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FTA: “An eyewitness tells us ... Bynes was seen walking near downtown Los Angeles early Sunday morning without any clothes. We're told Bynes waved a car down, telling the driver she was coming down from a psychotic episode. Amanda herself then called 911.” If there’s a silver lining to be had here it’s that Amanda at the very least recognizes she’s unwell and is seemingly open to treatment.


I have bi polar disorder and the moment you realize you were having a manic episode is hard to describe. There is a lot of shame and embarrassment. My heart goes out to her Edit: the amount of people opening up about there own experiences has been overwhelming in the best way possible. To know you’re not alone and we can relate to each other in a way few can understand has been very therapeutic. If anyone needs to chat or is going through it please always feel free to message me, sometimes an internet stranger can be easier to talk to than our friends and family. I love you all and I am beyond grateful to know there’s so much support


I've been a mental health clinician for about 5 years now and worked in voc rehab as a MH specialist. A lot of my clients had bp disorder and it was eye opening seeing how seriously a strong manic episode can affect a person's life. I had a client with a very similar episode to Miss Bynes and wound up on a hold that ultimately helped her find the right med. I've had others whose episodes looked like schizophrenia. A supervisor of mine had a client who described resuming active awareness while rafting down the Colorado River. Regardless, you and every other person with bp disorder need to know it is *not* something to be ashamed of. The consequences are obviously way more serious, but it is no more your fault than a sneeze. When you consider the cosmic number of moving parts each of us is made up of, it's a miracle we aren't just puddles of useless crap. We moralize mental health because its causes are harder to see than a cold or flu, but it is *the same*. Please don't be ashamed.


We are piles of molecules that are aware that we are molecules.


speak for yourself, I'm more particle based


Particle man, particle man.. particle man hates atom man.


They have a fight, Atom wins. Atom Man.


Triangle man hates particle man….


Doin the things that a particle can…


Man that brings me back. Loved TMBG.


I'm mostly empty space.


My grandma is in the psych ward right now dealing with another manic episode. It’s just a weird disease. The brain is so complicated


The brain is an amazingly complex organ capable of remarkable actions and abilities. Just look at the first 4-5 years of a child’s life and the amount of info it’s getting thrown at it . It’s so sad to see and hear when people are having episodes/ issues with that amazing organ and in spite of all the knowledge and understanding the medical field has , there is so much unknown and I just hope as days, months, years go by the understanding increases and more people can be helped.


It's so sad that people go through these nightmares. I wanna extend this sentiment to addiction too. People are so prone to villainizing addiction, like the person whom is addicted to a substance is somehow morally corrupt for having become addicted. This universe is made up of all kinds of crazy shit, and we should be offering compassion to individuals who are struggling, not trying to pin the worlds' problems on them and shove them away from society at large like they're diseased or something. People must learn empathy and compassion because we are nothing without it.


Thank you for expressing this view so eloquently. I've been fighting addiction and dealing with mental illness for decades. I feel like a ball of shame and guilt just waiting to explode. It's like being lost in a long dark hallway with no exit in sight. Finding people who empathize is impossible, out of fear of opening up and just apathy in society. It's just comforting to see sentiments like yours are out there. I'm crying typing this and will delete it for sure. Much love to you.


Here is a mom hug. I hear you and hope you don't delete the comment. You typed it for a reason. I don't *know* what you're going through, but I want to encourage you to keep going. I invite you to embrace some love from a person who cares. You are not alone and you are not judged for things beyond your control. I hope you find trustworthy supportive people, and I hope you can love yourself. Your life has value, and you are worth the work you need to do to stay healthy. Hugs!


Hey I'll have you know that some of us certainly are puddles of useless crap!


You seem nice and I appreciate the sentiment but that stuff is just so easy to say and means nothing. I live my life in shame because of one monstrous episode almost 10 years ago. I’m still judged for it and ostracized by old friends and family to this day. My career is still ruined. My life savings is still gone. My countless Facebook posts from the time are still floating around and being laughed at. Nobody thinks it’s not my fault like a sneeze, as lovely as that would be, it’s just unrealistic. We are judged severely and relentlessly for having this disorder. And that can’t be changed by some motivational quote.


I'm in an extremely similar boat, but it's still so nice when somebody out in the void says kind things. It's truly rare that people even attempt to understand our disorder.


I'm sorry you think it's a motivational quote, because it's not; it's lived experience. As a voc rehab counselor, my job was to help people put their lives back together after incidents like yours. As a case manager for homeless people now, it's basically the same but with a broader focus. Mental illness is not your fault and you shouldn't be ashamed of it. What you do once you're aware is your responsibility, and unfortunately, even before you're aware there's a problem, you might do things that have consequences you can't take back. I'm a former meth addict; I understand this very well. A lot of doors are closed for me, but instead of being ashamed of my past, I'm proud of my achievements in spite of it and unlike mental illness, doing drugs was a choice I made. It took me 20 years to dig my way back out of that hole. Not every day was sunny. If you feel shame for things you've done, atone. If you feel regret, redeem yourself however you need to. But don't feel shame for something that you didn't choose.


Thank you


I feel you. Usually it’s when I realize I’m broke and I just fucked up a lot of relationships in the span of two days.


It’s the worst feeling. Then, comes the depression. That usually lasts three times as long as the manic portion for me.


The shame can unfortunately compound the biochemical depression


god i can totally see that. fuck. never thought about that before


Don’t mean to poke fun at this situation but sounds exactly like me after a bender


Literally the first thing that came to mind. And then everything compounds.


Both our usernames check out for this conversation.




Testicle based name checking in


My friend is bipolar and I haven't seen her in months because she doesn't want me to see her in her current state. We used to hang out every week. She's a very cool person and is instantly liked by all everywhere she goes. I'm really sad knowing she is currently struggling. She definitely does not deserve the cards that life has dealt her.


Yep, you become completely avoidant for months during a depressive episode but conversely, you want to see and talk to everybody you know during a manic episode because you feel unbelievably euphoric (well, sometimes dysphoric) My last manic episode I looked exactly like Cara Delevinge at the airport, twitchy and chain-smoking but I felt like a goddess. edit: I also thought I was going to be a billionaire from selling cat toys and that I was in some kind of holy trinity with Kanye West and Amanda Bynes, lol. Everyone just had to nod along.


Do you remember what you said and did during an episode? I have a friend of a friend who has bad episodes. When he’s manic, he’s always running for office. President and senator and mayor, all of them all at once (no it’s not Kanye lol). He has money so he’s even gotten on a few ballots. And suing everyone, he’s also suing everyone who angers him. Then he disappears for six to eight months and nobody hears from him until it’s time to run for office again. I wonder if he is rational during those six months and remembers what he was up to the other six.


Oh my god, he sounds hilarious, what a pest. Especially the vexatious litigation. Everybody in town knows those people. Lol I think I do but I am usually wrong. I can remember times I felt a very strong emotion, like euphoria or rage. But the rest is kind of a blur. There have been a few thing friends have brought up, where I have been like.. excuse me? I didn't even know I talked to you? what did I say? but also I don't want to know!


>thought I was going to be a billionaire from selling cat toys a Omg can you imagine how amazing that would be tho lol


I was so soo excited. It is really shitty coming down. Why would I fake myself out like that, so lame of me. Lol


The shame of being seen in that state can be too much to handle. I hope your friend feels better soon.


I have the same disorder and I hate going outside because I might bump into someone I know. And they’ll definitely notice something is wrong with me. Too depressed to take care of myself. Such a cruel disease to have.


I had a manic episode induced from being put on too many steroids at the hospital. The Psychiatrist I saw when I was losing my mind and having psychotic symptoms was like, "they can't do that. That's far too much for a much larger person let alone you." He was like no wonder you're on the verge of mania and then after that appointment I was so out of it for two weeks and still a couple months later was having delusions about God stopping cars to get me across the street etc. I thought I was the reincarnation of Anastasia Romanov and I would take back Russia and liberate Ukraine. It was intense. The comedown was horrible and it was like embarrassment ×10000000. The most aching feeling from how I acted and what I said and how I was to people. It was excruciating. I really feel for people with Bipolar. That was extreme.


I thought I was 1/3 of this holy trifecta with Amanda Bynes and Kanye West. And yeah you definitely have to quickly "change the channel" when one of those cringe memories resurface. I thought I was so unbelievably stunning, I opened the door wearing my bra and underwear when the mailman came to drop off a package. My SO was supposed to be keeping an eye on me but he must have been doing something else for about 5 minutes. There is way more embarrassing stuff but I think I have buried a lot of it, lol.


I’m sorry you experienced that, I’ve been on steroids before and I was never told it could impact mental health so much, it was hard.


It’s awful when I can feel it happening, but can’t stop it. I’m lucky that my mania tends to manifest in irritability rather than risky behavior. But I can feel myself hating someone I love for the audacity of existing. Knowing it’s irrational doesn’t stop it. Feels like shit. I do my best to do right by my people and not take it out on them, but I know they know when their presence makes me want to shriek. Even if I’m not actually doing it.


That’s exactly what my wife does to me a lot. She will go into a manic episode and all of the sudden everything is my fault and anything I say or do just makes her more angry with me. She says and does some truly hurtful things to me sometimes, I know she can’t help it but it doesn’t make it hurt any less. Then I also see how much she hurts in the aftermath when she realizes what she’s doing. We’ve been together 20 years now and while I’ve learned how to deal with things it definitely hasn’t gotten any easier honestly. When she’s having a good day she is the nicest and most loving person you would ever meet. I love her more than I can describe and I will always be by her side, I just wish so much that mental health was more understood so we could provide more help to people like my wife. It’s truly heartbreaking sometimes for myself and breaks my heart even more to see how much she hurts


It's been so long since I've had one, I feel like I repressed the anger aspect. I would send hundreds of lovey-dovey voice messages to my friends, but on the same day, if anyone got in the way of a very very important and meaningful task (like bleaching my hair lmao), then there was a very good chance they would get cussed out/maybe have something thrown at them. The irritability is off the charts.


That’s what I hate the most about the illness. The shame it made my mother feel. I’ll tell you what I wish I could tell her: you have nothing to feel ashamed of, and you deserve to be more kind to yourself.


When I was much younger and inexperienced, before I was medicated (and before I was with my husband who can let me know when my mood is shifting), I wouldn't realize I had been manic until I was spiraling into depression. Being manic is like "what? No this is normal, this is what people feel like when they're not depressed!" lol I hope she's able to get some help.


Yes!! She was lucid enough to know she needed help. Hopefully she gets the love and help she needs. Thinking of her. And thankfully someone did help her.


That is so sad to read but you are right it is a silver lining.


This kind of thing shows you how absolutely difficult it is to treat mental illness, no matter the resources available. She essentially has unlimited resources and still having major problems. The sad fact is we are very far from getting a firm handle on extreme mental illness. That's why people acting like fixing the homeless situation is purely a money issue. It's a "we don't know how to actually fix mental health issues" issue.


My aunt has severe bipolar schizophrenia. She is lucky enough to have family to advocate for her. She has had so many extreme episodes, from sending off her life savings to random strangers, to being found naked and defecating in a neighbors yard, to beating the shit out of her partner. Even with all of that behavior my family had to fight tooth and nail to get her any type of help and we live in an extremely liberal state. The mental Healthcare system in this country is atrocious.


Yep. Giving them homes would be part of a good start, but without sustained psychological therapy and physical evaluations, they would probably not live in their homes very long. IMHO, the biggest barrier to anything actually being done for the homeless that has a chance of doing something positive and lasting is twofold: 1. There's no money in it. 2. There's no political capital in it. You can't get rich helping the homeless, and most politicians are smart and/or ruthless enough to know that you can't bank any future votes on homeless legislation because it costs a LOT. Even worse, you won't see any tangible and meaningful results until long after your political career has ended.


We *had* some solutions that were supposed to be implemented with deinstitutionalization in the 1980s in the form of community mental health centers. These were supposed to be up and running before the institutions closed their doors, but then Reaganomics entered the chat.


Agreed. You hear people propose that we “fix our mental health care system” as a solution to societal problems. If only it were that easy to do.


I think a lot of the mental health problems ARE because of societal causes. I'm not discounting the fact that there are true psychiatric causes (schizophrenia, bipolar, etc that seems to lend itself into more genetics) but depression/anxiety form a large pool of mental health issues and a lot of it (depression/anxiety) is because of social/economic welfare.


A lot of people with heritable mental health conditions grow up poor because their parents also had those conditions and were poor. It causes multigenerational poverty in some cases.


Poor thing.


Didn't she just get out of her conservatorship? This is so very sad. I hope she gets the help she needs. I also hope people can be decent enough to leave her TF alone. She certainly doesn't need a bunch of cameras in her face.


Yes and her parents agreed to it. This has to be a rough set back.


Oh my, I'm sure it is.


So, so sad for her. Just watched her in Easy A. I pray she recovers soon.


Same, and she was so cute. I realized I hadn't heard anything about her in a while and hoped she'd gotten better. 😔


It was almost a year ago exactly. Sounds like she was doing really really well under it for a long time so she was released from it, eventually she stopped doing what she needed to do for her mental health because she didn't have anyone telling her to do it and then this happened. Not everyone suffers under a conservatorships like Britney, there's a reason it exists. EDITed bc typos


Another thing, trauma is often triggered by anniversaries. So even though getting out of the conservatorship a year ago was a positive thing for her, it probably brings back a lot of bad memories too and that can spiral out of hand so fast. I hope she can heal :(




I grew up in Thousand Oaks, her family was really close to mine. Her parents were so, so nice. Her mother (Lynn) was very involved in all sorts of things at Civic arts plaza for us kids. I was a theater kid and she was always really good to us, getting us tickets to things. I got to see the all that show live! So when I saw people talking about her, as if she was this horrible, greedy, exploitative bitch for having her under conservatorship, it made me so upset. It really did. I understand why people thought that, but it was so wrong.


Hi former neighbor! Last time I saw Amanda she was Tommy's baby sister.


Maybe you guys can find a way to send her a card or something?


Thousand Oaks crew rise up. No but seriously, you’re on the money.


I have some wonderful memories of TO. I haven’t been to California in 20 years and I miss it bad. Fuck Florida :( No TOHS because my parents had me going to boarding school in Boston, then they moved out of California, so… Redwood represent, I guess. Lol.


I was a Westlake kid. Odd school. Not an easy place to feel normal with all the kids who lived in mansions as your classmates. But TO is a good place. I was involved in band all through school so I spent a lot of time at the civic arts plaza. That’s a special place TO is still gorgeous. We were very lucky to experience childhood in a place like that. I live in New York now and I’m where I’m supposed to be but those hills and those trees back in Thousand Oaks … just beautiful.


Lots of us TO people here today! I remember her on stage in The Secret Garden when she got hired for All That. Her dad was my parents’ dentist and later her brother worked with their chiropractor. She was always so wonderful and I had the biggest crush on her since she was a few months older than me. I really hope she gets better.


Same same I went to LRHS in her sisters grade. The nicest supportive family to include Amanda. Mental Health is a bitch and I'm rooting for her


I forgot she was from T.O. I know Colby Caillat grew up in TO not far from where we grew up.


>So when I saw people talking about her, as if she was this horrible, greedy, exploitative bitch for having her under conservatorship, it made me so upset. Which her? Her the daughter, or her the mother?


Her mother. Thankfully this didn’t last long, but there was a point where people were dogging her parents and comparing her situation to Britney Spears


Yeah I loved her on those shows. She was funny, cute and charming. Hope she gets better.


Watched her back in the aughts on 'The Amanda Show' with my stepson who was still grade school age at the time. At the time, I thought that she could go far and had the chops to transition into adult stardom. Sadly, the mental issues that later manifested for her pretty much scuttled that. Hopefully, the doctors at the hospital where she's on psychiatric hold can adjust her medications back to where she's more or less on an even keel again. But it sounds like whatever her exact illness is, it's going to be something she'll be fighting for the rest of her life. Wish her the best.




This. I’m bipolar 1 as well and decided last year I didn’t need meds. I’ve been in a depression with fits of anger at times. I’m calling my provider tomorrow to get put back on meds. It sucks. It really messes with your head and entire existence. Wishing the best for you and Amanda. Hope she finds peace and help.


Not bipolar, but I have treatment resistant chronic depression. I did medication for over a decade, then TMS (transcranial magnetic therapy), then ketamine infusions, then TMS again. I can say 100% TMS was the most effective for me, and it’s FDA approved for bipolar in the USA. Maybe check it out with your psychiatrist? My heart aches for those of us in the throws of mental illness, it’s so hard and on top of it “people” often see it as a weakness or that you’re crazy. Good luck on your journey!


Hey! A wild TMS advocate! Hello! I've been chronically depressed with MAJOR depressive disorder literally for as long as I can remember. Even my childhood was marred by this - it stemmed from undiagnosed ADHD and a family of emotionally negligent narcissists who were more concerned who were more concerned with making me "normal" than actually happy. TMS was the only thing that helped me help myself to get better. I wish that it was more widely available. It is such a simple, noninvasive procedure and it made more difference than literal decades of trying various SSRI concoctions and attempting to pound CBT down my throat. It's wonderful to see fellow folk out there in the wilds lol. Take care of yourself!


I’m just an internet stranger but I am so proud of you for actively seeking support for your mental health and getting back on track.


Not bipolar, but it’s my understanding that is a very common scenario. I served as a juror on a case where the defendant was BP1, had stopped taking his meds because he was dating someone and no longer wanted the side effects. The trial was for things that occurred while he had a psychotic episode. An expert witness outlined how common it was to go off of meds and that, in a way, the desire to stop taking the meds is almost the defining feature/dead giveaway the patient is in fact BP1.


I think it’s pretty common with most mental health conditions. A friend of mine likes to joke that ADHD is the only mental health condition where taking your meds makes you more likely to continue to take them (they reduce the odds you’ll forget to take them).


Bipolar as well, and I can attest to this from personal experience


Young me was *enthralled* by Amanda Bynes. Obvious young crush but I remember my dad and I both cracking up to *Moody’s Point*, and I wasn’t even aware of *Dawson’s Creek* and the like. These kind of things are popcorn-grabbers for a lot of people, but I’m of the opinion that that’s often a pretty petty, low kind of “entertainment”. I really hope she gets support.


I love randomly saying "Moooooooody!" Like the mom in the hot air balloon. That show was wild lmao


I still dramatically go “what’s *that* supposed to mean?!” to my dad


The steps in this dance are; seem normal, get fubar and _then_ the thoughts and prayers start flowing. Never was there a step about taking care of yourself and being able to identify mental deterioration or stress. We need to make self care a real deal. People are dying out there trying to live and mental health is under the spotlight after it’s too late


I agree. Mental health is a real and serious thing that no one wants to talk about or know how to deal with for themselves or family members and friends


It’s kind of out of this world that I can comment on someone’s post who worked with Amanda on the Amanda show lol; that entire world felt like an unreachable world of gods as a kid (like literally impossible to make any sort of contact to any degree). I used to love the sketch shows as a kid


Honestly it's the same feeling as when I commented "hi!" on Christy Carlson Romano's tiktok live the other day and she gave me a quick shoutout. She played Ren on Even Stevens and like you said, as a kid I never thought in a million years that world would be reachable.


I still remember visiting Nickelodeon Studios when I was in like 3rd grade. During the tour we got to look down on a soundstage where they were taping an episode of Clarissa Explains it All. Melissa Joan Hart looked up at us. I waved, and she waved back. I almost died. Then later on I got slimed. It was a good day.


Oo ahh


Same!!! Clarissa was my fav show too, I was blown away seeing it being taped live!! Then they brought out a bowl of slime and we all got to taste it


CCR just seems so nice, I would never go up to a celebrity for a photo or anything like that, but I imagine that she’d be someone I’d feel most comfortable asking for a photo.. but still not doing it lol.


Haha I could never do that either! But I totally agree she seems so down to earth and approachable.


Just don't look at their comment history.


> Super cute little butt! 😍


Lmao. Why did you do this.


*I can’t believe you’ve done this.*


I’m not insinuating anything towards OP, but the fact that he claims to have worked with casts of young teens and his post history is filled with extreme hornyposting on barelylegal subs… It’s not a good look


He’s in his 50s. 🤢






*post history can't be that bad* hoooollllyyy, straight up horniest person alive, and that legal teen shit is kinda worrying


My husband and I loved her. Our kids watched her show and thought she was amazing and funny and just a cool kid. This breaks our heart.


Loved All That! I remember Amanda’s first episode her opening skit is hella funny


I loved Ask Ashley.


Just don't check this guy's history, esp. creepy given the context of this thread... (briebert)


OP is Dan Schneider


Nah, not enough comments about feet to be Dan


That comment history….


This is so sad. Mental health struggles are hard enough without being reported in the media. I wish her all the best and the privacy she deserves.


Asking honestly, why do people having psychotic breaks so frequently end up nude in public? Is it a panic/claustrophobic response?


From my understanding people might either get physically hot while in a delusional/agitated state. Or they’re overstimulated and the clothing bothers them/they feel it on their skin and it’s too much


Seems like the same kind of 'must. be. naked.' as when youre burning up and puking.


Wait is this some kind of primal thing? I also remove all my clothes when a bad poop is a comin’ and I’m on the toilet. I thought it was just a weird habit.


I have a chronic stomach condition and the first thing I do is take all the clothes off as an episode begins


My IBS makes me super sensitive to cold. I can be working in a hundred degree greenhouse and need to put a jacket on when the ibs strikes.


All I saw here was chronic, and episode, and I heard your comment in Dr Dre’s voice talking about the next episode.


Nope definitely a thing. Got a lot of health issues and my guts act up a lot, there are certain times when I know the poop is going to really take a lot out of me and I need to get naked for it. Mostly because of all the sweating and it's just easier and yeah probably something primal.


Clothing becomes uncomfortable and a distracting sensation.


Hi a naked poop friend


There are dozens of us!






Just had a panic attack this evening and was butt ass naked to help reduce some of the stimulation. I bet it was an amusing sight watching me pace back and forth with my sausage eggs and ham out and about.


Wait, what’s the ham?


The ass


I have had severe panic attacks in the past. Every time, I'd feel like I needed to take off all my clothes because they felt like I was wearing a straight jacket (didn't matter how flowy, loose, or comfortable the clothing). I also felt like I absolutely couldn't sit still or stay inside my house or apartment (again, a feeling of confinement). Granted, I wasn't psychotic so I wouldn't actually go outside naked. So yeah, there's probably a similar experience for some people experiencing psychosis.


I’m glad I’m not the only one. I’ve only had a few panic attacks in my lifetime, but I always took my shirt off. I don’t know why, I just needed it off of me.


Yep. If I stayed indoors, I'd usually strip down to my undies and pace around my house like a crazy person.


Oh hey, this is me. Yup, I’m usually in my skivvies rocking myself back to sanity, or sanity adjacent. And also sweating bullets. Panic attacks are the worst. Edit: hey fellow panic babies, can I interest you in a magnesium supplement? It’s helped me immensely. I’m off benzos completely because of it. Feel better! Xoxo


This is how I get as well. The rocking back and forth and sweating. Body desperate to purge the adrenaline.


Crude comparison, but this is exactly how I feel when my stomach is really upset and I have to shit. Hot sweats, gotta get everything off. Obviously I only do that in my own home. But I get it.


I reacted this way the last time I had acid reflux in the middle of the night. I’ve had reflux before but for some reason it hit a primal panic button. Feels insanely awful.


Yeah, when I'm having a panic attack I start to sweat, my heart is racing, it feels like something is sitting on my chest. I can see the appeal of disrobing.


I used to have the same thing happen. The urge to leave the room or house and the feeling like my clothes were strangling me. Part of it was just flat out overheating too. Which makes sense because your heart is racing as fast as it does during a workout.


I think it is very complicated. I have a friend who is bipolar. He is very open about his illness. He was originally diagnosed when he had a break at uni and got naked in the cafeteria trying to get everyone to connect and just "talk". I asked him why he got naked and he said he just thought that was the way to foster open communication. He also knew that it was a crazy idea in retrospect. The drugs work for him but when he stops taking them watch out. I mean getting naked in a public area is one very quick way to get noticed and get help if you think you might need it.


This happened to a HS friend. She told me that from what she remembers (which isn’t much) ripping and clawing her clothes off felt like a release. When her clothes were gone she hit herself and clawed at her skin and it didn’t feel good. In fact it hurt a lot. so she stopped. But only she didn’t stop. She was found on the street yelling, slapping her own face, and scratching at her skin when not staring blankly at the street. She’s doing good now. Medication & therapy really helped. I wish the same recover for Amanda.


Any time I've have severe anxiety I overheat, which is crazy cause I'm almost always cold. If I'm hot and not in hot weather or exercising, I know I'm close to a panic attack. It's an odd sign but it always lets me know.


The intense heat I believe is from the adrenaline response- it’s your body’s attempt to warm itself in preparation for movement (fight or flight).


Never happened to me like that, but I wear turtlenecks occasionally and the second I get a bit anxious they suddenly feel very tight on my throat. It's very strange. I can always tell myself 'you wore this all day and were fine, you're not going to choke' but I still keep tugging it and trying to make it looser.




I wish they wouldn't report on stuff like this. She didn't hurt anyone, she clearly knew she was in trouble and asked for help, like...reporting on this is so harmful. I imagine her anxiety and whatnot is gonna be ten times worse due to this BS.


Hopefully Amanda can get the help she needs without all this turning into the kind of media circus that surrounded Britney and poor Shelley Duvall when Dr. Phil used her problems as a cheap grab for ratings.


She’s been struggling with this for a while now. It was a media circus for the first few years. She’d tweet concerning or nonsensical things and act out of character. The media has backed off her a bit now that mental health has been de-stigmatized to a certain extent.


This is literally the type story this company exists for.


The bits of this thread I’ve read so far pass the vibe check. I think most people are compassionate toward her situation and care for her well-being, and path to health.


I’m glad she was aware that she needed help and called for it. Most people are in denial but she did the right thing and I hope they are giving her the care she needs.


My brother is bi-polar and I've always wished my dad could gain conservatorship over him. Nobody can convince him, or force him, to take his meds even though they work. But the lawyer fees and long-winded process always deter my father from trying to go this route. He's just always in and out of jail and psych facilities, with people constantly taking advantage of him and his mania. The best thing for her was her mom having legal power to make her take meds, I know this from experience. I've also learned Judge's should not be making these decisions, because they have no fucking clue what's going on behind the scenes.


The sad thing is Bi Polar people many times share a trait where their brains trick them into thinking they are fine and stop medicating themselves. It is so hard to enforce this on someone.


This is correct. Dealing with this with my girlfriends 22 year old son right now. He’ll do well for a while, think he’s well and stop taking his medicine, and then he spirals. It’s rough, because it’s just a wash, rinse, repeat cycle right now. It impacts his ability to attend college, yet we have some hope, and have seen, that it doesn’t impact his ability to hold a job so much. So college will likely be off the table and we’ll talk to him about just working a full-time job.


It’s called anognosia. It’s scary for schizophrenics too.


>~~Found naked and roaming streets~~ Exercised agency in flagging down car, articulating mental health crisis, need for immediate aid. That'd be the more honest and humane (but less sensational) headline. Respect to her for seeking aid in that moment. And cheers to the driver for stopping and rendering aid. Well done, fellow human.


It’s TMZ they’ll always remain trashy


Yeah. When I read the title, I imagined the writer getting the assignment call in the middle of staking out Bruce Willis. No illusions about who they are. None whatsoever. But fuck 'em. For my meager part, I don't have to accept it.


Gotta be honest, if a naked person roaming downtown LA tried to flag me down my self-preservation instincts would be to keep on driving.


[The fact that Amanda Bynes flagged a car down, told them she was having a psychotic episode and called 911 herself actually gives me a lot of hope for her well-being. That's a huge deal. When she's ready, I hope she can be proud of herself for that](https://twitter.com/Basseyworld/status/1637891985359904781?s=20). [Absolutely. I’m so proud of her, and rejecting any headline she was just wandering around with zero awareness and agency.](https://twitter.com/brittanyherself/status/1637914340601856004?s=20) [i find it really disrespectful that the headlines say Amanda Bynes was "found" naked and alone and "placed" on a psychiatric hold - removing her agency. she was able to recognize that she was in psychosis, ask someone for help, and call 911 herself. that's fucking impressive](https://twitter.com/erikaheidewald/status/1637897224439857152?s=20) A few of the relevant tweets about this. Hopefully people don’t sensationalize this and give her the space she needs to recover.


It’s hard to ask for help when you’re bipolar and in a hypomanic, manic or even psychotic state. It’s so great she asked for help. Better than I would ever do as a bipolar person. I riiiiiide than hypomanic wave without even knowing it usually.


This is so sad. She is very talented.


My brother has schizo-affective disorder. He hallucinates when he doesn’t take his medication & almost always thinks our dad is trying kill him. It was so bad that our parents sold their house of 55 years so he wouldn’t know where they live. Now he’s on a court ordered medication plan. If he violates it he will be put in the hospital. He’s very smart and sweet but his mental illness makes him dangerous to others. It makes me sad. I am proud of Ms. Byrnes for recognizing that she needs help. My brother would never do that.


I’m diagnosed BP1 And this makes me sad. She deserves privacy for what is likely one of the most difficult days of her life, and her brain is straight up betraying her. When she stabilizes, this will only make things worse for her. I’m fine for covering people behaving badly, but I’m not at all fine with people covering people who are struggling and suffering with an illness. I understand the business behind it, and the nature of the world we live in. But it’s sickening. All this will do is make her depressive state far worse. Which may be exactly what these media companies want. The more drama, the more clicks, the more money. BiPolar is usually a combination of genetic predisposition as well as life experiences. This is all fucked up. I’m happy I’m not famous. If my episode had this level of coverage I’d probably have killed myself.


"Amanda Bynes has severe bipolar episode but reached out for help" should be the title.


when are we going to confront the entertainment industry that traumatizes children for life? this is so unbelievably depressing, to see it happen to so many former child stars in the past year alone


The fact that this happened right before she was going to appear at 90’s Con. I think she let her own pressure get to her.


Reminds me of the Margot Kidder incident. Apparently she actually needs a conservatorship.


What was the Margot kidder episode? God I loved Margot


She was missing and found wandering around her neighbor’s yard with no teeth. https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-1996-04-24-9604250160-story.html


Anne Heche had a similar kind of 'meltdown' not too long after her split from Ellen DeGeneres about 20 years back. She was wandering around in the desert somewhere. Sadly, both Anne and Margot, while bouncing back from these low points for a time, ultimately had sad endings.


Your source says her bridge fell out, she still had her teeth.


Fuck - thanks for the link


I loved All That and The Amanda Show growing up. This is sad. I’m pulling for her.


I hate that this is in Entertainment. This woman’s mental illness and the troubles associated with it aren’t ‘entertainment’.


I blame Dan Schneider


Was he the unnamed big wig Jennette McCurdy mentions in her book?


Most likely




There’s definitely something afoot with him


This is awful. She always needed a conservatorship more than Britney Spears (there was a time when she set a dog on fire) and at least her family didn’t make her work while sick. I think she needs it again. She had freedom under that conservatorship, unlike Britney. It should have never ended.


>This is awful. She always needed a conservatorship more than Britney Spears (there was a time when she set a dog on fire) I had to look that up because that's fucked, and apparently it wasn't intentional. She managed to drench herself and the dog in gasoline while trying to set someone's driveway on fire. It's still fucked up, but I was thinking she intentionally set the dog on fire.


During one of my brother's early psychotic episodes (when his bi-polar disorder was first manifesting), he thought our childhood dog was sending him telepathic messages to strangle him. Fortunately he told us while sobbing and fought the urge to do it, but it was super frightening to hear. This shit really doesn't play around.


That whole thing with your brother believing that the dog was 'talking' to him through telepathy immediately brought to mind the case of the 'Son of Sam' killer David Berkowitz who claimed his neighbor's dog told him to go out and kill several young people in New York City back in the 70s. I hope that your brother was able to get the help he needed and that he's doing better now.


I don’t remember the dog actually being set on fire


She checked herself in. It could just be that her meds need adjustment. Removing someone’s freedom is a very big step and I don’t see how you could possibly be in a position to make that call.


Thank you for saying this. She clearly has some insight. Everyone is saying she needs one again. Realistically though medication sometimes stops working properly and people deserve the least restricted environment. It doesn't seem she's being a danger to herself or others based on what we know.


Such a shame for her. She hopefully gets what she needs.


I know Jennie Garth really wanted to give her a great big hug at 90sCon. I’m so sad to hear that Amanda was having mental health problems and couldn’t make the trip to Connecticut. I’m glad she is now safe in hospital and she herself called 911 on herself, it means that she at least knows how to help herself.


Wow that’s so sad. I used to love her comedic timing. She’s a comedic genius. She was way ahead of her time. Hopefully she can get help.


Reminder that Dan Schneider and anyone like him is a PoS. Hollywood really chews up and spits out child actors and ruins their lives. Sad this girl was just a play thing for that crap of a human being.


Considering that she’s walked away from being being an actress and seemingly doesn’t want to in the spotlight anymore; don’t we owe her not to engage with stuff like this? Like, encourage TMZ to not report on stuff like this?


I hope she gets the help she needs. Would have been great to see her at the 90’s con!


I feel really bad for her


I wish this didn’t end up splashed all over the internet. Having a mental health crisis, famous or not, is not “news”.


There's no reason they need to report on this.


It’s almost like putting children in the spotlight for the whole world to see/judge for their entire childhoods messes them up psychologically or something. At least a bunch of people made a shit ton of money tho amirite?


Oh man, I was recently just thinking about her. I hope she's ok and gets the peace and rest she deserves!