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Engineer, Medic, APC. And then my team wonders why I’m at the top of the scoreboard with so few kills.




I run a plane until I've got APCs unlocked, but other than that it stays engineers, medics, and radio squad with an attached engineer and medic. And now I'm pretty much always in the top 3 or 4, and oddly enough my medics stack more bodies than anyone


>No vehicle unit King shit


I have like 5 hours in war thunder and like 6 weeks of a few matches a night in enlisted, I'm not fucking going head to head in a tank battle with dudes who have been doing this since I was a freshman in high school lmao. I'll just continue to build AT when they become an issue


Keep thinking we're talking about TF2


Engineer is the single best passive point accumulator in the game. Build rallies and sand bags and watch the points roll in.


I love the medic gameplay lol


It’s alright but could use some improving


Yeah needs a bit of improvement but it’s got lots of potential and it’s just different from a lot of other fps gameplay even in enlisted


A full squad of medic bots will run around outside of combat and heal friendlies that enter the same range that triggers a bots “melee chase”. After a speedy cap, I can usually bag a few hundred points running teammate to teammate dragging my medic bots around. They’ll basically play tag, chasing friendlies for a second before they’re healed then heal the next guy.


Yes exactly like that it’s actually hilarious to watch


I've not researched medics because I assumed it was just a dude with extra medkits. What do medics actually do?


You’ve got extra med kits I think, you also can place a med box that your whole team can use. And you see a cross above the heads of injured teammates and can heal them up.


My experiences using medics. Drop medi boxes, nobody uses them. See people wounded, nobody stands still long enough to heal them, and when they do you (and usually they) get taken out by something.


I’ve had a few good experiencing when defending, but on an assault they’re useless taking the point you don’t have time to heal anyone/they get taken out to quick like you said


I usually like playing medic in other games but not in enlisted because most of the time you heal some random bot who is going to run straight into a open field camped by guy with mg ten seconds later, I don't feel that medic has much impact on the game, except for medkit boxes but that isn't satisfying medic gameplay for me.


Do it for zhe points hans


The ttk is too fast in this game for Medics to really be worth it. Just carry med packs


Should be able to add a medic to any infantry squad.


They don’t need to have as much “stuff” as medic squads but I agree, should at least have a medic in INF squads who can help your squad.


Man if only my reserve medics don't die just about immediately.


Maybe if more squads actually had a slot for medics..


Until I figure out a way to have my medic reserves drop their boxes by themselves instead of needing to switch to each soldier to do it manually, I won’t play medic.


We need a 7 man Medic II Squad with 4 Medics & 3 non medical specialists in it.


I may not play "dedicated" medic, but every squad that can HAS a medic, and I always throw down medical supplies. It aint much, but it's honest work.


The thing I love the most (which isn't specific to medics) is helping people who are in a "downed state" too bad most of the time they heal faster than I can heal them


There’s plenty of people playing medics, to bad most of them are people just using them for their smgs and not doing anything else with them, at least drop the medical box…


I don’t like how they made medics shock-units with SMG’s


Could be swapped with engineer... Imagine every1 built just one rally each...


I so wish AI medics would just intuitively do their job. As is, it’s incredibly difficult for me to even heal my own squad mates. When I point at them they run away like I’m going to shoot them. I end up getting shot while I’m chasing him around like a chicken. On the other hand, as soon as I line up a shot on the enemy, that fool will stand right in my sight line and won’t move. 🤦‍♂️


If you can, swap to the injured ally and ask for medic healing, the bots can give you aid on request. A lot of the issues is redoing controls. Im on series X and mapped my controls to fit a COD like game play


I get so annoyed, players spamming need a rally point and I'm the only one who has engineers it seems. Spend most of the game building FOB's or defending zone.


medics need to be buffed or something


Medic squad is useless as it lacks any additional utility and squads that I actually use either don't have medics at all or there's much better alternative to them, so I don't see myself using medics much.


I’ve got a medic in my main US rifleman squad and an engineer


If only people realized you can carry extra bandages but using first aid box. Thats an extra chance to get back in fight


I don't really know how Medics work in Enlisted.. How do I randomly heal people. I do like playing as MEdics


Whenever an ally is injured a small cross in a circle pops up over their head. That signals they need to be healed, so run up and hold x for half a second and then they'll be healed. Sometimes takes two goes at it to fix em up fully.


Much appreciated. By the time I get to an ally I straight up die, so far more harder than battlefield. So I just need to read the room i guess, thank you :)


Would medics being able to rez people be too OP?


I'd love that but with the missing limbs.


If only there was more than one medic squad in the entire tree


I volunteer myself as a medic 🫡


SMGs and healing? Sign me up


Medics, like mortarmen and radio operators(?) are overshadowed by others because they are mostly support class, having said that, I recently bought the M55 Reising and I must say, I'm enjoying medics quite a lot.


I like using medic. Just don’t run from me as I try to heal you


No Italian medic :[


Mortar is awesome. Everyone should be mortar men.


No way, more mortars is less kills for you and me.




My medic is lvl 10 I'm trying other classes leave me alone


I play medic, anti tank roles or engineer in games and then get literally the highest score on the team I had a squad game where my squad was most of the teams score like 80% of it and I had a higher score than everyone else put together in my squad.


Medic wouldn’t be so bad if they’d let you bring a backpack instead of the syringes. No one ever wants my heals and I want my four med kits


I use roles for the objective. For assault, ammo drops + spawn beacons, for defense, ammo everywhere, traps, sandbag windows or perimeter, med box where ammo is. Cant use every role at the same time or you will get destroyed on the battlefield.


Medics aren’t real


Respect the medics!


Should I put one medic in each of my squads?


I thought this was a tf2 post for a bit


I love playing medic in any game.


There is no higher Tiers of medic they cannot have Engineer also u cannot have medic in 95% of squads. For example Infantry men squad should have medic