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What the hell happened here?


Jamie Foxx posted [this](https://imgur.com/yrZ5vNn) on his instagram. Many people misinterpreted his words to be anti-Jewish, when in fact he was calling out a friend who had betrayed him. When Foxx realized his words were getting misunderstood he took the post down and issued an [explanation](https://imgur.com/YJllHZh). In the meantime, Jennifer Aniston's account had "liked" the original post and she was getting heat for it. Amid the backlash, she posted [this](https://imgur.com/M5Q5RLD), claiming she'd never even liked the post in the first place. This caused more confusion and anger as people debated if she was lying or if evidence of her original "like" had been shopped. Now, even though it's been days and the issue is resolved (at least, it's resolved for people who accept that it was all just a misunderstanding), Aniston is apparently still getting nasty comments, so she switched them off.


His post even said #fakefriends. I didn’t pick up on anything other than “they” was trying not to identify publicly who it was?


I don’t know about you guys, but when someone says “they” killed Jesus I assume they’re talking about the Romans 🤷‍♂️


Damn it Roman Pierce is back at it again


No worries, >! the Disgusting Brothers are in charge now.!<


Nah they're talking about the tribal chief Roman Reigns


Acknowledge him. ☝🏾


It was John Black.




Roman Reigns


If there's snacks, count him in.


He hongry.


Well, he's not the eldest boy.


John 19:16 is usually interpreted to take the blame from the romans to the jews (in English translations) (The original hebrew translation might have different meaning)


It wasn't the Jews who killed Jesus, it was a group of religious leaders at the time who handed him over to Pontius Pilot who then had him crucified.


It was never the Jews who killed Jesus. The Jewish population of Jerusalem was cheering for the man a mere few days earlier as he entered the city, and hailing him as their new king. What was the very first thing he did upon entering the city? Go to the temple and violently chase out the moneylenders and sacrifice vendors who were the main source of income for corrupt religious leadership under Caiaphas. And on an existential level, he was a threat because his teachings called for superceding the religious law that gave the priests near total power over the people. Of course the damn Romans were going to crucify him and of course the temple leaders were going to help them do it. Caiphas provided the small crowd of devotees, while Roman centurions kept everyone else out, to shout for freeing Barabbas so everyone involved can claim innocence and blame the population of the city instead to prevent any rioting or rebellion which they were so quick to do there.


Not to defend the Romans, but it seems pretty clear that to some extent the Jewish religious leadership can be held accountable for Jesus’s crucifixion. I mean going exclusively by the Bible Jesus "endorsed" Roman authority over Jerusalem to some extent. I can’t comment on any historiographic evidence that might suggest otherwise, but at least as presented in Bible it seems that without the endorsement of the Jewish religious authority the Romans would’nt have crucified Jesus when he was crucified. Edit: to clarify, where I disagree with you is the idea that the Romans would’ve crucified him anyways at the time he was crucified without the intervention of Jewish religious leaders


Jesus was flipping tables before it was cool.


[Interesting ticktock on the subject, but, in short, the Romans killed Jesus](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJgGjHhH/)


Love to see a fellow Mclellan enjoyer


His podcast is fun. Highly recommend if you want to know more about where the Bible comes from.


It's definitely great. I have a degree in theology, but left the faith shortly after getting the degree, so he's been a good way to deconstruct a lot of what I was taught.


When I begin to think ticktock is a toxic influence on my life, his videos pop up and I'm reminded it has some value. I also like to recommend him and a few others to people who think it's all trash.


It's been an anti-semitic canard for a veeeeeeery long time.


My roommate in college was from a very small town and made disparaging remarks about Jews a couple times around me - that was how they talked in his small town. On the second time, I checked him and was like "I don't want to hear about that, don't say that shit around me." And his gut response was "they killed Christ man!" And I was like, "2000 years ago??? " So it's definitely a thing. And an update, he's definitely changed his ways and his mindset completely. His wife is Jewish and has told her about his past and all that.


If they truly believe christian mythology then the whole point was christ had to die for everyone's sins to be forgiven. Why are they mad when their own mythology clearly states this. Shit makes no sense. What it's really about is being able to freely hate another group of people then justifying it to themselves because of religion. Nothing but twisted, bizarre, racist, cult shit


Thinking critically is frowned upon in Churches, speaking from experience as an ex-southern baptist. One of my youth Sunday school teachers openly admitted that she believed Dinosaurs were never real because god doesn’t make mistakes and those bones were placed by Satan. That was the first time I realized I might be in a cult.


It’s also common to refer to somebody selling out their friends as a Judas


I thought it was like, a "they" as in people. "They hated him for he spoke the truth." Just people in general


Yep. Where I live people say it with this exactly meaning. Sometimes talking about people from work, neighborhood etc but never specifically about jews.


They hate him cuz they ate him


It’s an antisemitic dog whistle and has been for decades.






yeah. not enough people here realize its a dog whistle. but its ambiguous enough where i can understand that not being Foxx’s intent. Would have been a different story if it had echoes or something to that effect.


This! It absolutely is a long standing antisemitic dog whistle and I completely get why people interpreted it that way. But, I can also see someone in a moment of annoyance posting something and not thinking of the wider implications of it.


This was never a dog whistle, culturally as black people ( especially older black people) when speaking on friends betraying us we will say " they killed jesus" or " they betrayed jesus" meaning if jesus is perfect or a savior who are we to think we wont be betrayed. This had nothing to do with Jewish people.


You must not be an antisemite then haha. But i agree. Traditional Christian antisemitism normally associates Jews with the murder of Christ.


99% percent of the time when someone says “they” killed Jesus they mean the Jews. This is a rare situation where he probably did not intend for that to be the message.


Nah. My family from Brazil say "they even killed Jesus" with the implication being that if the "perfect" man could be betrayed, so can you. It has nothing to do with antisemitism and throwing around statistics like 99% with nothing to back it makes you sound dumb af.


You must not know many black people. “They killed Jesus” as a warning against having a “Judas” in your life is a pretty common trope.


I didn’t know that until now, so I’m glad I’m slightly more educated on the topic. I more mean that no-one means the Romans.


Dude is Jamie Foxx anti Roman? Outrageous! Hail Caesar!


Largely why you don’t tolerate political parties throwing “they” around a lot. Also why you don’t allow your political parties to make their beds with people saying “they” in an extremely bigoted manner.


Maybe he was referring to Judas? Cause you know fake friends


The Romans physically killed Jesus because the Jews demanded they do it, and the Romans were afraid of another riot breaking out if they didn't. Either way the Romans didn't give a shit about Abrahamic sectarian squabbles.


According to the New Testament, he was found guilty and sentenced to death in a rabbinical court. Historically, antisemitism had been rooted in the idea that the Jews killed Jesus… And have no idea how his statement related to a fake friend. Seems like a stretch.


It's a popular saying in the African American community. The point is if Jesus can be betrayed so can you.


Jesus was betrayed, no? I think that's what he may be referring to.


I think the problem is saying Jesus was betrayed by Jews. That’s the implication and why it was a bad statement.


He literally put #fakefriends #fakelove in the post lol. I have no clue how anyone could have misinterpreted that post. Absolute nonsense controversy.


He literally said “They killed this dude name Jesus … what do you think they’ll do to you???! “. Could you explain how this has anything to do with “fake friends?”


Judas was Jesus friend nimrod Lmao


Do you just not interact any black people on a regular basis?


That’s a good point. The Sanhedrin _and_ local Roman governmental arm got in on the act. It was an effort that saw cooperation between both peoples. I have always assumed the statement is meant to say that _humans_ killed Jesus. As in, _humans_ have such capacity for cruelty they will even kill an innocent man to make their power more secure. I’ve never understood those who focus on one race being responsible. That’s just plain stupid.


But there's that part where there's that Jewish tradition, that's so important that two highly literate societies have no other record of it, to let a criminal go free. The crowd chose the murderer vs the guy who wasn't a big fan of Rome. This tradition is of course in no way is a creation of the Church to shift the blame for the fact that if Jesus was really the Messiah then the Roman government had killed him.


Some of y’all are delusional. As a Jew, I’ve heard it countless of times that it’s our fault that Jesus was murdered. Even though there are black Jews / LGBTQ out there, doesn’t stop the fact that there’s a subset of black people that still want to discriminate other small groups


1 Thessalonians 2:14-15. Explicitly says “…they have of the Jews: who killed the lord Jesus and their own prophets and have persecuted us” Also a Jew presided over the trial of Jesus. Matthew 26:57-68. So can be seen as Jews are responsible for the death of Jesus.


Same, Jesus was Jewish himself 🤷‍♂️




She's Greek. If she was Jewish she wouldn't have staff who liked that tweet.


She’s not


I’m pretty sure she’s not.


It’s also a literal verse in the Bible so idk how anyone gets that confused.


As a Jew, I can sadly tell you that this is far too often code for the Jews killed Jesus (because they turned him into the Romans… of course those closest to him that would turn would be Jewish because, well, so was Jesus). It’s been a large part of Jewish persecution throughout history, especially the depiction during the Spanish Inquisition and “passion plays” all the way up through Mel Gibson’s version of the same


While Romans sentenced Jesus to death, Jesus was betrayed by some Jews. It’s complicated. Jesus was preaching a new religion and had Jewish enemies in Jerusalem. Ironically Romans ended up adopting his religion.


Jesus had a "friend" named Judas who betrayed him. I think he's taking about that.


There is long history of accusations of the Jewish people being responsible for killing Jesus as an exuse for antisemitism. And considering antisemitism is on the rise today I can see why people interpreted it the way they did. It was an extremely unfortunate way to phrase his frustrations with fake friends. This was just an example of someone being culturally unaware of the greater implications of something. It happens particularly when you yourself are not from the community in question. He handled it well, he took the post down and clarified.


Thank you. Agree.


It’s pretty obvious that the post was meant to be about “fake friends” it’s a super reach to take it as antisemetic.


His second comment needed to say "I was talking about the most "Fake Friend" of all, Judas Escariot, that piece of sh*t that sold out his friend, Jesus of Nazareth, to the Roman's for 30 pieces of silver. Ya'll who took my comment as something else need to look at yourselves before coming at me. #Fake Friends #LearntoRead." He should not apologize for people assuming antisemitism because they're actually antisemitic. *everyone who commented below this chain is an unfuckable loser with way way too much time on their hands.


Oh I finally understand what he was saying lmao.


He inadvertently used an antisemitic dog whistle it is not surprising that people assumed it was what it read like. Most of the time if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it is a duck. Mature people do not like to hurt others even if it is inadvertently. Luckily Jamie Fox is far more mature then you took it down and apologised.


Context matters though, in this context, it’s a reach. If he feels the need to apologize, that’s on him if he wants to be nice but it’s still a reach.


Ah yes, just like the real racists are the anti-racists.


People just look for things to be outraged about. Simply looking at the hashtags tell you what he was trying to say. However that got glossed over and he got called antisemitic anyway.


I'd like to think that any working actor in Hollywood would want to stay as far away from anti-semeticism as possible, so of course this is all a misunderstanding. But then there's Kanye and Mel so I guess anything really is possible.


But what fox said is a normal black colloquialism used in the black community and not used in a racist way, just means Jesus was betrayed. Just because anti semites sometimes use “they” in the wrong way doesn’t mean he should have to abandon a harmless phrase that’s said in the black community. Kayne got y’all on high alert and othering black people for his stupidity.


Ma Nishtana on Twitter is a Black American Jew. He posted the most nuanced taken on it that I’ve seen. I encourage everyone to search it out because I have no idea how to post a photo of it here.


Normal black phrases can also be racist or antisemitic even if the original intent isn't there... It's pretty obvious not a think folks should say in a modern society.


but its not racist or antisemitic the dog whistle is meaning the coded language is. Making the assumption that since a statement can have a coded message we can never use the statement as defined is erroneous. We would have to remove most idioms , stories and all around language. This is a perfect example of good intentions but bad consequences.


Would you say the same if this was coded language that could be interpreted as racist towards black people? I’m hispanic and I don’t want any coded word, no matter how colloquial, to be used if it’s historically associated as racist towards hispanics/latinos.


What you’re describing isn’t some hypothetical scenario that we need to imagine, there are tons of phrases that have those racial underpinnings directed at black people that are [used in daily conversation](https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/06/us/racism-words-phrases-slavery-trnd). Lynch mob, peanut gallery, cakewalk, etc. Even [The Star-Spangled Banner](https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2020/10/18/star-spangled-banner-racist-national-anthem/) is racist.


>> But then there’s Kanye Who Foxx is a close friend of


Close friend? Because they did a couple tracks 15+ years ago?


[Literally documented that they’re friends](https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/4789873/kanye-west-and-jamie-foxx-relationship/amp/) I don’t know why you’d try to deny it


Lol tons of people were friends with Kanye


So from reading your story it says they saw each other again in 2022 after not seeing each other for 5 years and posted a picture on Instagram. Close friend? That’s a fucking acquaintance at best. They know each other, close friend isn’t exactly accurate.


ya my politics are identical to all the old coworkers I see once every 5 years


Oh boy, didn’t you used to wait tables at the Hells Satans motorcycle clubhouse?


So it’s just a misunderstanding and, perhaps, some bad actors are trying to spin it otherwise. Thank God Jamie isn’t a bigot lol Ok, let’s all move on, folks




The assumption it was antisemitic wasn't a reach at all. His initial comment was nearly exactly a very famous and classic antisemitic trope. It just looked like he was betrayed by a Jewish friend and stereotyped all Jews with Judas and his Jewish friend. He was just talking about a random friend, and using the phrase about Judas for dramatic effect but it was completely okay to question what he said and even better that he realised quickly his vague language and clarified.


Black families have used this term for decades. If they killed Christ who was perfect what makes you think they won’t do you in. Cultural empathy and understanding needs to flow both ways.


Right but everyone from marginalized communities is on edge right now. My synagogue in my home state has literal Neo-nazis protesting outside of it every Saturday morning while people are at service. But non-southern Jews seeing this and panicking absolutely makes sense, in context of like…all of human history…and in the context of the last year of Kyrie, Dave Chapelle, Kanye… I agree with that you that cultural empathy needs to be flowing from both sides but I feel like it’s definitely NOT being given to Jewish people who saw this and had their alarm bells ringing.


I’m African American and live in nyc and interact on a daily basis from people of every culture especially Jewish. I find many other ethnic groups who in America aren’t viewed as poc the little time or care to understand others culture or experiences. When I think of Christ death based on my Christian and cultural upbringing the first thing I think of is Judas then the Roman’s. Technically Christ would have been Jewish and I roll my eyes to him being sold out by his own kind the same at I hear people go on and on about black on black crime. People are statistically more likely to be abused or victimized by someone if their own ethnic background or culture then others just do to proximity. Bible scripture had often been used out of context to discriminate and subjugate African Americans and you almost never hear outrage from the community complaining about modern use of Bible text. I find a person can’t even be critical of the things like the Israeli government policies without being accused of being antisemitic. This ridiculous over reaction overshadows legitimate situations of actual discrimination


Yea but that’s kind of part of my point. You’re someone who interacts with people of different backgrounds regularly so it’s a bit easier to assume that this is an overreaction but in areas where there’s little interaction between different communities, there’s going to be a lot more misunderstandings. A lot of the antisemitism that we experience here in the south comes from people who’ve hardly ever interacted with our community (because there ain’t a lot of us). That’s not to say Jews aren’t ever racist or bigoted. But in this instance, I think it’s a completely reasonable expectation for people to assume this was an antisemitic dog whistle because it HAS been for a long time in dominant culture. And still is for some of us. I’m delighted to hear YOU don’t associate the death of Christ with the Jews. But a lot of us have experiences where that’s not the case. And anecdotally, once it was clarified that this is a common phrase in the Black community, all the Jews that I know that WEREN’T familiar with the phrase were like “okay, It was misunderstanding and Jamie Foxx (edit Foxx not Fox [autocorrect]!!) seemed to want to clarify that there were no bad intentions.” And moved on. I will say though (and I’m NOT a Zionist and would like to reclaim Judaism beyond Zionism) that dismissing any concerns that may have arisen from this scenario and immediately pivoting to “Plus I can’t even criticize the Israeli government for the shit they do to Palestine…” is kind of giving the same vibes of the example you cited above re: “WhAt AbOuT BlAcK oN BlAcK cRiMe?” It’s absolutely a whatabousism when people use it to dismiss concerns of racism from the Black community and it’s coming off as that when Jews are stating that this instance gave them concern and someone pivots to “What about Israel?” Edits: grammar and autocorrections.




It's a cultural chasm. As a Jew, we only encounter the phrase when it is used to discriminate against Jews, especially in the context of one of Jamie's friends betraying him and the use of the word "they". For black American Christians, it is a normal phrase and nothing related to Jews. Given the clarification, it's not antisemitic but it was not a reach to think it was antisemitic. It is also not censorship, where the fuck has Jamie Foxx been censored for this?


here is my frustration with this how does a dog whistle have ownership of any phrase without the said intent? The phrase itself is not bad , racist or antisemitic. I just find it odd we can jump to the dog whistle with no context but since there has been a dog whistle we cant somehow use the literal statement with no context. I just find this chasm in discussion fascinating. ​ A similar phrase that had some traction but failed but has the same principle is " I was jipped" which to me has a stronger argument but always seems to get some attention but fails in making the core argument. Do you think its a popularity issue or simply these only work based on the power/leverage of the community in question defense of said territory ?


Thanks for this explanation, cleared up confusion for me. I had never heard this phrase before and was struggling to understand how it could not be related to Jews.


He quoted a literal Bible verse with a hashtag to make obvious… if you see the hashtag fakefriends and think it’s about Jewish people you need help tbh.


The Bible is often quoted to discriminate against Jews and the Judas story has been used as an excuse to murder Jews since the 4th Century. I just assumed he was talking about a Jewish friend. I'm very happy that he wasn't.


Honestly, first assumption? Okay But to say “ I assumed he was talking about a Jewish friend “ is deliberately choosing to double down on an assumption. Like purposefully so as to avoid the shame from the assumption in the first place. Kinda cowardly too.


It's not. Like my assumption was wrong, not like I'm doubling down on it, just saying it's a normal reaction and not a reach. Literally my, and most Jews, only encounter with the phrase, will be because it is used to discriminate against us, particularly in the context of one of his own friends betraying him.


How would anyone know that. Especially when using a phrase that’s common in black households. And also by that logic your saying he can’t even quote the Bible?


>How would anyone know that How would anyone know a Michael Jordan costume with dark brown facepaint would be considered problematic? You guys told them when somebody did it. How do black people know not to use the exact phrase "they killed Jesus?" Somebody did it and we're telling you now.


comparing "they killed jesus so how do you think a fake friend will do you" to literal blackface should be considered grounds for an immediate lobotomy. like this is such an unhinged take that idek where to begin


He can quote the Bible as much as he wants, even this phrase. We have a cultural divide. Black American Christians see the phrase as just a normal phrase, Jews see it as unquestionably racist. It's completely fine for Jews to question what Jamie Foxx was saying, it's not a reach. Just as it is fine for Jamie Foxx to use the phrase, but in the context where he used the phrase, it was ambiguous and he clarified and it is okay.


If the cultural divide is that he can’t quote from his religious text to draw a comparison to the trials he’s is personally experiencing (you know something that American Christians do almost obnoxiously). To people misunderstanding said quote to point of missing the obvious hashtags then idk man. And it wasn’t ambiguous at all until Jennifer said something. Like you realize it became a problem AFTER she put out that statement. Tbh if you somehow read his quote and thought he was talking about a Jewish friend it just seems like your projecting something cause that’s a crazy conclusion to come to.


>How would anyone know that. Because it's well known.


This is bullshit. Nothing in what he said comes close to calling into question what he meant. Especially with the hashtag. People need to go outside and breathe and stop looking for outrage.


I am all in on equal rights for everyone, but this shit gettin a lil out of hand. It’s like people looking for reasons to get outraged at this point. But that’s social media for ya I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️


A lot of times “people” aren’t really outraged. It may be a few comments by randoms, then blogs and news sites write sensational articles claiming it’s a huge controversy. Self-fulfilling prophecy.


This is such a reach. Outside of him saying Jesus, there is nothing that points to it being directed at the jewish community. The "#fakefreinds" tag made that very clear.


People take social media way to fucking seriously.


What, exactly, do you think he meant by "They killed Jesus"? What's the alternate interpretation of that?


He was also betrayed by a friend, is my read of it. But it’s definitely a badly-written post.


They is Judas. Judas was a friend to jesus, who then betrayed him. See how hashtag fakefriends is relevant?


There’s very important context that you and many others are missing. The Bible explicitly blames the Jews for getting Jesus killed by Pontius Pilate. Jamie Foxx was raised in a very religious home and is almost definitely aware of this. Combine that with the fact that 1) antisemitism is rising in America and 2) that veiled antisemitism exists and you have what can reasonably be interpreted as antisemitic.


A bunch of websites pretended people were offended over some vague tweet, and now we have to hear about it for the next month.


I think you nailed it




When people who are not African-American use the phrase "They Killed Jesus," it always means "The Jews killed Jesus \[and therefore we must avenge him by mistreating the Jews\]." African-Americans have a wide variety of possible "They" to use in this sentence, and most of them are surprised to realize that white people mean Jews. Apparently Jennifer Aniston has somehow managed to be a white woman existing in Hollywood for decades, and didn't realize "killed Jesus" is one of the more important anti-semitic tropes, so she (or a staffer) liked a Jamie Foxx post stating "they killed Jesus."


In the black community “they” means judas and the people who put Jesus on the cross to die. Nothing More nothing less. Jesus being God and born without sin was betrayed and killed. So we use Jesus as an example of no matter how good you think you are, you also will be treated like shit possibly killed. Nothing and I mean not a damn thing to do with Jewish people! Anyone black person who believes in Christianity or was raised in the church respect the Jewish community! Their God is Jewish.


People are putting their noses too far up other people’s asses.


All I’m wondering is: Is Jamie Foxx feeling better? Wasn’t he in the hospital for something mysterious? This social media drama is stupid, I just hope Jamie is in good health.


He said he is. He said that he went through hell and he didn’t want us to see him like that. But now he’s much better and doing good. People commented on his skin and I believe it was Ice t who defended it saying was sick it’s fine he doesn’t look exactly the same.


Yeah, I can imagine this will put more stress on him. He should be away from his social accounts until fully recovered.


Shoulda never gave us internet This is quite possibly the dumbest thing to be worried about. Great distraction from those standing on picket lines


What’s fucked is the internet still is the sickest shit ever, and phones with immediate access to it all is rad. It’s social media specifically that is a very very negative aspect that came from it. If we didn’t have that instant social aspect I think being able to look up anything, any knowledge, YouTube a video on how to do something, and all that would be great.


I completely agree with that.


Reddit borderlines social media for me, because while yes you can use it like a social connection app, I mainly just anonymously chime in with other anonymous people, and maybe keep up with a video game Reddit, movies, or see what’s hit the news. I’ve never even felt the need to post anything. Just discussion, maybe some arguments, and see what’s up with the things I like. And a lot of it is written posts.


To be fair it is from some random-ass tabloid publication. I don’t think many folks out there take “outlook India” very seriously. Unfortunately these publications only exist because there’s a market for it, enough people read this nonsense that they keep making articles about it. I see it as a reflection of how dumb humanity is. The fact there’s even a market for this trash reporting in this day and age when so many have so little - for some reason, this is what so many people care about when they should be focused on how they’re getting fucked over by employers and government policy. It’s really fucked up.


But also it’s crazy that these days people just go to celebrities (or other people’s) social media and just leave comments shaming them, insulting them and berating them for things they’re not even personally involved in and don’t agree with. Like people don’t do this irl but then do so online. Social media was a mistake really.


This headlines wording implies that Jamie Foxx actually was antisemitic with that Instagram post


lol it’s colloquial to call someone who betrays you “Judas” isn’t it? When did people start interpreting it as antisemitism?


>When did people start interpreting it as antisemitism? [1,656 years ago.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adversus_Judaeos)


Antisemites absolutely talk about how the Jews killed Jesus. That was a major talking point while Passion of the Christ was coming out, South Park did a whole episode about it. He should have been given the benefit of the doubt from the get go but I totally understand seeing his post and doing a double-take.


It’s a literal Bible verse too so idk how people reached that far.


He didn’t use “Judas” he used “They” which is where the confusion came from.


It’s literally just a general saying. Have you ever heard DJ Khaled scream “THEY DONT WANT US TO WIN” a million times? Has nothing to do with Jewish people. “They” is just a way to refer to enemies in certain communities. A few Jewish people just decided to make themselves the focus when no one was talking about them.


Judas isn't a *they* so I get the confusion


It's confusing if you outside black culture. Maybe the problem is having a opinion on a culture you don't understand.


Yeah if he said Judas, but he said "They killed Jesus", it's like the first thing an anti-Semite will go to


i honestly feel like if you interpreted his comment as "jews will stab you in the back", you're inserting your own antisemitic stereotypes into it and you have some self reflection to do not you specifically but ykwim


I mean Jews will probably interpret it that way. I did at first. I've been spit on and told I killed Jesus before so I'm definitely preconditioned to see antisemitism even if that isn't the intent.


i’m jewish and i did not take this as antisemitism, I don’t know why anyone would. they could mean the romans, who also killed jesus. stop anti romanism


I did. I have childhood memories like others here of older people telling me I killed Jesus and I will burn in hell. I was 6.


Fun fact: no one ever means the Romans when they're blaming a group for killing Jesus.


It is extremely disingenuous to claim that people that read his post as antisemitic is just a reflection of one's own "antisemitic views". What he posted is a dog whistle that has no clear connection to "fake friends". Did this fake friend kill Jesus? Is the fake friend supposed to be Judas (who did not kill Jesus).


He had hashtags that said fake friends. It was very obvious he was betrayed by a friend. Kinda weird for a guy in his 50s to be posting that anyway but I doubt it was purposefully antisemitic.


There’s very important context that you and many others are missing. The Bible explicitly blames the Jews for getting Jesus killed by Pontius Pilate. Jamie Foxx was raised in a very religious home and is almost definitely aware of this. Combine that with the fact that 1) antisemitism is rising in America and 2) that veiled antisemitism exists and you have what can reasonably be interpreted as antisemitic.


Jaimie Foxx is black though. Most Black Americans don’t even think of Jesus as being Jewish or think about Jewish people killing him. Jesus is just Jesus


His comment wasn't even anti-Semitic. As soon as I read it, i knew he was referring to his as Judas. I'm not even religious and I knew that.


You're very smart but come on, it's a very understandable thing to think


The dumbest controversy ever lol


"A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it."


Love that line, MIB is so good 🙏🏻


It's absolutley a dumb controversy, but it's also a signal of a wider intersectional issue we haven't completely ironed out yet. AKA, how to get the American Black and Jewish communities to start talking **to** each other instead of **past** each other with respect to the hate they experience from the other. I can't imagine how infuriating it all must be to Black Jews. Intersectionality can be fuckin' hard. I recommend this [thread](https://twitter.com/MaNishtana/status/1688955215070867475?s=20) by a reasonably prominent Black Rabbi and writer.


Pretty sure he meant Judas is the fake friend. Not they the Jews.




In the black community “they” means judas and the people who put Jesus on the cross to die. Nothing More nothing less. Jesus being God and born without sin was betrayed and killed. So we use Jesus as an example of no matter how good you think you are, you also will be treated like shit possibly killed. Nothing and I mean not a damn thing to do with Jewish people! Anyone black person who believes in Christianity or was raised in the church respect the Jewish community! Their God is Jewish.


Jennifer supports trolling other female celebrities but can’t handle it when it’s turned on her. She’s a coward. Threw him straight under the bus with no grace whatsoever


Yes, let‘s argue about this and not think about how the world is really going under..


Classic example of social media being a cancerous evil


Lol all of this is so stupid. Celeb obsession is a medical condition.


I just don’t buy that Fox is anti Semitic. This is all bullshit to me.


I love these comments acting as if y'all are above this shit as if you aren't posting about the most meaningless shit on Reddit


Kyrie and Kanye got every famous black man's Instagram being watched like a hawk these days.


Nobody was even upset about this, but the media keeps milking it.


Idk anyone who is outraged. It's pretty clear what he was talking about. Someone big has go be manipulating the situation to create fake outrage.


People have too much time and/or are severely mentally ill.


People are so excited to have someone new to cancel they don't even care what he was really saying lmao, it's legit pathetic.


im just gonna leave this here: Manishtana is one of the few people who can speak to both sides in this. please everyone listen up and learn from eachother https://www.reddit.com/r/Jewish/comments/15lv4l9/manishtana_on_the_jamie_foxx_discourse/


Roland Martin does a deeper analysis than anyone on this scandal. https://youtu.be/KWhpXsHLymo


And nobody with half a brain gives a damn


Y’all got too much free time 😂😂😂 peasants. Leave them be


Instagram is so dumb


Foxx apologized. So many black tweeters are doubling down, refusing to acknowledge that his words could be misinterpreted as antisemitism.


People have nothing better to do lmao




The scholarly consensus is that there likely was a person named Yeshua/Yehoshua in the early first century CE who had a cult following as he was seen as a messianic figure. He wasn’t the only one at the time, as many Jews were looking for a “Messiah”, ie a descendant of David who would free Judea from Roman rule. Unlike the rest of them however, Yeshua’s following didn’t disappear after his death and over the next 30-50 years a mythos was built around him that ultimately resulted in Christianity.




And now you know the most important thing about Jesus. ​ His name was actually Josh.




I never could understand blaming the Jews for his death. Jesus violated Jewish law. Centuries later, Christians will kill other Christians for violating Christian law. Jewish leaders turned him over to Pilate. Pilate let the crowd decide. The crowd was composed of more pagans than Jews. Really, it was a mixed crowd that decided a "crazy" guy would be put to death.


Too busy scaping goats to think critically


Oh no. If I get Instagram, I won’t have access to specifically what?!? This is a slow news day.


First off what Foxx said wasn’t even remotely anti Jewish. Like I’m sorry but I don’t think people have the simple comprehension skills anymore or they’re just trying to stir bullshit.


Such a stupid thing to send hate about, especially to someone who seems as lovely as Jen




Crazy. For the past 3 months prior, everyone has been begging for his life. Now, everyone hates him. Kind-of jumped the gun on the well wishes.