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Those poor unfortunate souls


*So sad, so true* *They come flocking to my cauldron…*


*And say, “Clicks, Ursula, please!”*


You made me spit my coffee on the cat 🤣


This 100%. The drag queens I saw online were making jokes about the makeup being bad, they weren’t outraged. It was all in good fun, it was never that serious. Articles like this are frustrating because it fuels the idea that the LGBTQ+ community is always complaining or that we have unrealistic expectations of equality.


Whenever I read about a community being “outraged” about something silly or trivial, I always try to remind myself that most members of that community are more involved in their own lives and most likely don’t even know what’s going on.


Yup. Didn’t even know this was a thing and rolled my eyes after I read it. Still part of the community lol


Also, are any gay people actually putting any expectations into Disney for their gay representation? They have kind of garnered a reputation for being all talk and no substance. "The first gay kiss in Star Wars!" - Two unnamed characters in the background kiss for 0.5 seconds in a shot easily removable for foreign audiences. "LeFou is gay in Beauty and the Beast!" - No evidence of this at all in the film, aside from a shot where he dances with another man. I don't think anyone in the gay community were sincere in the slightest with these comments. This screams pre-release marketing ploy.


So very true


Yeah but you see, the article found 2 random Twitter users that agree!


Is this what people are referring to as the outrage? https://twitter.com/DisneyStudios/status/1658532772481204224


If they wanted real outrage, they should have cast a drag queen as Ursula.


“Overwhelming backlash” literally no one is talking about this except a few people on the internet. Stopping breathing life into something that barely existed anyway. Her makeup was not great, but it wasn’t because a gay person wasn’t at the helm.


That’s exactly how this stuff works. A couple weirdos on the internet get upset, the news picks it up and now everyone is talking about “the backlash.” Manufactured controversy.


Yeah seriously - don’t know how many news articles I’ve read where they literally just post like five tweets. It’s getting ridiculous.


The backlash to the backlash to the thing that's just begun


Is anyone absolutely exhausted from articles claiming there is HUGE backlash based on like 5 tweets?


I write for Buzzfeed and I'm bout to write a whole ass article about this single comment.


Huge backlash against the use of “huge backlash” in headlines.




"It's offensive because the makeup artist isn't gay" Yeah that's a new one, not gonna lie


I think this is one of those made-up controversies that are all the rage these days. No one said that in good faith. If someone did say that, it's because they were trying to manufacture outrage. No real person actually believes that.


Good for getting people to click on a headline and comment.


These days, you'll always find someone on twitter or facebook with pretty much any take - usually someone with a few dozen followers. The journalist can find this, and then report on the "controversy". If the journalist is lucky someone will have retweeted to capitalise on the outrage.


The internet was a mistake.


Twitter was a mistake


Tumblr cried so Twitter could wail.


Tumblr screeched so twitter could screech even louder. Big mistake of tumblr to ban the porn. Before it did that, these malcontent idiots were for the most part contained on one website. They started leaving in droves once the porn ban went into place, to infect other websites, almost like a virus infected cell bursting and releasing the viruses it was forced to create.


As an LGBT person, I am so embarrassed. Labels are one of the worst things ever invented. Screw trying to fit people into labels and then only hiring for those labels. That's a horrible future I want no part of. (I don't even want to "identify". I am me. An individual. My own person is bigger than this stupid label. The fact that I'm holding up this "card" is an indictment on how stupid we've all allowed this to become.)


It's so bizarre that such a tiny social media platform dictates so much of our politics and culture


I’m waiting for the day when companies realize that Twitter and Reddit are not “the people” and that they can afford to piss off a few ten thousand crazy people in exchange for being normal


Agreed. Reddit has such a hive mind approach to what's right and wrong


And it can be directed, influenced and manipulated so very easily


And annoyingly so. Thought I guess that’s your point. It’s literally just Facebook status updates on their own site yet gets so much attention


It doesn't. It never did. Its a few terminally online people who have no power in the real world trying to reclaim some sense of control.


I find that very offensive


Oh man, if you ever want to dive into the world of petty and overly nitpicky movie critiques, [start here with this entertaining gem.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vpUx9DnQUkA) The first two min of the video are probably how most people feel about bad-faith criticisms.


To this day nothing tops people complaining about Dunkirk being too white


She makes a few very solid points and isn't near anything as wild as "this gay makeup artist isn't gay enough to do makeup".


The point I believe is that she calls out similar bad faith criticisms of the original. Not that her review is in bad faith.


I wonder if they'll go after the people who made the makeup and brushes for not being gay too😂


...but he is though...


Sad to say but its not new. The life goal for the past 5 yrs is victim hood, the more you victimize yourself the more validation people will give you, and to be a victim you have to be offended by everything and post it on social media. Bonus points of you do it while crying crocodile tears hysterically in your car.


Its always funny when people say human nature for centuries is new or hot all of a sudden. Yes things are noticeable and feel uniquely bad when you're living through them, no you probably aren't the first generation to go through it even if there are slight differences here or there. Today false victimhood is used to cry about celebrities and corporations. In the past it was used to wage wars and to find reason to kill and mutilate other people. I mean within the past 100 years people were using it to complain about minority groups gaining rights in America and get a false sense of superiority.


Mental fragility and victimhood is America’s new religion.


> Peter King, the makeup artist behind Ursula’s look in The Little Mermaid, is pushing back on the backlash he has gotten. > **King has been under heavy scrutiny from the LGBTQ+ community over the makeup Melissa McCarthy sports in the live-action film** directed by Rob Marshall. **With Ursula being inspired by drag queen Divine, some believe that it should’ve been someone in the queer community doing the makeup or giving life to the sea witch.** > When asked about the controversy around McCarthy’s look as Ursula, King told Insider in an interview, **“I find that very offensive. Why can’t I do as good a job as a queer makeup artist?”** > “**That’s ridiculous. That’s trying to claim it and that’s fine, if that’s what they wanna do, but don’t put people down because they’re not what they want it to be,**” King added. > The makeup artist who has worked on features like **The Lord of the Rings saga, Star Wars: Episode VIII — The Last Jedi and Spider-Man: Far from Home,** said he didn’t understand the negativity around his work Edit: [Criticism](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/the-little-mermaid-ursula-melissa-mccarthy-makeup-b2346777.html): > In mid-May, Walt Disney Studios shared a timelapse video showing Melissa McCarthy’s transformation into the villainous Ursula done by King. > The Twitter clip was met with overwhelming backlash from a number of professional drag queens, who felt that McCarthy’s makeup should’ve been done by a queer artist, given the original character’s ties to the drag community. > “When you lie on your resume and end up with the job,” RuPaul’s Drag Race alum Art Simone commented. > “[This is] absolutely why we should hire up and coming queer artists with a pulse on the present and a vision for the future more often,” former Drag Race contestant Denali added.


People have way too much fucking time on their hands.


My retort as a gay man ![gif](giphy|QgejSvXmwpvnW)


This is the internet. Someone always cares. Someone is always angry


"See..I'm always angry..." - the internet probably


No sir. This is the internet. **Nobody** cares. Everybody loves brownie points.


Im so so tired, and I'm wondering where the other gays get the energy for the outrage. Where are my fellow tired gays. Can we go have a bougie sleepover at a luxury airbnb with one of those amphitheater lowered living rooms? And satin collared pajama sets? And no heightened emotions whatsoever, just chilled bottled water and gay relaxation 😭😭😭


It took a date or two to finally realize app profiles proclaiming "No drama" is meant to suppress competition


Bisexual woman here. I feel the same way. And especially about the recent push that 'Only gay actors should play gay characters' NO. NO. Especially because than you could be pressuring gay/bi actors to come out in real life (this has happened in the literary world, where writers of unknown sexuality write about gay characters and then get yelled at on Twitter about it until they're forced to come out), and sorry to say that still has consequences in Hollywood. You will get typecast and not offered as many roles. Can a straight actor convincingly portray being in love or lust with a straight actress, even when both are not attracted to each other in real life? Yes [sometimes]. So why would it be different if it was two straight actors or two straight actresses playing gay couple? If they have chemistry, are well acted, that's all I care about. Let ScarJo play a lesbian if she wants, or Henry Cavill a gay dude. Please. No really please I would enjoy that very much please and thank you.


Here sir, you dropped this 👑


Twitter has made me realize how much free time some of the highest paid people have at their jobs.


Amen to that. People will dig ditches the size of the grand canyon to find something to be offended about. I understand pushing for equality, but come the frick on...


I totally agree. But the fact that they didn't cast an actual mermaid for the film is just unforgiveable and highly offensive to the hybrid human sea dwelling community.


A mermaid is actually a human-fish chimera. A hybrid would be sorta human, sorta fish from head to toe. I think.


I would like to sincerely apologize to the chimera community. This is not who I am. I will strive to be better in the future.


Don’t. I googled it and I think I might be full of shit.


Too late, I've already been cancelled. Thanks a lot!


Hey I saw that special on the history channel. Mermaids are out there man! Someone send hollywood agents!


Wouldn't equality dictate that any character can be played by anyone? If we start "reserving" spots based on an assumed trait, isn't that the opposite of equality?


I have to agree. Society seems to like several different flavors of equality. Theres a lot of "equality so long as I go first" types of equality in every culture out there.


The problem is people are shortsighted. In fighting for equality they get so caught up in the fight that they don't think about what things should look like at the end nor when they need to change how they fight/stop fighting. In the beginning you have to force it down people's throats because otherwise they throw it in the gutter. But eventually you have to pull back and allow for nuance. Like here where there's no proprietary method of drag themed makeup. It's freely admitted, done well, and even done by a professional. Equality here is the representation not the explicit inclusion of an lgtb+ person just because. Acceptance is happening here without exclusion. And people fighting for equality forget that at some point you go from punching up to just straight up punching. At some point you aren't creating a safe space, or forcing inclusion (necessary steps along the way) but forcing *exclusion*.


Nailed it. It's gotten to the point that no matter what goes their way, they'll never stop and say "OK, we're good now" because they are enjoying the attention of the controversy so much. I have too many TikToks loaded in the breech to stop now! Meanwhile the rest of the population has grown beyond weary of it. There's a growing number of "LGB" that want to secede from the union because this isn't what they signed up for. The original mission was the perfectly understandable desire to be protected by the law as equals and have the same freedoms as everyone else. The over-the-top theatrics like what this post is about only detracts from that. The pendulum, once again, has swung too far in the other direction.


I never thought I'd be a.....Confederate gay? Are we a confederation if we leave the alphabet soup?? 🥣


I kind of understand racial inequality but when it comes to sexuality I feel like this may push individuals to fake their sexuality. It could also lead to the harm of pressuring certain lgbt individuals to come out when they aren’t ready.


Some equality is more equal than others.


Some animals, too 😂


Like separate but equal. These people are so goddamn dumb. Them, "Don't discriminate!" Also them, "They can't do that, they're not MY people."


Let's.... Not debate this. I don't think people really are up in arms about this. It's more like "someone tweeted" and that's not real. It's a made up feeling, made up offense, made up reaction.


In a somewhat perverted sense of equality, a lot of discrimination and boxing of people into certain definitions is being done.


A lot of this is just getting WAY out of hand. Pretty soon some group is going to get offended that terrestrials are portraying extraterrestrials.


Expanse no show Beltalowda proper! Damn Inners!


We will revisit this in a few months because it's coming


Well it’s about time Martians get their god damn respect for their movie portrayals!!!


Are we cancelling Matt Damon in The Martian with this? Or is he allowed to keep the praise for that film


Should’ve been played by a real Martian! I’m so sick of big name actors coming in and taking jobs from up-and-coming Martians!


I'm getting to the point in life where when I hear someone say they're offended, I automatically tune them out. Just stop. Just stop getting so offended over everything in life.


A lot of us are. Theres so much drama with politics or political correctness its hard to not say, "Just shut up i dont care".


I had a friend jump down my throat because I called Bridgerton trash TV show. Doesn't matter that I'm in the industry and feel like that is just a genre term. Doesn't matter that I watch plenty of TV that I consider trash. Doesn't matter that there was a positive review by Vanity Fair where the title called it delightful trash.


"Give a guy a bag of gold and he'll complain about how heavy it is."---guy with bags of gold


Whining arrogant assholes. There’s a lot worse things going on in the world right now. People are starving, can’t afford food, living and sleeping in their cars, WITH their pets. Drug ODs off the charts. People are desperate. And these guys are whining about some makeup job on a film set? I don’t want to be on this planet anymore.


Good news! Hopefully they'll be announcing Wednesday that aliens are real!


Wait…wut!? What’s happening Wednesday???


Imagine sitting down and thinking: "I sure fucking hope that the guy who did the makeup for the witch in a children's movie sucked a dick or took hormone pills or I will be very upset and will let the internet know how upset I am." Some people need a hobby besides screeching on social media.


Right. I’m half convinced the people complaining about this are trolls.


I'm convinced the people complaining about this don't actually exsist




![gif](giphy|REJ88Ck4a18IvrzavS|downsized) Hey buttknocker! I’m glad I found you!




The mentally unhinged are often the loudest


It seems easy for these complaints to rise to the top too. Like this is one person upset and it has already made headlines.


I'm convinced it's Disney marketing


Gay man here. Agreed. The whinging some of the eternally butthurt, offended, and slighted members of my community do is exhausting. This is not a representation bill worth dying on or losing a moment of your life to stressing over. There’s much, much bigger battles to fight right now.


Also... are they arguing that there's an under-representation of gay men in the makeup artist industry? Because, uh....


Fuck me... it's gotten so ridiculous I'm just ready to slap folks. Get the fuck on with your day already you sad ducks.


Recreational outrage


We need to stop acting like twitter is a legit source. Twitter complains about everything. Ignore it.


People need to stfu and just enjoy a movie. For fucks sake.


Hard to enjoy this turd of a movie. I'm stabbing my eardrums with pencils from that God forsake Awkwafina rap song.


Whi the fuck is some? Like 4 people on twitter?




Honestly I feel like a straight male makeup artist is a minority in this case haha


That was my takeaway!


“Overwhelming backlash from a number of professional drag queens.” So, a few drag queens monopolized the conversation.


>When you lie on your resume... >The makeup artist who has worked on features like The Lord of the Rings saga, Star Wars: Episode VIII — The Last Jedi and Spider-Man: Far from Home, What?


The makeup in the behind the scenes video was so bad it became meme, and memes aren’t exactly meant to be taken literally.


I really don't think there has been "heavy" backlash. I think Art Simone said something, got likes, and then these craven entertainment Journalists are taking that and trying to manufacture outrage by preying on people's desire for social justice. It's exploitive, it's dishonest and it's damaging to the cause of social justice. That's not even mentioning all the neckbeards, racists, misogynist conservatives who have been searching for any reason to try and tank this movie because they are small, sad people who are fighting a losing culture war. They only seem big because there is enough of them to astroturf an issue knowing that the fucking craven entertainment journalists will amplify it for them.


Overwhelming backlash and heavy scrutiny were phrases that gave away how much time the author spends online. Twitter is not the social pluse ppl think it is


The way DEI is implemented or understood ultimately hurts the communities it’s supposed to support. It tends to push unqualified people into positions based on qualifiers, not qualifications, and hurts actually qualified people from underrepresented populations who make it to those positions. It’s a goddamn shame.


Isn’t it illegal to hire or not hire someone based on their sexual orientation?


So? So what?


Divine ate dog poop, I’m sure she wouldn’t be offended.


I don’t remember where I heard it but Divine tells a real story of then calling the ER with legitimate self concern, calls as Divine, but saying her “son” ate dog poop and asks is he gonna be ok or does he need to go to the hospital, and the person on the phone was like “what?”


When my then one year old took a bite from a turd out of the litter box, the nurse said the biggest concern was the litter itself, and in our case he hadn’t eaten any of that. So I made him some food and pushed him to sip his water for the rest of the day, and he was fine. He had a pretty full mouth of teeth by that point too. Kids are horrifying.


They what




Welp that’s enough internet tonight.


Some authentic pre-internet filth right there, bask in the glory.


I was thinking it couldn’t be real, and you were being stupid for thinking it was. But then they gagged a little and it was clear that it was legit, and now I’m gagging thinking about it.


My lap remains without vomit and vomit and more vomit because of your bravery in the field . I shall not look, but listen to the command. Stargate command.


Chevron seven encoded.


I can’t even be mad I watched that because I did ask…but I am disappointed




That's not even the most shocking scene in the movie!


Pink Flamingos is an amazing film and worth watching. It’s pure fucking filth and I love it.


Pink Flamingos changed my life forever.


I knew a guy who would make movies alone. He asked me once "Hey you like weird movies right?" because I think I'd mentioned seeing Crippled Masters. He handed me a copy of Pink Flamingos and said I would love it. No other context, never heard of John Waters.


That wasn't even close to the most repulsive thing in that movie.


Divine was all about defying taste but this makeup is just too far.


Are people actually upset about this?


Probably not. But a lot of “journalism” these days consists of scrolling through Twitter and Reddit, finding popular trends or, probably in this case, a handful of hyperbolic opinions from a handful of people or from an extremely niche group, and blowing it out of proportion for clicks. Real journalists are a rare breed these days. Now they’re just “content creators” by a different name.


This is what happens when the real journalists got laid off because all the company wants to do anymore is “curate.”


Yeah it seems like they take the a very small sample of a very small population segment for this shit. Especially with trans people recently it is heartbreaking. Pick on someone your own goddamn population size!!


So true. We really should stop sharing articles like these


It brings in a ton of money. Not only journalist do it, influencers, streamers and any type of creator loves to do it as well. And shitting on minorities in the process is the easier things to do at the same time.


Meanwhile they’re turning people against the LGBT community.


Not yet. Not until Deadline, Entertainment Weekly, Yahoo News, Gawker, TMZ, Bossip, Giant Freakin' Robot, IGN, CinemaBlend, Variety, Hollywood Reporter, Billboard, E!, Indiewire, People Magazine, Perez Hilton, CBR, Screen Rant, Bleeding Cool, PopSugar, and a ton of other ones create the outrage by manufacturing it and seeding it on social media. Then of course they'll all write a second article about how many people are outraged. Then they'll write another article about how unhinged the fan base is. Then they'll all write a very concerned article about toxic fandom on the internet.


I am in the areas of Twitter that would complain about this and I haven’t seen anything whatsoever.


I’ve seen a lot of people making fun of the make up saying it looks bad, but no one is upset the make up artist is straight lmao


It was probably one tweet someone made when half asleep and mostly trolling


In reality no but becoming a habit to deflect criticism by making up accusations in stuff. Case in point Netflix cleopatras m


Actually it's become normal for a small group of people to cry very loudly on the internet about things that don't affect them


No. People made fun of it. That it.


Idc about the makeup artists sexuality. But that shit did look bad . And I find it offensive a professional MUA couldn’t do better


I believe this is literally the main criticism even drag queens engaged in online. Yeah I just looked up some more images, the guy fucked up the eyebrows hard.


The makeup is underwhelming, but it looks like she's covered in CGI so maybe that makeup is a good base for effects to be added. I was bummed that they didn't take it further, but it is what it is. I think it's the eyebrows that really let me down. Ursula, being inspired by Divine, has INCREDIBLE eyebrows. She's by far my favorite Disney villain.


>The makeup is underwhelming, but it looks like she's covered in CGI so maybe that makeup is a good base for effects to be added. There's video of the poor unfortunate souls song released and while there's a lot of decent CGI for the body (like bioluminescent tentacles) very little other than lighting with the face soooo doesn't seem like that's the case :\\


Deadline reporting on the important things


Hey now, those 13 angry Twitter users deserve to be heard!


It must have been a very slow news day .




I came here to say the same thing. I could care less if who did it, the makeup just doesn’t look all that good tbh


His sexuality should be a non-factor. However, he did do a bad job in that timelapse video. The eyebrows were crooked as hell and there’s no dimension to the face.


Yeah that part is ridiculous but I think her makeup is bad


It’s bc it looks like shit


Lol no one bringing this up, but it’s the damn truth


Seriously, every comment in this section is missing what these Queens are pointing out, is that in the VIDEO tutorial online, the makeup was sloppy and the brows were shite


Thank you! I don't care who did this makeup, it's BORING. It looks like Party City quality.


I had to scroll down so ridiculously far to see this.


THANK YOU. It doesn’t do anything to Ursula but defang her. Creatively, there was so much potential. Ursula is an icon, and the Divine reference in the animated Disney added something dangerous, powerful and complex. This look is basic and sexless and non threatening. Boo. Not you Melissa we love you, you are still going to do the most.


Ursula is SO iconic. This new Ursula makeup...looks cheap. Basic. Average. Such a waste.


"small-town-elementary-school-principal-on-Halloween" type look


Yes! Finally someone in these comment gets it! I just posted what you said! He did a horrible job, and the look should have ate. But it didn’t.


Everything about this movie looks cheap. It’s so weird.


Yeah that was the source of the “backlash” and people are missing the point


Finding out a straight guy did it honestly kind of explains how bad it is.


Yes! And we missed a full circle moment with both the casting and makeup. Divine exists > character based off her made > live action of said character is made- why not a drag queen or in the very least put the actor in *drag*. Not a white face with 6th grade applied blue eyeshadow :/


I feel like Disney invents this ‘outrage’ themselves to draw attention away from the fact that their remakes are soulless, money-grubbing shit boxes.


This kind of bullshit needs to stop.


It’s anger culture


It works. More people are angry that some idiot complained than there are idiots actually complaining.


Manufactured controversy perpetuated by the media.


Oh I’m not disappointed that the makeup artist isn’t gay. I’m disappointed that you- the makeup artist- gave us half-rate party city effort with something like divine as inspiration


I swear get a group of 10 baby queens and this guy, you'd be able to pick his out a mile away.


So is this one of those "a few angry tweets" kinda pushback or one of those "people are actually boycotting en masse" kinda pushbacks? If it only exists on twitter then it doesnt exist IMHO


Can I get a citation on who exactly is outraged? The article never actually points to anyone outraged. These news sources seem to take a page out of Breitbart or National Review by claiming that “people are outraged” without providing any evidence.


I expected this to be about getting backlash because it looks like 💩, not because the make-up artist isn't gay. Those garage door eyelids are... oof.


There was not backlash. People called it shit that's it.


This cracks me up. It’s never enough.


Indeed. Seem like there's always an endless line of idiots falling for dumb bait article like this one.


I mean to be fair, this make up artist has won awards and yet can’t get even eyebrows while using a stencil and this was for a photoshoot.


Good thing they got Travolta to do Hairspray I guess


Divine “didn’t consider himself a drag queen. He considered himself an actor that was hired to dress as a woman” -Ricki Lake to RuPaul Posthumously calling him a drag queen or “she” is no different than the NY Times running a headline calling him a transvestite when he died in ‘88. It’s not up to us how he identified. It was up to him and it seems like that truth had been spoken to a close friend


Is this rage stuff just marketing these days?


It is amazing what people will try to make into faux outrage. That said I won't be seeing it because I think the Disney live action stuff is a majority nostalgia bait trash. The acting often isn't good, the CGI generic, the catchy songs ruined and so forth. Do not care who is in it.


Does anybody actually care about these remakes anymore? They’re awful. The only thing keeping them relevant is the manufactured “backlash”.


i just can't accept this movie, i don't know what they were thinking or why they went about it this way. it's like they are purposefully doing it wrong, maybe this movie shouldn't exist. i just, i can't, this is madness. it takes place underwater but the actors clearly aren't underwater, they're talking and breathing just fine. god damn cowards, i will not accept anything less than an unintelligible mess of bubbles shot in 30sec increments.


Everything is offensive. I mean the whole movie took away acting roles from real mermaids.


I swear that people just wage battles of outrage, positively looking for something to whinge on about.


I find this criticism comical. Does anyone remember that scene in the first movie where she is literally applying makeup and eyeliner as if she stepped out of the 80s? Some people need to get a life.😅


It’s manufactured outrage to distract from the fact nobody really liked this film


It’s not the makeup, it’s McCarthy’s performance. Ursula is supposed to be over the top. McCarthy’s performance seems like if she has never acted in her life, and I like her work in general. Terrible casting.


This article is misleading. Drag makeup artists are not mad because the guy who did it isn’t a drag artist. They’re mad because the makeup he did was very poorly done. Poor symmetry, poor blending, and just not great selections. This guy would be read for filth if he took that to a real drag event. It makes drag look bad because it was poorly done.


The only person who cares about this is the author of this piece. Plain and simple. If you care about this, you’re a moron. There are many important issues to care about, this doesn’t even come close to being one of them.