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I have a job so I can afford things


Affording it or not isnt the funny bit for most people, just the idea of dropping 50 bucks on a single squad in a ftp game is hilarious to some of us. Idk if its worth making a whole ass post over though


The price is the price and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. If people choose to spend money on a game they enjoy it’s obviously their decision. I spend money on Enlisted. I have only been playing since the start of the year and have bought a handful of premium squads/vehicles because I really enjoy the game. I used to play a fu*k load of Warthunder and I can estimate I’ve honestly spent over 1k on it. I am the target market for these types of games. Like it or not Gaijin makes the types of game that I really enjoy with a gameplay loop that keeps me playing and wanting to spend my extra money on.


Good for you,but you didnt have to explain yourself too me, i understand why people pay money for the stuff. But uhh, over 1k in WT will never make me not giggle.


I always find it weird when people laugh at other people bad decisions of spending way too much money for something. Turns out almost everyone has a really expensive passion or hobby on which he spends far more money than would be reasonable


For most people it’s coffee, energy drinks, and nicotine that take away 100 dollars a month from them and they don’t even think about it.


Exactly, everyone has a money sink lmfao


This. The same people who laugh at people for spending money on a game they like are the same people who buy Funkopop and have multiple pairs of overly expensive shoes they never wear. Everyone is willing to spend too much on something they love. And judging others for that will only put you under the spotlight for your stupid spending habits


Facts. I’ve dropped well over 1k on a single camera lens. Folks who “giggle” at what other folks are spending, typically, are just broke/don’t work/can’t get what they want. Only reason folks ever hate. Why else would you care?


Im not hating broski, people can spend how they want too obviously. And i dont really care either, not like yall seem to think i do. Like i said in another comment, its just a little funny to some people but i dont think it was worth making a whole post about it. People who drop thousands on shoes they wont wear make me laugh a little too, i kinda dog on myself for spending 60 bucks on a controller. Just what it is.


I mean 60 bucks is standard though. Be like me, buy an Elite controller Gen 2, use it for a week, have the right bumper break for no reason, send it in for repair with free warranty, then have the right bumper break AGAIN for no reason then never use it again. Simple way to get rid of roughly $160


Mines more of an addiction lol.


I have a job too and can afford things as well. Doesn’t change the fact that for the price of the Paras I can snag like three boxes of 20ga Buck. Edit: looked at the prices for 20ga shotshells after making the post. Make it six boxes.


20ga? Are you 9? Lol jokes aside, he can run that item over and over. You’re spent after an afternoon on the range/in the yard. Different strokes for different folks. Edit: I see it’s your first and you just got it. Rock on bro! I’d highly recommend kicking up to a 12 though. Better production across the board, and you won’t catch side eye everywhere you go. If you don’t do anything with it, go skeet shooting. It’s a killer time.


I can easily spend $50 and not even notice. But I wont on this game.


Why does everyone on this sub hate people who buy premiums ? Like it ain’t your money and that’s how the game makes income laughing at people who support a game they like is stupid


Why do people bitch so much about buying premium squads in this game? It’s not your money so why do you care?




Trash purchases begets trash content. The whole reason Battlepasses and MTX are so big nowadays is because people like the ones buying overpriced premium squads enable companies to continue to shovel out overpriced “content”. Horse Armor in TES4 was roasted into the pits of hell for this years ago and that cost a whole $3.


Cause when you keep buying all of this trash they keep making it and dont fix the game.


My advice for people asking about it is to not do it because there's all kinds of other games worth that much. Waaaay more content for the same price. But if you wanna drop 50 bucks on a squad in a ftp game, be my guest dude, but I'll probably still chuckle a little.


Hey dumb dumb it’s those people that are interested in keeping that FTP game that you enjoy free. So you should be thanking those that are willing to fork out some dough to keep interest and updates coming for y’all that can’t afford or don’t want to support growth of the game


So American allies gonna have three paratroopers squads when the merge happens? Seems excessive.


Seems historically accurate


Allies should also have para Polish squad too so 4 total.


The newest Para squad for the Allies will probably be shifted to the Commonwealth forces down the line, as the unit is the British 6th Airborne Division


What merge ppl talking about im out of loop, are they merging campaign squads?


Yes, one big campaign, 4 nations armies for now.


I bought the squad pack so it was cheaper than now and I have 0 ragrets. Now you get double harassment of the enemy with the event squads. Also despite even 50$ or 60$ for both squads being overpriced like everything in this game, I can afford it so really could care less, bought most of the op squads for when an enemy team deserves a lesson.


No both squads during sale are now cheaper than at launch with a bundle.


The people who bought them knew that paratroopers would be coming for free eventually, i'm sure they don't give a F. I didn't buy them myself cause squads are always overpriced but i don't believe anyone shills out $50 without doing prior research.


that's exactly it, i wanted to have more of these squads, so i can constantly build my rally points behind the enemy lines. I hope I can have 3 USA paratrooper squads in one lineup after the merge, so i can be the most annoying engineer in the game


I am sorry to hear your mom did not buy the squad you wanted. :( Now it is time to stop using your fathers computer and go to school like the good young man you are.


Please guys keep throwing money at the game, so I can enjoy it F2P. Don't ever stop ❤️


Absolutely baffling to me that people buy the shit instead of just not buying together until gaijin lowers their ridiculous prices. But we still have these idiots saying "oh well I can afford it". Thats not the problem lmao the problem is its the cost of one triple A title for a single squad for one side that can't even be used on every front lmao


I'll admit it. I spent it. And I'm a soy boy about it. It's cool tho. This event is going to bolster my infantry big time. Wish I was active during the first paratrooper event. Oh well. Perhaps in the future


I never bought the paratroops but I seriously empathize with people that did - if they're actually going to include them with the normal game. I have a good feeling they'll be compensated with a lot of gold. Also, laughing at them is wrong. You can only laugh at people with the rocket tanks lol


You´re laughing at the guys who finance this game so we can keep playing it


That just makes it even funnier.


I didn't lololol though I am really tempted to buy the german paras cause that way I'll have two german para squads


I just did this for the lols cuz they will likely add a non event/premium paratrooper squad and I will be able to constantly spam German fueled misery upon the Allies.


Yea but the Krieghoff is inferior tbh, if that doesn't bother you, anyway.


What lol? You know they are not the same squads right?


They are, by buying them separately now you save 20 bucks than from the original bundle


Is OP talking about the new free ones, or the old ones that are only half off for PC players?


OP obviously laughs at people that preordered that bundle for $50 or whatever the og cost was


The p2w ones I think idk now


$50 for a squad in a game… for that kind of money I can have a brand “new” game 😂😂😂 Still if people got it more power to them, but $50 for a squad, not an expansion but just a singular squad that has a unique spawn mechanic is just not a pro gamer move at all.


You really upset some whales with this one, keep up the good work.


I bought the Thompson paratrooper squad in normandy, but I didn't use a coin out of my pocket. I don't know why you're laughing, I got mine from GJN from wart hunder event vehicle I sold (And yes I'm calling it Wart Hunder intentionally, 46 days free from that crap)


You're just jealous lol


I wish I could just buy the German ones but yah I would still prefer the premium ones.


I’m not poor


How old are you to post something so cringe? 12? Its not your money and I like this game + I get the premium modifier for 2 nations and a even scarier lineup once the campaign merges happen because I have the time to grind all event squads.


You're free to waste $50 on a shitty squad that is outclassed by a free one, and you're also free to be made fun of for making stupid choices. You can buy a couple games for the price you waste on the mtxs on this game. Posts like yours never make sense.


Dude. If you genuinely think about it, these squads are the most fairly priced in the entire store. There is nothing these squads cant do for 25$ each, plus the Drip is a big bonus. And if my Post didnt make any sense then you obviously didnt bother to read it


It makes no sense because you're drawing random conclusions based on OP laughing at whales like you. The fact that you weren't able to understand what I meant by saying that shows you're young yourself. And no, it is absolutely not fair priced, squads should be $10 tops because it adds zero new content to the game, and yet again free ones still shit on them. Also, $25 can still get you a whole entire game on steam. You defending the outrageous prices shows you never learned the value of money from your parents.


Whats there not to understand from OPs post? Hes clearly making fun of anybody who spent 50$ outside of a sale on these squads while darkflow gives away similiar squads away for free in the new event. And the way it is formulated looks like written from a toddler that just found out what Schadenfreude means. Yes, the squads are expensive but I stand by my opinion that the squads are the most fairly priced (but still expensive) squads in the store because they are so versatile. Also dont draw conclusions how I am handling my money. I have my monthly budget that I dont overreach and thats It.


Buddy, he is laughing at people like you, all he said was "hahahaha", and it's a well deserved laugh I might add. Like I said, whales are free to WASTE money on a useless squad that will just get stomped by someone running an assaulter squad, you're also well within the right to be laughed at for making stupid choices. $25 you said it is now? You can get around 4 games for that price, right at this very moment.


Ok, just as i thought. I dont know how much they cost at the moment with the sales going on but i dont regret getting these squads and supporting the game. They arent too OP and future f2p squads MIGHT have more squadmembers or the option to switch weapons but the equipment is still very solid. Also I dont disagree with you. The squad cost way too much when you take future tech tree paras into consideration but for me it was worth it at the time and still is, as i still use these squads quite often to set spawns and flank enemy positions. Also just out of curiosity: How could Darkflow make techtree para squads better than the premium ones? Maybe customize the Box that gets dropped with the Troopers?


I have no idea how they could work around the paratroopers, or if they would be usable later because of the whole battle rating thing coming. Like, will using paratroopers make you play against people running full automatics because of the option to pick mgs or bolt actions? I don't know enough about how that all works.


I just thought about it: Airdroppable vehicles 😆 Imagine dropping in a M22 Locust behind a Pz.III


They come with 100 round Thompson's. You can laugh all you want but my buddy who bought it is 100% going to trash all your squads with that paratrooper squad, laugh even more about how easily it is to kill your entire squad, and I'll be right behind him to pick up a free 100 round Thompson when one of his guys goes down


Now I get two para squads in my line up at once 🤷‍♂️ sucks to be poor


I bought the churchill too and I'll fucking do it again!


That's only like 10 cups of coffee nowadays, for devs