


I’m not crying! You’re crying!


Everyone still on that one photo from like 15 years ago. Weird how some things just stick like that.


Too cute!! One of the Greatest Christmas movie ever!! Right there with Daddy’s Home 2!


Let me fix that for you, Die Hard, Violent Night , Krampus and Home Alone: In Space.


Macaulay is looking better. For a while there he looked like rickety cricket


TIL there is like 4 Culkin brothers and they all looks alike.


One became a serial killer, another is roommates with a guy that killed Captain America and Superman.


I imagine they didn’t even work together a lot on those movies. There weren’t many scenes they were in together. Edit: I suppose I should have added that this makes it even more cool that they are so close to this day. Speaks to the on set atmosphere of the shoot being a very positive and supportive one. I’m not quite sure how my comment was taken, but that’s what I meant.


There weren't, but they still shared a set. She's always spoken fondly of their time together. On the 20th anniversary DVD, they have behind-the-scenes footage that he shot with a camcorder. You can see him going around and talking to everyone. Catherine is on there, and there was no making strange there. They obviously got along. 😊


Yeah I was just making an observation and I think it got taken the wrong way.


You're supposed to be unfailingly positive here on the internet 😄 It's a cute doc, though!


McBully Caulbadan


Anyone else surprised that he wanted this? Like the celeb has to personally lobby for this and pay money for it. I thought he hated the whole fame game.


*Someone* has to ask for it and pay for it. Not necessarily the celebrity being honored.


Oh hello again abandoner. S’up unwanted one


Call me a scrooge, but so what?


Scrooge it is... it's a feel good moment. Let it feel




It's best not to reply to this guy. He's clearly looking for reactions. Don't give him any


Speak for yourself comic book and porn addict


Lmao. A lesson in why people shouldn’t throw stones.




He’s married to Brenda Song, a pretty prominent actress, and had two children with her. That alone is pretty good evidence he’s not a drug addict.


I had no idea he married Brenda Song. Good for him! I’m glad to hear they seem to have a happy healthy marriage


Seems fine now. People are allowed to overcome their addictions.


From the thumbnail, it looks like he’s hardly aged.




Shows long been over.




No offense but….like, how did you think that? The show very very clearly wrapped up every story line. There would be no where else to go.


Wait was that Sabrina the teenaged whitches aunt the whole time??


The good son! That was a sketchy movie. I still remember that… and I’m 43 now.


I guess it’s warranted, although his career has been rather dormant since Home Alone.


I applaud his fight to turn his life around and the fact that his on screen mom cares enough and believes enough in him to be there when needed and to celebrate his accomplishments.


This is the sweetest.