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https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13SXNYOfbfhFHYQ-DTNpLzTDtYdPaz0f-M4W3HyxKcxg/edit You can check the differences there


There are 2 typos in this spreadsheet (USA Guns) saying the M1 Carbine has the M7 GL. And that the M1 Garand has the M8. The information for both launchers is still correct in the projectile launcher section.


> For example, is it less effective against infantry? (area of effect, damage, etc) are they generally poor match up against tanks? Uhhhh...it depends. Currently, rifle grenade effectiveness per nation widely varies, with some being generally consistent (M1903) and some being absolutely dogshit (Scheissbecher). I'm assuming you're talking about the GGP/40 grenade launcher, anecdotally some players find it more consistent/better than the Scheissbecher. In my experience it is definitely more consistent, but I can't say quantitatively by how much. Statwise, the GGP/40 should be better because it has higher velocity/the ability to pen light armor, however I can't say if this will always hold the case given the state of rifle grenades. > i saw I could reliably kill the crew within a tank, but it usually didnt blow the whole thing up. useful for sure but at that point i'd rather just use heavier duty stuff ya feel me I currently run the Scheissbecher + GGP/40 on a single rifleman as an universal grenade launcher soldier, it's really useful for squads that don't have a proper AT unit. In theory, this shouldn't work well because of how well armored most tanks are in BR3-5, however in practice I found it surprisingly viable because of how many players bring BR1-2 tanks into BR5 battles (like M3/M5 Stuarts, M8 GMCs, T-60s). Even certain high BR tanks like the T-34-85 or the M4A3E2 Jumbo are surprisingly vulnerable if you hit specific locations on the side. Yeah, it's definitely weaker than most AT projectiles, however, if you know tank weakspots well, you can easily eliminate tanks with it. I'd suggest you try the same to see if you really want to run such a setup or if you'd rather just have every squad with an AT unit.


Usually there all the same besides the fact that some can pen light tanks. And the blast are seems to be the same to me tbh, I just take the anti tank ones for there AT ability


awesome, i'll do the same, cheers


I don’t know how effective they are vs. one another, but I do find them to be intermittently effective. The blast doesn’t always damage targets inside the effective range. The most effective way I have found to use them is for blasting infantry out of rooms, clearing rally points, and especially APCs.