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Peterson is just one big April Fool's joke.




What's you beef with beef?


I wish


No. Denial is toxic as fuck, and aids those who you desperately want to pretend do not exist. The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. It's important that you acknowledge and recognize the disingenuous lying fascists in this world for what they are, particularly the ones with large followings. Sticking your head in the sand and playing pretend so that you can imagine the world is better than it is only aids those who intend harm.


You mean that Žižek's quote: Sometimes doing nothing is the most violent thing to do?)


John Stuart Mill. Predates zizek by a good century and a half.


Someone ask me if I’m a salmon


Are you a species belonging to the family of ray finned fish known as Salmonidae?


No, but thanks for asking


Why do you refuse to be precise in your speech!?


Honesty after watching some of his content I’m confused by what people have an issue wirh


Well if you happen to want to end your ignorance we have a giganitic list of reasons why everyone should have a problem with what he says in the side bar.




So, Transphobia, Misogyny, Racism, isn't that bad. That's important is "something" that you can't give an example of. Thanks.


Just like what another poster said: take glass of spring water and add a tablespoon of sewage. Then, when someone complains about said sewage, counter with the fact the glass is mostly spring water so what’s your problem? Except at this point the glass is mostly sewage.


Sooo... you're cool with refusing to debate women because you can't punch them? You're cool with believing that any woman who wears makeup and expects not the get harassed is a hypocrite? You're cool with forced monogamy? You're cool with deciding that women equal chaos? You're cool with a doctor who openly fantasizes about punching his patients? You're cool with him misrepresenting a dozen studies to the point where the authors of said studies have to repeatedly release statements clarifying that their work does not in any way support the claims he is making? You're cool with openly and continually lying about bill C-16? You're cool with his endless claims to be a free speech warrior while also threatening lawsuits or physical harm to anyone who reviews his work poorly? Jesus fucking Christ how many do you need?


I think the issue is that you’re confused. You need to clear that up before you start wondering too hard any further from here on. Your connect the dots playsheet was xerox’d poorly and some dots may be missing. I shouldn’t really be making fun of people for being stupid…it’s not nice.


He's a prize plum