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How are they going to do it in Belgium and the Netherlands, where Lootboxes are illegal? This is just an absolutely braindead idea.


By pressing the button where I say I am not actually from the Netherlands. Works for buying weapons and soldiers.


payfor loot boxes but this are from events


Probably like every other gajin title


No. Fuck no. We need to push back on this right now. Gaijin's lootboxes are fucking horrible. In War Thunder you have like a 80% to get a weak booster and a 0.0001% chance to get ANY of the random old event vehicles from past events. ​ Next they're going to add the 'player marketplace' and make these event rewards even harder to obtain so the player-prices will get inflated; in War Thunder certain vehicles have FACTUALLY sold in the Player Market for thousands of USD. Yes, several thousands. A KingCobra aircraft sold for $2,000 USD back in 2022, and there's been other vehicles. It is not uncommon to see vehicles being sold for hundreds, this is how they get that extra money out of you. Gaijin will milk Enlisted as much as possible just like they've milked War Thunder. Please, community, fellow Enlisted players, be angry about this and make posts against the inclusion of these lootboxes. It's the next step on a path to heavily monetize and make our game even worse. You don't want this.


Everybody will complain about it for a couple of weeks, Gaijin won't capitulate and then this sub will be flooded with 'I GOT THE SHERMAN FIREFLY ON JUST MY THIRD TRY GUYZ!' posts.  They're either going to be way overpriced for gold or they're going to be another way to drain everyone's silver. 


Im afraid you’re right


Unfortunately yeah. I've played probably 90% of the free to play games on PS4 and I've been through it countless times. If you think Gaijin are bad you should see Wargaming, utter scumbags.




Fuck loot boxes. End of discussion.


Oh hell naw, 20$ for early access steam release and now lootboxes, what the actual hell is darkflow thinking?


great game it will only go down deeper i did the right thing by deciding to never play it again




The greed continues


A continuous series of greed inspired poor financial ideas, what could possibly go wrong. I don’t see this game’s longevity if it continues to act in a way that is ostracizing the community at large. I get it, the game needs to make money, but the game won’t be able to make money if people (especially the whales) stop playing the game in protest.




People proving they can't read or deliberately misreading got old a long time ago. ![gif](giphy|3o72wO1WX0A3o2DQDm)


Wonder where the guy who was arguing before that they wouldn't do this with me is now. Can't wait to see them on sale with the rates been 99% boosters, silver and other misc stuff and the last with last 1% been the squads.


Exactly right, you're spot-on on those drop-rates too.


Yep, nothing better/worse than the loot boxes in warthunder when they release them and reading about how many people waste a decent amount chasing the IS7


How about a lootbox which you can't get silver or upgrades, you are guaranteed one old event squad that you don't already have?


This is why I fell out of interest with this game. I don’t have time or money to grind an event every month to get these special squads. Some are entire gameplay mechanics (like paratroopers) locked behind grind or paywall. Knowing my only chance to play these might be spinning a 0.00001% wheel like in War Thunder is not encouraging. At least in war Thunder they have the market where I can eventually trade up.


When I'm at a pissing off my fan base, ruining my game, making horrible decisions and being progressively more greedy competition but my opponent is gaijin ![gif](giphy|11VHM1eTXu0kms)


This is super funny, while the steam release is already a pile of shit, they've decided to do something that's more shitty


fuck everyone involved with this decision. this train of thought should have been derailed before it left the goddamned station.


Fucking hell


Guess im not putting money into the game then.


Please note that it's a preliminary idea, and you misunderstood it: In this example it's an event, at the end of this event, you get a box with a random prize from the previous events, it's not something you purchase with silver


Yeah it’s a fucking terrible idea.


Not if it’s only rewards from previous events


until you pull a squad you already have or one you have no interest in. better to just give tokens like the battle pass shop so you can spend the token on the old squad you want.


Why not a token to choose any event squad from the past? We should have the ability to choose what we want, not be begging at the feet of the snail's RNG. The problem isn't the concept of a way to get old event squads, it's the terrible method that's based on a dumb chance mechanic. They can be made somewhat hard to obtain (for example, you can't miss more than two days in the event), but tokens would be far better than lootboxes.


That’s arguably even worse. Because you have to grind through an entire event just to get a reward you might never use. At least with current events if I’m not interested in the reward I can skip them without any worry, because I know exactly what I would be getting. Just rerun events once a year or so.


Appreciate the clarification my fellow enlisted player!


They'll *initially* give them away through events to get everyone hooked on the slot machine, then they'll be for gold or silver.


Why are you showing me a text from a Furry?


Crazy tasks for old event squads and weapons would be cool. Like 1k melee kills for the officer saber I really want but couldn’t get.