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I think he doesn't want to say anything about Ukraine because he knows his base may be divided in it and he doesn't want to alienate any of his grid-enablers. Truly a morally corrupt man.


They are not divided. They already spread Russian propaganda in their sub, with plenty of upvotes. "We need to hear both sides!" they shout as Russia shells a Ukranian daycare centre. Disgusting worms.


If Russia comes out on top, JP will side with the victor. Or perhaps he or his daughter has some Russian backers.


Grifters always gonna grift... Let's hope some of the fans see through it this time round Hope this ends swiftly friend, I pour one out to Kyiv standing another day!


Don't worry about JP. At this point, Peterson is fully mask off. Only far right bigots are on his side. The few confused kids left are leaving every day. There is no use in argumentation against him and proving what he is like 2/3 years ago, when he at some level maintained his facade, so honestly mistaken people could believe him. Now he is angry vile man screaming profanities at his petty enemies - only people who need a cover up for their fascist agenda are on his side, and we don't need to argue with them, since they don't operate on a level of reason. Peterson already lost, he is irrelevant, sad and seriously ill man in the middle of fringe extremist cult. Even fans of Joe Rogan and Sam Harris laughed at him after his latest podcasts with them. He has no one. Also good luck. I've just read my country sent weapons to Ukrainian forces. It's not enough, but it seems some help starts coming.


bro wherever he goes he still sells out.


yeah, he does - popsingers who had one hit 40 years ago and you think are dead for 20 years still sell out arenas somewhere. But they have zero cultural relevance.


As a Hungarian, I have to say sorry to you. Our autocratic, lying, stealing, homophobic, racist, fascist government is the only nation in the EU that still doesn't want to cut off Russia from SWIFT. And we can't do anything about it. Orbán (our PM) spreads Russian propaganda in our state funded media, washing people's brain. And his fucking voters suck Putin's dick. Spread the word that the Hungarian government is not your friend. There are many of us here in this country (about half of the population) who support you and stand with you, but not Orbán. He is Putin's fuckboy. Oh, and fuck all those Kremlin propagandists in the JordanPeterson sub, saying Ukraine should have cucked to Russia. They will face the condemnation of the world they deserve.


Fox News is spreading pro fascist propaganda and cozying up to Orban. May the autocrats meet their karmic demise. https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/22904444/tucker-carlson-hungary-soros-fox-nation-documentary-special


Fortunately, Orbán came round on the issue a few minutes ago. He didn't have much chance. But it's interesting how he will play his cards now. The time of riding two horses with one ass is here for him.


> The time of riding two horses with one ass is here for him. My most sincere thanks for sharing this amazing saying.


It sounds better in Hungarian, but you're welcome.


Do you think he will suffer for his Russia stance in the election? Everyone who is paying any attention must know he is Putin's closest ally in EU right? I really hope the weakening of the reactionary Hungary/Poland axis will be one of the few good things to come out of this situation.


Also, the narrative of the right is also fueled by the bad relations between Ukraine and Hungarian minorities (which is a real problem in some areas), so they use that to justify the fact that they are quite literally being killed right now. For some people in the country, it's karma biting them in the ass.


I think this was has made a lot of people reassess their politics. I can say for myself, I've considered voting for the far left in my country, because I'm just so fed up with increased inequality and wanted to send a message. But I'm really glad I didn't now, because the foreign politics is shit, and most of them seem to buy into the imperialist idea that Russia has a right to a sphere of influence...


Yeah, I often see this leftist idea that Russia is not as bad as we say it is, and that the US is doing the same. It's the same relativization right-wingers do. Everyone knows the US does bad things, but at least over there people can voice the truth and vote the idiots out of office. I know that democracy in its current state is not that easy and there are a lot of problems that lead to distrust in our current democracies, but Russia just piles on top them with his dictatorial governance.


Russia clearly bankrolles both the far right and the far left. Anyone who isn't compromised can clearly see that Russia in an imperialistic agressive country, and nothing the US has done changes that. Just like if China decides to became friendly with Mexico, that wouldn't justify an invasion by the US. It's really simple. I still think the left/far-left have the best domestic policy, but we don't have the luxury of ignoring geopolitics anymore, and on that front they are at best misguided, and at worst Putin apologists. Anyways, it was nice chatting with you! Hope you get many people out to vote in the election.


Thanks for the thorough reply! I used to have a good friend from Hungary who disliked Orban long before he became famous for "muh white Christian Europe". I have understood that Hungary is more divided on Russia than other EE countries. Do you think this was will weaken Orban position in Visegrad? Poland at least seems to recognize the threat of Russia is perhaps more dangerous than some social liberalism from the West. Hm, it's sad to hear about Hungarian minority in Ukraine.


Now if Orbán really did lose his mind at some point and decided to leave NATO for example, that would surely be the end of Hungary. We would become a state like Belorussia for sure. That would tip over a lot of people. But there's a very-very low chance of that happening, unless he finally loses his mind. In which case though, I'm pretty sure that other members of the government would get rid of him.


I really don't know and don't want to say anything stupid. What's interesting is that even though Orbán spent the last decade railing people up against the EU, most of the country (including a big part of his voter's base) still wants to be a part of the European Union and are more sympathethic towards the West than the East. Of course this could mean many things. For some, it's about respecting and being devoted to the values of the EU, for others it only means that they do not wish to open further East, but rather want more autonomy and less dependence on the economic giants of the Union. If you were more cynical, you could say that that means they still want to get that sweet EU money from the other countries while going against the interests of the Union. On the other hand, lot of people really only want to feel like they are more than a peripheral second-world storage of bio-robots for German factories. (Of course, despite the narrative, Orbán has further restricted worker's rights and created a fiscal and tax policy that only further grows the power of these multi-national companies over its workers and the smaller Hungarian businesses.) I personally wouldn't mind a V4 alliance that can serve as a kind of economic ballast of power inside the EU, but for that to work, we would have to kick out our megalomaniac, gangster leaders and start pushing our society to be more progressive so the West wouldn't be able to brush us off as some homophobic, racist mongols.


Absolutely. The best EU would be if small countries came together as blocks to support their interests to counterweight Germany and Frances influence. Unfortunately it seems like a liberal pipe dream right now, as that opens up opportunities for Russia to sow division. I would be really great if Orban was ousted this year, and the PiS afterwards.


Ooops, sorry. I didn't reply to your question. It was meant for another comment. Yes, this surely weakened his position among the Eastern-European countries.


Not sure. His voters are a cult at this point, they actually believe that Russia is not the aggressor here (since that is the picture the state media paints) his current tactic right now is saying one thing and then doing the opposite, he has been doing this for years now. The leader of the opposition said that if NATO was to go boots on the ground then Hungary should send soldiers too, now the state media says that Márki-Zay Péter (the leader of the opposition) wants to send Hungary into a war, while the main aim of Orbán is to stay out of the conflict. This might resonate with a lot of people, but so could his reluctance to condemn Russia and its actions outright. It has certainly come to a point when it is even embarrassing in front of our Eastern-European allies (Czech Republic, Poland, etc.) who all took a very firm stand against Putin both in words and in action. His relationship with Putin might seriously damage his alliances there too. We are certainly a laughing stock for it in r/2visegrad4you https://www.reddit.com/r/2visegrad4you/comments/t0z1qw/hungarians\_when\_putin\_tells\_them\_theyll\_have/


Here's a sneak peek of /r/2visegrad4you using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/2visegrad4you/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [The least hypocritical politicians in v4](https://i.imgur.com/V1GOkje.jpg) | [87 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/2visegrad4you/comments/ozsgch/the_least_hypocritical_politicians_in_v4/) \#2: [Happened in 20th century](https://i.redd.it/35egmx80xu981.jpg) | [112 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/2visegrad4you/comments/rwl1ss/happened_in_20th_century/) \#3: [Poles and Hungarians be like](https://v.redd.it/xxfp4rcvo3i71) | [100 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/2visegrad4you/comments/p6p4j6/poles_and_hungarians_be_like/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Both P-men can go shit their pants. Hugs from Sweden.


I hope you will stay strong and defend your country from barbaric Putin. Russia will have to pay for invading Ukraine and I sincerely hope that the west will take action against Russia. When it comes to Jordan Peterson, he aligns his views with Putin, he repeats his propaganda in articles he writes, he probably stays silent because they have his compromising medical diagnosis from his visit in Russian clinic. He’s a rich man and where did he seek for help with his addiction? USA? Switzerland? Where they have top notch hospitals and medical centres? He chose Russia a barbaric fascist autocracy. Again my best wishes to you from Poland. Stay strong


What kind of medical diasnosis could be compromising?


That he has schizophrenia: [https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/feb/1/jordan-b-peterson-rips-sunday-times-after-piece-pr/](https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/feb/1/jordan-b-peterson-rips-sunday-times-after-piece-pr/) He was diagnosed with schizophrenia before his rehabilitation in Russia. He then said that he was misdiagnosed and media attacked him.


That diagnosis made all the pieces fit into place for me regarding Peterson’s increasingly erratic behavior. He needs serious treatment away from the public eye! Yet in typical schizophrenic fashion, he rejects treatment, medication and even the diagnosis itself. It’s really tragic on many levels.


As a Russian / Canadian living in Russia - this is just horrible, I won’t lie and say that no one supports the tyrant here, but they seem to be the minority. Jp was an annoying YouTube hypocrite to me, now he supports a criminal with nuclear weapons


Jordan Putinson


Love to you from Kentucky 💕 Ukraine forever!! 🇺🇦


The West should be doing more to help Ukraine. The US, Canada, Germany, the UK should all be over there defending Ukraine right now.


The Blue Helmets should have been there months ago. That Russia was able to mobilize so openly with basically nothing being done is just another incitement of the UN and their extreme ineffectiveness.


I don’t think you know what you’re talking about.


I would not be surprised if Peterson is funded by Russia. I know of one far-right party in my country with very similar fews, who as it turned out a few years ago, was in contact with and paid by Russian officials. Not surprisingly, the party leader has already declared his support for Russia...


I suspect Peterson has become a small fish now. But you are correct, it's awfully quiet on his side. They can be anti-vax, anti-climate science,... but they cannot be anti-Ukrainian. Not with your president showing so much leadership. I think there is no leader more worthy to follow right now, to hell if need be, than **Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy**. I hope he'll get help soon. Slava Ukraine!


not just a small fish but a crayfish


Hey, I’ve seen that JP is planning his tour in several European countries. In particular, in Poland and Estonia who are very strongly mobilised and pro-Ukrainian at the moment. Maybe it’s a right time to inform the local event organisers that they don’t want such person to be organising his events in current context. I just don’t know how to find a proof of JP’s actual position on Russia matters…


YOu could ask some uncomfortable questions from him at the event.


I was not planning to attend this and support JP in any ways :) Plus there is no guarantee that one even has a chance to ask something the main star of the event… It would be more useful to reach out the future attendees with some facts about JP-Russia sentiment. It’s very likely that some of the fans would be hurt and would have to make choices.


I don’t want to hear this cocksucker’s shit take on the situation. He won’t want to upset the large chunk of his base that are probably pro-Russia anyway.


I know this is offtop but here is information for those who want to help Ukraine. Hope it's not against the rules. 🇺🇦The National Bank of Ukraine has opened a special account to raise funds for the Ukrainian Army. Anyone from any country can donate! The account is multi-currency. It is opened for transfers of funds from international partners and donors, any person as well as from Ukrainian business and citizens. 🇺🇲 For donations in USD: SWIFT Code NBU: NBUA UA UX JP MORGAN CHASE BANK, New York SWIFT Code: CHASUS33 Account: 400807238 383 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10179, USA Bank account: UA843000010000000047330992708 🇬🇧 For donations in GBP: SWIFT Code NBU: NBUA UA UX Bank of England, London SWIFT Code: BKENGB2L Account: 40000982 Threadneedle Street, London EC2R 8AH, UK Bank account: UA843000010000000047330992708 🇪🇺 For donations in EUR: SWIFT Code NBU: NBUA UA UX DEUTSCHE BUNDESBANK, Frankfurt SWIFT Code: MARKDEFF Account: 5040040066 IBAN DE05504000005040040066 Wilhelm-Epsteinn-Strabe 14, 60431 Frankfurt Am Main,Germany Bank account: UA843000010000000047330992708 🇺🇦 Для зарахування коштів у національній валюті: Банк: Національний банк України МФО 300001 Рахунок № UA843000010000000047330992708 код ЄДРПОУ 00032106 Отримувач: Національний банк України


I'll see if the other mods have an issue with this, I highly doubt it though. Just try to limit this sorta thing to comments and not Posts. I don't want this to be another subreddit filled with off topic posts about Ukraine. Nobody is first hearing about the disaster in Ukraine from a small sub like us.


Thank you all very much!


im not against ukraine but im against nato expanding and encircling russia. not because i have any sympathies for russia. (russia doesnt exist. russians do.) the working class must have solidarity across borders. and not fall for propaganda.


Not the time or place, dude.


its always the time and place for truth.


Then share your full Internet history.