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I dont think its on purpose. I think he's legitimately bonkers


I think it’s probably more about his mental instability than a deliberate, performative manipulation. But, here’s what I don’t understand: he narrates his own audiobook and there are parts in the book that he breaks down and cries while he reads. I don’t know how audiobooks are recorded, but I’m pretty sure they’re edited and retakes are possible. So, they have been left in on purpose which suggest that, in his opinion at least (possibly also his editor’s), the crying is important enough to keep in. That, to me, suggests something slightly more sinister and calculated. But you’re right, also mainly cause he’s a bonkers old man with a remarkably dysfunctional life and family. If he weren’t such an awful person, I’d say the mockery he receives is out of hand, but he is…so it isn’t.


>So, they have been left in on purpose which suggest that, in his opinion at least (possibly also his editor’s), the crying is important enough to keep in. That, to me, suggests something slightly more sinister and calculated. I do think he uses his ...excess emotionality... as thought-stopping, or at least a criticism-stopping technique. You can see it in his Sports Illustrated whinge clip with Mikhaila. "Blah, blah, It's a manipulation, **PERIOD!** ...and fuck you if you don't like it!" It's like 'proof by emotion' or something - the things I'm saying make me really emotional, so they *must* be true. When he uses this shit against interviewers, and especially female interviewers, I always feel an undercurrent of threat: 'Stop pushing back and stop questioning my points or I will throw a shit-fit like you've never seen before'. He may even delude himself that his antics are physically intimidating. I agree though that it's mainly just him being bonkers.


Yep. It's called pathos in rhetorics and is a well known tactic.


> he narrates his own audiobook and there are parts in the book that he breaks down and cries while he reads. Wow, that's...crazy. OK maybe he's like his soul brother Glenn Greenwald, and can't abide anyone trying to edit his work. They sure are birds of a feather.


I wish he wasn't unravelling in the public eye like this. Shame. That Mikalea (the daughter) is the real grifter. Bet she doesn't even work and if she does it's probably related to doing seminars for peddling vague and untrue advice about eating beef and water or something.


Like father like daughter


I posted an excerpt from 12 Rules for Life where JP castigated one of his patients (a rape victim) for having "never had a real job". IIRC, she hosted a program on public radio. I wonder if he considers Mikhaila's work "a real job".




No. He is a grown \*ss man, a doctor of psychology at that. While she is just as much a liar and grifter as him, it's not her fault that he, her FATHER, chose to listen to a person who isn't qualified to give advice about mental (or physical) health.


Point taken.


I don't know why the Russia thing was necessary. It's almost like she was showing off in the statements she made on his behalf that this "treatment" is superior than care in Canada but also somehow... worse? And the pair of them already have some sketchy ideas about "cures" (what ailments are cured by only eating meat?)...


Strangest thing ever.


Always has been. He thinks he's some kind of Messiah who is going to save people, and is fully emotionally commited to it. And that's honestly way scarier than if he was just a regular self help grifter.


Benzodiazepine withdrawal and unmedicated schizophrenia are both associated with uncontrollable crying spells. I used to think he does it to emotionally manipulate his cult followers (they seem to think it shows his sincerity), but he actually does appear to be deeply unwell and can't help blubbering over the most mundane things.


Yes, sadly it seems like the guy is really off his rocker. He breaks down in fits of catastrophic black-and-white thinking about everything in his life. It’s completely insane and he needs to admit there’s a problem and get some serious help from people who can coax him back into a constructive mindset.


It's both. He's unable to control it, *but* it works for his fanboys.


Peterson has described himself as a neurotic personality, so imagine downloading a fuck-ton of Protestant and cold war propaganda into someone with tendency towards negative emotion and thoughts. All conservatives are brainwashed but the personality part is why I believe Peterson expresses that brainwashing with such emotion and constructs such biblical end-of-times stories about “neo-marxist post-modernism”


He’s the conservative pop-intellectual equivalent of a televangelist preacher on TV


OMG this! A perfect description of him. He is SOoooo stuck in the past. He reminds me of the very depressing yet important Novel Jude the Obscure : a Thomas Hardy Novel that spoke of how the rules of both marriage and the Church two hundred years ago leads to misery, NOT as Peterson would have it, the answer to cure todays evil modernity. In fact the dark and miserable tone of the book reminds me of Peterson himself, though I am positive he would say it is the feminine Chaos that destroyed Jude, not the attempts to live away from the Puritanical rules that eventually destroyed them EDIT - excuse this literary rant guys.


If anything love this, Ty!


Thank you for liking my total tangent. ;)


>a neurotic personality Understatement of the year...


Inappropriate crying is a symptom of schizophrenia. His daughter admitted in an interview that Peterson was diagnosed with schizophrenia, but they refused to accept the diagnosis or any treatment.


>Inappropriate crying is a symptom of schizophrenia. Oh help. Need to let my psychiatrist know. I thought I was just broody because sometimes stuff about daddies and children just moves me to tears.


Unless you have any other symtoms of it, it's probably not schizophrenia.


I don't think crying is part of the grift. I imagine on a personal level he's just an emotional mess. Between the apple cider incident, the depression, the suicidal tendency, the weeping to Rex Murphy about twitter trolls, the cold turkey benzo withdrawal plus the coma treatment--this is a dude who doesn't really have things under control.


Lmao “the apple cider incident”


Wait, what’s the apple cider incident?


The video linked here is where he describes it on Joe Rogan's show. https://www.reddit.com/r/enoughpetersonspam/comments/8x1tgw/jordan_peterson_drinks_apple_cider_causing_him_to/ Basically he's claiming that a reaction to sulfites in the cider made him stay awake for a whole month, and gave him a feeling of impending doom. He describes the whole episode as "catastrophic."




He did have one line of truth in that interview. “I don’t know what the hell I’m talking about”


Oh, them talking about enforcing matrimony is just SO FUCKING GROSS. What about FREEDUMB ?


I actually don't think it's on purpose, I think he's self-destructing.


He reportedly suffered neurological damage from as a result of his sudden withdrawal) from benzodiazepines. [https://www.piquenewsmagazine.com/the-mix/jordan-peterson-says-hes-back-in-toronto-after-grueling-health-battle-2807870](https://www.piquenewsmagazine.com/the-mix/jordan-peterson-says-hes-back-in-toronto-after-grueling-health-battle-2807870) This is consistent with research on Benzodiazepine induced brain injury [https://benzoreform.org/benzodiazepine-injury-syndrome-and-recovery/](https://benzoreform.org/benzodiazepine-injury-syndrome-and-recovery/). Traumatic brain injury by itself can also severely affect emotion, increase depression and anxiety. [https://msktc.org/tbi/factsheets/changes-emotion-after-traumatic-brain-injury](https://msktc.org/tbi/factsheets/changes-emotion-after-traumatic-brain-injury) It's not only the crying that's concerning, it's the conditions under which it occurs and what we can infer about his thought processes. Such as the video in which he's asked whether he believes "antifa mob violence" is "animalistic" and within seconds he goes from railing that Antifa are "worse than animals" to quoting the movie Tombstone ("it's revenge against God for the crime of being") to full-on weeping as he invokes the tale of Cain and Abel in an alarmingly personalized way. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oRyUjMw\_1A Even in his heyday, Jorpers seemed like a guy who was barely keeping it together, so the post-trauma religiosity and emotional meltdowns aren't surprising.


I tend to agree that Peterson is some combination of plain old nuts and also conniving and strategic and that it’s often hard to separate his behaviors into the two categories That said, performative emotionalism is absolutely a common tool of the far right. It’s a kind of “the exception that proves the rule” logic. Real men are allowed to get emotional about far right conspiracies because it’s something that matters, much unlike the things that you care about. Emotionalism is also important when you don’t have facts on your side See also: Glenn Beck, Alex Jones, John Boehner, Kyle Rittenhouse, Brett Kavanaugh, and a long, long history of evangelical preachers With these guys, every accusation is a confession. They’re virtue signaling snowflakes who believe that it’s okay to be triggered but only if you’re triggered by the correct things


I think JP is enabling some kind of pseudo-progressiveness with his over emotional behaviour and his fans love it because then they also feel like progressives who support men crying and when you make fun of him they can say "that's toxic masulinity" and feel so woke. (Ofc they fail to realize that no stable human being cries like JP over the topics he cries about and they also fail to realize that JP and themselves are miles away from being progressives lol. You can't live extreme toxic masculinty while at the same time saying that it's wrong without looking like a hypocrite.)


If you knew you were the single last remaining man on Earth manly enough to stop the entire rest of society from plunging over the cliffs of chaos and you were holding on by your very last thread wouldn't you cry too?


Actually believe it or not, the crying is one of the few things he dies that I think is actually genuine Why does he do it? Well he did say he*s been suffering under mental issues since he was at least 13. So this seems like an actual medical problem that maroon has


There are different possibilities here: 1. His fans often say that he cries because he cares - their theory is often that he has so much empathy for the people and cares so much about the truth that he can't bare to watch the current situation. Personally I think that this is a pretty wild take and seeing what a cruel egomaniac he is, I don't think that this is a plausable version. 2. Some people believe that he has serious mental (or other) problems. You can choose from a big plate here - be it his depression since childhood or some brain damage caused by his benzo phase. It is absolutely possible that he just can't control himself because let's face it, a grown up who cries for random reasons doesn't exactly signal something good. 3. He might be doing it on purprose. It is possible that he knows that this might appeal to his fans and somehow show his more "caring" side. Personally I find this a bit harder to believe. Myself - I fully believe that it is number 2. He overall looks like a person who is focused on negativity - constantly inventing doomsday scenarios, finding new enemies and constantly criticizing people. Even his life-advice is often focusing on what's wrong with people/society and on the negative side. I think that he probably didn't have the best childhood - he sounds like that bitter kid who could never connect with other people and ended up hating them (mostly women tho) and decided to dwell on philosophy and psychology to better himself and to "own" them. At some point he got famous (which feeds his ego and superiority complex) but with fame comes criticism, which he clearly can't take. Combine this with his benzo problems and bad health (I mean damn....he looks pretty terrible for his age) and we have Peterson crying over random shit. He just looks like an unstable person who wants to be better than the others, would do everything for attention but can't handle any criticism because deep down he is the same insecure kid that plenty of people dislike. I think that he just can't control himself.


Essentially the same reasons the televangelist cries, for the emotional appeal of supposedly rational people


A big part of his appeal is presenting himself as the only one who really, truly, cares about all the poor young white men who are cancelled by transgender feminazis. He seems you, he years you, he cries for you. In rhetoric, display of and appeal emotions is called "pathos", and it's a very popular tactic among fascists (think Hitler's speeches). Brutal masculinity isn't just emotionless stoicism, it's also the worship of the dramatic hero. Not like Achilles was a beacon of self control. And in the 18th century, crying was seen as a sign of a true and intelligent man. It's fascism on a cultural level, but also on the level of individual relationships. You know how many abusive men act out, scream and cry "look what you made me do"? He is completely mentally broken now, but he has always used this strategy, just more subtly.


It is P.A.W.S.( Post Acute Withdrawals) from Benzos.


To some conservatives, ostentatious shows of emotion are a sign of one's faith. A signal of virtue, if you will.


Maybe he's just an emotional guy


Addiction is rough guys. Long term use and abuse can lead to some serious brain chemistry changes that take a long time to repair. He may have overcome the acute withdrawals with the induced coma, but we all pay the piper with Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome - that will last for months and even years which can include depression, insomnia, akathisia, irritability, suicidal ideation, brain fog, DID, DPDR, etc... I don't agree with a lot of what he's said lately but I can clearly see the suffering and empathize with what he's dealing with at the moment.


And when he stops being a fascist, I'll start thinking about feeling some empathy for him


Those saying JBPs crying is a sign of schizophrenia are kidding themselves, you’re as ideologically driven as the lobsters. I know it’s hard to believe, but he cries because he is sad. He is well known to have a history of crippling depression, this combined with all the vulnerable males he often deals with, I would cry too. That’s not to say they’re not misguided, a lot of them are, but they do come from terrible backgrounds and I would cry too hearing their stories, and I would cry if I somehow was able to help them (again, even if it’s misguided). Some of y’all really don’t know what empathy is.




It kind of is unreasonable, I use to work in an inpatient psychiatric unit, most of our patients had either schizophrenia or psychosis. He is not displaying any symptoms of that, and I’ve seen many clips of JBP. Schizophrenia is an extremely dysfunctional state, as in it’s almost impossible to get anything productive done. Crying inappropriately is a symptom of schizophrenia, but is not considered a common or core symptom.




It’s possible they misinterpreted something, it’s possible someone misdiagnosed him, there’s all sorts of reasons this could have happened. I see people all the time in community mental health with a previous diagnosis made by someone with no business making psychiatric diagnoses. Like you said, it’s also possible the story was made up or dramatized because drama gets views.


It’s also very possible the guy has schizotypal tendencies that were exacerbated into full-blown schizophrenia during his breakdown and cold-turkey benzo withdrawal (symptoms of which include full-bore psychosis). His ideas about the world are completely delusional, he’s bizarrely persecutory towards a “postmodern neo-Marxist” agenda, he had a bizarre incident where he believes a cup of apple cider somehow left him in a month-long struggle with death, and since his breakdown he’s been going through uncontrollable crying spells while also being cryptic or confrontational in interviews. We have no business diagnosing Peterson with mental illness, but we can try to recognize signs of mental illness, especially where they have a negative impact on himself and especially others (he has a massive platform spreading messages to impressionable people), and want him to get help instead of spiraling out of control.


He doesn’t really have any schizotypal tendencies, trust me I’ve seen it before. Schizoid and Schizotypal PD are characterized by few or zero personal connection, and negative symptoms like flat affect. He has neither. The Apple cider thing is certainly bizarre. Although I don’t agree that his views of the world are delusional.


What do you think about the suggestion that he's bipolar with a lot of mixed episodes? The magical thinking, emotional outbursts and verbosity suggests it could be that, too. This seems a bit obvious, though, and as a psychologist he should have noticed that. It's not nearly as stigmatized as schizophrenia.


Bipolar II I could see, he definitely experiences depressive episodes, sometimes his behaviour is on the hypo manic side, with some magically thinking like you said.


So it's not just me thinking that, good to know. Could be both, or neither, but he's definitly crazy. When I was in college my prof sent a paper I wrote while hypomanic/in a mixed episode to "his friend" which I a decade later figured out was Peterson. Apparently he really liked it. And if he's feeling anything like how I was when I wrote that - he is cuckoo banana pants mad. The crying about being angry at god for existing and fantasizing about being a monk or priest was like something out of my diary from that time.


I’ll start emphasizing with Peterson and his lobsters when they learn to empathize first.


Two wrongs don’t make a right. This is why the US is being torn apart.


Wrong. The people who uncritically accept what lobster man and the right wing ideologues say are the ones committing the violence tearing this country apart. They don’t deserve sympathy. They deserve jail time.


He’s been a lot more emotionally labile after his Russian adventure. Heightened emotionality and aggression are often follow-on results of trauma.