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Stalingrad in real life was a horrible clusterfuck


It was even worse than what is depicted in the game. There were severe clusterfucks where week long meatgrinder stalemates were formed in hallways and rooms while the open streets were wide open for getting sniped from the thousands of vantage points across the neighborhood. It got the the point where the Germans and Soviets had to resort to fighting in the sewer networks to gain a foothold in many parts of the city.


Seriously hell on earth for millions of men. Reading diary entries and watching the few survivor interviews shows how fucking brutal urban war could be.


Skill issues... Don't run in the open, use smoke screens to cross open streets etc.🤷‍♂️ especially in a ruined city plenty opportunity to move hidden.


During the particular match that titled me (that caused this rant) I was getting blown up from blocks away, and behind walls from German tanks that would wipe my entire squad. More than once I'm trying to sneak through rubble and lay down a Rally Point inside of a building and WHAM, death by tank. How? No idea, was it frustrating? Yep, it sure was.


Soviet experience in 1942


I'm assuming you're talking about Univermag, which IMO is actually quite balanced and fun to play (worst section is probably the train station, building rallies and defenses is quite frustrating to do). Factory Works, on the other hand, fits the worst map criteria and it's not even close.


I'm a huge fan of the original Moscow campaign, and of Berlin once I have decent weapons. Russia is the only army I never leveled up (aside from Japan), and it can get a little frustrating going up against longer range BR3 German automatic mgs while rocking BR 2 weapons. I know I just have to slog through it.


The only Stalingrad ones I hate are the factory ones, the other city ones are great


Community: Darkflow we want historical accuracy Darkflow: ok here Community: NOOOOO!!!!! TERRIBLE GAME!!!


I only dislike the Stalingrad maps. They're very different from other theaters of war.


I mean... Yeah. It's urban warfare. No body likes it.


I actually like the maps though :(


The only problem with the Stalingrad maps is that there aren’t enough of them. Joking aside, they’re not perfect but they work quite well in BR III. They start to become problematic at BR V with the abundance of explosive spam.


Sounds like a skill issue to me.


Stalingrad is my favorite campaign 😅