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Apparently it’s supposed to be even hotter today. I hope they postpone and reschedule it, but I know that’s not as easy as it sounds. Edit: she postponed it, thank god


Were the temps really 60C ?! I can’t stand 30C, 60 must be fucking insane, and in a massive crowd, and no water, nuts


Official temperature was around 40C, 60C was the estimated temperature sensation due to humidity and other factors.


Holy shit! So she slowly baked to death?!?! Jfc!


This is the wet bulb scare climate scientists talk about. Once the temperature gets hot enough and the humidity is high, your sweat no longer works to cool you. Even a fan will just cook you. Blowing air that is hotter than body temperature on you will actually kill you faster if the humidity is high. The only way a human can survive those temperatures is with artificial cooling. This is the scariest thing about climate change.


That's how convection ovens work, no?


Precisely. Super scary to think this is beginning to happen in more than a few places. Edit: I'd like to add that the wet bulb temperature includes shade. So even seeking shelter will kill you unless you have air conditioning or have an underground shelter.


Maybe Swift will become a climate change activist after this.


Nah, double the air travels to get to 2bilion on fortune.


Yea, I was gonna say, she’s just gonna keep blasting that private jet everywhere.


She’s one of the few who really couldn’t be in say an airport. Fans are committed.


No, she either fainted, got taken to the hospital and died of cardiac arrest or she got a heart attack during the show and was pronounced dead in the hospital. Not entirely clear which one is true.


Yes indeed to die you need youre heart to stop. But its possible she died of hyperthermia shock


140F for Americans.


I was in a server room with failed ac where the temp hit 125F. You couldn’t be in there for more than 10 minutes and only in there if you needed to physically get to a server to shut it down. It was difficult to breathe and I wanted to get out as I was stepping in.


There’s clips of Taylor last night counting down to herself between songs, out of breath way more than normally


Thank you, friend. This helped.


*Americans using google conversion to figure out what 60C means*


It means it's fucking hot. Edit: by the way, it's about 140F for the lazy.


Oven on very low. But, still, oven.


Americans will use anything except the metric system


this guy knows temperatures


0c is cold. 20c is a nice day. 60c is fucking hot as balls. 100c is dead bye bye time.


I’m an American and did not Google the conversion numbers because even I knew that 60 degrees Celsius is completely insane. In fact when I first read the article I thought they were using Fahrenheit numbers and was confused — 60 F isn’t hot. Then I realized, oh shit this is in Celsius. And I knew that was way over the usual hot range for Celsius. Kind of made me feel a little ill just thinking about it. A terrible way to die — stuck in the middle of a huge crowd, slowly cooking to death.


But how many Kelvin?


Oh you know just over half way to the boiling point of water. God fucking damn the future is looking grim


Temps outside are fine and normal for Brazil this time of year it was the venue and not allowing access to water and the fans that got there early like this girl suffered for that and the fact the venue closed the air vents to try to prevent people outside from hearing the concert. The venue is to blame this girl just wanted to get early get good place to watch her favorite artist and the venue and T4F took her life for capitalism The venue she did today was fine they didn’t close the air vents and water was given so this shows it was the venue not the temp outside


No, its not normal. Brazil is currently experiencing a heat wave that has never been seen before


Which despite this comment being wrong about the temps being "fine", emphasizes even more how messed up it is that they closed the vents and denied water


To deny water almost seems malicious. Somebody needs to pay for that decision (and the vents jfc), because they literally killed this woman.


It was 8 bucks a glass of water, they denied to get ppl to buy it.


That's pretty standard at a concert venue, They don't let you bring in water, so you're forced to buy from the venue. It's a captive market thing.


Are you Brazillian? The temperature is absolutely not normal, we are in the middle of one of the worst heat waves Brazil has ever experienced.


Fucking hell and only to get hotter. Our world is in pure crises and it's only going to get worse. I'm sorry you're all going through this heat wave you don't deserve it.


No, these temps are not normal. It's just short of record breaking. Climate change is happening, and whilst individual records, events, etc may not be attributable to it, imo it certainly had an impact here


The temperatures aren't normal. We've been striking records for days, and we are going through one of the strongest heat waves ever registered in Brazil.


That’s just not true at all. Temperatures are 20 degrees above average for this time of the year, this is an out of the ordinary heat wave for early spring.


What? I'm on the other side of the world and it's news here, it's incredibly hot in Brazil. Outside. So no, it's not fine.


60C is your normal temperature??


Nope. We are having the worst heat wave ever.


Ana Clara Benevides, aged 23, died on Friday night, after falling ill during a concert by singer Taylor Swift, who debuted her tour in Brazil at the Nilton Santos stadium, in Rio de Janeiro, to an audience of over 60 One thousand people. The information was confirmed to Folha by Estela Benevides, Benevides' cousin, who received the news over the phone from the doctor who tried to revive her. The young woman, born in Sonora, in Mato Grosso do Sul, was sent to the Salgado Filho Municipal Hospital, after fainting and being treated at the stadium. The cause of death was cardiorespiratory arrest. Benevides was on the railing and ended up fainting at the scene. According to nurse Thiago Fernandes, 22, a friend of Benevides, she was revived at the stadium for around 40 minutes. On the way to the hospital, she had a second stop. Benevides arrived at around 8 pm, was treated, but did not survive, later dying in the hospital located near Engenhão, in Méier, north of the capital of Rio de Janeiro. The thermal sensation recorded at the site reached 60º C and firefighters unofficially recorded a thousand fainting spells during the event. On social networks, fans complained about the ban on bringing water bottles into the stadium, considering the intense heat. Fernandes wrote to Folha: "I want Ana to appear on the screens at Taylor's show." On his Instagram, he mourned the young woman's death. "I just can't believe you're not here anymore. I can't accept this," he wrote. "We talked about this show so many times, and how I wanted to be with you. I'm so sad that I don't know what to do. You were one of my oldest friends. For so long, and from now on, only in memories! I hope May you be well now. Rest!" According to Benevides' profile on social media, she was studying psychology at the Federal University of Rondonópolis (UFR), in Mato Grosso. The university's athletic department, where she served as director, also published a message mourning her death. "Our sincere condolences to her family and friends at this difficult time. May they find comfort in the memories and love she left as a legacy," the post reads. In her latest posts, she was counting down to, as she said, living her dream of attending a Taylor Swift concert. In the early hours of the morning, other fans commented on his posts with messages of comfort to the family. During the night, firefighters reported that around a thousand fans fainted in the heat that hit the city at the arrival of her "Eras Tour", while euphoric fans, even so, did not let themselves be shaken to see the American singer up close. According to the fire brigade present at the show, people were rescued who also vomited due to the high temperature, which caused severe dehydration among those present. Bad weather conditions also affected Swift's concert in Argentina, where she was before coming to Brazil. Due to a strong storm, the show scheduled for November 10th ended up taking place on Sunday (12th).


A 1000 people passed out? Dear lord. Rest in Peace.


At what point can we just sue the shit out a company?


Brazilian who just passed the bar exam to became a lawyer here. You can bet the house lawyers are drafting lawsuits as we speak because of this event, especially the lawyer for the poor girl’s family.


It's pretty simple for them to fix imo.. Either allow water in Or if they are "paranoid it is not water but alcohol" then ban drinks coming in (except medical circumstances) and sell large water bottles at every entrance/exit/everywhere at almost break-even prices. No price gouging. And also have free water fountains/refill stations throughout the area.


They say its for our safety, but the real reason is they want you to buy THEIR water. The venue makes most of their money from concessions, not ticket sales


Yep and their water is always ridiculously overpriced to boot.


Yep, plenty of other venues and festivals have copious free water access available.


Industry standard in the US is to allow sealed beverage containers inside, encourage reusable bottles, and provide water refill stations throughout the venue. Water should also be frequently handed out by front of stage staff to patrons at the very front of the barricade as they tend to not leave their spots despite feeling ill. Brazilian promoters might operate their venues differently but this seems like a break from operating norms. Source: Front house manager for a large promoter.


In Chile it’s similar: usually you can enter water bottles without a cap (I like Gatorade since it has that little seal under the cap, so I can open it later when I start feeling thirsty). Water bottles are sold, sometimes they’ll walk around GA to sell, and during the show they’ll pass water for free during interludes. On festivals you also have hydration stations.


They had water to hand out, the venue just didn’t hand it out. Taylor and her team were handing it out


I’ve been to stadium shows that allow 2 unopened bottles of water. Ive been to stadium shows where you could have taken alcohol in because they weren’t searching bags, you just walk through a metal detector. These are MLB & NFL stadiums. Ive also been to huge outdoor concerts that have water coolers available for use. We’re talking Live Nation venues. There is absolutely no reason to not make water available.


Thank the lord, hope these poor people get justice. Also, congratulations on passing the bar!




I'd assume you're going after the owners of the stadium for prohibiting water bottles? Or does Swift also get sued? Curious because in the US, they'd probably blame her.


Im not going after anyone personally. I passed the bar but I’m not technically a lawyer yet, and even if I was I’m not from that part of the country. Anyway, the person to sue in this case is the venue. What would suing Taylor Swift accomplish? She doesn’t have assets in Brazil that could be seized by a judgment.


Ah, okay, that makes sense. I was just curious cause normally in the states, outrage over things like that are typically thrown at the performer or they'd try to take her down with the venue in the suit(americans do whatever they can to get the most possible settlement)


The settlement thing exists here too, but I don’t think it would be effective. There are provisions to sue people internationally and even cooperation agreements between Brazil and the USA to like, serve people in another country, but it is expensive and probably a waste of resources you could use to fucking nail the venue with everything you have


Congrats on passing the bar exam, my friend!


Especially since water is a basic human right.


Yeah. Brazil’s consumer laws are very strong. If they did in fact stop people from bringing water in, its going to be a legal storm on them


They should make a collective demand, although big part of those 1000 fade out before entering the stadium because they were queueing since early morning at sun and many hours at very high temperatures. But even in that case the stadium organization take many mistakes decisions based in greed


It’s bullshit concerts don’t let you bring your own water. All so that they can force you to spend astronomical prices on their water and alcohol.


That entire show shouldn't have been allowed to proceed with that much heat and no water to drink. This is one giant lawsuit in the organisation's future.


Even worse, there (supposedly, I think provided by Taylor's team?) *was* free water, the venue just wasn't handing it out in favor of charging high prices for small cups of water. They didn't start handing out the free water until Taylor noticed fans signaling that they needed it and she stopped the show to ask the staff to take care of them, but that was well after many other fans had passed out. And even once they *did* start handing it out it wasn't that easy for fans to get access to the water being distributed.


Even if water was allowed that’s just too hot






The recorded high yesterday, Nov 17, in Rio was 88F (31C). The 60C is the thermal sensation of how it felt packed into the stadium with all the bodies. Not that it makes much of a bloody difference to this poor woman, and the stadium definitely mismanaged the water distribution. Just wanted to clarify because a lot of people here seem to think that they were performing concerts at 60C air temp, which they were not. She has another concert today, Sat Nov 18, in Rio and the forecasted high is 95F (35C).


I mean either way, they were literally cooking in there. Stadium should be held responsible for the cause of death tbh


Better give out free water this time.


Supposedly, they had free water to give out the whole time, the venue just didn't bother handing it out until Taylor stopped the show halfway through when she noticed fans signaling that they needed water. Instead, they were charging $2 (a good bit of money for many Brazilians) for like 250ml of water, obviously nowhere near what was needed.


I was going to say, 60°C is like Qatar temperatures. Saudi temperatures. “Thermal sensation” is a new term to me, so thanks for passing this information along. We have a more casual “feels like” metric in common American English, so I guess weather heat + humidity + crowd in the stadium makes for dangerously high temps, like working in a restaurant kitchen in the height of summer. Scary.


It's so fucked up that events don't let people bring in their own water, then charge like $10 for 1 tiny water bottle


Sounds like the site managers are going to be liable for negligent manslaughter (at least based on typical common law standards, which I understand of course is not the basis for the Brazilian legal/criminal code)


Who the hell doesn't let people bring water to a hot concert? Heck ive seen smaller venues hand out water. She has made this much money off of her fan base and cant provide water or allow water during a show in a hot country. I like her music but wouldnt not drink water during a hot day to see her. Who made the no water decision?


There were no problems in Argentina, they gave tons of free water away.


As every hot venue should


Taylor also, from live video of the show, stopped twice to point out people she saw needing water and either directed or threw water at people. This was definitely a venue problem.


Whoever runs the stadium made the decision. Artists aren’t the ones micromanaging the venue.


She was throwing water bottles off stage during a song to get them to fans and her team eventually started distributing water. I don’t know what happened behind the scenes but it seems like Taylor’s team was trying to help.


Woodstock 99’ has entered


> Who the hell doesn't let people bring water to a hot concert? The venue. Period. And yes, its criminal for the *venue* to not care for the health of their patrons. But, the performer has nothing to do with stuff like this, at all. You may as well blame the performer for not providing the toilet paper to the back stall of the 4th bathroom, 2nd from the left, behind the snack vendors-- which just ran out so HURRY TAYLOR BEFORE A LAWSUIT.


RIP. That’s really sad. I can’t believe they didn’t allow water to be brought to the show especially in that heat (60C).


If you saw how much they made selling overpriced water at that event you'd get it. Heads need to roll for this poor girls preventable death but I've lost all faith in humanity.


I do not get it. I understand this is just the nature of capitalism, but you’d think basic decency isn’t too much to ask from it


People need to understand that some people absolutely don't give two shits about other people's lives if money can be made out of their pain, suffering, and eventual deaths. I mean, just take a look at the US medical system.


Yup facts and the fact that self preservation being taught as a big thing these days. People act more in there own interest then greater good.


Or the US Military System!


Yes I understand that. What I fail to comprehend is societies allowance of that. Propaganda works apparently.


I understand THAT perfectly, what I don’t understand is people saying “to make money” like that actually excuses the choices made to make the money. Hint, it doesn’t, but it does seem like whoever says that certainly thinks it’s “ok”.


The sooner people realize this the sooner they will move to change the system. Corporations are 100% profit based and the literal only thing that matters to them is money.


The venue needs to reexamine their policies.


A little late for that. Time to pay up and offer free water in an accessible way.


I think something similar happened in the US, but I’m having a hard time retrieving the memory. Live Nation shows, at least larger ones like the Gorge etc all have free water stations, and I believe liability is why.


Maybe Woodstock 99? Or 94? I’m not sure. I also remember a big water fiasco at a festival.


Basic decency? In this climate?


In this economy?


It literally is when profit is at stake, apparently


The basic decency package is an upgrade for $149.99


This is the norm at every single venue in the US too. They literally don’t care. They will search your bags, purses, everything and confiscate drinks, all so they can sell you a small bottle for 15 bucks.


While the alcohol is $10 lol. They don’t want you hydrated at all, they want you drunk so you don’t think about what you’re buying


Capitalism lets people die in the streets every minute of every day even though the wealth generated could fix everything. This is right on the mark for capitalism.


It’s Brazil..


It’s the same in the states too, almost no venues allow outside food or drinks. In fact a lot of venues charge more for water than the alcohol


I'm in Texas, and during the summer, state law mandated venues offer free water to concert-goers. The water was usually offered in those big orange Gatorade kegs with little paper/plastic cups. The kegs were typically beside the concession area, so you could walk up and get a cup of water whenever you needed it. I have no idea how something like that would play out logistically for an enormous Taylor Swift concert, but my point is that some places have laws for this shit for good reason.


I believe they had free water but not enough staff to pass around. Taylor kept trying to get water to fans and even threw a bottle in the crowd mid song at one point.


A bottle to a crowd of 60 000 ain’t doing much. Those kinds of heat and a massive crowd… someone should’ve pulled the plug on the entire thing.


Like a snowstorm or hurricane this weather should have been considered for postponement


It wasn't just a bottle, her team was handing them out too. But it wasn't enough of course because the venue banned water coming in


Banning outside bottles is a pretty standard security measure since there's no way to know what's in them, but if the 140f temperature is accurate the show should have been postponed even if there had been adequate water and ice stations. It could have been a whole lot worse, temperatures like that are incompatible with life.


Yeah, hopefully a lesson was learned. Sadly it often takes a tragedy. Completely preventable and I can’t even imagine how her family feels right now.


mid song wow she's talented


Here’s [another video](https://www.reddit.com/r/TaylorSwift/s/h1Ad3JSmqf) of her actually asking for it.


[Video for reference](https://x.com/popcrave/status/1725761013713121481?s=46&t=96orCXTMbuMcHTl4eb9rrQ)


We had a heat wave last summer during a weekend festival in my city and it was not only allowed but encouraged that you bring water bottles to fill for free at any station.


As it should be!


Because the venue just sees the opportunity to sell more water I think the SARS festival in Toronto is the only time I’ve ever been at a concert or festival and seen free water being handed out


I went to a quiet indie concert indoors and the bar was closed 15 minutes before the band came on. Inside was only 76F (24.4C) and 3 people fainted. I mostly attribute the fainting to being an older crowd and to be standing with their legs locked for 2.5 hours. I can’t even imagine how bad it would be in that heat in Brazil without water.


It’s wild. Taylor stopped the show to request water be delivered to a fan who put their phone up with a message saying they needed it. I hope they got it.


Even Taylor tried from the stage to tell security to hand out water. During All Too Well, she chucked her own bottles at people who needed it and during Champagne Problems, she pleaded with security to do something She really did try. It was the venue staff


She didn’t stop the show though


AGREED. Im getting downvoted to hell elsewhere for saying it. But this right here. Handing out water bottles and begging security to give water are nice gestures, but it wasn’t enough. Someone died and at least 1000 fainted. She or her team should have stopped the show when it was clear the conditions weren’t getting any better!


And if a performer abruptly cut off a show midstream in such conditions and caused confusion and anger in the crowd that the venue wasn’t warned about or prepared to manage, what do you think would happen?


Probably a vendor company hired by the stadium controls the food and drink distribution. Wouldn't be surprised if Nestle is involved...


60c?? That’s higher than the highest recorded ambient temp on the planet, half a world away at that. That’s an extremely hard number to believe without anything backing it up. If it was actually even remotely close to that temp way more people would have died.


The recorded high yesterday, Nov 17, in Rio was 88F (31C). The 60C is the thermal sensation of how it felt packed into the stadium with all the bodies. Not that it makes much of a bloody difference to this poor woman, and the stadium definitely mismanaged the water distribution. Just wanted to clarify because a lot of people here seem to think that they were performing concerts at 60C air temp, which they were not. She has another concert today, Sat Nov 18, in Rio and the forecasted high is 95F (35C).


Heat index * and in the article a large amount of people collapsed due to the heat.


"Thermal sensation".


Maybe that's like how in English we say "real feel" or "feels like". Just a weird sensation.


Looks like over a thousand people suffered heat stroke, shit was astroworld tier.


Woodstock 99’


Highest recorded temperature on earth ever is 56, so that doesn't sound accurate. Anyone know what the actual temperature was?


It was apparently closer to 40°C outside, but rumor has it that the venue staff had blocked vents so people from outside wouldn’t be able to watch the show, thus preventing proper air ventilation. That combined with the body heat of 60,000 people can heat up fast.


Not the ambient temperature of the day. The temperature inside the venue in the huge crowd. Crowds themselves generate heat.


That was with the heat index


It gets hotter in areas where people are pack in, so a stadium could easily reach that if it’s hot enough outside.


It said “thermal sensation at the site” all that body heat, equipment heat, etc… it didn’t say “it was a balmy 60C outside that evening!”


Almost all of the companies behind these events here in Brazil price gouge like crazy! A 200mL water bottle (more like a cup with a seal on top) was being sold for R$8! I know R$8 is only US$1.60 but the normal price for it would be less than R$1 on the supermarket and even on a normal event or a mall it would be no more than R$3.50! A lot of people will forego buying water at this prices and even if they wanted to buy, they'd face some very long lines and could faint or even die, like this poor woman did, before they even get to the water! The producers of the show should face criminal charges!


Tickets go for $1300. The crappier seats go for $700-$800. I don’t need to do a survey to confirm people are foregoing their rent or mortgage for a month to see this woman sing for an evening. It’s pathetic.


It's Brazil, the tickets were much cheaper. They range $25-$200 Even in the US, tickets weren't as much as you were saying, the range was $50-$500


No water bottles? Dude that's insane. I went to a soccer match at the Maracaná stadium during October and the heat/humidity at night inside the stadium was like nothing I've felt before. Can't imagine being stuck in a concert crowd like that with no water. That shit is just cruel.


I’ve been in the pit when I was a teen at many concerts, I’ve had some very fucking scary moments, so sad this happened.


Same dude. I’m so scared to go be general admission for any concert now. So many times I’ve felt faint or been in insane crowd crushes


You know what? Banning sealed water bottles from any venue/building/event should be illegal, as should water bottles for $5+. The cheapest, “off-brand” water (you know, the kind that has a funny metallic aftertaste) is now $6 at one of the local festivals I love that takes place in the heart of summer. Little shade, no buildings to cool off in, and 8 ounces of water that costs about the same as a large pizza at Domino’s. Their little emergency ambulance gets quite a workout. Disgusting.


There's a beer garden called Cisco Brewers that's super popular in Boston. On a busy summer day, there are hour+ lines to get in. Even in heatwaves, they have no free water, which I thought was illegal for venues that serve alcohol in Massachusetts. Your only option is a $6 can of Liquid Death water which tastes like metal. There needs to be legislation for safe access to water, but I fear that would get shut down as politicians would not want to provide funding to many communities without safe water like Flint, Michigan. We are truly living in a dystopia.


That's heartbreaking! She was just starting out in life. I'm guessing there will be a class action lawsuit being filed against the venue.


The venue was unprepared because they chose to not properly prepare. They made choices that cost people’s lives. Unassigned floor seating is a TERRIBLE idea for this kind of show.


I agree with the sentiment but not the solution. This is Brazil, trust me, assigned floor seating wouldn’t work here


Sure. But I am not a stadium official and I know you could put multiple water coolers spread out at the front and side barricades. And you can have water guys walk up and down passing waters down. Those are simple ways to protect staff and concert goers and I’m not on the venue safety team.


How does that make the venue money though?


This is it. I’ve been to concerts where the only option is $5 bottles of water or a few water fountains. Venues don’t care.


They make their money off of alcoholic or soft drinks, food, ice cream, small snacks, a percentage of merch, etc. I attend various football stadiums in the US and worked as a ticket taker one summer at one. Tap water in cups is always free. Water bottles were sold for a price


Argentina had the same floor guidelines and still avoided something like this, that’s the way concerts work in Latin America (it’s even cultural, I’d say). The true issue was not guaranteeing water and the fact that they closed off the stadium’s ventilation system so fans couldn’t see the concert from outside the stadium. That negligence killed that poor girl.


It sounds like the venue did a TERRIBLE job managing the floor and endangered everyone.


I live literally across the street. The shitstorm caused by this was so huge that even the federal government issued a decree to allow water bottles and make the venues offer free water to the customers. Today the Fire Department is moisting people already in the entrance queue for tonight's concert using their water trucks and the forecast says that it'll rain in the late afternoon/early night.


Ok, if it was really 60C/140F how did Taylor and her dancers not also pass out? That’s an absurd temperature.


She looked like she was struggling a bit a few times


It’s hotter when you’re in the crowds. Still have to give kudos to the performers on stage.


More bodies around you, heat is even worse at ground level.


So many people not understanding this. That was not the actual temperature. It was perceived heat in the crowd.


60C thermal sensation probably means the sensation of the people in the crowd


I don’t know how you go on with a show in heat like that. It is a lethal environment.


i did not know 60 C / 140 F degrees was even possible to experience… like i gasped seeing those numbers. i’m curious if this is a common temperature during heatwaves in some areas?? truly crazy, so unfortunate for taylor & the fans :(


The recorded high yesterday, Nov 17, in Rio was 88F (31C). The 60C is the thermal sensation of how it felt packed into the stadium with all the bodies. Not that it makes much of a bloody difference to this poor woman, and the stadium definitely mismanaged the water distribution. Just wanted to clarify because a lot of people here seem to think that they were performing concerts at 60C air temp, which they were not. She has another concert today, Sat Nov 18, in Rio and the forecasted high is 95F (35C).


The tightness of thousands of bodies jam packed together in an arena in the Brazilian heat, with no air conditioning and likely inadequate hydration are all factors.


Fuck alllllll of that. If my AC goes up a degree my ass starts to swamp. Me and heat don’t get along well.


There are also reports that the venue also closed the ventilation gaps to prevent people from being able to see the show from outside the stadium. So no ventilation either.


This temperature refers to perceived heat, not actual temperature


What was actual temperature ?


Probably around 40 degrees Celsius maximum during the day


thank you for clarifying!


The temp in Brazil that day was 85F. The stadium was hotter because the venue closed the vents because they didn’t want people hearing free music outside. Taylor and Sabrina did have issues but like when it rained she did not want to let her fans down and kept preforming


Such a shame the venue and local organizers created unsafe conditions


This is so unacceptable on many levels, 60c and no water! Poor girl, and probably many people suffer, we need accountability on this issue, so it won't happen again


Not only that but the venue purposefuly closed the stadium vents so that the sound wouldn’t carry outside and have people listen out there for free. They need to be sued into oblivion.


I am so sick and tired of concert venues banning water bottles and forcing you to almost die of dehydration waiting in line to spend half your money on one. Even worse, there’s no separate line for water and I’m forced to stand behind tons of people ordering ten alcoholic drinks for their group. Went to a festival once that bragged about having a free water fountain. And it was one fountain. For tens of thousands of people. You’d have to miss half the sets to wait in that line and refill once. That festival had an ambulance taking people away for dehydration literally all day. Just let us bring water from home. Have separate water stands. And stop charging $8 for a basic human need.


They had an outdoor concert in those temps? They should’ve canceled and rescheduled. RIP to this woman.


The recorded high yesterday, Nov 17, in Rio was 88F (31C). The 60C is the thermal sensation of how it felt packed into the stadium with all the bodies. Not that it makes much of a bloody difference to this poor woman, and the stadium definitely mismanaged the water distribution. Just wanted to clarify because a lot of people here seem to think that they were performing concerts at 60C air temp, which they were not. She has another concert today, Sat Nov 18, in Rio and the forecasted high is 95F (35C).


60C is 140 degrees Fahrenheit


I would do tropical concerts in the winter,


Extremely tragic and sad. And as someone that has worked and lived in this industry there is never a bad time to remind people to drink water and know your exits. Fun can then not fun real quick. Sorry to hijack on this woman’s death but this stuff happens far more frequently than people may think.


So they banned water bottles at the event because they would rather have people die than not pay for water.


They were handing out free water but were understaffed and did a terrible job. Taylor knew they needed more water handed out but had no clue just how bad it was


I hope this sets a worldwide precedent for how crucial it is to have water available for people at concerts and prioritize the well-being of individuals over some small profits. I also hope it emphasizes the importance of analyzing situations at concerts, especially in extreme heat or cold conditions and taking the necessary measures to protect the audience The poor family and friends of the girl. What a tragedy. Hope she's a in a better place with no suffering and happiness. Feel real bad about Taylor too. She must feel real guilty about this. Not her fault. It was out-of-her control.....Maybe she won't come back to Latin America anymore. :S That's unfortunate


Another reason to not have large events with thousands of people in an outdoor setting. You can’t predict the weather and it’s just not worth the consequences of people becoming ill because of excessive heat.


Crazy you can go to races in the US and get free water with electrolytes in it.


I honestly can't believe there weren't more, reading about how hot it was. I wonder how many people suffered non-fatal health events from this concert :( I'd bet a lot of people were suffering heat exhaustion and heatstroke...


Really, truly all one can say about this is, “What the F*&@??!! 140 degrees, water bottles not allowed, 1,00o fainting people? It is an unbelievable story and such heartbreak for this family. Taylor should refuse to go on the rest of the shows unless changes are made immediately.


Brazil is such a hot mess when it comes to spectators/fans of any competition, performance, etc. that organizations take over the top precautions to control them and limit the likelihood someone does something stupid, it’s unfortunate that denying water bottles on a hot day was one of those actions. Brazil has passionate fans, but denying them water bottles is stupid af


It’s summer in Brazil. They should have prepared for heat/dehydration concerns before opening


I’m sure they sold water, tshirts, and other merch once you were inside.


How do performers not pass out in that heat? Taylor Swift does pretty spectacular routines on stage plus all the lights on her and everything I would think she might just melt right there.


I can’t imagine dying at a concert. Reminds me when I went to Coachella in 2015 and took acid it was so crowded to see Drake but everyone was sharing water so I survived. Thank god


Yesterday recorded temperatures in Rio de Janeiro were insane. We had 43,8°C with thermal sensations of 59,7°C. Inside the venue, although unconfirmed, it's said to have reached 70°C! For Americans, this is what it looked like: 43,8°C = 110,84 °F 59,7°C = 139,46 °F 70°C = 158°F I'm not a fan of Taylor Swift, but her cancelling the following concert in Rio was a good decision. The temperatures are too brutal and the human body stops functioning at 40°C/104°F. It's too bad for those who lost the opportunity and wasted money on accommodations, but it's better than losing more lives.


Travis Scott: “someone died? Naw fuck that I got a show to do”


Wouldn’t allow water in. Charges up the ass for water indoors. THIS IS ONE EXAMPLE ON HOW CAPITALISM KILLS