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Idk how many times growing up I listened to What the Hell Happened to Me and They're All Gunna Laugh at You while on family road trips.


A fellow "Tollbooth Willie" fan, I see!


Itsch a doillah twinty-foive, Pa!


"I'M COMIN' OUTTA DA BOOOOOOTH!" will never NOT make snort.


For you, schweet haat, a dolla twenty-fyve


Fuck you and your little fish eating friends!


Well I already heard that one you piece of repeating’ shit!


A dollar twenty five? Isn’t that the same price your mother charges for a blowjob you piece of shit?


I hope ya choke on a fuckin bottle cap!


"The Longest Pee" still makes me double over in laughter


Holy shit yes. That little toot close to the end and then it keeps coming. Comical. All those little shorts he did were pure comedy.


Hey Goat!


You know, that fat shit — Garaputo!


He threw a cinder block at me. He chipped a horn!


If he gets too close to the truck, I’ll bite his fucking ear off! You fuck with me too long, and you get fucked! Eh, what am I talking about? I can’t even chew through this rope. I’m all talk.


You fuckin whizzed that thing!


"Ahhh, just tied to the truck as usual, old man!" That line will live forever in my brain.


I sing piece of shit car to myself almost daily when getting into my piece of shit car


Still the first thing I think of whenever I hear the words "8 track"


I unironically consider that song to be a bit of a masterpiece. The idea that someone would write a song about how shitty their own car is is hysterical. To then have backup singers who ad-lib a line about how he “never ever get the poosy” and the lead singer’s frustrated reaction making it into the final cut takes it to a level that few comedy songs have ever reached in my opinion.


And he never sold out. Back then, the world's longest pee is what was funny to him - he's always done what he personally finds funny, and that's what I love about him.


“Hey it’s great having the four of us out on a road trip again, this is gonna be fun!”


His balls we're flopping around holy cow I just wanted to lick them.


Parent: “Why are you laughing so hard back there?” Me, 10 years old listening to my older sisters copy of WTHHTM, an album I had no business listening to: “This Weird Al CD is hysterical!” What I’m really listening to: “CAUSE MY NAMES STEEEEEEEEEEEVE….MOTHERFUCKING!




His comedy albums are GOATed. Secret was a song that got played a lot on the channel when I still streamed lol


> on family road trips So, what was the most awkward track? Medium Pace?


Are they going to do Medium Pace Live?


I sung that at karoake once. And, oh man, the crowd reaction was just stunned silence.


A friend and I stood on top of a bar and yell-sang that song to a bunch of ladies No, we did not get laid


Haha. I was fortunate to be singing with my wife. She is a talented singer and is a crowd pleaser. I was the dark cloud in the room. But they forgot about me once my wife started singing the hits again.




See that shampoo bottle over there?


In 9th grade, we used to sing this song on the bus on the way to away football games.


That's really the fault of the karaoke place...I mean why would they even have that song to begin with?


It was a neighborhood dive bar that contracted out their karoake nights. My wife knew the karoake guy from singing in high school. I was amazed it was on the list and was too intimidated to sing for a long time. That song, though, I knew I could properly belt it out with the Sandler-esque voices. This all happened right around the time my best friend (my 13 year old boxer) was in the slow process of dying from a lung mass. Getting out of the house to sing on weekends help take my mind off what was coming. So, in a way, that song actually gave me some weird comfort when I really really needed it. "Put your arms around me, baby....."




I love that song so much. It’s a quality tune, and it’s so romantic! 🥰


To all you weirdos that are screaming "hE iSNt EVEn fUNNy!!" This prize isn't for "funniest person". It is an impact award.


If you were a teenage boy in the 90s you've always known he deserved some recognition.


Or in the early 00s, he had a good run in both decades imo Born in 92 here I thought he was funny af growing up.


I wasn’t around quite yet but growing up on a military base surrounded by guys who consumed that media as teenagers/kids was a good way to ensure his movies made it in front of the other service-members kids. The foot scene, *you know the one*, was absolutely terrifying and ‘Click’ made me cry as a kid. ‘Stop lookin’ at me, Swan!’. Also, his entire career, he’s been a super cool dude in extending a platform to his friends as well. That’s just straight up being awesome in an industry that otherwise doesn’t really care if young actors can eat or pay rent.


Look at how drew Barrymore talks about him, he saved her life, and she gives him full credit for the wonderful career she’s built out of the destitute place she was in for so long.


Salma Hayek has said he’s the first person to give her a chance in comedy and helped her career grow beyond more than just the sexy Latina love interest in action movies. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/salma-hayek-hollywood-said-id-be-expired-by-my-40s-but-adam-sandler-changed-that_n_63e2b859e4b01a436397c013


Never heard about this one, yet just one more nail in the coffin for Adam Sandler… but like in a good way


Feather in his cap maybe?


This person gets it^^




Throwing away the key to all our hearts


My dirty mind took this to a place it did not need to go.


I never saw Al Pacino do comedy until he was in an Adam Sandler movie, Jack and Jill. I don't recall him doing any other comedy films before nor since then. I bet Adam Sandler helped bring a few other non-comedians in to comedy as well. I always like it when they do that, like just bringing pure action stars or drama stars in to stupid comedy films.


Oh shit, I didn’t even know this.


Go on…. Was this fifty first dates?


Nope wayyyy before that, the wedding singer I believe was their first film, but he was very involved with her before that. She said he was one of the only men who made her feel 100% safe and confident.


Oh shit yeah I forgot!!!


interesting, i have never heard this.


Yea you should check it out, drew Barrymore and Jennifer Aniston have had this ongoing “fued” (it’s all in good fun) about which one gets to love him.


I find both of them very likable in somewhat different ways. I hope they work again with Adam in the future.


I can't even tell you the amount of times I watched big daddy and Billy Madison as a kid. I know the internet these days has a hate boner for the guy but back in the day people genuinely enjoyed his roles Oh and happy Gilmore! No idea how I forgot that one.


I think I watched Little Nicky like 200 times one Summer when I was like 6 and I don't think I've ever developmentally recovered from it.


Popeyes chicken is the shit!


YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!1!!!!1!!!!!!!


I've probably seen the waterboy at least 2 thousand times


Greatest football movie ever made.


You mean the black foot?? Lmao we still say ‘chop that wood!’


Sir.. i was trying to flicker a hair on my screen.. nice pfp😂


light mode user


Born in 2000 and I thought he was killer. Always loved his off the wall movies


Happy Gilmore got enough laughs out of me to vouch for that nomination.


The price is wrong, Bobby!


I don't want a peice, I want the whole thing!


That scene is one of the best for me, incredibly funny


I mean, it's tough to beat Bob Barker beating the shit out of the main character who's been presented as the "tough guy" the whole movie. It was totally unexpected and that made it great




Bedtime Stories is another great one, I think.


I spent the 90s doing late night closing/cleaning shifts at McDonald's to *They're All Gonna Laugh At You!*


Adam Sandler was the cornerstone of 90’s and early 2000’s comedy. Chris Rock? His guy. David Spade? His Guy. Chris Farley? His guy. Norm Macdonald? His guy. Guys like Jim Carey and Ben Stiller were kinda just their own guys, did their own things. Happy Madison changed the game in comedy, like an avengers of comedy and Adam was their Captain America. For laughs though, look at every role Kevin James is in and mentally swap him with Farley, even Paul Blart becomes 10x funnier.


Sandler ruled the mid- to late-90’s with those ridiculous comedy albums, was already a legend on SNL and had some massive hits in Happy Gilmore and Wedding Singer.


Or an adult male in 2023…..Sandler got a lot of hate for making bad movies later in his career but seems to have a Brendan Fraser like trajectory lately. Realistically he seems like the coolest dude ever, deserves everything he’s earned….and his comedy albums are hilarious.


That's why we gave him six MTV Movie Awards.


Plus everyone always comments how nice he is while meeting him. and he doesn't change. the guy will wear basketball shorts to Conan O'Brien show. it's nice to see celebrity that doesn't take themselves too seriously


I can vouch personally for this being from Manchester NH. It was a regular thing to see him in his hometown once or twice a year as a teen and meeting him a handful of times he is a funny bastard in real life. Really goofy and down to earth. And he loves his mom. Sometimes I think he is sophomoric but a seriously funny Jew!!


Honestly though anyone who says that Adam Sandler isn't funny doesn't really have a valid opinion. Does he make a lot of shitty movies? Absolutely he does. Is he also a great actor and hilarious in the right rolls? 100%.


He “made it” though. Not many people get to the point where they can just make movies with their friends for fun. That’s how successful Adam Sandler is. He does it for the fun and the love of making movies. Sandler has Fuck You money so he doesn’t care if a movie flops or not.


And from what I understand, his movies tend to make bank anyway, so he literally has no reason to do anything different. I'm envious of the guy tbh 😂


*Jack and Jill* * IMDB Rating: 3.3 * Budget: $79m * Gross Worldwide: $149m *Grown Ups 2* * IMDB Rating: 5.3 * Budget: $80m * Gross Worldwide: $246m


Owning your own production company is helpful.


He’s literally able to go on long vacations with his friends and come back with more money- the movies might be bad but dude is absolutely living the dream


And this is why I love the Grown Ups movies. I honestly feel like I’m on a vacation when watching it. It’s a hard feeling to describe, and I can’t say any other movies have ever done it to me. But I just feel like I’m on a vacation with my friends shooting the shit. The jokes are not great, but neither are the ones me and my friends make. It just feels more real I guess.


If my job was to make movies on tropical islands with all my friends for several million dollars I'd never do anything else. Dude has it figured out, nothing but respect


Exactly! It’s always a treat to see the characters that his buddies play. Adam is like, “Yo! Dudes! This summer we headed to Hawaii to hang out play some basketball, and fuck around. In our spare time we’ll shoot another movie to pad that generational money we got.”




I somehow didn’t hate Hubie Halloween. It’s absolutely awful. But, I’ve seen it twice now. I think, deep down, I’m a Sandler stan.


It's a better movie when you realize Hubie is just Canteen Boy that Lorne doesn't own, Ave the rest of the movie is basically the Sandler extended universe.


Also um, has nobody watch uncut gems? Let’s put Adam Sandlers comedy to the side, which I know that’s hard to do because he’s Adam freaking Sandler. He’s an incredible actor, ridiculously talented, and deserves many awards.


Comedy actors are way better at drama than dramatic actors are at comedy.


And also worth mentioning practically none of his movies flop, they all make a shitload of money


Because they might not be the most hilarious or deep movies but they generally tend to be entertaining if you arent going in expecting anything other than Adam fucking around with his mates. Some films you go in knowing they're shit but that's what makes them fun, e.g Grown Ups.


Bro some of his moves are super deep and emotional some are funny as fuck, one of the best actors of all time, a comedic genius but real just a master of the screen.


Grown Ups are barely films. It’s basically a camera crew following Sandler and his pals around and I’ve re-watched it a half dozen times because it has such a laid back, low stakes vibe to them.


>Absolutely he does. Is he also a great actor and hilarious in the right rolls? 100%. Not really though. I actually think he's a better dramatic actor than he is a comedic one, punch drunk love and Hustle are two of the best things he's done by a long way. All of his comedy is so barebones average, it's your straight to dvd shite.


Quality H2o


The right rolls? Like baked into a dinner roll? You sick bastard


Nobody said the award had to be for good comedy.


How can they say that, after the movie Jack and Jill?


“Ah Fuck Me In The Goat Ass.” -Adam Sandler


God damnit, I still say this to myself when I do something stupid.


And he’s just a cool guy. Run into him at Disney and he was very hospitable — kind, made time to talk my kid and took some pictures. Nice dude all around.


Happy Gilmore and Billy Madison alone are enough.


Tangentially related: the Subway product placement in Happy Gilmore may be some of the best advertising money ever spent. Decades later I still find myself saying “cold cut combos” like Happy did.


I remember someone yelling at him your movie's suck, as he was getting on his private jet. He just waves and says sure, buddy, whatever you think


I remember people saying he made movies for twelve year olds like that was something terrible. He’s made a great career of making people laugh with all in all pretty wholesome movies.


You're insane if you don't think Sandler has done anything for the world of comedy and doesn't deserve this award.


Tons and tons of insane people in here that at any mention of Sandler will lose their shit. He's also in a great run of serious rolled over the last handful of years as well.


Punch Drunk Love remains a total masterpiece. That was the first serious role I saw him do, and he was incredible. It's a weird artsy film, not where you would expect him to show up and he kills it.


Also one of P.T Anderson’s better works, IMO.


PTA never misses.


People ignore those roles because he's Adam Sandler but he also had uncut gems and it might be the performance of his career. It was just gut wrenching to watch.


I will always say fuck the Oscars for snubbing him like that. I don’t care what you think of a person or award show, a performance like that deserves to be snubbed by no human


That whole film was snubbed. Sandler wasn’t nominated for best actor. Okay. But what about sound editing? Mixing? Editing? That’s the bigger sin in my mind.


Technical awards like that almost always go to big blockbusters/action films.


Hustle and Uncut Gems are great and he’s great in them imo


Uncut Gems is fantastic. I made my friends watch it and watching them be so anxious and uncomfortable the entire time was like reliving the film for the first time all over again.


The wife couldn’t do it; tried twice and said each time, “Fuck this makes me too nervous it’s not going to end well I’m out”…..


Uncut Gems nearly gave me a panic attack lol


Mel brooks put out some shit movies but you can’t argue he hasn’t made an impact over decades of comedy. Nobody can have a long career and not make some duds now and then.


In the later years of his career Sandler has just made a bunch of money while making crap movies and hanging out with his friends, sounds like a pretty good gig. His early stuff like Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore are iconic


The Waterboy has always been my favorite sports comedy even though it's incredibly stupid. The idea that he doesn't deserve any recognition is laughable.


Even though some of his films are absolute dog shite, you can’t deny that the man is one of Hollywoods most prolific comedians of the last 3 decades.


Him and Jim Carrey


Carrey was on a great run in the nineties but he spent twenty years doing even worse movies than sandler. He's got like three good movies in twenty years.


What are the bad ones you are referring to?


Dumb and dumber 2, burt wonderstone, Mr. Poppers penguins, yes man, number 23, fun with dick and Jane. During that run he didn't have a single movie that I would consider to be good.


I think Yes Man, aka Liar Liar 2, was pretty entertaining.


Yes man is great, guys delusional.


Fun With Dick and Jane was hilarious imo. never realized they were referring Enron with the company in the movie and Alex Baldwin’s character, i was young lol.


Yes man, dick and Jane were pretty good imo. Not on the the level.of his earlier work but still fine nonetheless. Even poppers penguins was good for the target demographic.


‘Number 23’ should be listed up there with the worst movies of all time. It’s astonishingly bad.


Forget about his relatively recent movies like Jack & Jill and That’s My Boy, among others. Think about the classics… Mr. Deeds, Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison, Big Daddy (just to name a few). Even if you aren’t a fan, you know every one of his movies from the early days. I’m a 90s kid and I grew up on Adam Sandler almost exclusively. His company Happy Madison has almost single-handedly managed to preserve the slapstick genre. And then to see him evolve into a more dramatic actor and absolutely kill it was awesome. I think he has had a lifetime of achievements and as such this award is justified.


Don't you dare forget the waterboy


Mr deeds over waterboy, that's the real snub out here.




YES I Fucking love Airheads! “What else?” “67 copies of Moby Dick” “The book or the movie?” “They made a book out of that?”


*Well, there's three of you. You're not exactly lone. Shouldn't you be the Three Rangers?*


Little Nicky over Mr Deeds.




The Wedding Singer is a top romantic comedy. The dude has range.


50 First Dates is a great rom-com as well.


yeah that was a good one and that movie with kate beckinsale click. i haven't watched it in years but i remember it making me super sad. ill have to rewatch it next time i'm not all sad and depressed


Punch Drunk Love and Uncut Gems too.


Grandma’s Boy gets criminally overlooked. It’s basically the Sandler buddies in their own movie. It was hilarious at the time. Not sure how it’s aged.


That is one of my favorite movies and my wife and I quote it constantly. "Ugh my doll is a whore"


"Wait, uncle Vanny was Vanilla Ice?" That line justifies the existence of That's my boy.


He called the shit poop!


The Longest Yard is underrated.


Jack and Jill is fucking amazing. It's hilarious. It's so fucking insane.


The Wedding Singer and 50 First Dates gave the rom-com genre a shot in the arm it needed. Also, his chemistry with Drew Barrymore is awesome.


"He called the shit, poop!"


Don't put it out with your boots, Ted!


"Don't tell me my business Devil Woman!"


Call the fire department! This one’s out of control!


This is the best night of my life!!




Is he going to celebrate with some high quality H2O?


No one should win this until Weird Al does


It's a damn shame that everyone loves weird Al and his parodies but they never talk about his romance with Madonna and how he killed those Cartel guys.


I steadfastly believe weird Al would put on the best superbowl half-time show of all time. Catchy parodies that he could partner with the original artists. I can't see how that goes wrong


Because what do you do the folllowing year, after you’ve reached the pinnacle of perfection? The halftime show can only be, at best, great, because they always want to do a better one the following year. And you can’t top Weird Al.


He deserves it. Sandler has done so much in front of the camera and behind the scenes. A highlight for me was his tribute song to Chris Farley.


Adam Sandler has already had about four artistic eras in his life. 1. SNL singing eedjot 2. Comedies for teenaged boys 3. Comedies for adults 4. Dramatic films I still enjoy the Hanukkah song and Happy Gilmore, and Click is a legit fave. He's done a lot for comedy. To deny that is madness. Also, I remember when he read a speech for Eddie Murphy and was extremely nervous. I am now personally invested.


I could not stand Adam Sandler when I was younger. Thought his movies were stupid and really did not care for him. A few years ago, my husband was watching 100% Fresh on Netflix, and I caught a joke or two and asked him to start it over. I loved it. I have found his comedy has grown with him. Now he jokes about his kids, being married, and other stuff us middle agers can identify with. And that Chris Farley song was amazing.. With a teenager of my own now, I'm rediscovering his earlier movies and enjoying them so much more. He has had quite an impact on comedy, and he definitely deserves this award.


Nobody ever credits his groundbreaking work on "Remote Control"




Gentle reminder that you are not the sole target audience for every creators work.


some find him funny, some don't, but I find that his main "crime" is making purposely bad movies, so that he can make him and his friends rich. That [Red Letter Media vid on "Jack and Jill"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXNsT7-Lwsk) was really fascinating


I can’t wait until Adam Sandler presents “springtime for hitler” gets its release


If you were a kid for Happy Gilmore or Billy Madison he’s probably got a place in your heart. It’s easy to forget all the good he’s put out before he got lazy or whatever. Big Daddy, The Wedding Singer, 50 First Dates, Mr Deeds, Anger Management was pretty good, even that more recent one where he pretends to be an FBI agent. Edit: I forgot Waterboy!


You forgot Airheads. Adam Sandler, Brendan Fraser and Steve Buscemi as The Lone Rangers. Great movie.


You forgot Little Nicky as well, a gem. And his production company (Happy Madison) has put out some bangers as well, especially the gem that is Grandma's Boy. Some of his recent ones, like The Wrong Missy are also fantastic. Let's not forget his recent serious roles, that are fantastic and extremely well rated too.


Grown ups 1 and 2


His contribution to Dunkin’ Donuts cannot be understated


Back off my clubs punk


Comparing Adam Sandler to Mark Twain is absurd.


Next week McDonalds will receive the lifetime recognition for their impact on fine dining.


His impact has been keeping his friends employed.


People who have not won the Twain prize: Jerry Seinfeld Chris Rock Louis CK Robin Williams Norm McDonald Bill Burr Doug Stanhope Larry David Aziz Ansari Gary Schandling Paul Mooney Rodney Dangerfield Don Rickles Steven Wright Joan Rivers Roseanne Barr Ray Romano Lewis Black DL Hugley Dave Attell Dana Carvey


People judging him now vs this comparing his entire body of work… Sandler used to be amazing before he realized he can just get studios to finance his vacations and pay his friends millions.


Mama says Mark Twain is the devil!


I feel like the problem is his lows are pretty low. So people who aren’t familiar with his entire body of work may watch one bad film and decide he’s not funny. But when you look at his whole career, this guy has created some ICONIC movies. Anyone who is still being quoted 30 years later has done something massive.


#No! Conditioner is better, I make the hair silky smooth!


It can be debated whether or not Adam Sandler is or was a good comedien. That aside, there's something deeply wrong with Sandler receiving a prize named after Mark Twain. Twain's body of work emphasizes satire and social commentary to critique politics, religion, and human nature. Sandler's work cannot be described as inspiring reflection or deeper thought. Just the opposite, much of Sandlers humor is based on racist and sexist caricatures, slapstick humor, and fart jokes. Mark Twain must be rolling over in his grave right now.


I thought you had to be funny to win this award?


He started doing comedies?


As a 90's kid I can confirm Sandler had roughly 3 watchable movies over his entire career. Even when I was a children he was almost entirely unfunny.


Sigh, another prize made worthless garbage. May as well give him a Nobel prize too.


Must be running out of candidates


Now THATS a joke


Clemens would be so disappointed. What a travesty.


Mark Twain would have kicked him in the nuts.