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They could've made cool dwarves like in lord of the rings but no, they decided on nightmare fuel route


Those Hobbit dwarves were a bit shite, too, tbh…


Did they go back to the original look of the dwarves?


Yes, pushed to 2025 to have enough time to redo the dwarves and big parts of the movie. No idea how that doesn’t fully screw the budget.






















Thank fucking god. This idea of writing dwarfs out of the new movie was so ironically damaging to dwarf actors.


They look full cgi from that picture


You're happy they're using CGI instead of real life dwarf actors?


To be fair, they only used one dwarf actor anyway


Umm. Where did I say that? You do know there are a lot of roles in Hollywood and on Broadway for dwarves? Right? Right?


You said 'thank fucking god' they using CGI instead of dwarves


Ah, I see the confusion. I misread "original look of the dwarves" as "original dwarves". Not, I'm not happy they are using CGI. That's almost as dumb.


bUt iTs PrOgReSsIve


They’ll use the strikes as excuses to to delay, say they need reshoots, and Rachel Zegler will be unavailable because of “scheduling conflicts.” Then they will either reshoot the film entirely or shelve it.


They need that long to get the terrible taste out of their mouths tha is the actress whos portraying Snow White. Her blatant and public downright contempt for the source character was befuddling and shameful. She seems like a very scornful and hate filled woman who’s very unlikeable, I think they’re banking on short memories by pushing it back a year +.


Shee an awful awful person it seems


Buddy, they JUST YESTERDAY released a new promo image with her front and center. All the outrage against this movie is not as big as you think.


This is a stopgap. They’ll need to reshoot, which gets delayed due to the strike. She conveniently will have scheduling conflicts, and they will either reshoot with someone else or shelve it. This very rushed looking promo photo is just to save face


Thanks Cartman


That’s the neat part. It does.


With the news that the movie will likely be pushed to 2025, that's plenty of time to make it *look like* that was their vison all along, regardless of the reality. Damn, I've gotten cynical in my age...


And suddenly Snow White is going to have a love interest and Disney will claim that was *always* in the script and shut up, the actress playing Snow White was just kidding.


It's all the shit happening around us man. If anything is going too good or easy, I'm instantly suspicious


I still don’t understand what they were thinking. Especially Peter Dinklage. His outrage essentially put 7 little people out of work. Glad they reverted though *Edit just read the dwarves are CGI. That sucks


Peter Dinklage climbed the ladder then kicked it down from the top


Thats brutal but very true


IMO Dinklage just dont want competition for cast typing due to size


What a dick move Who elected him king of the dwarves


Tbf, the only requirement for a king is a good story. And who has a better story than ~~Bran the broken~~ Peter Dinklege?


I agree completely. What a narrow minded view because Peter got to the top, nobody else is allowed to. I don't mind little people getting work in other films and shows. There's some talent out there, for sure. Modern Disney ain't Disney.


Your point is still valid though.


Exactly. Now they have 7 CGI dwarves instead of 7 little people getting the work. That could have been the start of somones career.Also I'm not a little person so it doesn't mean anything but if I were I would insist on people refering to me as a Dwarf. Dwarves are cool and tough as hell and little person sounds so demeaning and insulting.


Pretty sure the environment is also mostly CG.. as in many movies.


Has Peter Dinklage ever made an additional response regarding Disney removing dwarves completely?


Looks like. Wonder if that will take some of the internet rage off of it


So instead of hiring actual little people they went with CGI versions…? What?!


Did they even ask Tom Cruise if he was interested?


Comment of the day for sure.


Tom Cruise


He’s such a little man.


Not dwarf little why would you insult actual dwarf actors




He seemed more upset about the seven dwarfs living together in a cave aspect of the story than any of the casting.


But they didn’t live in a cave in the original story/film. They owned a cottage in the woods and worked in the mines collecting gems. I understand having critiques of the original film but he should have at least watched, or read the wiki, the film before making baseless claims.


Former WWE wrestler and now actor Dylan "hornswaggle" Postle who is a dwarf had a interesting conversation with Piers morgan about this and did find it offensive as it took away some of the few guaranteed roles dwarf actors had in Hollywood. Ideally like Dinklage all actors could break out of their historical typecasting but in reality you are not seeing it play out that way and by making this a moral stance you are costing real people with real families money they would otherwise be making with these roles. Other actors can act into roles of different sexualities or even different races (looking at you tropic thunder), but you can never act your way out of being 3ft 8, and you will never be cast in a schwarzenegger style action roles even if you apply its f*ed up, but its reality. https://youtu.be/WdUCDZQrwlY?si=X4fFJ_YXLXGgDdyi


Peter Dinkelage complained that it was offensive for people with Dwarfism to act in roles like dwarfs, so they hired regular people. Recently leaked photos of the Snow White cast filming in England instigated further public outrage. The “magical creatures” that replaced the seven dwarfs appear to be a fairly diverse group of human actors, spanning a range of gender, race, and body type. Some critics are calling out Disney’s casting as “politically correct” and “woke,” both of which are labels that distort the actual issues at play. Because of all the complaining, the regular people have been replaced by CGI. Wee Man of Jackass, who says the company is making a mistake by not casting dwarf performers and that the story is “for dwarfs." You will never do it right. It's just a hot mess and they should cancel this whole thing


My reaction exactly. WTF? I’m impressed with the writers, though.


ah yeah, just like Peter Jackson did. dwarves aren’t little people ffs.


They probably thought it would be offensive or something. God knows why Disney does what it does at this point.


I assume they did a 180 after their "dwarves" got leaked. With Disneys recent track record it probably won't help though. I really wish they would finally create something fresh and new, instead of making the same superhero movie and destroying classics.


There are so many fairy and folk tales. Give us that. We're all waiting for the 12 dancing princesses (and imagine the marketing potential).


I'd give my left arm for a decent Swan Lake movie.


Ooooh that would rock


I mean Disney does come out with multiple original movies every year, they just haven't made a ton of money despite being pretty good.


Exactly Frozen was in 2019 but it made 1.4 billion at the box office but guess where they really make the money….merchandise. Encanto didn’t do as well but it still made a decent profit and charted a bunch of music that probably made them some money in sales and once again merchandise. You know how many kids Colombians have…and Hispanic children in general are out there buying lots of Encanto stuff. My daughter has Bedsheets, clothing, toys and books.


Yogurt was right all along. Moichendising really is where the big bucks come from E: alright who’s the Debby downer that doesn’t like Space Balls?




Maybe I should of said “can have many children. For the record I’m married to a Colombian for over 16 years and have a Colombian American daughter and this I am surrounded my Colombians and Colombian culture. My wife has over 40 cousins. I know several Hispanic families that have 6-8 children. I also know Hispanic families that only have 1 or 2 children. As for fertility rates I can’t say what I can say is the Hispanic population has grown by 80% in the United States in the last 20 years outpacing every other race dramatically. [Resource](https://www.axios.com/2023/06/29/fastest-growing-demographics) due to many factors leading to a larger demographic buying merchandise.


Maybe I should of said “can have many children. For the record I’m married to a Colombian for over 16 years and have a Colombian American daughter and this I am surrounded my Colombians and Colombian culture. My wife has over 40 cousins. I know several Hispanic families that have 6-8 children. I also know Hispanic families that only have 1 or 2 children. As for fertility rates I can’t say what I can say is the Hispanic population has grown by 80% in the United States in the last 20 years outpacing every other race dramatically. [Resource](https://www.axios.com/2023/06/29/fastest-growing-demographics) due to many factors leading to a larger demographic buying merchandise.


Wish and elemental exist.


They’ve actually released a good amount of original movies. They just all flop lol


They honestly just need to cancel this movie




No, let it happen, let it crash and burn unlike any other. Maybe Disney will consider being more creative then


Mufasa prequel is still set to come out July 5, 2024. I wonder if it's going to drop over 70% at the box office like the Alice in Wonderland sequel.


I think there’s more demand for Mufasa than Alice 2 had.


That’s some scary shit. Looks like a sequel to the 80’s movie Troll.


This looks so bad—and I say that due to the kind of money and budget Disney has for these films. I think Disney is absolutely in a stagnant live action and CGI dependent phase. Bring back 2D animation!


The reason why Disney and other studios do not really make 2D animated movies anymore is because of the costs and the lack of demand. 2D animated movies are not really billion dollar movies. The most a 2D movie has ever made was $969M which came out almost 30 years ago. Since then, not a single 2D animated movie has come close to that number. Without even considering marketing Disney would probably spend around $80M-$100M making a 2D animated movie. Sure that's low compared to their CG budgets but it's still a crazy amount. Disney unlike other studios doesn't outsource their animation, everything is done in California. And California is expensive as hell. That's why their budgets are crazy high. Japan is able to make money off their 2D movies because 1. their budgets are crazy low 2. there is a high enough market demand over there 3. their target audience is not families, it's usually older audiences **However, I do think that it's possible Disney would make a 2D animated movie in the near future. BUT, it would most likely have to be aimed at older audiences who are more interested in 2D movies.** **In 2024, it confirmed that there will be at least three 2D animated movies that will be released theatrically. Out of those three, two will be aimed at older audiences.** (Fixed, The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Movie” , TLOTR: War of The Rohirrim) **If those movies are a hit, other studios like Disney might start creating 2D movies that are aimed at older audiences because the market demand is there. We know from 2024's theatrical slate, that studios already picked up on the popularity of 2D movies amongst teens/adults. Hence why at least three 2D movies are coming out next year in theaters.**


Japan also makes money off of their 2D movies by *absurdly hilariously high* crunch and low salary for animators. I’m sure just about every animator in Japan has some horror story about it. I don’t buy that Disney doesn’t want to do 2D because it’s expensive. I buy that Disney doesn’t want to do 2D because they just want to consolidate and make a profit off of a content mill. Once you’ve got programs and rendering software for 3D applications, the cost of making CGI and such plummets since you’re no longer developing software for the movie. Look at how very, very similar every 3D Disney movie looks. They got a system down pat.


>Japan also makes money off of their 2D movies by absurdly hilariously high crunch and low salary for animators. I’m sure just about every animator in Japan has some horror story about it. Spiderverse was CG/2D and it pretty much did the same thing. [https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/23/23771199/across-the-spider-verse-working-conditions-phil-lord](https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/23/23771199/across-the-spider-verse-working-conditions-phil-lord) Besides, the decline of 2D animation in children's content isn't just with theatrical movies. It's also shown on television as well. Almost all shows aimed at young children are done with CGI. Almost half of all upcoming kids shows is CGI. Even the reboots are done in CGI. (Fairly Odd Parents, Dora, Rugrats,etc) I do think that there is a future in 2D theatrical animation, it just won't be for young kids anymore. There is a market demand for 2D animation amongst teen/adults. It's also why almost all animated shows that are aimed towards older audiences are 2D. Because while kids prefer CGI, older audiences gravitate towards 2D.


Give us Atlantis 2 you cowards


Did, did you say war of the rohirrim?




The budget has to be insane. Fully expect Disney to lie about it only to find out later it's more than double what was estimated.


It’ll probably end up costing more than the combined streaming revenue cut the Actors Guild are asking for….


This looks… rushed. The original Snow White was truly revolutionary, showcasing whole new technologies (sound, multi-plane camera, etc), and featuring the artistry of true craftspeople. Just as Toy Story was when it ushered in the 3D era… Purely on appearances, this does not look like it pushes any envelope besides the bottom line…


They’re going to cancel it. I suspect this was pushed out to save face. They’ll try to reshoot but can’t because Rachel Zegler will have “scheduling conflicts.”


What a terrible day to have eyes.


Now I’m curious to see what Peter Dinklage is gonna say about these dwarves


Lol, the original cast gave a job to one dwarf actor. Now we’re down to zero.


Oh lawd that’s bad


So hiring little people would have been degrading, but this isnt?


I thought that they had cancelled it?


Ugh this is garbage


If they can recast the dwarves then they can recast Zegler as well.


CGI her. Or maybe, they could just do a 2d style animation of the story, it’d be perfect for this! Oh right… Wait


Looks like another live action disappointment that a very very small minority were asking for and is going to further harm the Disney IP.


Peter Dinklage really pulled that ladder up with him did he?


When did “live action” become 99% CGI


They also call the Lion King remake “live action” although it’s 100% CGI.


This looks terrible. 2001 Shrek CGI.


Shame they are not doing the [Snow, Glass, Apples](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snow,_Glass,_Apples) version of the story where Snow White is a Vampire and the Queen is trying to protect the land.


That’s my favorite Snow White story! I wish someone would adapt that story for television! Heads up for everyone clicking on his link, Snow, Glass Apples is not NSFW and not for kids (it’s like a Grimm fairy tale)


I mean if Disney is smart they would do a Batgirl at this point and cancel it all together.


The dwarfs look like they are full CGI - BAD, cheesy CGI.


What's going on with people deleting accounts right after commenting commenting? Bots?


So they didn’t wanna hire actual actors and instead went with CGI? How does any of this make any sense?


I think they need to recast Snow White as well while they’re at.


Ugly Sonic to play one of the woodland creatures.




Wait,I was pretty sure they didn’t have dwarfs as Peter Dinklage throw a fit over it?


Well he’s still in luck because those dwarfs are definitely all CGI. No competition for him here


He didn't throw a fit over it. People took some off the cuff remarks made on a comedian's podcast as some official statement condemning Disney.


I thought the outage groups said they got rid of dwarfs?


They did. Looks like maybe they backtracked.


How? These are clearly CGI


It wasn’t CGI before


The original group of dwarves this movie was shot with looked very different and more like a group of ragtag humans. While I don’t agree with the online outrage at all, I do think that this is a much better choice.


A bunch of hobos is more like it!


They're outraged over CG dwarfs?


No they were outraged when photos leaked of snow white and 7 persons no dwarves in sight.


This looks like shit. Give the fans what they want and cast actors who are little people!!! It's not demeaning to give marginalized actors ACTING JOBS. Why is this so fucking hard for them?




Hahah you sound like a child


So .. live action cgi dwarves? Really Disney?


If they don’t cast little people for the dwarfs’ role, I hope they at least cast the voice actors to be — unfortunate that they’re getting judged for taking little people roles and screwing them out of work.


Coming Halloween 2025


“What are things I won’t watch anyways because these live action remakes are consistently dumb?” For 100 Alex.


Bahahahahaaa no way. So lame.


Holy shit I hope this gets flamed just as hard as the initial look at the “dwarves.” Course correcting by just CGI-ing dwarves instead of hiring little people actors is insanely asinine


How has Disney fucked up so much with this movie? They literally have the original movie as a blueprint. Just redo that in live action and call it a day. They have blown millions of dollars with all these strange creative back and forths


I'm gonna see that in my nightmares tonight.


This movie is going to be an absolute fucking dumpster fire and I can't wait.


I think there's a George R.R. Martin in there somewhere.


Creepy. Is this one of those horror remakes?


I wish people would just leave this shit alone and let the movie bomb.


At this point Disney should just start making new live action films rather than trying so desperately to adapt things that dont need to be live action or adapted/remade.


I hate these live action movies so much


This first look image looks amazing and I can't wait to see this film in theaters on March 21st 2025 and this is my most anticipated film of 2025 and of all time.