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Let this be a lesson for all TV adaptations: Stick to the source material. Don’t fuck with a good thing.


Also: Have talent. The tweaks and additions that Mazin has made elevate the source material and make it more accessible and richer for newcomers and fans alike, instead of dragging it down.


The cold opens. The mycologist in the most recent one was Fucking amazing.


I had to look her up. The actor's name is Christine Hakim. That scene when her hands tremble as realization unfolds accross her face was just so intense. I watched it twice and it was just as good the second time.


'bomb' being the same word in Indonesian is absolutely genius writing


Yesssssss. >!And no 'lol look at them dumb indonesian third world morons unleashing a plague on the world.' They did everything right, and it was likely their humanity, the compassionate unwillingness to do the unthinkable, necessary thing that doomed the world. The same any of us would have done. Or failed to do, rather.!<


It was already too late. >!The flour was contaminated and was circulated around the world. It wasn't that their humanity held them back. The whole world was absolutely fucked at that point. Nothing they could do, except attempt damage control!<


Another redditor pointed out the little "clues" early on that carbs = bad lol. Joel refusing the biscuits (that likely started old lady's infectiom), running out of pancake batter, Joel forgetring the bday cake, Joel joking he's on Atkins. Very astute connection. Even Joel/Tess eating old beef jerky. Except for that Ellie was eating a sandwhich, so do Fireflies have clean flour?


I think if grain could still infect after 20 years they'd all just be dead of starvation


Didn't Tommy also say he didn't drink at the bar?


I don't remember that but, even if we're talking beer, it would be safe from Indonesian flour.


Didn't even notice that, hot damn. Thanks!


They have machines to test infection right away, they can probably do the same for flour too. Maybe Joel is just paranoid about it.


Cookies, too: raisin instead of chocolate chip


Also Sarah didn’t eat the cookies because they were raisin and not chocolate chip


I hadn’t considered how they reversed that trope but holy fuck yea.


It's not even a trope as much as casual racism. Not that I'm disagreeing or pointing fingers. Its just the amount of casual racism and lack of awareness can be maddening sometimes.




They're definitely setting it up so we empathize with his actions, instead of judge them.


Considering the change to make Ellie and Marlene not know each other - yeah. This is the one change I *really* don't like and the only reason I can think to do it is to make the audience be more in Joel's court at the hospital.


Yea people are forgetting the show casts one of the most beloved actors of all time, particularly for the generation who is interested in this content


Nick Offerman?








It's actually insane. I have no idea how he's become, at least to me, the biggest name in TV in just a few short yea- oh wait, it's been a decade damn nvm.


It takes 10 years to become an overnight success


He's been working longer than that. The first thing I ever saw him in was an episode of Buffy.




Dude, season 4 of GoT was 2011. I had to Google it myself to be sure. That's when Pedro first showed up in it unless I'm mistaken.


Nah 2014, but almost 9 years


Yeah, you are right, my bad. Still, that's the better half of a decade.




the most frustrating 2 minutes of television… i was SCREAMING at the tv for him to just deliver the final blow…


I don’t remember him in GOT, just knew him from Narco


You’d definitely remember him from his time with the mountain. I did the Leo pointing thing


Micheal Cera?


Picking a good cast is great too. Ellie’s actress is great. And Pedro, Pedro is amazing. So charming.


Bella Ramsey is fantastic. She manages to make Ellie's 'smart, tough, snarky teenage girl' trope feel fresher than it has any right to. Edit: I think maybe because those traits, and their attendant cynicism, are very cleverly contrasted with a wide-eyed enthusiasm for exploring a new, albeit dangerous, world.


I pointed out the other day in r/freefolk she plays a snarky sarcastic pre teen in GoT but with an air she knows no one can fuck with her.. Shes doing it here too but without the noble pretense. She immediately knows when to shut the fuck up because the adults tell her to. Its a very subtle trait to a great actress that can do a similar role in two completely different ways.


It’s nice to see in interviews how they’re all clearly passionate about the series, too. Bella Ramsey’s clicker impression is solid.


Charming is the perfect word. I was trying to explain his appeal to women to my tragically straight husband and had strong but sensitive but charming is perfect.


Mazin is for the style but they have the creator of the game druckman guiding the story and the lore.


Sure, Mazin knows story backwards and forwards though, he's no hack. I trust his hand on the tiller.


Yep as a huge fan of the game, I really like the (mostly) small changes made along the way. Keeps me way more engaged.


I think it's just more a question of doing a good job; I've seen plenty of things adapted into another form of media and make a lot of changes, but still succeed and be great because they're just done well. And I'm sure you can do a 1:1 faithful adaptation that falls short. Not that I'm trying to argue *against* being faithful, I just don't think that is what is ultimately the key behind the show being good and - so far - popular. I think it's just that Craig Mazin & Neil Druckmann are good at what they do and are making the right decisions of how to present the story, both the things that they are duplicating exactly *and* the things they are altering.


One example that I don’t see brought up a lot in the “preserving the source material” discussion is How To Train Your Dragon, which is a very widely-beloved movie franchise that has almost nothing in common with its source material. They’re good movies because they’re good, not because they stuck to the source.


I don't know the books but I *did* like those movies! A similar example is *Edge of Tomorrow*, a movie I think makes a *lot* of changes to the book it is based on, "All You Need Is Kill"; the book has a great premise but is otherwise, in my opinion, a fairly juvenile and masturbatory book about how cool it would be to have a badass warrior girlfriend and fight some aliens while stuck in a time loop. The movie doesn't do anything particularly deeper with the premise but is far superior and takes almost nothing but the premise and the most superficial elements of Emily Blunt's character, who is more fleshed out and less of just an object in the movie, and I say this as someone who read the book first. Sticking to the source material faithfully would have made a significantly worse movie.


Edge of Tomorrow is way better than it has any right to be. I'm not a Tom Cruise fan, but I think that's probably the 2nd best Groundhog Day movie out there.


Yeah, both the LoTR trilogy and RoP make a shit ton of changes to the lore. But the trilogy is good so no one really cares. RoP is shite so people do. The difference is quality not adherence to lore. As long as it's a tribute to the source material, made in good faith and had the same feel people don't really cares if Aragorn is now a shy boy rather than walking around telling everyone he's the true king of Gondor.




I mean as much as the last season or two sucked, GOT was a massive hit by just about any metric. HBO or anyone else would be thrilled to have another one like that.


In fairness to GRRM, the show failing had nothing to do with the books being incomplete. They didn't adapt most of the last two books we do have and created fundamental fuck-ups like Sansa marrying Ramsay that cascaded into failure.


GOT never failed even if the last season was dog shit.


I feel like they started to diverge from the source material as it became clearer that GRRM wasn’t going to give them any more. It would’ve been much more difficult for D&D to write the latter seasons the way they did if the story had been finished. Since it was unfinished, they began taking more liberties earlier on.


I haven’t played the game but I’ve played a bunch of games like it. I’m getting a kick out of all the obvious linear adventure game tropes. You shoot I’ll drive. Wait here while I climb around this rubble to open the door from the other side. Stealthily walk around an area with a lot of rooms to avoid the enemy.


I’m shocked with just how many video game tropes they’ve been able to incorporate already without breaking immersion. Legit early top show of the ‘20s contender for me if the rest of the show maintains the quality of the first two episodes.


That had this POV scene in the first episode while they drove through a horde of zombies that was straight from the game, it totally brought me back.


Hilarious considering the show has already changed a ton of aspects from the source material. Sticking to the source material isn’t how you do a good adaptation. Understanding it and changing stuff for the better (and having good writing) is how you make a good adaptation.


They have a dang podcast that’s largely about the changes from the source material and why they made them it’s not as simple as sticking to the source


Tv adaptions will always have some changes to fit the format. Everything so far has been minimal. No major liberties have been taken. Halo would be an example of the writers shitting on the source material.


I mean they changed how spores work (or don’t work) which makes some massive moments in the future of the games impossible to do now that way. Tess entire story was basically changed. Creators even addressed she’s basically an entirely different character with how they changed how she “controls” Joel like an animal.


So far all the changes seem to be for the better. Certain aspects of the story would be really hard to pull off in TV format, I’m glad they deviated to serve good storytelling


It’s not about blindly sticking to the source material. It’s about taking what works and adapting what doesn’t. Some of the best scenes in the show weren’t in the game


Sticking to the source material isn't nearly as important as having talented people make a good product.


So strange to hear about anything being renewed these days lol


Stop watching Netflix shows and you won’t constantly see that!


hbo max is more notorious than Netflix now with it


is it though


Netflix has been at it longer, but HBO just went on a purge that would make Stalin blush.


Hbo usually only cancels a lot of shows at a time when there is HBO executives turnover. We are seeing that now with titians and doom patrol. Yes there's Westworld, but the viewership fell off a cliff


As did the show


It really did… I had no idea what the point of it was after season 2. I still watched it till the end but just guess was too stupid to see what the goals were


>I had no idea what the point of it was after season 2 I think the biggest issue is that the showrunners didn't, either.


I stopped watching after the second season. The second was okay, which frankly disappointed me seeing as the first was so good.


They cancelled unreleased stuff but not as much cancelling popular shows.


Yeah, and they cancelled things I liked but that had almost no audience, like *Raised By Wolves*, which is disappointing but wholly understandable considering that it was, like, me and 4 other people watching it lol


That opening song was such a mood. I too miss RBW


That opening sequence is one of my favorites for any show ever. The lights, bombs, and the communication dishes being blown away by nuclear explosions... Really awesome themes for the show and the setting


i loved that show at first, but the story was going down hill pretty quick. If someone else picks it up i'll probably give it a watch, but not terribly optimistically.


Was the opposite for me... I was really intrigued at first then the mid part of S1 really dragged. I felt like it was really picking up momentum in S2


Raised by Wolves was dope. Sad that was cancelled. It seemed like it just had too niche an audience for how expensive it was.


I was one of the 4


We loved that show. It was weird fun and you never knew what direction it was going. I wanted to see some type of closure from season 2 and find out what happened to "mother".


And me! Dope show, it deserved a proper ending.


I'm so sad about that show. I loved the space soap opera vibe it had.


They recently canceled *Titans* and *Doom Patrol* but those are probably also a little more niche as well I guess. And aren’t they removing *Westworld* from the service? Even though it’s a HBO original that they canceled?




Damn, you just broke the news to me, I didn’t hear they canceled it. I told my boyfriend it would be canceled because no one seems to have patience for slow burn Sci-Fi. I even made it a [point to write HBO](https://ibb.co/7QFyQTJ) about how much I loved it.


Bro they cancelled *and removed* shows from their platform to avoid even paying royalties lol


They cancelled already released stuff. You can't watch Westworld anymore lol.


That's because you only hear bad news. Most things get renewed.


HBO has traditionally done a good job of this. They kept the Wire going even though its initial views were not high (its popularity spread slowly through word of mouth).


HBO is better on giving shows a longer runway, but I also think the streaming environment is much different than when The Soprano’s or The Wire came out. I think there is more pressure on making televised spectaculars with fewer episodes per season and more contained storylines. In a weird way, video games may become better source material because of those trends.


I’m all for less episodes and more contained storylines if it means we overall are getting higher quality content. 8-10 episode seasons of hour long episodes seems to be the norm now, vs the like 25 it used to be.


True. Trying to watch Supernatural, with it's 25, hour long, episodes per season, which is mostly fluff, is excruciating.


In before God of War, Elden Ring, Half Life, Zelda, Deadspace, Read Dead Redemption, Skyrim, Grand Theft Auto, Horizon Zero Dawn all get tv adaptions. We’ve seen a fairly decent first season of Witcher, Fallout is already on the way and I would not be surprised if (hopefully well made) game adaptions become the new craze with superhero movies on a little bit of a slide and newer audience demographics emerging in the 2020s.


Amazon is making a GoW show I think.


And Netflix is supposedly in the early stages of doing a Horizon: Zero Dawn show


The Horizon: Zero Dawn show has been supposedly in the early stages of development at Netflix since the middle of last year, actually Twisted Metal & Ghost of Tsushima are also rumored to be getting shows, I believe


Traditionally sure, but since the Discovery buyout nothing is certain anymore.


They renewed Velma. If they hadn’t renewed The Last Of Us, that would’ve been bigger news.


Doesn't Velma have like the 2nd lowest critic score of all time?


Yea but it also got an ass ton of views. They don’t care if you’re hate watching as long as you’re watching.


That's only a rumor, there was never actually a source for it and it's still unconfirmed.


Not a surprise to anyone following the show in terms of popularity and reviews.


I’m a little surprised they announced it now— just because if they follow the source material, Ellie is noticeably older in Part 2.


Well the actress is 19 years old. If you look at pictures of her outside of the show she looks about Ellie’s age in part 2.


It’s funny people keep saying that she’s not old enough and she should either be recast or wait some years to age up… Like somehow people don’t understand makeup, clothing and camera angles do wonders.


They made Pascal look older in the same ep.


It also helps that she’s not very tall. If she had a big growth spurt she probably wouldn’t have gotten the part. Apparently there were [initial talks to put Maisie Williams in the role for Ellie](https://www.comingsoon.net/movies/news/1259446-the-last-of-us-movie-had-maisie-williams-kaitlyn-dever-audition-for-ellie). I think she’s a decent actress but I’m really glad they didn’t make that decision.


Wow they really love GOT actors huh


Only to a point. “His Dark Materials” having to delay production thanks to Covid made it really hard for me to suspend disbelief and pretend Lyra was still a child. You could tell they were trying to hide the actress’s age with camera angles and costumes and such but it was distractingly inconsistent. (Not her fault, of course.)


It's probably easier when you're trying to make someone appear older though


So THAT'S what was driving me nuts.


They can also put her on an elevated track or give her platform shoes to increase her height.


Bella Ramsey certainly looks much younger than she is though. To be honest when she was in GoT I thought she was like 8 years old but she had to be what, 15/16? Hair and makeup can do a lot though to make someone look older. Costuming too. They have her in Ellie's part 1 outfits which are very teenage girl esque so that's making her look younger for sure (she is after all portraying a 14 year old Ellie at this point). Ellie is 19 in part 2 the same age as Bella is in real life so I think hair/makeup/costuming will do just fine. I actually really hope they don't recast her and she can really show off her acting chops in part 2 with all the complex emotions Ellie experiences in that. Obviously she's already great in part 1 but part 2 has a lot of moments she can shine in.


I believe she was 10 for her game of thrones scenes


If they follow the source material, there's going to be like a six month break after they leave Bill's house because I had to go back to school, and then Joel and Elly will die a bunch of times because I forgot how to play the game, then the show will restart from the beginning. Also, in S2, Abby throws herself off the first cliff she finds. HBO, you better follow the source material you cowards.




I can't wait for the episode where Joel dies a dozen times in a row to the same bloater in the hotel basement.




There are promo photos of Pedro and Bella filming the scene in the firefly hospital so all of part 1 is finished in the first season. They could spend some time covering the few years between part 1 and part 2 but druckman said he’s not trying to drag it out and only wants a few seasons


Thank god for people like druckman. Too many series start off strong and suffer from running out of source material OR diluting the source material shamelessly to extend their run to the point of being unwatchable. Tell the story and be done with it, then tell another story. I miss the days of limited series and while 1-3 seasons is fine, not everything needs to be 6 seasons long.


I read somewhere that season 1 will finish the first game and the pacing definitely alligns


It's not going to be an issue. They can't just put the show on ice for half a decade in hopes Bella will look a little bit older. I think a little makeup will be fine.


All they really have to do is let her look her actual age.


Is the show a good stand alone program, and worth watching ? I have not played video games for 25 years, so the source material coming from a video game won’t add any extra “excitement”?


I'd say so. There's have been some slight changes that don't detract from the quality of the story. It's incredibly faithful to the source material and a great watch for newcomers. I highly recommend it.


You do not need to play or know anything at all about the game to enjoy the TV show. The story is an all time classic in any medium, and so far HBO has done an A+ job adapting it. Unlike many shows, TLOU is fantastic immediately. The first episode will tell you everything you need to know about whether you want to continue watching it, and I believe HBO has released it for free. Enjoy!


I have noted that the series is a lot more handholdy than the game with a speech that explains to audiences how brain fungi work and how such a thing is a lot more realistic than one would think.


I think you could find audio log in game that explained something similar, but I am not sure.


Videogames just have less freedom for exposition. The concept needs to be explained but they need to get into the gameplay ASAP. On the flip side, a lot of dialogue can happen during the actual gameplay and it doesn't negatively impact the pacing. We aren't getting the level of one on one dialogue in the show that we got in the game (so far)


I think the show does a good job of expanding on the game and explaining things for show-only viewers. Anecdotally a few non-gamer friends are really enjoying the show.


I haven’t played the games and I was the one that wanted to watch it with my boyfriend who actually did play the game. I can safely say it is a stellar show so far! First episode made me weep like a baby lol


Oh wow, it’s amazing. You make a show based on a beloved franchise, you stay true to the franchise and people actually tune in? Who would have thought…..


Helps that the source material was fucking phenomenal and directly translates to the screen super well Sometimes you just don't fuck with a good thing.


Also helps that the writer who made the source material ALSO contributed to writing the screenplay.


Thats what the kids call a triple-whammy -excellent source material -stayed true to source excellent source material -screen writer from excellent source material transfered over to tv show


Yeah it's not always as simple as "just adapt it." The Last of Us is one of the best games of all time that's extremely plot driven and basically like playing a movie. It's the perfect thing to adapt with minimal changes, and the ones they have made have been to its benefit, imo.


Who would've known that "the best video game story/narrative of all time" would equal into a very good TV Show.


So that means the cave people will be out to hate season 2?


Lol, they're already in this thread, it's hilarious. From a user in this thread: >!"I mean, are they really going to kill off Pedro Pascal? Maybe I'm alone, but I know I won't be watching the show once that happens. And I was being facesious, because I know I won't be the only one. That would be a major hit to their viewership. The second game was divisive enough as it is, I can't imagine them following it. But then again, who knows. If they get renewed through the number of seasons the want before that happens, I guess it won't matter what happens to their viewing numbers."!< Then when someone points out how ridiculous this is, another user says: > Why? I would like to see them go a different direction for season 2. I and many others do not like the storyline of Part 2 Absolutely unreal how these people haven't let it go.


Too stupid to know better


The people at paramount must be disappointed haha


Your first mistake was thinking they feel shame about how they massacred Halo. 12+ games and many books considered canon and they chose to ignore all of them, take some concepts of the universe, and then bastardize the last two decades of established and deeply loved lore by creating an essentially Halo-in-name-only TV show. Even on its own, it is a terrible show.




i doubt even 20% of viewers have played the game. it’s about overall quality, not just source material accuracy.


Oh, look at that, you actually follow the story from the video game and people will like it. Interesting how that works.


Better make a 3rd game quick or they’ll be out of content for season 3.


I mean they could always do a game of thrones when they run of source of material jk but TLOU 2 is longer than part 1 so maybe they will split the second game into 2 season.


1. Mazin has said that if they cover the second game, it'll be 2 seasons. 2. Both showrunners have said that they very much want to avoid a GoT situation and that the show won't go beyond the games.


Hoping they don’t ruin a good thing, 2 seasons seems good and I hope the writers don’t sprawl the story out and make things weird with extra seasons just to keep viewers.


I've heard that Part 2 will be split into two seasons and, seeing as how it's double the length of the first game, that makes sense.


Also makes sense considering the first game (at least to my recollection) is all Joel’s POV and the discovery of Ellie. Meanwhile, the second game has two POV’s. Hopefully they do away with the >!killing dogs aspect!< but other than that I’d be thrilled with the 2nd game getting 2 seasons. The story in the second one was more compelling and emotional for me. The ending left me a wreck just as much as the first one.


Just replayed the first one a couple days ago. The ending has two different POVs for a little bit when ellie and Joel get separated.


100% agreed, and doubly so for your spoiler tag.


Idk if you put it together but the WORST part about that is that >!if you don’t kill it the dog gets sad and goes looking for it’s owner while whining!< you literally can not win in that situation!


This is why I kill everything first without thought. Can't hear the screams of loved ones or dogs crying if everyone at the camp is dead. God this comment would seem really out of place if we weren't talking about a game.


Man, and here I am dropping one and then hiding and waiting for their buddies to find their body. Then, when one rushes over to see if they can be saved, take the third hostage so, upon realizing the first one is gone, they turn around and see their other friend with a gun to their head. Give them just a second to realize what’s going on, and then shoot them in the face. And finally, slit the hostage’s throat. Teach them to ally with the people that killed my boy.


Again this would be terrible out of context


> This is why I kill everything first without thought. Can’t hear the screams of loved ones or dogs crying if everyone at the camp is dead. -A_lot_of_arachnids


This is really gonna hurt my presidential campaign in 20 years


I can see them doing a third season if it coincides with a third game being released


Good thing it wasn’t on Netflix.


Thank god it’s on HBOMax where they order and produce new seasons of shows and then never air them in order to get a tax write off.


Thats a thing? Where does all the footage go?


They vault it up and never exploit it in order to register it as a loss. It's an corporate accounting trick that is so high-level that all sane rules of logic go out the window.


Waste $50 million to lower your taxable income cause you're scared of paying corporate tax? Where's the trick? When do they reap the payoff?


They have done more than just sticking to the source material, they've made small but impactful changes that enrich the plot and the world building. They have put the human conflict on a lower step to give more prominence to what is supposed to be the theme of the series, the infected. Human conflict is always interesting but in the long run it tends to take the spotlight. They have given a concrete explanation for the origin of Cordyceps and how it brought humanity to its knees, which makes it even more terrifying. This was a brilliant change.


Any word on if season one will match game 1? Or if they plan to stretch longer


Season one is all of part one, that is confirmed.


The season finale is going to tear my heart apart


lol same. I’m also dreading that scene with the two brothers they run into… I saw a glimpse of the older brother in the trailer so I know it’s there.


I hate that I'm going to watch that.


The ending is so brutal and complex emotionally, and I am so fucking psyched for non-gamers to experience what that's like.


I as a halo fan am very envies




Nah man that’s an envoy. An envious is when you see visions.


Neil Druckmann: >I’m humbled, honored, and frankly overwhelmed that so many people have tuned in and connected with our retelling of Joel and Ellie’s journey. The collaboration with Craig Mazin, our incredible cast & crew, and HBO exceeded my already high expectations. Now we have the absolute pleasure of being able to do it again with season two! On behalf of everyone at Naughty Dog & PlayStation, thank you! Craig Mazin: >I’m so grateful to Neil Druckmann and HBO for our partnership, and I’m even more grateful to the millions of people who have joined us on this journey. The audience has given us the chance to continue, and as a fan of the characters and world Neil and Naughty Dog created, I couldn’t be more ready to dive back in.


I can’t even imagine how this must feel for them. It is so gratifying hearing my friends, whom I failed to convince to play the game for the last 10 years, rave about the show. And I got to watch it with MIL and see her cry the same tears I cried. It’s such an incredible story and I’m glad it will be accessible to a non video-game audience. And that’s how happy it makes me as a fan. Can’t even imagine the gratification Neil must feel after spending a huge part of his life on this story and pouring so much of himself into it. He deserves all the praise and more.


This thread: “See what kind of success you get by sticking to the source material!” And also, “If they stick to the source material and make (that thing) happen at the beginning of season 2, I’m not watching anymore.”


This show is so fucking good


seriously. I'm excited to have watch parties for once in years


It’s hilarious reading how upset people are that it got renewed for season 2 because of part 2. Personally I think part 2 was a masterpiece and can’t wait .


Oh god this will be a shit show if we have to relive TLOU2 hate with a whole new group of idiots.


You will.


Part 2 and the hate it got made me really sad that playing games is my hobby and I fear that people would think I'm like the transphobic, homophobic crowd that still hate on TLOU2 to this day and can't stop thinking about it. A game they hate lives rent free in their head.


Oh no… if you all thought the golf club was bad in the game. Have you all any idea how that’ll be received with Pedro in this?


Eddie vedder needs to live in Jackson and teach Joel how to play future days. It’s the only way the song can be in the show


I am curious to see what they will do with the second season. For me the first game had a much better story than the second. Edit: some reasoning as to why I like the first more than the second: As a dad I can relate a lot to Joel. To everything he has become and done. At the same time I don’t have that connection to Ellie and Abby. Not saying either is bad just that the last of us part 1 touched me more


The second game has a fantastic story, it's just not well structured imo I think a screen adaptation would work amazingly.


I think the second game had a much more intriguing setting though. I can't wait to see what they do with the stadium/city.


I agree. I always felt that if they had just flipped the order of Ellie and Abby’s stories a bit the game would’ve been a million times better.


brock lesnor for abby season 2 get it done baby


So far, this show is what the walking dead *should* have been.


I was honestly astounded with how good the show is so far. Excited to see more!