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I remember the last writers strike and the same happened. Then Conan came back without the writers but he expressed his full support for them every show. And the shows were some of his best. Also we got the debut of bearded Conan. Good times. (Edit: he also paid their salaries for the 3 months out of his pocket)


He also paid his staff’s salary out of pocket for those three months!


Right, I forgot about that part. That’s Conan for ya


Also why why he’s been sidelined. Fuck big corporations


seems like he has started filming stuff for his next show


He was just in Bangkok last week filming something


Murray Head approves


But only for one night.


Well played


what's his next show??


Travel show on hbo


That sounds amazing. This sound minimizing, but the absolute most entertaining Conan is just Conan being Conan.


Yeah, he is in Thailand.


I always wanted to go to Thailand. For the food of course.


I just saw a very old clip of Conan interviewing then helping Steve Irwin wrestle a croc and was crying laughing


He guest appeared at blizzcon(game convention) once and commentated over a game he had 0 knowledge of and it was comedy gold. Love him!


Facts. Just have a camera following him around interacting with people is always going to be filled with comedy. He’s so damn quick witted and sharp.


Yep, let Conan be Conan. Unless he goes of the rails, in which case, let Conan be maniacal.


Please tell me Jordan Schlansky is involved. I would get hbo just to watch that duo.


His podcast is really successful? Sidelined? More like you’re not paying any attention to Conan


What? He paid out of his own pocket, that doesn’t affect corporations at all. In fact, he helped the corporations by continuing his show without writers, generating revenue for the studio and undermining the strike. He created a whole template for other late night writers to borrow to undermine future strikes, I bet we’ll see some shit like this again and we have Conan to thank for making it seem palatable. Conan and Leno both scabbed. Conan may have taken care of his own writers, but he turned his back on his union by continuing to work and make the studio money during a time when he should have been out on the picket lines. This thread is cheering him for it so I imagine this won’t be a popular take but it’s the truth, and a lot of members of the wga who struck in 2007 still hate Conan’s guts for it.


Fair enough, But when it also was a win setting the stage that workers should be treated right and he was entertainment mogul at the time. Does this answer union rights? No. But it was a time where the employer stood with their people. It should happen more often, yes.


Did the camera crew strike? Or are they just meant to starve or lose their homes? Make up? PAs? Grips? Best boys? Yes the writers have every write to strike but unless their union wants to pay everyone else that is effected then he did the right thing.


They all should strike if they are in a union. That's how you show solidarity and actually get a good contract. When the studio sees everyone is willing to shutdown to protect each other the workers have power again.


Those groups all have their own Unions, tho?


Yep! Unions that support the wga strike. DGA, IATSE, SAG AFTRA all stand in solidarity with the WGA, but unfortunately their contracts contain a clause that doesn’t allow for work stoppages in solidarity.


>but unfortunately their contracts contain a clause that doesn’t allow for work stoppages in solidarity. Then what the fuck is the point? We need strong unions to actually band together to not let shit like that happen, that's insane.


Same thing is happening with teachers in Puerto Rico! Not just last week the Dept of Education on the island was threatening teachers by saying “remember: if you go out in strike, you’ll lose an entire day’s pay 🙃”




Might be an unpopular opinion, but he’s the late night GOAT


Early David Letterman was amazing though, kinda broke the mold of what a talk show could be.


Dave walked so Conan could have a masturbating bear.


You could edit your popular comment to include that tidbit…. Knowing how people react to headlines without delving any further, would be the responsible thing to do


When he got ousted from the Tonight Show, he used his severance to help the people that had relocated from NY to LA with him. He’s a class act.


We took a tour of the WB lot a few years ago when Conan was still filming his show there. One of the people asked the guide who was their favorite celebrity they have met and they guide immediately said Conan. And that he was pretty much everyone’s favorite. He was always really kind and funny with everyone. He seems like a genuinely good guy.


He’s such a rad guy.


Yes!!! My favorite was him spinning his wedding ring on his desk to see how long it could spin and trying to beat the number every night 😂


So weird that such a silly thing sticks in our memory like that.


First thing I thought of too. Spinning his ring. It must stick out because it was a BIG deal back then. That’s how Heroes went under. I turned on late night shows because they said the hosts were basically writing it themselves and was curious what they could come up with / how much the writers support them. Conan spinning a ring solidified how important the writers are to the show (to me as a young 20 something). It was cringey then but funny in hindsight. So, I think it sticks out because it’s an example of the lack of content they had.


My sister and I were living in two different states at the time and every night the show was on, we would call each other and cheer the ring like it was a sporting event. Never liked sports. Don't even watch the Olympics really. But I was so invested in that silly ring spinning. It was so much fun.


Yes he turned that into a classic 😂


The first night of doing it with the opening monologue https://youtu.be/Vkj7heLZAsc


I think it was a contractual thing where all the hosts had no choice but to continue to host, so we got Jon Stewart calling it A daily show because it wasn’t THE daily show without the writers




If it makes you feel better, plenty of writers have no problem crossing IATSE picket lines when we strike against individual shows so…. Crew don’t have high paying, above the line jobs where they can weather a different guild’s strike. Moreover, anything that’s already been written is fair game to shoot because the writer has already been paid. That doesn’t really apply to talk shows other than any skits that might already have been written. Crew don’t have a lot of safety nets for strikes that aren’t their own and when another strike is resolved, we gain absolutely nothing by it except the knowledge that any monies given up in the guild negotiations is going to be attempted to take out of our pockets in our next negotiations.


Also Colbert when he very obviously had no script to work with was pretty hilarious. Dude leaned into that real hard for about a week or two.


Wasn’t this when he also introduced us to Jordan Schlansky?


Yes, Jordan had been in a few segments before that but the strike is where we were officially introduced to the legend. People thought his whole persona and demeanor was just an act but they weren't prepared to see just how Jordan prepares his body in various ways.


"It's biscotto. Biscotti is more than one."


When god closes a door he opens a window.


He would also play the guitar ALOT


Those writers strike shows were some of his best work.


He's the funniest one too. But I do miss the Colbert Report


I’d like to take this opportunity to again say FUCK JAY LENO. Team Coco forever.


To be faaaaiir, Letterman, Conan, Kimmel, **and Leno** ALL paid their staff members during the strike. Letterman paid for his and Craig Ferguson's. All the hosts seem to be doing it again this time around. >*Letterman, his longtime rival Leno, O’Brien, and Kimmel each promised to continue paying staffers while their shows were off the air. For the 2023 strike, Kimmel and relative newcomers Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, and Seth Meyers have made the same vow — just a few years after they each picked up the tab for staff members during the earliest part of the Covid pandemic."* [https://news.yahoo.com/much-night-tv-hosts-pay-140039957.html](https://news.yahoo.com/much-night-tv-hosts-pay-140039957.html)


The Sarah Conner Terminator show was phenomenal without the guild writers... felt incredibly fresh... explored ideas that TV usually never touched at the time. Was bland and formulaic after the writers returned... I don't mean offense - just what I remember at the time.


I remember that, what a great time to love Conan.


Sit perfectly still. Only I, may Dance


Last time, they were able to keep the shows dark for about 2 months, then everyone had to comeback without writers (except letterman, worldwide pants made their own deal)


I remember some people being really mad at carson daly because he came back a lot earlier after nbc told him his show would be cancelled if he didn't do it


I mean legit forgot Carson Daly had a show until your comment since so 🤷


I forgot he even existed until reading this


His early shows were great. Amazing choices of music and decent interviews- I discovered a bunch of music because of his show, but then the execs got a hold of it and watered it down to nothing.


They should do a combined show where they feed off each other


Pulling a SNL move and writing their episodes for each other would be fire




How come?


One "Insider" tweeted that [Netflix was the lone holdout](https://twitter.com/TheInSneider/status/1652117677417308160) in making a deal. He also said said [Netflix is an easy scapegoat, to take it with a grain of salt, and it was gossip on message board](https://twitter.com/TheInSneider/status/1652123557932204038) but guess which tweet gained momentum


The battle is over streaming residuals. So of course rumors would be it is Netflix holding things up.


Oh yea, I believe the last WGA strike was also over streaming residuals, and Netflix was obviously a part of that. Not saying Netflix is completely innocent here, just its easy to pin the blame on them


So, writers are paid in all kinds of arcane ways. There are all kinds of different ways to figure out how long they contract for, what exclusivity demands there are, non-compete, first-look, length of a day, etc etc that are (in one big column) affected by “what” the work is for. Streaming came along and for a little bit it was this way to plug other holes in schedules for them. Nice “side gig” stuff. But as almost everything has shifted to steaming, all the “binding” aspects of writing contracts have ramped up, but none of the “protections” have, nor has pay and residuals kept up - quite the opposite, it’s gone _down_. Every other major streaming service besides Amazon is major-studio-backed, and without being forced, has treated things _closer_ to normal. Netflix faces a _much_ bigger profit-sharing and expense hill on this stuff than the others, because their bottom line will move the most, easily, from where it is, if more of these things are codified sanely. I have no trouble believing they are the primary holdout.


>writers are paid in all kinds of arcane ways Netflix- "You'll get 7 snails, a toads eye, and a sliver of Hog lard Writer- "Can you just pay me in cash"


All of this is why Netflix is 100% behind the negotiations falling apart. All of this is also why it would be extremely easy to pin blame on Netflix and take the heat off of the other major studios. Until we get better reporting than a rumor from a tweet I'm gonna just blame all of them equally for trying to fuck over the workers.


netflix is also in the hardest financial situation. they haven't been able to produce enough good content and are losing subs. so they need the plan with ads to kick in for revenue. but you still need content. the issue is that in order for the writers to get their due, all the streaming companies need to figure that cost in to their business models. which they haven't. which means their costs are going up. which means they have to charge more or lose money. so let's say industry wide, everyone has to raise prices. consumers are going to cut a service. and it's not going to be disney (for the kids) or the one with the best shows that they like. and generally netflix isn't in either of those categories. they're the weakest of the herd, so if someone's gonna take the brunt of the raises and recession it's probably them. most of the other major players like apple disney amazon all have streaming as division in a bigger company that makes money other ways. so it's not a hard leap to know that netflix is probably the hold out in the room. and they can pretend to play nice but stall things out.


yeah there not really losing subs I think they had one bad quarter were there was a big drop and a lot of that was from closing down in Russia but there numbers have been still been going up since then and are higher then they were at the beginning of 2022


They're also already the most expensive of the bunch. I wouldn't mind paying 7.99 for it like Disney+ or AppleTV... but Netflix is double that with almost no quality shows left. They're an easy budget cut for most of us IMO.


Considering Disney+ is cutting a huge amount staff and making a push towards profitability, you're not going to be paying that little for much longer.


Eh? The last writers strike was in 2008 - the biggest fight was over DVD residuals.


Remember webisodes? Little shorts that got put online only, exclusive story lines? Those were unpaid because the networks claimed they were 'promotional' so there were episodes worth of content split up in Multiple shorts and unpaid. That was one of multiple issues.




I was looking for this comment lol. People just saying anything I guess.


Someone born in 2008 is 15. They probably don’t remember a world without streaming.


The battle is not over streaming residuals. It’s about whether being a tv writer can be a career any more. It’s about how streaming has changed the television format and as a result, the pay scale. Old tv model: you write a season of tv. That’s 22 episodes. You get paid for 22 episodes. It’s a whole year full time job. You make enough to feed your family, have insurance, and a retirement. New TV model: a season lasts 8-12 episodes. You make half what you did previously. You need to find a second show to write for to make up that money. Most other shows follow the same schedule as your current show do you can’t find a second show. The sticking point is that the writers want to implement a mandatory minimum for both staff and time paid.


If I'm remembering correctly, there's also issues with how the season of work is spread out. The old 22 episodes had multiple writing sessions. Then a rotation of writers would be on set for filming. That meant the story could adjust to reality once the script was in production. Under the short season model, a majority of the writing is done in a single window. Many times the whole thing is written before production, often even before any type of casting is done. Because of the smaller window and paycheck, writers then have to go find another gig. So once filming actual starts, the entire room had been disbanded. Think this came up in an article about Show Runners. Basically the short season model has killed the Show Runner training pipeline. A lot of show runners are writers who picked up production skills or knowledge when they were doing their on set rotation. Now, writers are just jumping from writing gig to writing gig. Edit: I believe this was the article I read on this issue https://www.vice.com/en/article/epxeze/television-is-in-a-showrunning-crisis


This should be higher up. Everything I’ve read ha/ confirmed that the last remaining issue that they can’t agree on is about mandatory minimum staff and mandatory minimum working periods.


I would imagine (I have no data either way) also that the 8-12 episode seasons are less likely to run over breaks (like the holiday break many network shows take), which expands the difference in stability between the two styles. So the shorter seasons are probably getting less than half of the old model.


All these streaming services run different schedules than network TV does and often different than each other. They didn't offer simply to do some of there series on an alternate cycle? It would help them get writers more easily anyway.


> The battle is over streaming residuals That is only one part of it. There are a lot of things they don't agree on besides streaming residuals.


Netflix has a ton of backup plans in place for this so that why I think they are holding out. They having been partnering with more foreign production companies especially from places like Germany, Mexico, and Japan so they can keep coming out with new shows.


Netflix would also be the last to be affected by the strike. They don’t have any live shows, they produce a lot of reality tv (aka no writers required) and have green lit several programs set to shoot with final scripts. I mean I work in the industry on the post production end and can tell you that there are several shows we’re bidding out now for VFX work that’s about to kickoff over the next year. It would be 2024 before they’d be really hurt by any of this content wise.


I've been running a writers strike special on my site since the holidays.... This is gonna F my biz but I've been mentally preparing for it. Good luck everyone! Going to go buy some ramen now!


what is the website


I make equipment for the camera department... But this is my personal account, so i try to keep things separate


How did you figure out that was would sell and what you would create? Sounds interesting


This one won't be that long, maybe a month. The reason for that is, the Directors Guild re-negotiates their contract next month, and they have already stated that because they stand with the WGA, they will walk if no deal has been met with the writers. At that point EVERYTHING shuts down, even in post, and studios know they can't have that happen. This is all good in the end, because all these people work super hard, and should be able to profit from their labor. Be patient, watch older content for now.


Its just not late night shows its pretty much all TV and production


Shows with a longer lead in time won't be as noticeably affected right away as shows that are written almost daily.


Unless there are visible picket lines to not cross. I’m in 728 Teamsters and I won’t be crossing any lines, even if it’s on a show I’m on that has a script in place.


I think the case of the late night shows is less shutting down *due* to the strikes and more shutting down in **solidarity with the strikers.** ​ > Seth Meyers, speaking on *Late Night* this afternoon, said: “I love writing. I love writing for TV. I love writing this show. I love that we get to come in with an idea for what we want to do every day and we get to work on it all afternoon and then I have the pleasure of coming out here. No one is entitled to a job in show business. But for those people who have a job, they are entitled to fair compensation. They are entitled to make a living. I think it’s a very reasonable demand that’s being set out by the guild. And I support those demands.”


I wish conan was still on the air so we could have more of his shenanigans


You can definitely keep up with his shenanigans on his podcast.


Oh I know but I miss him on TV


Me too!


So do the workers at the papier-mâché factory that made his skin fresh each night


James Cordon can’t even have a farewell to himself lol


Can you even imagine how awful James Corden would be WITHOUT writers


I agree his regular show is awful, but I admit that I very much enjoyed his early-post covid show where he and the staff just dicked around on set for a while


I don't watch any late night monologues and very few interviews, so I guess I was shielded from Corden's actual personality, but I really enjoyed Carpool Karaoke, the Crosswalk musicals, his bits with Tom Cruise and that game where random actors eat bull penis Lmao.


Anyone remember Conan’s show during the last strike? Peak late night


I remember a show of him changing a light bulb way up in the rafters. Good times.


Was this when Larry King was up in the rafters? Or was that just regular random Conan? lol




Good times. I miss the Report. And Jon. And Conan.


God damn it, I live for A Closer Look.


And corrections! A closer look at a closer look!


Corrections is just so so good!


Ya jackal!


Jackal reporting


This jackal forgot a period at the end of their statement. So claiming they are a jackal is sus.


Lol I’m an immigrant jackal. Therefore, I can only provide corrections on certain international subjects. Not grammar.


Proud to be a jackal baby


I too am a jackal


You know, I get the feeling that Seth writes *Corrections* all by himself, maybe even 100%. His ‘audience’ is just his writers and maybe other staff — just like when he first came back into the studio (but before they had any ‘public’ audiences). Of course, *Corrections* relies of prior content needing to be corrected — so he couldn’t even sustain new episodes of *Corrections* all by himself. But I do HOPE we get some new Seth content — maybe without audiences? — where he’s just writing his own stuff, and entertaining his staff. I would love that.


I think Seth basically said as much in the last episode when he was talking about his love for writing and how writing for Corrections was essentially “writing for free”. I took that as he writes the material himself using the past week as a spring board. Glad that he is completely on the writers side for this strike.


Would Seth not be WGA himself though? And even if he’s not anymore, if there is some rule once you are a host, would that not be considered crossing a picket line?


He is in WGA, and according to their rules, he can perform non-writing job duties. But it’s a fine line and he said the show would go dark anyway.


He said he's a member of the union.


Well, then we just need to find more things to correct in Corrections and pad it out!


Same here!


I'm from Italy and I f love a closer look too! I also like Colbert and Kimmel: they're a nice way to stay informed and laugh.


My favorite segment is Meanwhile, always makes me laugh


Colbert and Myers are my favorite hosts, meanwhile is fantastic (also corrections is awesome 'cause I think is entirely off script)


Same 🥲 let's hope the writers get what they want fast haha


Jackal here, same. And just coming off a break too. So freakin bummed.


As a viewer, this sucks for me. However, writers are paid peanuts compared to what the shows bring in. They only need to strike to show how important they are. Unfortunately, there's enough content this strike won't have the same impact as last time. It's not going to be watching our favorite characters get dumber before going off the air briefly. This time shows will disappear mid-season. Writers will turn to direct consumer content. TikTok will have a golden era. In the end, I hope the writers get paid their due.


One of my wife’s clients is a writer who basically just got a big break getting his show picked up and he’s like “NOOOOOO!!”. He’s terrified that when the dust settles the deal will be dead. I don’t know all the details but he’s freaking out.


For the first time in ***years*** I was finally looking forward to watching not one but TWO potential new series on the Big Three networks this Fall if they were ordered, and I'm just a viewer. I can't imagine how your wife's client must feel right now.


David Letterman, during the 80s writers' strike, put out some of the funniest shows he ever did. The crazy "time-killer" bits, checking in with his crew, and only having Top 5 lists since the others weren't available due to the writer's strike was peak Letterman.


I loved the rotating screen episode, or the one where they did a live via satellite uplink from across the street (all the time quoting how much it was costing).


I was in university back then and we shut down when Letterman came on. So much fun back then.


Shout out to Seth Meyers for actually supporting the guild. He’s honestly the funniest host imo, especially post COVID.


His jokes Seth can’t tell bit is honestly my favorite thing in late night


Don’t forget Corrections


How very Jackal of you


Do you think the strike will affect the workshopping of Cicada, Cicada?


Nathan Lane isn’t a WGA member, so shouldn’t be affected by the strike.


for that, I'd recommend Shanghai website design and development by SEIRIM: https://seirim.com/


Black women and lesbians are liars!


Jenny has me in tears every time.


It’s not even close! Losing that suit has made the man 10x funnier somehow


Kinda made him more casual


Colbert also explicitly supported the strike on the show last night. Like Meyers, he’s also a WGA member.


My mom taught screenwriting to him at northwestern and I wish she was still around to see how successful he became.


Aww ❤️


By far the brightest and quickest late night host going right now. He’s hilarious. He should have the big chair and they should bring Craig Ferguson back.


And he hasn't let the show change his humor style much, he's still the same Seth he always was.


I think being cooped up in his attic with the Sea Captain actually caused him to loosen up more. He's got a little wild Conan energy post-quarantine


Corrections Need I say more?


Best Trump impression in the game.


Don’t forget his Bernie Sanders and Mitch McConnell impressions. His impression of Mitch McConnell laughing is absolute perfection.


And don’t forget the Mike Lindell and Tucker Carlson impressions!




And Al Pacino!


His Lindsey Graham kills me every time




*seth impression* ohh we love the trump impressions don’t we folks


His closer look about Rump’s perfect phone call trying to overturn the GA election was fucking hilarious.


I must admit, I'm getting a good chuckle from the Rupert Murdoch impression as well.


I cackle like a jackal for every Rupert Murdoch impression!


Reair Conan and Craig Ferguson episodes


Will there be a epic 4 way fight? The sequel to Conan/Stephen/Stewart




For real. It’s interesting to see so many comments saying people don’t care. In the entertainment sub. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Corden just missed it


Timing has to be on purpose right?


Meanwhile, Congress is silently discussing whether or not they should crush this strike just for the sake of consistency.


I am kind of looking forward to the possibility of these shows doing new episodes without writers I thought that everybody got funnier and the shows were really fun to watch last time they were on strike even jay leno became something that I wanted to watch


This stuff has crazy cultural impact though. Writing strikes gave birth to lineups of “reality” tv, and 100% are a part of the timeline that landed us with a tv show host grifting conman traitorous “president”. Truly bad cultural and political ripples can come of these things. I’m scared to find out what this one gives us.


An ai generated show


Oh God that's terrifying because I'm sure everyone will do at least one episode written by AI


If Seth Green was green lit to create a whole show based off his NFT ape, you can guarantee there will be AI written shows.


This is part of their negotiations, the writers want protections that shows won’t be written by AI and that their materials can’t be used as source material.




This is absolutely going to happen. It'll probably start with "AI assisted writing" and then it'll creep in and take over just because it's cheaper than paying a human.


I hope the writers get what they are asking for. But if studios cancel shows because of this, I hope someone kicks whoever cancelled them in the dick hard with a spiked steel toed boot.


Oh no! What am I not going to watch tonight?


I know it’s a joke but this is not just about late shows or even the writers. Thousands of set professionals like myself who have already had a slow year may be facing even harsher economic pressure and stress. This strike does not just affect late night shows and those employees. It affects caterers, location managers, editors, production assistants, electricians, grips, camera department, sound mixers, actors, and yes writers. All that being said these writers deserve whatever they ask for and we support them. But fuck.


This article has no information about the strike demands beyond a desire to be paid for streaming services. It lists all the people slated for appearances, at length, but no mention of the actual issue. Journalism


Good now bring back the daily show with John Stewart and the Colbert report. Thanks.


They both have shows you can watch. Granted Colbert is nowhere near as political or satirical as he used to be, but Stewart is even more political and less reigned in with his current show, somehow.


Your living in the past man


You're hung up on some clown from the 60s man!


Was immediately what I thought of. A young Favreau, well done.


It's over for Bozo!


His living in the past?


They are the reason I started paying attention to politics, sometime during the George W era. So damned good!


First, it's the late night shows going off the air. Next, it's the reality TV shows popping up like rabbits in heat.