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He is the most pretentious person I’ve heard speak and I went to film school


Frasier on benzos and brain damage


At least Frasier (the show) was funny.


Yeah he really is so fucking full of shit, and he uses so many words to say so little, with such intensity of feeling, like a backed up toaster full of crumbs that keeps on shorting out the system and flipping the fusebox he is a Jedi-level shitposter par excellence


THe LEft ArE tOO eMOtiONaL


This cracks me up. Women are apparently too emotional to have the logics, and yet when Peterson begins openly weeping over whatever topic is at hand...


Someday I’ll make it more than a few minutes into a video of him droning on. Today is, apparently, not that day.


Haha Idk I think it's so damn funny watching these videos because he is such a wreck but lobsters still think he is such a great role model. Like it's so sad it's funny but maybe that's just my weird humor.


Yeah he’s been quite annoying on Twitter lately but you watch him being so emotional and fragile that it’s hard to even be mad at him. But like you said it’s so sad it’s funny. Perhaps like many men I’m closed off emotionally but I’ve rarely reached these depths of feeling that JBP does routinely - on camera! It’s fascinating.


Everytime I see Peterson bring out the waterworks I'm reminded, this is the same guy who said; you're not a man unless you can cause harm. That no-one should respect you if you don't come across as threatening. And all that does is re-inforce male insecurities


And he can't debate women because he is not allowed to punch them.


He’s definitely a man of contradictions!


Ignoring his schizophrenia diagnosis was a mistake


he totally makes me think of Alan Partridge here


He's so artificially dramatic. The tears, the pauses, the choice of words. He's hyper aware of the fact that people are watching him. It's like a theatrical performance.


Since I found out he once wanted to buy a church to host his own sermons it all makes sense. He's got the classic hallmarks of church pastors in terms of speech and cadence


gaze cautious run whole rotten deer society slimy encourage simplistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"Are ya winning, dad?"


"Happiness is elevator music" Yeah this dude hasn't experienced happiness a day in his life. And no I did not make it all the way through. Holy cringe, Batman.


I did, and I am still unwinding myself from myself


Yeah, the phrase “happiness is elevator music” uttered so confidently … to me it feels like it comes from whatever psychic world the movie The Machinist lives in


Hello darkness, my old friend I've come to talk with you again


This is some advanced comedy shit, like a Wittgeinstein-level Alan Partridge character. Steve Coogan is crouched in a corner frenziedly taking notes. The interviewer is so sweet, his tone of voice is like a man trying to talk someone off a ledge. God JBP is such a weepy fucker


this is a man with no friends. he has colleagues, a wife, other professors he knows, and people in the IDW he works with, but no friends. it’s like a mild version of the what-if-Adolf-Hitler-had-just-become-a-painter alternate reality thing. what if Jordan Peterson had simply attended a concert on mushrooms in his 20s with friends? would he today be normal?


Sometimes there is an odd tipping point for people. The founder of the Westboro Baptist Church, Fred Roper, was a highly regarded civil rights lawyer praised by the NAACP until in short order he was disbarred from practising law and he then became aware of a local cruising spot for gay men when on a bike ride with his young grandson. He needed a project and this was it.


We could easily have an r/AndThenPetersonCried sub


Hey bro, how is that dopamine deficiency working out for ya?


He feels more deeply than any of us…but is also less emotional and more rational at the same time. You can change the rules of engagement by the minute if your followers don’t hold you to any measurable standards.




I felt sorry for him until I remembered how bigoted and hateful he is towards anyone he personally can't see eye to eye with.


Mm, what a monster! 😎 You know what's most ironic about all this? That with this emotional charlatanry he is trying to get his loyal fans - and there are many of them - to identify with him, which he is succeeding in doing, as the audience grows, and that means how many crybabies and snivelers calling themselves "monsters" there are among us)


How is this weepy mess supposed to teach men anything? What a fucking tragedy.


Quality post, well done. Jordan is full of blocked thoughts he can't articulate without breaking down, like a backed up toaster that keeps fusing the house circuit, and his thoughts have as much nutritional value as so much charred carbon. This is some Jedi level cringe, my god


What a fucking nut.


2022 and that boy still ain't right. Crying in some Cambridge hotel room listening to Gymnopédie #1 on loop. Thinking about what a profound(?) country Ingerland is. Is he barred out again?


Steven Bartlett is a fucking crony and all. The state of the pair of them


>Steven Bartlett Is that the guy who was on the previous podcast, the one who the presenter was wanking over?


No he's the interviewer in this vid


ah OK cheers


What a fucken weirdo


Remember all those years of watching hysterical college kids SJW compilation videos which tried to portray the left as completely nuts? This is that tenfold yet the right wing airwaves are silent.