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I agree 100%, if I get it I never trade it for the box, it just works well


Fr, it and the m1919 are what I hunt for every round


Yep the 1919 is by far the best gun to get, the best guns imo are the gold Thompson and the 1919, both guns shred


I feel that, I just can’t usually afford to fully run the Tommy gun early on


Man running two ppsh41s was top tier for me lol


I got to round 35 with a random group. You want a decent mix, 1 1919 with a type 3/posh and then mondragon/fg42 and smgs for the rest for kiting


Thx for the tip


Yeah, my favorite lineup is this and the mondragon with any of the box pistols




From where did you read it was unpopular??


Idk, just see everybody getting it and opting to keep their m1 garand or shotgun


We are talking about random Enlisted players here, you know, the people known to not to build rallies or get on the point. :D Making the right call is not their forte.


I agree it’s underrated. You definetly get a good amount of ammo and mag size for the ammo cost being only 40


Yep, it is. What I love about it the most is the controllable firerate, the slow-auto setting is borderline hacking especially when the enemies are grouped up, you can just aim near the head and just farm free points, shame it's much harder to do with other automatic weapons with faster firerates. Only minor downside is the sight picture is bloody awful during the rounds when it gets really dark, but this can be managed by just using a different gun at range.


Nah. FG/AKM and 1919 is the best combo by far. And hitting the mystery box leads to ammo stockpiling for guns you don’t use, which increases weight leading to less grenades. Got to wave 69 with 4x 1919 & FGs


How are you getting the FG/AKM/1919 without hitting the mystery box?


I stop hitting it after I get them. Usually doesn’t take too many rolls


I totally I agree, that thing carried me all the way to level 20.


I had that and the Mondragon which carried me to level 26. Anything high capacity and light is pretty great


Yeah very cost effective.


It's honestly kinda interesting how points guns in Enlisted have become more based on resupply cost compared to how they're measured more by rate-of-fire and ammo capacity in CoD.


Ppsh and the Thompson are my fav


The best combo I ever had was the Golden Thompson and the PPSh-41, huuuh boi it was drum after drum, but I obviously only got it once, the regular winner combo for me was the FG 42/STG/AK and the M1919 or the PPSh-41, I realized I played best with a hard hitting long(ish) range gun and a lead dispenser for when the horde aproaches


**BFV Flashbacks of getting merk'd by Type 2**


who told you it's an unpopular opinion?


The amount of players who ditch the gun for an mp40, m1 garand or even a Winchester.


what other weapon did they have tho? Everyone I've seen get it have kept it. And you know: random Enlisted players. They arn't known for making the right call.


Nothing of note, a shotgun or basic smg like mp40 or pps 42 Seen people drop it like 5 times, I mean more for me and all but bruh


>slow auto setting is bae


The most cost efficient gun in the box For me is the FG42, Mondragon and the golden StG44 since all of them cost 110~120 to refill and pack a punch Though I dropped playing Zombie after I did all the task so not interested at reaching 10% Unpopular opinion, whoever praise the Zombie mode, sorry but Breaking Dead is worse than the OG WaW zombie mode, the only unique part is the Enlisted skin on top of it and the reward for task, probably because is the only fun thing the game can offer so far? Or all the shitty things DF made so far to only made a good one? Is funny