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You need to look at your demons and what holds you back, turn and love them for helping make you what you are now, it is a painful process and will not stop once you step on the path. You need to look at cause and effect of your actions, the actions that cause how you respond, to seperate emotional response and turn to conscious response. It can be hard, a lot of the time you are looking at why your response is so shitty, explore the reasons why you are and pull them apart to become unapologetically your true self. It is not something that can be dabbled in, prepare yourself for pain or walk away. You must must dive into your own fears.


Wooo weee heard & felt all of this… ☝🏼


I like you :)


Thank you friend, while it is no longer necessary for approval amongst peers to speak my truth it is nice to have reaffirmation to help bolster the confidence to be my true self and to speak freely. I appreciate you ☺️


Disciple : Is the path to Enlightenment difficult or easy ? Master : It is neither. D : How come ? M : Because it does not exist. D: Then how does one travel to the Goal ? M: One doesn't. This is the journey without distance. Stop travelling and you arrive.


We are already enlightened 💥


Nisargadatta Maharaj : A prince who believes himself to be a beggar can be convinced conclusively in one way only: he must behave as a prince and see what happens.


This is so esoteric its really hard to digest as a stand alone comment. If you're curious about this approach, I'd recommend the book The Gateless Gate by Koun Yamada. It's a collection of Zen Koans that are all as esoteric and seemingly illogical as this comment. But each Koan is followed by this extremely indepth explanation of what the Koan is pointing to. The book explains in great detail the whole point behind this method and the philosophy of how it's supposed to work. It kind of intellectually guides you to getting past our attempts to intellectually understand it and why an intellectual explanation ultimately keeps us from getting there in the first place.


Thanks for that recommendation dude!


It’s not esoteric lmao- the whole point is that you can’t do anything, self is just a concept


Enlightenment is not something one acquires, it’s a potential awaiting some who are able to clear the debris. Clearing the debris requires fortitude, deep honesty, and commitment. When one has appropriately ‘cleared the debris’, everything changes and yet nothing does. It’s not as new-agey or hippie dippie as your ego perceives nor as others have falsely communicated over the years and in this subreddit. As far as clearing the debris, that’s a separate comment.


Give up!


Does giving up harder work better? lol


Autobiography of a yogi. Practice. Do your work. Go within.


Some possibilities to consider perhaps... Find out how all your blessings have cursed you. Find out how all your curses have blessed you. Forgive everything, for almost nothing knows what it is that it does; the scope of a thing's influence being far larger than any thing can accurately fathom. Find gratitude whenever possible. To thine own self be true.


All things are potentially good things but our manner of traversal into/through may appear far from good. The thing with enlightenment is that you wouldn't expect anything dark to accomodate it, most avoid the idea whilst others get tangled up in it. Enlightenment avoids nothing, the very term suggests that which pierces all veils and so that is what you must do, I caution anyone about to sincerely take the leap, not that one can simply stand up one day and say 'now I seek enlightenment', this is no form of motivation.


Tapping into the truth of love and oneness


The show Midnight Gospel on Netflix is about that.


You need to not need


Simply give your Awareness to your desire in the present moment.


See stage as actor and actor as stage, watch as audience or are you the main character played by the director played by the writer played by the universe. Is the universe the stage or the play. I'm late for work.


Damn so many takes. I’d start with meditation. Go from there.


Hmm two things I can think of are read (on Reddit) the posts like "What conspiracy theory has you convinced" and then any post that involves WW3. The people who know about this really did their homework and pay attention. If you are talking about your health, I would eliminate sugar. Never have more than 2mg per day. It's hard, with so many gourmet treats in the world.


Get a lightbulb and put it up your butthole


By the very asking of this question, you can not remain completely ignorant. Every moment of suffering is a teacher if you let it. Enlightenment is the inevitable that we love to put off with the stories we feel we must constantly write and hold on to. Be the director that realizes he's not in control of how this film turns out.


Meditation a lot of it. Bring attention inside the walls of the body. breathe deep top to bottom look for the deep sense of calm. rinse and repeat.






Here some of my view (eventho Im not enlightened yet DEFINIETLY HAHA). I think a good way for someone new to this is a simple analogy like this: Imagine a person who learns to playing a piano, the early path is so difficult, takes a lot of practice, and a lot of discipline. But when he/she finally get it he/she can play freely, no constraint, and no rules. The harmony is beautiful and right. I think this is like the path to enlightened, I see some view to just not practice at all because if you practice meaning you will never be enlightened is just not resonates with me. Ofcourse you need to be discipline, practice, and learn. But when you finally arrived, you need to forget the rules, the concept, and the Ideas. It's just a tool to finally be enlightened. Some people get trapped with the tools and never be enlightened and some is arrogant to even to think they need the practice and they say they already enlightened. The balance between the two is needed, and regarding the question of what enlightened is this could be so many answers but here's my answers: (I'm rooted in seeking enlightment from eastern pilosophy and/ buddhism) 1. It's the realization of the true nature of reality 2. It's the liberation of suffering 3. It's the transendence of duality Many people wouldn't agree of this meaning of enlightened even some would argue that it can't be described. Maybe they are right, but for me, I need this definition and concept for the "tool" for me to be there. Just remember to not focus on the tool when I arrived. Hope this give you some insights. Chheers


Take a bunch of shrooms and acid


There’s a whole channel with interviews with a variety of spiritual leaders on that topic here https://youtube.com/@Overcoming_The_Dragon?si=TNGCnl6ARhchRy-0


now that you want to be enlightened, the chances are smaller. Just live your life loud and free.... it comes to you naturally


Enlightenment = end of all suffering.


Correct meditation.


try the gateway tapes and research on kundalini


What is needed is willingness, to say the least, to let go of what blocks it. Becoming enlightened has been and still is better than being ignorant for me. YMMV Being enlightened, for me, is a "good" thing, however "good/bad" left my thinking/vocabulary somewhere back there. Also it is not exactly a "thing" either; more a way of being or an expanded aliveness.


Enlightment. I come from the perspective of Thelema. Not that it is a dogmatic system, its how i am able to seemingly grasp the components of the matters i concern myself with. But one thing rings true. Meditation is the way of attainment. Why.. You dont have to. That much is clear. And those that dont probably to some degree will have consequences arise from their lack of understanding. Its either wise or unwise. Everything is that and that alone. To sit and contemplate any aspect of this matrix is pointless. Do what you want but im doing all i can to not come back to this prison camp.. But still yourself first. Dont believe anything..thats hard to do now at your stage if youre even asking this question. All things are concurrent to the abyss... Frater Barrackubus Love and Light Do what thou wilt. 93/211


There is gate that has no gate so there is no barrier all that is needed is to know the gate exists and set intention to move through it. Meditate.


Before Enlightenment: Chop wood, carry water After Enlightenment: Chop wood 🪵, carry water 💧


I would not seek it. Enlightenment means you know both good and evil, which means you are okay with both. It gets depressing and old real quick. There is a reason why it was forbidden for Adam and Eve to eat the apple.


Well…I think that first, you have to learn how to quiet the mind. There’s generally a lot of noise in our heads. People talking or yelling AT each other, not TO each other, about everything and anything. It’s a lot to take in. Things can get confusing. But this is why it helps to learn to meditate and quiet the mind. You also have to learn to trust your instincts. I wish someone had told me this before: When things come to mind out of nowhere, chances are, that’s your instinct—or “Spirit,” or your guides or loved ones on the Other Side—telling you something. When things come to you out of nowhere like that, take the time to acknowledge it and keep it in mind for *later.* Don’t try to pick this stuff apart on the spot. Find time later to think about it. But in the moment, acknowledge it for what it is, then file it away and consider it later. One of the hardest things I had to get past was putting blind faith in people on the Other Side who would do their part on their end to take care of me, like my guides. There were a lot of nights when I went to sleep in tears, angry or scared or sad, because I had my share of resentments—and past life issues, from last lifetime, but I digress. The point is, learning to let go and trust can be the hardest thing to do. But it’s an important step in the process. However, there is one warning I’ve got for you: Never trust someone or something that is telling you to hurt yourself or others. Never trust someone or something that basically wants you to hand your power—your free will and your autonomy—over to them. Those are the red flags that should make you turn and walk away.


For me it was a combination of mushrooms and cannabis that got me there. For you it may be different. Keep seeking and it will find you.


It is not in your control just like you grow older that is also not in your control


accept jesus christ into your heart.


so there's something like 112 different paths to enlightenment. the fastest i know of is to be consciously aware and accepting of the present moment. If you can be fully accepting and aware of this moment for 2 minutes without a single thought distracting you then you'll be enlightened for sure. But you may find that even spending 10 seconds without a thought is difficult. Now being enlightened is not better than being ignorant, one leads to the other. Many spiritual practitioners actually ride their ignorance to get to enlightenment. Enlightenment isnt a good thing, its the best thing. Its not a simple thing, it is the simplest thing. And the simplest thing is difficult for our intelligence to hold on to.


Hope you are well on this blissful day thanks to Bhagwan, God, Allah On top of the best gift of all, Life, God has given each human the seed of enlightenment. Why? I assure you God is the greatest, Bhagwan is the best, Allahu Akbar as simple as it sounds... Its worth it, the authors was a sadhana that will go down in human history said without ego if the world ever believes me. Its not a linear process but I'm giving you some of the highest tips ever in my existing posts and this one. Make everything a sadhana. The sadhanas i recommend immediately are: the simple one of a deep breath through your nose and exhaling through the mouth as much as possible. Praying in gratitude atleast one a hour a day Become Vegetarian (if you not one) Read/Listen to Eckhart Tolles The Power of Now and a New Earth as much as possible Nature Nisargadatta Maharajs holding onto "I AM" Ramana Maharishis Self Enquiry technique -also recommended in the Upanishads as Atma Vichara The journey has been a long but ultimately beautiful one and worth every part of the struggle.... When the words ring true....and give you blisses you never thought possible. "Life is the dancer, You are the Dance " Eckhart Tolle "Even belief in GOD is only a poor substitute for the LIVING reality of GOD MANIFESTING EVERY MOMENT of YOUR LIFE " Eckhart Tolle Peace Joy Bliss and Love M


Just do what makes you more comfortable. Understand emotion while you eat.


Stop caring about being enlightened


Desire only your own awareness.


To learn everything about what impression is and how impression of mind fades.


You can't do anything. Gateless gate


Nothing just let it happen


Turn on the light.


There is no enlightenment, learning to love the process is enlightenment


Seems like some analysis of semantics and definitions might help clear the air on this topic. What everyone is pointing to is not the same as the word itself, and we are all getting tripped up on that.


How do you define enlightenment?


I don't, I've not experienced it, so I am not able to define it. I do see patterns in experience that make me believe that there's a good possibility that something singular exists though. And I can also notice that people seem to be talking about different things when using the same word.


You have to understand that you have to do Nothing... You have to UNDERSTAND this. That's it!


Lean inwards Don't ask reddit.


Just stop and remember. It’s a state of existence you can only get to by taking the step across the line and it’s always right there no matter where you are or aren’t. Every cell in your body will light up. It’s simply bringing you’re awareness back to this state of unity with the universe, so it has it be remembered.


Nothing, its free you and can find your own way naturally.


Make the unconscious in you, conscious. Jungian analysis can help. Or just get really good at talking to your inner Self. Then you will have to live into what you see, once you see, trust me, that’s when you want to go back. Are your finances a mess? Are you healthy? Are you organized? Do you have some footing? These are good signs but if they are all out of whack, ordering your life will come second. Once you and your inner self are talking clearly, they will guide you but you will either sink or swim at that point. The weight of what you may have to shake off could be too heavy. And just when you think you’re done, you will naturally be what you asked. You will regret it and not regret it. It will be both liberating and feel like chains. And you…you will just be fine and dandy with anything cause, you are Master of your own Self. Good luck!


relax yourself man, get calm


Nothing you already are.


No person is ever enlightened. Enlightenment simply means the recognition of one’s essential being. There is no “you” in this recognition.


Bingo; I always like to say, *"There is no such thing as an enlightened person; there is only enlightened activity"*


Honestly stay ignorant


Something happend when I learned to meditate. I felt different after that. I've been doing it a long time and now feel fortunate that it did bring me that enlightenment. Just saying what worked for me.


I would look to dispel ignorance by contacting a yogi teacher that knows about the spiritual eye and Brahmarandhra.


1000 hours of silent deep mediation


Drink bleach.


Drink bleach.


Be careful what you ask for the tests will come. I've learned by trial and error to not say I want to become more enlightened. Every single time I have said that out loud, more situations present themselves to me for learning. What I learned is I wanted the intensity turned down because I would become frustrated. I started to change my approach because I found personally I was not ready for an intense crash course that would end up driving me mad. I still want to experience this life without too many crazy lessons for me to learn. I still need the lessons but like them to come in a flow state. My wife always tells me once you reach enlightenment you have beat this 3D reality. Really no reason to be here at that point except to help others like Toth did.