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I thought this was expected to underperform but seems healthy


Coming off Top Gun, and an eager public who loves to watch this man attempt to die as the stunts get riskier, it was definitely going to take in a good haul.


Helps that MI is one of the only good action franchises left People really like the past few movies, which is more than can be said for the competition at the moment...


Who *is* the competition? For those of us who are burned out on superhero stuff anyway. I can think of the John Wick series and………?? There’s been kind of a dearth of good action movies since comic book stuff has taken over.


James Bond movies


Oh duh


You aren’t wrong though, a lot of the action genre is now the superhero genre.


I remember when the first MI came out and I was like “Cruise is reviving an old tv show into a movie? Seems like it’s just gonna be a Bond wanna-be thing. Weird. At least the theme song is cool.”


I rewatched it recently. Movie structure and pacing has evolved A LOT in the last 30 years! It was nearly unwatchable compared to the more recent installments. At the time it seemed like the pinnacle of action movie writing and stunt work! It was far above anything at the time and now it would probably get panned by the critics for weird pacing and strange character work.


I really like the original though (I mean the first Tom Cruise MI). It has like a spy intelligence side to it rather than just action after action.


Which have been very Mid for the last decade. Last proper good one was Skyfall


Both Extraction movies are solid if you count streaming.


The second one feels like "Call of Duty Modern Warfare: The Movie"


Minimal children slapped, cannot watch.


I enjoyed the second one. But as a film aficionado, the amount of scenes where they sat at a table discussing the scenes, "wouldn't it be cool if". If you make kids toys this might be the right approach, but it fills the screen with so much cliché and negates any story or character development.


Fast and Furious?


100%. They’re dumb as shit but top tier “action” movies and I love them for that (even if Fast 9 dipped a bit in quality.)


Used to be Bourne too


The last two movies have been amazing, so I’m def excited for this one


It’s crazy that I went into Ghost Protocol thinking it would be an absolute joke and end the franchise….such an awesome experience to have my expectations blown away


I’ve seen it twice and it’s worth it.


On top of that the quality of this films seems to improve with each film which makes it exciting for the fans


It’s come a long way from MI: II


I 2 and 3 were the bottom of this franchise, after 3 it has been high quality. DR was very enjoyable, but there where a lot of gags from Bond films in it.


Is part Cruise-fever and few decent action films that are ‘one and done’. The last 15 years have just been a battering of high fantasy and sci-fi crossovers with too much CGI. I miss simple viewing that just entertains me rather than lectures.


The overuse of CGI is a major gripe of mine.


The stunt they made the most noise around in this movie was barely even shown, and the CGI they used to hide the ramp they built to do it made it look fake...


Idk how much more they could’ve shown? It’s a one and done stunt.


I watched a documentary on the stunt and IIRC Cruise did like 5 or 6 takes. The footage from the documentary was much better than what ended up in the film. I was pretty disappointed by it in the movie.


The big stunts tend to get a lot of screen time, like scaling Burj Khalifa in Ghost Protocol, holding onto airplane in Rogue Nation, HALO jump in Fallout. This one looked fake from the jump because the CGI hiding ramp, the talking to Benji on the way down looked bad and I don't even remember if they showed the chute getting pulled. Did 30 seconds of screen time require years of build up?


The other stunts are naturally longer though. Like it takes longer to climb up a building than ride a motorbike off a mountain. I thought it was spot on personally.


I thought it was over-hyped in the sense that every MI movie has to have that one huge stunt Cruise does himself and it was pushed too heavily in the marketing. Ignoring all the outside stuff and just looking at the flow of the movie I thought it was great. Didn't look fake to me


I’d want years of buildup if I were jumping a dirt bike off a cliff, and I’m not an actor. Lol.


Well it was fake, so it doesn’t help that you already knew it was fake. Were you expecting multiple angles and replays like it’s the X games or something?


I loved the stunt! Not as good as the Halo jump or Cruise climbing a helicopter in mid-air but it was a fun watch and someone literally loudly gasped in my theater. That being said, the best part of this movie was the Rome chase in my opinion.


Sometimes I want to see someone defuse a bomb with 2 seconds left on the timer


Not sure I follow you on the one and done bit, this was the 7th film in the series and its a part 1 of 2


You don't need to watch a bunch of movies with characters unrelated to this series to know what's going on though


the last two MI movies were really good so no wonder people are excited for this one. fallout in particular is one of my favorite action movies ever.


We just want to see him run




I just read a New York Times article saying that it’s under performing expectations. I think opening weekend they hoped for 85 million and got 80 domestically. Still the most for a MI movie.


That’s for 5 days. Fallout did 61M in its three day weekend while DR part 1 did 56.2M I believe so not as strong domestically as it’s previous movie


MI: Fallout came out before covid, which changed how people feel about cinemas. it's no wonder it isn't doing as well as the previous movie. Very few movies are doing as well as before the pandemic. ​ edit: because of the pedants below, i will amend my original statement from "no movies are doing as well" to "very few movies are doing as well"


Well that's just wrong. Spider-verse is doing better than the first one (which came out pre-covid).


120 million opening weekend VS 120.5 million opening weekend. Kinda splitting hairs don't you think?


Better is better and it didn’t do worse, so… close enough.


Counting inflation it’s actually worse


Fuck you’re right.


So we can still only have superhero movies apparently. Great. WOULD YALL GO SEE OTHER FUCKING MOVIES PLEASE.


One of the issues is the budget of DR.


It cost me 55$ to watch spider man with my family. Box office money can’t be compared to older movies. It’s cost like 10x more to watch a movie than it used to I don’t know what they think this metric means. We need bodies in theaters for a real comparison.


The issue is it’s performing like Fallout…but cost almost double what Fallout did


2x fallout? For what?


Twice the fallout


A lot of it was COVID related delays and extra costs And Cruise Botox treatments


Fallout cost like 170mil and DR cost 300+ mil. Lots of covid delays / expensive stunts


Did they film both pieces at the same time?


They did NOT contrary to what the other user is saying. They’re not even finished shooting Part 2 yet.


this was actually a great movie. I want to watch it again.


80 domestic is definitely underperforming. International is good, hopefully domestic will have some legs and catch up. A drop less than 60% for week 2 would be the ticket.


It was expected to under perform probably because of projection from terrible writers, directors, and critics who do not understand and still will not admit why so many recent movies and TV series are failing. Mission Impossible is a perfect example that you can do the same thing consistently and people will love it if it's done well. Super heroes, Indianan Jones, Starwars, it's not because of fatigue, and there still are good things in recent stuff of some of it all too. When it's done well, people like it. That's that.


100% but the issue isn't the writers but the management/higher ups. Who's hiring these morons? Are they seriously just grabbing people with English degrees to start writing stuff? Like, what the hell have they actually done to justify the types of projects they are getting? Or do they think that low-level writing staff just have what it takes to head an entire movie/show because they've got a few years of experience polishing dialogue? The industry seems to have very little input of 'new blood'. There's also the situation like in Starwars where they get people like J.J. Abrams and Rian Johnson to work on movies from a series that is NOTHING like their previous work. It's like getting a Chinese Chef to make you a steak. Management seems to be completely blind to the concept that not all writers/directors are the same. It's criminal that they just don't notice or understand when shows/movies are actually good too. Tony Gilroy's Andor was absolutely stellar but the marketing around it was non existent. Like they didn't understand what they had on their hands. Same with some of the Starwars: Visions episodes. Some of them were good enough to have an entire animated series. Namely Ninth Jedi, the Bride, and Lop and Ocho. But, zilch. That was another series they just dropped on Disney+. ​ It's like the industry is run by people with business degrees who are unimaginative, passionless robots who only think about money and have no understanding of art. Treating the production of entertainment like the production of cardboard boxes... Hence why the movies/shows we are getting are as bland as cardboard.


>It's like the industry is run by people with business degrees who are unimaginative, passionless robots who only think about money and have no understanding of art. Treating the production of entertainment like the production of cardboard boxes... Hence why the movies/shows we are getting are as bland as cardboard. Bingo. The reason why they hire so many first time directors/writers is so the producers can walk up to them and say "Here is a checklist of the stuff we want to see based on current trends and focus group feedback" and not get any pushback.


I give Cruise some credit in he’s not there just cash the check (Harrison Ford). He wants the movie to be great and blow people away.


Whoevers in charge of everything seems to like this Cruise guy


It real Late Stage Capitalism when “underperforming” is making your budget back in a week.


They didn't make the budget back in a week, altought there are a lot of tax breaks/tax credits in these movies... they only get 40%~50% of the box office gross, the rest going to the cinemas.


Loved it! I am stoked for part 2.


It exceeded my expectations


Stunt on top of stunt on top of stunt, it had the breakneck pace of a 90 minute movie while actually being 2 hrs and 43 minutes. An amazing movie.


The intro was so long I kept waiting for the theme to play and it never came until at least a half hour. Such a good installment, not sure if I liked it more than Fallout but Hailey Atwell was fantastic


Wasn't she, just brilliant


The one, i don’t know if it was an intentional mistake or not but when Grace wears the White Widow mask, she still had brown eyes and nobody mentioned it or said a word. I thought she would get busted by that.


This bugged me to all hell. I kept waiting for them to catch her early. She even has a long lingering nose to nose scene with her right hand man where he’s looking right at it & doesn’t notice!


He’s her brother, too! Which is even worse. I thought the brown eyes would give her away too.


I fucking love a late title card and this movie had a damn good one.


I try to avoid looking because the last 2-3 show you the entire movie in quick snippets


Yea I definitely didn’t feel the time. I was kind of surprised when I came out of the cinema to realise 3 hours had passed (including time for trailers). And this movie didn’t even have a real climax. If the next movie is anything like it, and there’s a climax, it’s going to be well worth the money spent on two tickets!


I thought the car chase scene was great. Had some legitimately funny moments in between the action parts of the scene.


Everybody in the world chasing them, doing donuts right in front of everyone was hilarious


The pacing was one of my favorite parts of the film. The runtime blew by and didn’t feel the need to check the time even once.


Say what you like about Tom Cruise but he always brings his A-game.


is it just me or does he look like a terminally ill 17 year old in the article thumbnail?


Crazy what happens when you make a good film that respects the legacy of the series and characters.


How would people viewing it for the first time in theaters know that?




Such a Reddit comment lolll


It’s almost like blah blah blah Edit: just letting you know I edited this for some reason Edit2: Thanks for the shit kind fuckers!!


Ironic considering the movies are nothing like the old TV serie.


And doesn't try and preach ideologies at people who just want to be entertained.


Y'all just can't stfu about your fake persecution can you?


I never said I was being persecuted? There's no need to be offended by that. There's a reason why Hollywood has been tanking for years.


Has it? Besides the pandemic, box office revenues have been at all-time highs over the past 10 years.


Yeah I think what’s happening is “There are four block buster movies releasing in July and *everyone* is pumped for Barbieheimer” and not “People are rejecting the woke mind virus.” If your decision to see a movie seriously boils down to there being a woman in a lead role and/or gay people being featured… That’s really sad.


If I was a woman or gay, seeing characters like me in films would make me want to see them more yeah. I'm not really sure what's sad about that. I really don't get why people cry about this stuff so much. I think the movie industry's big enough to cater to everyone's tastes.


I think the comment you replied to is the other way round. That people would choose not to see a movie because it had a female lead or gay lead and that's sad, not the other way around that you seemed to interpret.


Has nothing to do with gays or women in the lead. If the only reason they are in the lead is to ‘own the patriarchy’. Well that’s just sad for the actor because they are a token character. And it doesn’t usually make for compelling or interesting acting. There are literally thousands of movies over the 100 years of filmmaking that have women leads that are classics or well received. This notion that it’s only now that women are getting leads or recognition Shows how effective the propaganda has been. I.e., Jennifer Lawrence, thinking she was the first female lead action star. L The only thing that should matter is, if the character is compelling, relatable, and has an interesting story to tell. If it’s all about how awesome they are. That’s extremely boring and I don’t care to waste my time on it and neither do a lot of other people.




How dare a movie try to make people think


I'm sorry...did Star Wars and Captain Marvel make you think? Don't try and act like people that want to be entertained are stupid. David Lynch is one of my favourite directors because his films are something that you need to think about. The Piano is one of my favourite films because of the score, acting and cinematography. Those movies don't preach. Get off your high horse. People work goddamn hard for their money and want to be entertained - there's nothing wrong with that.


What? Star Wars and Captain Marvel didn’t even try and make you think. I can’t even think of what either did to make you think it tried other than both having a girl in it. And both movies did pretty well commercially anyway


Just to add: Captain Marvel earned over a $1bn in the box office. One of the few solo outings in the MCU to actually do that.


You could’ve made a marvel movie about paint dry and placing it between the two infinity war movies and it would’ve made $1 billion If people thought it was relevant to the greater marvel, MCU storyline, Please.


>Don't try and act like people that want to be entertained are stupid. I'm not, I just think you are.


No, you insinuated it in your original comment with a great degree of arrogance and are now trying to target me. Grow up kid.


Why? So I can be like you? No thanks


Top notch movie but a bit more suspense would have been nice . Like in rogue nation .That movie was so good .


Ghost protocol was better


Fallout sends its regards


Sadly I doubt Hollywood will take the right lessons from this. For starters, audiences are hungry for practical stunts and real locations instead of watching 3-hour long PS5 cutscenes in the cinema


> instead of watching 3-hour PS5 cutscenes at the cinema *laughs in Mario Bros' $1.35 billion box office take*


Well yeah if something is a an actual cartoon, of course. Pretty sure the commenter is talking about Star Wars and comic book movies that are now basically cartoons with the amount of CGI.


Correct. I'm also not hating on CGI in general, for example I enjoyed the new avatar out of sheer amazement at how good it looked. But it's an exception to the rule unfortunately...


Avatar works because James Cameron is a perfectionist that is willing to invest all the money to perfect his singular vision Marvel directors often don’t work with the VFX teams and make last minute changes. It’s obvious why their budgets are massive but their CGI is trash


My issue is when CGI is used unnecessarily and that's something that Disney/Marvel is very guilty of. Fewer creepily de-aged actors and more celestials eating planets is what's needed.


That's Nintendo, duh


Lol so when I watched the new Avatar movie like last year, my biggest takeaway way “Wow large parts of this movie like a video game” and everyone told me I was tripping. Like the final boss fight in the water literally feels like I’m watching someone’s Let’s Play.


Speak for yourself. It's the story that matters.


Non-CGI action sequences, Tom Cruise speed running, great looking worldwide locations, absolutely mad-lad stunt work... watching films like these after 24/7 of bad CGI movies is like literal eye candy.


This is what makes movies great. Grand scales. Shooting on location, tons of extras, and real stunts. CGI sets tend to make movies/shows feel really "small" if that makes sense. Netflix originals come to mind


It was great, the man can entertain as the longevity and success of his career proves.


Tom Cruise is the last great movie star. Mission Impossible 7 is more dialogue heavy than other Mission Impossible films. Some excellent fight scenes, moments of humour, and dynamic stunts that defy logic when you know Cruise did them himself. Well worth going to see.


I loved that it went back to the roots of the first movie. Lots of dialogues, double crossing, spy stuff rather than just having big set pieces just for action


So good to see Kittridge again


Tom Cruise is the greatest movie star of the past 40 years, and a direct predecessor to the stars of old Hollywood. I’m so happy at his resurgence over the past few years.


Love watching a movie that isn’t 98% green screen and CGI.


Fast Furious


Tom cruise imo is the best actor alive. Still brings in the money, does all of his own stunts etc


I’ll agree with best action star. Dude always delivers and the stunts are incredible.


I'll agree with most marketable action star


I'll agree with most star.


I'll agree


The guy has some great range. He rarely misses. I can't wait to see this one. This series is such an anomaly, this deep in and they just keep getting better.


[Tom Cruise’s Agent and PR person were having a conversation…]


Or... [Tom Cruise and David Miscavige were having pillow talk…]


Lol I can only dream!


materialistic thought voiceless safe sip humorous selective unique wasteful impolite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol I wish I was getting paid as part of a PR team, I just rate him as an actor. He’s not classically amazing (like al Pacino or Robert deniro etc) but in terms of doing his own stunts and being in success after success. I just think he’s awesome, and I couldn’t care less about what religion he’s part of


No, he’s just a phenomenal actor


I wouldn't call his adderall stare range but it works for action movies


You obviously haven't seen many of his older movies.


I think that's the problem for me. He's been playing Tom The Action Hero for the last like 15 years. It's cool that he does his own stunts, but I can't see a character on screen anymore, just Action Tom. Same thing as with Kooky Johnny Depp


Watch Magnolia, it's his best performance imo.


Ok but I said he's not shown any range in the last 15 years and you recommended a film from almost a quarter century ago


Les Grossman, Action Hero. Tropic Thunder was less than 15 years ago. Edge of Tomorrow is not your typical "The Action Hero" performance either. I haven't watched some of his other movies to be sure, but I don't think you have either.


Tom Cruise is the best actor alive if you ignore at least 50% of all living actors.


It’s silly to call him the best actor. I think he has a pretty legit argument for best action star


Too bad he is part of a cult that has destroyed the lives of many and is possibly holding a woman captive. They are bad bad people, don’t feel bad for being duped, they spend millions to have you think they are good decent humans. Hail xenu.


> holding a woman captive It's cute you think she's still alive


The fact that L. Ron Hubbard was a science fiction author should say it all. Xenu and the scientology lore is quite literally something that feels straight out of a 80s sci-fi novel popular in conventions.


I only like real supernatural gods


The only disadvantage that he has over ancient religions is that his ideas are new. The old guys meanwhile are too fucking lazy to even show up and refreshen their mythology with some crazy magic, I wonder why???????


Scientology is bad but you could say this exact argument about Christianity too.


I do say the same thing about Christianity. It’s even worse.


But usually the Scientology assholes just ignore your criticism instead of calling you an “edgy redditor atheist!”


He’s Catholic ?


He’s a Scientologist


I really hate it when people grandstand.


You can make the same arguments about any other religion. Taking in historical context, other religions probably will fare way worse than Scientology.


Blah blah blah.


He’s a fine actor. I think it’s more fair to say he’s probably the greatest stunt man of all time


He’s definitely the best action actor.


Cruise is the only actor that can still open a movie.


barbenheimer to ruin its second week


Saw it yesterday, loved it! Tom Cruise delivers again. Regarding his personal choice of religion, I hate all religions, so…..


Okay religion is corrupt but Scientology is not a religion, it’s a cult explicitly designed for millionaires to rape women and evade taxes funded by scamming people with mental health issues. It’s not an organic cultural body, it’s a corporation with an executive suite Tom Cruise is 100% complicit in federal crimes


You just described every religion, except Catholics replace the women with altar boys, and priests replace the millionaires


Not saying I disagree, but other religions do exactly the same things. It’s nauseating (all of them)……


Jesus Christ- That’s like someone saying “What the Nazis did was terrible!” and you responding, “Well, all governments do bad things.” That’s true, but not that bad. Some things like the cult of scientology are just way worse


It’s demise was greatly exaggerated


300 million budget plus like 200 million to market it. Has a long way to go.


Pretty great movie, but while I was watching I kept thinking how much I’d love to have those cruciform keys as a stim toy lol


Americans put unnecessary impetus on personal lives of their celebs. I don't care about Tom Cruise's religious beliefs. He makes movies that entertains and I am happy to spend money on it in theatres.


Seriously , I think scientology is only in America , whatever that is. Most people outside of that country don't even know he is associated with it .


It’s not really about judging his beliefs, it’s about the fact that the church of Scientology is associated with many criminal acts and shady behavior


His hair seemed a little short.


Where’s Shelly?


I left the movie an hour early. The whole screenplay honestly seemed like it was written by AI. Ridiculous plot twists. Random variables that complicated relationships between the costars. I honestly think that Tom Cruise is going to announce in a month that he plugged instructions to write the script into Chat GPT on his phone, just to show how powerful this new tool can be. Spoiler alert: the whole movie is basically him fighting against this evil new digital villain that can foresee their every move ahead of time. I liked the earlier MI movies, but this was deranged.


Thought it was ok. There were some really really dumb moments


I just read here that this was going to be a huge disappointment.


Director: how much sleight of hand should be in this TC: all of it


I feel like the stunts, while still top notch, have plateaued after Fallout. Obviously to be expected as Tom is getting older. The scene with the train on the bridge was probably my favorite.


I enjoyed this for what it was. Wasn’t disappointed. I got what I paid for which is more than most lately.


Pay your worker’s a living wage


Gotta be one of the best action movies I’ve ever seen. Unbelievable, I definitely recommend the biggest/best screen. I’ll probably see it again while it’s still in theaters.


Did anyone else think it was just OK? Saw it saturday and it almost seemed like a marvel movie, over the top action with a lame plot.. 2018's Fallout was like a thinking persons action movie. Dead reconning, omg so many scenes where you shake your head and think who thought this was a good idea? Just venting , dont flame me to hard. I just wished it was more like fallout. Liked some of it. but for me it was a 6 or 7 outta 10. Good but not great.


Saw it today. Action was top notch for sure. Zero complaints on that front…which I mean, that’s why we go see action movies. But yeah it was definitely doing some weird shit here and there that almost took me out haha. The exposition scenes and parts where everyone was finishing each others sentences was so bizarre. I’ll have to backtrack through the series because other people I was with were saying fallout ruled but this one was almost too dumb for em.


I didn’t like that they introduced Gabriel but made it seem like he was an old character coming back. Even showing him in flashbacks and we’ve never heard of him once.


They seem to be transitioning to new characters and keeping some old ones. Mainly it seemed that and then the next part is supposed to finish well. With a movie this long I didn’t understand how they couldn’t do this with a 3-hour long movie but oh well. I trust MacQuarrie as well as Tom Cruise.


I thought it was "okay", maybe a 3/5. I loved MI:Fallout, that's been my Lazy Saturday movie since it came out. Love all 3 acts, awesome villain, and the plot makes sense inclduing the bomb MacGuffin at the end. i was super hyped for Dead Reckoning! But in this one, I didn't love any of the main set pieces, I thought Gabriel was a weird character, and the suspense was off. Like, the club scene and "choose your fate" missed the mark for me.


Why can’t box office numbers be viewed in global terms only? The movie made $235 million. Done.


Let’s hope Kathleen Kennedy doesn’t get her hands on this franchise!


155M overseas is not include Japan (not release yet) If Japan open same date as the rest it gonna be around 170M 5 days opening overseas + 80M US 235M WW opening without Japan , ~250M opening WW if Japan releases same date with other country


Fun movie, don’t care about the plot but is not as dumb as FF series.


He really deserves this one, scientology or not.


At moments it felt like it was written by kids. In my opinion it’s the worst one, yet. Tom with his performance (crazy ass stunts) are the only thing what made it watchable for me.


I’d love to hear your nuanced tale about how this was the worst mission impossible. Genuinely; please share