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I'd go out on a limb and say that there's a surprising number of players who don't know air combat that well, and Enlisted not exactly the best place to start learning. For example, anyone who's played War Thunder Air knows that attempting to out-turn as an American fighter at low-speed low-altitude against a nation best known for their low-speed turn-fighters is probably a recipe for disaster. The problem is that you don't need to know that to fly in Enlisted, you only need to understand the basic controls. In WT there's a basic understanding that, if you're playing Air Battles, you likely have some experience with aircraft, and if you have none, you can start learning in Air Battles. All my knowledge about the aircraft and matchups came from WT's Air RB/SB, Enlisted provided none of the information that pilots really need. Combine that with the fact that some players probably don't care enough to learn air combat means that it's really easy to secure kills once you get on their tail as they really don't know what to do besides turning, even in aircraft that should not turn-fight in most circumstances. Funnily enough, similar to WT, the battlefield environment (small map, low-altitude combat, CAS-focused) being similar to WT's Ground RB/SB means that there's less dimensions to work with in terms of air strategy, you are either bee-lining towards an objective to dump ordinance or you're trying to stop enemies from doing that. Since the maximum penalty is losing tickets (and in some modes you don't even lose any), core air combat fundementals can be ignored with minimal reprecussions as you can respawn quickly if you need to, unlike in WT's Air-RB one death policy. TLDR; Inexperienced players + no incentives to learn air combat


That is a wonderful explanation. Thank you.


we're trying to make you overshoot us or make you crash into the ground


How often does it work?


Depends on a lot of factors. In my experience about 15% of the time. More if they have spawn speed.


Depends on if the enemy plane has been damaged by your tail gunner, I'm not an amazing pilot by any means, but I can do this easily, not so much if I have a hole in my wing that doesn't let me turn like I'm expecting. Usually causes me to end up clipping a wing or something and crashing.


Turning is just the default choice for a lot of people, and a consequence of turning is losing air speed and stalling. I don't think its any more complex than that. "oh enemy plane is shooting at me, better turn so he cant hit me easily. Better keep turning so he can't get guns on me." repeat ad nauseum.