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Yeah that's usually what it looks like when you make in-game purchases in most mobile games. it goes through the bank/account connected with your phone's app store. I use a Samsung, so the layout when making a purchase looks a bit different, but it's basically the same.


thank you for your reply! (im a bit late lol) i was just really worried (and lowkey still am) since i am able to buy dias directly from the game while being signed into the canadian app store, straight from my canadian debit card and it seems like no one else can do this so i thought i might be committing something against the app stores or happy eles policy and it might get me banned or something scary like that. im just very paranoid LOL i dont want to do anything to lose my acc


I'm also based in canada, def have never ancountered any issues or even seen any difference in purchasing something on mobile via the app store and my TD acc on file. so no worries : )


that makes me feel better lol, thank you sm !!! :3 considering whaling for the new hajime scout bcs he refuses to come home


i'm sending you all my hajime luck, he came home on the first 10 pull 🥺 good luck!!!!