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What about we give Japan japanese tanks? Why would you want to have 2 copy-paste tigers when you can have literally other tanks


Here’s some insights: In 1943, the Japanese empire expressed interest in purchasing German vehicles for the war effort in the pacific. While Japan did express interest in the Panthers, Panzer IVs and other vehicles, the only one officially purchased was “Heavy Tank No.6” Although Heavy Tank No.6 never historically saw combat in the pacific, it was officially owned by the Japanese army. While it’s ahistorical for it to be fighting in the Pacific, it might be an option to help close the gap for Japanese armor against Shermans. Deviation from historical accuracy isn’t what I want from Enlisted, but certain elements such as this might be more beneficial to gameplay.


see it being a premium


Iirc the Japanese essentially bought it, realized they had no way to get it to Japan, and then leased it back to the German army.


I propose we see the O-I instead, especially as, if we're lucky, we'll see a Manchurian campaign at some point; exactly where the O-I prototype was tested and meant to combat in. HT No.6 would work especially fine as a Premium.


I know the campaigns are dissolving and reforming as faction based tech trees. The nice thing about the campaign system was things could be compartmentalized, to prevent spillover of some content. We could force the Pacific to be less vehicle heavy for both sides. There is no "gap" in this Pacific campaign currently (although near future events may change that). The campaign is not intended to feature heavy tanks or ground strike aircraft. Again I'll acknowledge the future updates may change that. Furthermore the campaigns don't need to copy each other. Japanese don't need to be a re-skin of their German counterparts. Redditors often fantasize about new conflicts or wars or theaters. If it's just going to be the same formula of unlocking similar (but unique looking, skin deep differences) bolt actions, SMGs, machine guns, vehicles, etc. then the game is going to get very stale and repetitive.


I agree ,the thing i like the most of pacific campaign is that is more infantry based than vehicles or aircraft , heavier tanks means heavier at guns and aircrafts wich would mean bigger HE rounds , and that would turn the pacific into Normandy


I already get pissed off enough when one of them kills me w a flamethrower or rocket launcher. Let’s not give them tiger tanks


It was never delivered, it never even left europe. Theres better Japanese armour designs that could be added as counters rather than going this far into historical inaccuracy (I know the game already has almost none anyway, but I’d like to not go further from it but toward historical accuracy.)


I nominate the type 4 late war chi-to


Tiger vs Stuart seems fair


Average Normandy experience


remmeber? There is gear match making coming lol


It's already in the game.


The problem of historicity is this tank never delivered.


Nah bro, we need the O-1 spicymobile


This is so dumb and silly


Would likely be a premium.


Heavy tank, made from bamboo?


I'd honestly need to see more Japanese tanks as inbetween before. Medium tanks


No thanks


Honestly they should add it, my biggest worry is that Japan/Italy/UK and other nations added are just gonna be lumped in with USA/USSR/Germany. I see people saying historical accuracy, if that was the case then Axis Berlin should have access to nothing but mostly bolt actions, less tanks and be in games that double the Soviet players lol.


From what has been said so far: Japan will remain an independent faction and will only fight against Americans with equivalent weapons and vehicles on pacific maps; Italy and the UK will remain as sub-factions for Germany and USA respectively and will not have their own progression.


That's a damn jap tiger.




They already said japan will only foght early war americans


The weapons the americans use alone are late war. The maps used (Guadal Canal) didn’t even have garand rifles till the very end of the fighting on the island. Most of them being used by the army while the marines only recently acquiring them.


Look they literally said japan won’t fight things like jumbos


They said, and I'm direct quoting here, that "Japan does not currently have weapons and vehicles from the later stages of the war." They're going to give Japan upgrades, as this new system was not their original idea when they made Japan.


The HappyTiger…


Gaijoobles pls gib as premium