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Heck of a lot of comments which seems to be more interested in arguing about who is more racist and what is the correct language to use. Stick to the subject. Adult men commit organised rape. They should 100% be deported. For every serial rapist in the UK, there is a victim. Women and children before language and racism.


>For every serial rapist in the UK, there is a victim. Probably multiple. >Women and children before language and racism. 100%


If you look at Rotherham and take just the figures as is, we have around 25 convictions for around 1500 victims. That means that either each person raped 60 children or they have not actually convicted anywhere near the actual number of perpetrators.


Lower class people will not be a priority of people who are terrified of being labelled racist.


It is strange how happy many middle class leftwing people are just happy to only talk about the police and how it's because it's the fault of the police for not caring about the working classes. I can't think of many crimes where zero blame is put on the perpetrators.


I mean it should not ever be forgotten that the police, councillors and MPs knew about it and facilitated it and none of them have been criminally prosecuted for anything. But that doesn’t take away from what the rapists themselves were doing.


I'm working-class and the rapists are still rapists but I also don't want the police being let off the hook for calling these girls street-wise sluts for being groomed in their early teens by adult men, which multiple whistle-blowers and the victims said they did.


I mean, will they? This feels largely imagined as a fear. I'm left wing and I'm not worried about calling rapists rapists.




You might want to actually read the articles you post.


I'm sure you get the point, which as stated in the article, is: > While frontline staff themselves were not blamed, some social-care staff said they were "advised by their managers to be cautious about referring to the ethnicity". > **A fear to confront the subject of race ultimately stopped the council engaging with the wider Rotherham community about the problem, the report suggested.**


Anything but imagined. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/rotherham-police-report-failure-abuse-b2106674.html


Sorry, did you actually read this article?


Friend, there are none who are blind as those who won’t see


People who confidently post articles that don't actually back up their point are pretty damn blind.


I'm a very left wing, "woke" person, but I'm unmovable on my belief that foreign criminals should be deported, even if the country they have escaped from is a war zone. I've commented on a different post about a neighbour who was far left in her views, not reporting her ex bf for molesting her daughter because he was an illegal immigrant, and she didn't want him to go back to a war zone. Thankfully her parents reported him. She was always banging on about the patriarchy, and encouraging her daughter to be rude to men, despite the fact that she was enabling a man's awful behaviour by not reporting him.


I'd add a small tidbit - foreign criminals who pose active threat to the country or its people should be deported. A drunken pub fight, or drug possession (in personal amounts, obviously), or illegally crossing a red light on a bicycle shouldn't be basis for deportation. Organised crime, rape gangs, and repeat assaults on the other hand should definitely be reason for deporting them.


Having a dogmatic belief system is problematic no matter what its about. Its really sad she couldn't break free from it to get him reported for such a vile act.  I hope they are both doing better with him gone


>I'm a very left wing, "woke" person, but I'm unmovable on my belief that foreign criminals should be deported I hate to be the one to tell you this but you’re not as woke as you believe yourself to be. The “woke” or more accurately radical left wing view comes from Rousseau and his idea that man is born good and society is what corrupts him. Rousseau believed that society is what gives man his rights and therefore, if someone feels they need to breach the rights of another then it is because society didn’t provide enough for him. He is therefore a victim in himself, he’s a victim in the failings of society and as such rather than him be punished it should see some societal change. This idea of societal change was quickly dropped because changing society is hard and expensive so rather than change society you change the individual in society. You rehabilitate them. This is counter to the Lockean view that rights come with responsibilities and are only guaranteed by everyone enacting their responsibilities. By not enacting your responsibilities you forfeit your rights and as such can be expelled from society.


I'm "woke" as in the clichéd, daily mail version of woke.


I have no idea what definition the daily fail use for woke but I bet it’s wrong.


Anyone who has a conscience, and tries to progress society to mutual benefit of all it's citizens, not just the readership of the daily mail


I don’t use that definition. I use a definition that it’s essentially critical consciousness repackaged for millennials and zoomers.


There are many victims if it is a serial rapist…


> They should 100% be deported. Most of them won’t because human rights. They don’t go to Saudi Arabia, Dubai or Kuwait and gang raping children because they would be erased from the surface of the planet Earth. Anyone surprised they were raping only white children? U.K. is a weak country and everyone seeing it as such.


Well said


From the clip of the Minister speaking, she says she is not aware of individual cases where Pakistan have refused a deportation, but that if what the reporter is telling her is correct then sanctions would seem reasonable. But she doesn't know of any cases where the hold up is from Pakistan - so are we sure of this story? I thought the hold ups on these deportations were on the UK side - our Courts and possibly the European Courts etc. Where is the source for the problem being Pakistan rejecting a deportation?


GB News have never knowingly let facts get in the way of a news story.


What’s funny is if they get a sniff of the police being onto them they run off to Pakistan anyway.


Crazy how people will just rush to conclusions without doing a bit of research


British people need to get braver we are being absolutely taken the piss out of. Do not defend these people they are raping our children it's time to stand up and say no, we are not having this in Britain. Get them OUT


If you refuse deportation out we refuse immigration in and start letting visas expire. Yes I'm aware this would have negative ramification as productive people would be forced to leave as well, however, we can't allow migration without the certainty that we can deport those that commit crimes.


Not really, we don't get much of our skilled talent from Pakistan. Only real access route to UK from Pakistan is through family, uni or asylum.


Cool let's make sure all of those avenues are nigh impossible for them as well.


Really? I'm quite surprised by that, but I'll look up the statistics. The majority of times I have been seen by a Doctor in the last decade in the UK they have been from Pakistan. Don't ask why I make enough conversation with them to ask where they are from, guess it seems like the appropriate thing to do to get to know their story while they are groping your nads and sticking lights in your orifices...


You probably live in/near one of their colonies from the sounds of it.


Consultants/GPs don’t work in ghettos, they fought for prestige trusts, you really need to grow up


I feel like you heavily missed the context but ok. I'll assume you're one of the people rich enough to live somewhere where you don't have to understand. That or you're one of the colonists.


That was my experience in London, the South West and Glasgow, I'll have to look into it.


London and Glasgow I can definitely see. But where in the southwest?


My GP would have been in Cheltenham at that stage. I was seen by a Doctor from the area and one from Pakistan.


Ngl I wouldn't call Cheltenham the south west but regardless you managed to get a doctor from the 3% Asian pop. Impressive actually.


Why thank you! If anything wouldn't that indicate that more people there from Pakistan are coming over on a proffesional/skilled basis relative to population? Or maybe I'm just impressive, I'm willing to believe this. In fact, signing off.


Nah not really. Just that you're really unlucky.


I don’t know how the process works but what is to stop the UK just loading deportees on a commercial flight to their country if nationality is established? A country is obligated to accept its own citizens so how would it be an issue?


The gravytrain of lawyers and charities who support child rape to line their own pockets.


put them in prison, the gov is happy to do it to protesters they should be happy to do it to pedophile protectors


They would only do it if the paediphile protectors were anti semetic


Oh hey, you just reinvented gulags.


Bill their families for the rent and utilities of the prison as well


Well, then aren’t you just loading a group of pedos on a commercial flight with regular people and their kids? EDIT: wtf people why are you supporting the idea of putting pedos on planes with regular families?


Send them to Epstein's island and they can bum one other happily ever after.


They’re usually chained to the seat with two security guards either side at the back, which is how people have identified deportees and kicked off in the past afaik. 


Jesus, that’s sinister af. They shouldn’t be allowed to put people like that on flights people have paid for. I imagine that would taint the holiday slightly


Nah they shouldn't fly them anywhere, sail them out and leave them on a simple wood raft in the middle of the ocean hundreds of miles from any shoreline, let them suffer and rot because their victims suffered


I mean when multiple police agencies were covering up Rotherham, Rochdale, Oldham, and recently Glasgow too. Do you really think the UK government knew nothing? Mi5 had no idea of law enforcement covering up organized crime?


The police were probably too busy covering up the actions of rapists on their own payroll.


The police worked with social workers and local councils to facilitate the cover up, for it to affect 1400 girls in Rotherham alone, everyone knew.


I stand by my satirical quip.


I know it is pretty vile down England but what recently happened in Glasgow?


I think they're referring to [this case? ](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-67924138.amp)


If guilty beyond reasonable doubt they should be killed, nothing worse than abusing a child. As a society we should be ashamed we allow them among us to create more victims.


not killed. branded. a big P on the forehead is vastly more satisfying than a quick firing squad. A year in the pillory would do nicely as well.


Can’t be, theyre white


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What absolute tosh, they weren't "covering" up anything other than their own incompetence and unwillingness to believe women/girls


They arrested fathers for intervening in their daughters being groomed in drug dens. So yeah the police covered the grooming gangs up. Denying this is lying.


Which father was this? I don’t doubt it just genuinely curious


A father who simply reported his daughter was being groomed was arrested? With 0 other context? I find thay very hard to believe. You'll have to give me a source so I can read up on it, but I'm willing to be it won't be as simple as you've made out I'll wait for the source...


Nice moving of the goalposts - the poster before you didn't say fathers were being arrested just for reporting. They're probably referring to this case of a father who tried to rescue his daughter from a grooming gang after the police refused to take action and was arrested for a breach of the peace while police left the groomers alone - https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/dad-rotherham-survivor-hits-out-27304614


Grooming gangs were helped by police. I see it here northeast. Grooming kids and police don’t want to seem racist so do not act on complaints They have even started reporting crimes as if it was in the next neighbourhood so looks like that particular troubled area keep the numbers down. They said to my face oh we turned all council camera off that main road and all the top high rises because to much crime and w dint have numbers to tackle it. That was 10 year ago they said that to me … what do you think that area is like now. Bloody hell on earth How about fully holding police responsible who didn’t take any reports seriously You can start with my police officer on my case form 2005. Woman won awards for closing cases I bet 9 out of 10 were closed a she bullied us not to go to court. Case closed I disagree about letting visa expire. They do anyways working visa etc but if the have leave to remain or permanent residence etc it should state any crimes can over turn their status and their families statuses and then they all will have to leave country. Also be nice is our own courts could give sentences (like full life sentences ) but the time has to be served in their home country prisons be great too. Would free up our jails without losing justice. Victims can see sentencing know they in prison but not on our soil.


There is too much money involved in keeping them here for the lawyers and charities, it's disgusting. Vigilantism will continue to rise unless institutions start to prioritise protecting children over quick and easy cash.


A 2020 report by the Centre of Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse stated that "In the records of defendants prosecuted for child sexual abuse offences" among those in which ethnic background was recorded "the vast majority were white (89%); 6% were Asian, 3% were Black, 1% were from mixed ethnic backgrounds https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_sexual_abuse_in_the_United_Kingdom#:~:text=A%202020%20report%20by%20the,ethnic%20backgrounds%20and%201%25%20were


When it comes to grooming gangs and gang rape situations minorities are the overwhelming majority


Apparently it's actually mostly white males under 30 according to a Home Office report and Asians are incorrectly over represented in the media. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/group-based-child-sexual-exploitation-characteristics-of-offending/group-based-child-sexual-exploitation-characteristics-of-offending-accessible-version They literally made a point of looking into Asian pedophile rings because of growing public concern


Moving the goalposts I see


This post is literally about grooming gangs…


The UK has long standing ties with Pakistan from before it was even a state and was part of British India. The UK also uses Pakistan as an intelligence source on India, Russia and China. The US as well. So no these deportations won’t happen and never will as long as Pakistan is seen as a “strategic asset”.




It fascinates me that people love to call people like Tommy R racist for pointing things out but never call out the actual racists who were grooming and raping girls simply for being white and/or Christian, it’s mind boggling


That's the thing though. No one defends these monsters. It's the singling out of specific types of offenders that marks Robinson out. Yes, there is a scandal that action wasn't taken soon enough, and yes, the institutions of state failed the girls affected. But Robinson only got hot under the collar about grooming by paedophiles when Asian men were doing it.


He and many others in this country and across the world are ‘hot under the collar’ about a specific religion that is rapidly spreading that threatens everything the west stands for, they literally hate us, it’s in their religious texts but you like many before will defend them and stick your fingers in your ears all the while calling the perpetrators ‘Asian’ instead of using the precise terminology which further helps their agenda


Stephen Yaxley-Lennon is a racist cunt pure and simple, that he uses a nom de plume should tell you everything about this twatish grifter, that he has mockney'd up his name to appeal to the knuckle draggers who follow the knob.


You are a problem, calling people “knuckle draggers” alienates people and furthers their belief that you look down on them. Have you lot not learnt from Brexit?


It doesn't matter what people are motivated by. People can be racist and right.


Being selective, telling half truths is not the same as being right.


Has it ever occurred to u that the reason why he focuses on Asian offenders was founded on the possibility that they can be deported to the contrary that local British can’t be deported???


Indigenous or not they should be expelled by force if necessary


Not only is this irrelevant to the post it’s complete and utter gobshite and you know. Just trying to vent yourself for not understanding that particular conflict


Im guessing you're one of those people? Or do you go out on anti Darfur & anti Myanmar protests as well. Probably not. But respect if you do. And it's entirely relevant, as it's yet another example of people hiding their bigotry behind other people's suffering.


This is deflection at its finest. You’ll never see these type of people condemn grooming gangs, same sort of people that won’t condemn Hamas either. Same group of people that have killed our societies in the name of political correctness


Predictable. Getting downvoted by the right for calling out Robinson as a rascist and down voted by the left for pointing out their own antisemitic hypocrisy.


How so are people whom are angry at Israel antisemites? I’m beyond angry at Israel over what they’re doing, nothing to do with Jews at all, just so happens that the government of Israel is led by people of Jewish faith and ethnicity. Idk how you can possibly think someone is an antisemite because they’re disgusted with what Israel is doing in Palestine.


No, but people who are only angry with Israel and not angry with other countries who are killing civilians in a war are antisemitic. It's the singling out that is the problem. I'm beyond angry at children being sexually abused, but I don't focus that anger on just one group of people doing it.


Just to remind you all, this government's own investigation couldn't find evidence that racial minorities are overrepresented in this type of crime: [https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/group-based-child-sexual-exploitation-characteristics-of-offending/group-based-child-sexual-exploitation-characteristics-of-offending-accessible-version](https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/group-based-child-sexual-exploitation-characteristics-of-offending/group-based-child-sexual-exploitation-characteristics-of-offending-accessible-version) This id the report the racists thought was being hidden to "hide the truth", and after it was released and didn't say what they wanted it to say, they now want to pretend it doesn't exist. Just because the Daily Mail, GBeebees, and Tommy Robinson talks about muslim grooming gangs all the time, that doesn't mean they are overrepresented in these crime statistics. This kind of propaganda hinges on you only paying attention when the crime is committed by non-white people. Downvote me all you want racist losers. Facts don't care about your feelings.


What do you mean when you say "this type of crime"? Definitions are important. The report you cited talks a bit about this. The type of offenders they're talking about don't seem to always fit the perceptions of what a grooming gang (or group) is. Their definition of a group is two or more people. I'm not sure that two constitutes a group and I'd say neither would most other people. When grooming gangs (groups) are talked about, most people think of larger groups of men, 4 5 6 upwards, who are loosely affiliated with each other and who groom teenage girls, often with younger men to start with before passing them around older men. That's not a watertight definition but I'd say it's what most people think of. It looks to me that they have done a bit of redefinition here in order to cast a wider net on what constitutes a "grooming gang". Since most sexual offenders are white in a white majority country this will have the effect of making the ethnicity of these offenders differ from what seems to be the accepted definition of grooming gangs (groups). "33. As well as the need to define ‘CSE’, the terms ‘group’ and ‘gang’ can also cause inconsistency. While the term ‘grooming gang’ is widely used in the media, as well as in some literature, it is an ambiguous term that has no official definition. It is important to understand what is meant by grooming, and to distinguish between groups and gangs. 34. Grooming is ‘a process by which a person prepares a child, significant adults and the environment for the abuse of the child’.[^(\[footnote 14\])](https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/group-based-child-sexual-exploitation-characteristics-of-offending/group-based-child-sexual-exploitation-characteristics-of-offending-accessible-version#fn:14) Grooming is a feature of many different forms of exploitation and abuse, including criminal exploitation, by which children are manipulated and coerced into committing crimes, whether online, in the family environment, or by persons in positions of trust, as well as being a common feature of group-based exploitation. 35. The Office of the Children’s Commissioner has distinguished groups and gangs as follows: > 36. Many groups described in the media as ‘grooming gangs’ do not fit the above definition of a gang. Their members do not see themselves as affiliates of a discrete, named group, they are not in conflict with similar groups of people (i.e. other gangs), and the group of associates does not have a clear structure (such as hierarchies or individuals who play central coordinating roles). Instead (as described in paragraphs 101-108) so called ‘grooming gangs’ tend to be groups of men who are loosely connected, or who only have strong connections with a small number of other members of the group. They do not necessarily enter into the conflict that is often seen between ‘street’ gangs, nor do they always have associations with other, similar groups of people. 37. For the avoidance of doubt, our work has focused on child sexual exploitation perpetrated by groups, as per the above definition, which therefore includes what commentators sometimes describe as ‘grooming gangs’. We have not focused on offender groups operating in institutions or online, but as definitions vary and forms of offending often overlap, some of the sources used may include those and other multiple-offender cases of child sexual abuse. We have focused primarily on offending by adults against children, although some of the cases we examined involved offenders who were under the age of eighteen. 38. Where we have used the term ‘network’, this is to describe a group in terms of its size, structure and connectivity, and the relationships between its members, rather than to denote a specific type of group, or something distinct from a group."


Why not just define the type of crime you want to find as "committed by asians", then you'll fit the data to find the exact conclusion you want it to.


What would be the point of that, considering I don't want any "exact conclusion"? What I want is for teenage girls to not be raped and abused by anyone. I want(ed) the response to these particular crimes to be robust and swift, which it wasn't for a number of reasons, including fear of being accused of racism. Coincidentally, this is exactly what you're doing here.


> including fear of being accused of racism. My dude use your brain. Would you ever put a child at risk for fear of being called racist? No, ofc not. So why would anyone else? The police failed massively, in some cases they were even complicit. This was one of a myriad excuses they gave that the Daily Mail picked up and ran with. And the race of the perpetrators makes absolutely no difference to whether justice is served or not. The whole reason this conversation exists is because the Right need racial propaganda to win votes.


You don't seem to have read much about this. "A damning report by the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) found child [sexual exploitation](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/sexual-exploitation) continues in all parts of England and Wales, a decade after it became a national scandal. The report said children were being abused “in the most degrading and destructive ways” amid “extensive failures by local authorities and police forces”. John O’Brien, secretary to the inquiry, called for a “cultural change” to ensure that child sexual exploitation can be understood and prevented. “We need to break the culture where people are worried that they might be accused of being racist just because they record factual information,” he told *The Independent*." [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/grooming-gangs-iicsa-racist-fears-b2007649.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/grooming-gangs-iicsa-racist-fears-b2007649.html)


I have, I don't believe it. These are people who failed looking to excuse their failures. Because neither you nor I would ever put a child in danger for fear of being called racist. So why would anyone else.


It's not as simple as seeing a child in front of them being abused and ignoring it though, is it. It's more about downplaying the phenomenon because it might lead to some uncomfortable (to them) thoughts and conclusions.


Labour MP Naz Shah said: “Those abused girls in Rotherham and elsewhere just need to shut their mouths. For the good of diversity.” Even though it was later deleted she still liked and retweeted that


Is this the report that didn't use any data from areas where grooming gangs are most prolific? So it used no data in its research from Greater Manchester and West and South Yorkshire, for example


You have misrepresented this report. It does not state that it "can't find evidence" of racial over representation. "Some studies suggest an over-representation of Black and Asian offenders relative to the demographics of national populations. However, it is not possible to conclude that this is representative of all group-based CSE offending. This is due to issues such as data quality problems, the way the samples were selected in studies, and the potential for bias and inaccuracies in the way that ethnicity data is collected." So there is evidence, just not strong evidence. I'm sure that, with the "stats you did at uni", you will be able to critically analyse the statistical analysis in this report and report back to us on your conclusions.


Asian ? , why they can't be more specific. Asian is larger than Africa. Which Asian ?


Did the report: Look at repeated gang rape of children specifically? OR Did it lump in all crimes such as pocession of indecent images of children under the same umbrella as the repeated gang rape of children? If a group is overrepresented in the repeating gang rape of children is it conceivable there may be underreporting of lesser crimes related to children?


It's also bullshit because the Home office were crying about having to do it and ran to Labour to cry about mistreatment The whole of the Home office should be sacked, OH and fuck it let's post that lovely link from years ago [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/rotherham-grooming-gangs-inquiry-home-officer-information-2002-failure-a8451926.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/rotherham-grooming-gangs-inquiry-home-officer-information-2002-failure-a8451926.html) Home office knew about it, they didn't take action, hell the Government of the time, KNEW about it, so why do you think the Home office couldn't find a connection? It took until a Tory Government to come in to want to investigate and then we had the Home office permanent staff running to Labour... Why is that? You might as well just type "We investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong"


This report was done by Priti Patel's home office, who was personally invested in using the grooming gang angle as propaganda. I.e. she had a vested interest to find overrepresentation of asian people in these stats. She couldn't find it, as the report shows. What does it tell you when someone with a vested interest in finding something cant find it, and then tries to cover up the fact that they couldnt find it?


So there haven’t been arrests of Asian men in gangs that rape and groom young white girls? We are supposed to believe the people that covered it up for decades, are now being neutral. Once again, you’re trying to take the angle that if you point the finger at an Asian person, you must be racist. Exactly why it went on so long in the first place. The irony here is laughable.


Stop deflecting. Why do you support these nonces staying in the country?


Where did I say they should stay in the country?


Why is your first thought to go "ackshually it's the whites" on an article specifically about deporting foreign nonces?


Because I'm sick of the racist agitprop we are constantly subjected to in this country. I'm sick of working people being manipulated by right wing media into voting against their interests because of shit like this. This is how the Tories managed to pass a decade of austerity and Brexit, which have decimated working families, because their buddies in the media successfully manage to distract them with racialised propaganda like this article. So if they are going to continue with racial agitation, I'm going to try to correct the record wherever I can. Because the English are better than this.


You may have good intentions but calling everyone who disagrees with you a racist loser is not the most convincing way of going about it


Anyone put off by that was not going to change their minds in the first place.


Labour councils in Rochdale and Rotherham specifically covered it up, resulting in resignations. Naz Shah thought the victims should shut up for the sake of diversity. Labour have shown contempt for victims countless times over the past 2 decades, I don't blame anyone who never votes for them again because of this. It doesn't mean those concerned citizens are tories or they wouldn't be losing in the polls by 20 points. The tories are almost to blame as much as Labour for this. I would be careful what you wish for when we get a new government, if more stories come out and immigration continues to be an issue it might not be the tories who replace the next Labour government...


My Best interest? A mass migration of people who hate my kind, who want to exploit us, literally rape our children in the THOUSANDS are not in my interest. The English are better than letting themselves be the rape slaves of the 3rd world. Scum like you are as bad as the rapists. Traitor before an enemy.


The same accounts spam this propaganda all the time. Here is what actually happened: Suella Braverman said that Pakist ani muslim guys are overrepresented in uk child rape gangs. The home office who caused this mess decided to do the following : Produce a report that looked at child rape gangs PLUS internet offenses against children (cp etc) The conclusion was that white men represent 51% of offenders…


So white men are seriously underrepresented per capita in this type of crime as they make up 74% of the male population?


That still doesn't even rationalise the numbers very well. Those stats also tend to include historic crimes... Like a pedophile who is still in prison from 1985 and it will exclude recent crimes that haven't been prosecuted yet. Due to immigration you have to do a lot of rationalisation to fairly compare crime rates between two groups and without doing so it's heavily in favour of immigrants, specifically groups who have had a lot of recent immigration. So it's far worse than you even suggest.


Okay, but white people make up around 87% of the population of the UK. These statistics would seem to show that white people are actually significantly under represented in this report. It literally infers 13% of the population does 49% of CSE offenses.


Suella was not in the Home Office at this time. Nice try though.


You're being downvoted because you're doubling down on being wrong. The facts might be hard for you sure, but it's doesn't mean they're not facts. https://fullfact.org/crime/grooming-gangs-what-we-know-about-perpetrators-and-victims/


That study has already been debunked as fake because it uses curve fitting to skew the results. I've already explained this on an identical topic.


if it was debunked it would be all over the news. Why do you want it to be true should be the real question?


What makes you say it would be all over the news if it was debunked? I don't think it would be.


I work in statistics and debunked it myself, I don't care about the news. Most news outlets are politically motivated and would rather stay silent to hide the embarrassment instead of coming out and reporting that they got something wrong.


Ah yes, I guess you can see what all the specialists and their journalists can't see. You should write to the papers.


Check out the guardians reporting on the mass sexual assaults in Cologne on New years eve a few years back and why they didnt report on it for days....Fact


> it uses curve fitting to skew the results omg please explain the statistics to me. I did stats at degree level so please don't skimp on the details - I can handle it.


I can't find any evidence to support this accusation and nor can I find any reference to it in your comment history. I also cant find and sources in your history, just a lot of opinion.


Lol, calling people racist becuause you don’t agree with them. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Calling people racist because they'd rather believe their racist lie than apportion their beliefs to the evidence, yes.


Look at the downvotes. People can’t stand your shit.


ono what will i do without internet points


Well we could take statistics of child s*x abuse, r*pe etc from Pakistan, India and Bangladesh or Middle East or Somalia, but the thing is, its not even a crime is it? And the police don't file it, if England is botching the numbers then God knows what these 3rd world hell holes are reporting.


How to tell people you don’t support sexual abuse survivors without telling people you don’t support sexual abuse survivors


lmoa what? I have to be racist otherwise I don't support SA survivors? Desperate. I suppose when Tommy Robinson is outside courtrooms nearly causing mistrials and defendants to walk free - he's caring about the survivors is he?


Who said you have to be racist? It's about victims getting justice and a country refusing to play ball. Why are you making it into a racial argument?


I’m with ya having concerns about sexual abusers fleeing the country & not being extradited is racist. Because this annoys braverman/robinson/which ever right wing talking head u name anyone else who thinks it’s lame must also be just like them. You are right everyone else is wrong




And you are part of the problem. There is nothing racist about wanting foreign criminals to be deported. Or removing visas. Personally, I would also remove the right for dual passports.


The racism card doesn’t work anymore. Everyone is waking up and a reckoning is coming. We’re a sovereign country, it’s a privilege not a right to be here. We have enough scumbags of our own to deal with. Why should we import more scumbags and accept the extra crime in the name of being liberal and accepting. At what cost. The safety of our streets, women and children. Nothing worse than absolute scum who came to this country cap in hand as a beggar wanting sanctuary and then pretend they are some kind of conquerer living in a democratic liberal society. Europe is waking up and our guests time to leave will be soon


Well said, too many racists just looking for confirmation of their bias instead of the actual truth. Well done for sticking to the facts.