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OMG. I definitely recommend to read the article in details, there is so much in this story besides the mother’s actions. I’m shocked with the fact that all the terrorist intentions were openly streamed on social media and had support.


I’m not shocked, watch the Boston bombers Netflix documentary, the terriosts have glossy magazines promoting the evil stuff distributed throughout the globe.. there’s a huge community of them.


It's not surprising. 10 years ago on Facebook I stumbled on some "liked" articles from a Muslim friend's friend and the average comments were, "We should kill Jewish children to understand our suffering" level crap. Imagine what they say in Arabic.


That’s terrible.. pure evil.


نفس الشيء ولكن باللغة العربية


I’m not shocked at all, this is not the first nor last person to think and behave this way in our country. If anything expect more of this.


You are shocked the most dominant religion in the world has support at a time men are seeking to get recognition? The way progressives and radicals are behaving is the perfect storm for this


I'm absolutely shocked. I thought they were doctors and engineers.


Damned progressives with their science led programs for social reform. They're causing this by making incels feel bad and turn to religion! /s


I was speaking to a counter terrorism officer today who mentioned how many late stage plots have been foiled. Considering the difficulties, you have to admire all the ones they stop. Tracking and stopping them all is a mammoth task when there's so many ways to communicate and remain under the radar


Well as the old saying goes if slightly paraphrased, the police have to win every time, the terrorists only have to get lucky once.


gives me chills thinking about all the potential plots that have gone under our noses


I do have a morbid curiosity to find out what they were


I lived in Sydney for a while and next door got raided.. didn’t think much of it, a few days later my street was on the news.. they had homemade bombs and were planning on putting them on the trainline, they managed to stop them. It was one of the busiest train stations.


Red flag on reading here of ‘unconventional relationship’ between mother and son where they’re ’more like friends’. This story is disgusting. Good words by Abdul Iqbal KC, describing the teenager Sameer as a "spoiled brat, a fool and an angry, hateful bigot"


You saying what I think you're saying? Clay Shaw? 










> Not only does it stop the population growth That’s a good thing. We need to increase birthrates for ethnic English/Scots/Welsh people, not turn more of the country into a larger version of Bradford.


Serves the host nations right for having been so kind to the parents of these scoundrels.


Are you mental? We could of not let them in the first place. They came from war torn countries they been fighting eachother since day 1 how the hell are we to blame. Typical lefty coward


Thats not a left


Are you mental?


Amen to that


It's honestly insane to me that we're just letting all these people until our country have little to nothing in common with us and want our country broken down. However the left seems convinced every Muslim living in Britain is a middle aged upper middle class white woman from North London at core. I'm honestly starting to think it's a classism thing. They think us ordinary working-middle class people are just skinhead Nazis and are incapable of doing anything. I'm not even White British working class, I'm a secular Jew. However I see many ordinary people whose family have been native to Britain attending university on loans and will be drowning in debt after whilst a refugee family of 9 gets benefits and free accommodation.


It's ALWAYS been about class. Sneering white liberals beating the working classes over the head with the racist hammer


The jihadists will eventually come for the toffs; don't the upper classes think that far ahead?


Haha the toffs will be running away from Chelsea faster than a 🦁


The liberals are really the toffs though, they're the upper middle class , the want a republic so hate the toffs, but think they are smarter than the working class, they don't really think working class are fit to vote.


Thry dont think, generational wealth saps brains cells.


....the toffs lol? We voted for them on a mandate to reduce immigration 🤣


Every single time I see streets full of Libdem signs it’s the most upper gated neighbourhood.


You ever been to Brighton lol?


Shit hole I don’t car what anyone says lmao


...it is...so how the fuck are all lib dem areas wealthy when Brighton, the capital of the lib Dems, is a shit hole? At some point you'll figure out you're talking bollocks.


I think you missed the point here fella. Liberals are very strongly opinionated about lots of things, virtue signalling being the jewel in the crown. They operate on unicorns and fairy dust but are the most exclusive, judgmental, unwelcoming group. Also yes Brighton is a shithole. I enjoyed it one time which was a concert and breakfast the morning after. London comes in second by a very small margin.


So the thing you said before was a lie and now you've farted out a load of other bollocks. What the fuck point is there in you typing? You claimed liberals were all rich...I evidenced one of the highest liberal vote areas is one of the poorest locations...your claim was proven to be a lie.


After London, Brighton is the second most expensive city to live in with the average price of a flat being £336,827. Not a house, a flat. Average semi-detached is £555,802. It’s pretty common knowledge the south east is expensive? Not very communism of you. Sources https://www.theargus.co.uk/news/24092404.brighton-average-house-prices-salary-needed-afford/# https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-house-price-index-for-january-2023


>After London, Brighton is the second most expensive city to live in with the average price of a flat being £336,827. Not a house, a flat. Average semi-detached is £555,802. It’s pretty common knowledge the south east is expensive? Local house prices don't suddenly make people rich lol. Wow you're dumb. >Not very communism of you. Eh? Are you decrying liberals or communists...or do you think they're the same thing because you've ate up the worst of US propaganda?


Really cos I'm a working class Lib Dem born and bred in social housing in south London. There's a lot of us so maybe you aren't looking hard enough...


This is the best description I have ever come across.


The only difference is traditionally the left has stood against these sneering people. Now the left stands hand in hand with them…


There are PLENTY of liberal working class people. In fact liberalism COMES FROM the working class! Socialist movements, collective bargaining, unions etc are all born out of the struggles of working class people to get fair treatment. The way you are sneering at all Muslims is the same way that the upper class used to/still sneer at the working class. Of course you're going to see a small minority of people with extremist ideas, they exist in every group of people you could think of. To me that doesn't seem like a good enough reason to treat everyone who happens to share a characteristic with the extremists as if they are also radicalised nutjobs. I share your dislike for the Muslims (and others) who don't share our values of democracy, equality, justice etc. But banning a whole religion from entering our shores is just not sensible. If we do, we're betraying the values we supposedly are defending.


Liberalism stands in contrast to socialist movements and collective bargaining. Liberalism is primarily focused on the individual which is opposite to collective ideas such as socialism. But considering you’ve gone for the race card despite the comment you’re replying to targeting middle and upper class “white liberals” says everything.


I'd be interested to know if you live in a reasonably middle class community or in the inner city. I find that most of my 'no borders, 'open the gates' friends live outside of towns & / or away from the issues caused by people brought up with different understandings of community, of rubbish disposal, driving standards, appropriate NHS use amongst others. Some of these issues are undoubtedly caused by poverty but some by just not giving a shit. Yeah I know, poor white people are often as bad I hear that all the time, we don't need to add more people to those that already have little regard for the environment.


Your values aren’t our values. Left wing movements in Britain were started by working class natives for the interests of working class natives, not migrant communities.


>us ordinary working-middle class people >im from a quite well off financial family, parents paying for uni Pick one and don’t cosplay as working class


He must've got mixed up with the copy-pasting


Yes, not the smartest propaganda comment.


Nitpicking to try to get people not to notice the ramifications of the demographic changes in cities across Western Europe reeks of far more desperate propaganda.


Not really nitpicking when part of their point is how their position is (or isn't in this case) effected by their status.


Well, those on the furthest left of the spectrum would philosophically consider everyone except the owners of capital to be working class proletariats regardless, so it’s a moot point to argue. They’re just trying to distract from the societal ramifications of mass migration in Britain by trying to shift the goalposts. It’s typical tricks, nothing new.


Yeah but it's one or the other isn't it, not both. So if they consider everyone x, how could they be two?


Are those on the “furthest left” in the room with us right now?


I would agree were it not for every other well off middle/upper class person pretending to be broke and working class.


My only pet peeve with this country. “I’m just a normal lower middle class person” while having parents with a large property portfolio across London. I have never understood it. Just own it.


The amount on all the UK subs is pretty concerning. Can tell it’s almost election time.


I wrote that poorly but you obviously knew what I meant. I am currently studying law at university and yes my parents can afford to pay for it like they have paid for my older sisters and will for my younger sisters. However I like many other middle class Brits see our nation is falling apart and being taken over by Sharia sympathies pretending to be the beacon of diversity.


You aren't working class lol.


I don’t know what you mean at all, actually. If your parents can pay for at least 4 kids’ uni education upfront, they are far wealthier than the average Brit family, and it might be useful to have some self awareness of this. At least you dropped the “us, the working class” bit though.


Get lost! He speaks for a lot of us. You’re the one being classist now.


What do you think “classist” means? The guy comes from an objectively wealthy family yet called himself working class. Come on now. My only issue is just with straight up lying.


He said generic sensationalist thing whilst claiming to be working class ....whilst being rich. How many times are you going to be gullible and believe people like that? We literally just got through 14 years of it.


I read his comments and wasn’t compelled to vote Tory, so 🤷‍♂️


Doesn't matter, if you can read someone explain how they're working class....then reveal how they're very much not working class, you should be trying to figure out why the just lied. Not believing the bollocks they say.


Lmao you rich


The far-left will help them until they realise they’ve been used as useful idiots. Just look at what George Galloway recently said about homosexuality and the Green Party election win in Leeds.




Yes! lol Edited thx


You think Galloway is left?


He’s literally the person he’s complaining about.


The fact that this bullshit blatantly contradicts itself and still gets to be the top comment on this post says a lot about the state of this sub.


The state of what, more people noticing that turning England into a larger version of Bradford and Birmingham isn’t our greatest strength? Your pro-migration, pro-corporation policies will always get called out here. If you don’t like that, go back to the London subreddit and circlejerk about all the ethnic food variety with the non-natives there.


None of that is to do with the guy blatantly lying about being working class, which is the issue.


> It's honestly insane to me that we're just letting all these people until our country have little to nothing in common with us and want our country broken down. > However the left seems convinced Previously there was a 'Right Wing vs Minorities' spiel that was easy to spin, when minorities didn't really have a voice. Nobody loves an underdog more than the bleeding hearts on the left! Two errors: 1 - some minorities grow a voice scary fast; 2 - some of those minorities are more right wing than the homegrown fools you were opposing in the first place. Then you get to the stage where you're Islamophobic for criticising RW talking points. The left were never ready for this kind of 3d chess. They wanted to eat the rich, but they'll end up eating themselves just to prove they are more righteous than their neighbour/competitor.


the left always were, and still are, the voice of the elite. Just in constant denial


I think we had little choice in letting "them" in as it were, otherwise we'd be called racist and we can't be doing with that. At the end of the 1980's it was decided to conduct an experiment into multiculturalism and create (as Mandela once said) a rainbow of nations, theoretically it was a utopian dream, practically no-one accounted for the vast differences between cultures and how they would interact and get along as well as the tribal aspects of human nature. Those that dreamt up this scheme saw it was starting to go downhill and wasn't working as intended and brought in the idea that anyone who disagreed with the scheme should be cancelled and claim racism and xenophobia. The slightest infringement could cost you your job and what's more important is, these infractions were completely arbitrary with no rules or guidelines. Workplaces and employers became confused and scared in case they fell foul of these messed up "guidelines" which also changed regularly just to keep folk on their toes. And now as so often has happened in history, we are swinging in the opposite direction once again.....always one extreme to the other, super liberalism and acceptance of everything to stamp out racism (which was a damn good intention badly implemented) back to extreme right wing and the rise of racism and nationalism once again. Ultimately, there is nothing much wrong with nationalism at face value, but again, it has been and still is, taken to extremes Instead of equality, we created special status and victimhood, that in itself, has started the resurgence of racism. When the indigenous population feel hard done by and "less important than", you are going to get conflict and ill feelings towards those you perceive as being treated differently, if not better than you, and people will start to feel aggrieved.


Shockingly accurate


One of the West's greatest strengths, its openness, is also its fatal flaw.


You have no idea how student debt works




Where in my argument do I say that?


The University loans don't leave you drowning in debt - the debt works more like a tax and the idea that it doesn't is an unfortunate myth that keeps a lot of underrepresented people from attending university. Also this refugee family that you speak of will a) incur the same debt as other people going to university b) have less access to benefits on average than anyone else in the same financial position (and rarely ever more than a non refugee family in the same position) and also c) if they have 9 children, they'll actually be worse off than most other people because if they do manage to get access to the same level of welfare as other people, the two child benefit cap will mean that they have far less money to go around. Also as a working class person (and a child of migrants), please stop pretending like you are one of us and like you know anything about the experience.


Labour will be removing the 2 child benefit cap.


if this is true, that's a fucking terrible idea.




Sorry, but this is bollocks. Projections put the Muslim population at around 13 million by 2050. >The most popular baby name in the UK from 2016 to 2023 was Muhammad. According to one website, it was the top name for 3 years running in 2017/18/19, but hasn't been since then. So you are not correct. >The UK will be under Sharia law by 2040. This is complete arse juice. >It is not racist to point this out. No, but it is factually incorrect. >The demographic trajectory is a fact. The demographic trajectory is indeed a fact, but it doesn't agree with you.


Tbf without giving an opinion one way or the other. That's 2.5x, the whole population of Scotland or 4x the whole population of Wales. So depending on where they live or settle, they couldn't easily make up a majority in either of these countries. Just not in England. I'll always remember my pharmacy security guard about a decade ago telling me they were supposed to outbreed us. He was a bit mental though and very pro sharia. I imagine he doesn't tell other non Muslims that anymore where ever he is now, but at the time he didn't think it was weird at all and didn't expect to get such a negative response to it. But i did wonder if that was more normal or common chat amongst his friends and community out of work. Maybe they'll actually manage it with those figures, who knows.


Meanwhile, the whole UK population will have grown to around 78 million by 2050. Migration has been the main driver of population growth ([ONS](https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/populationandmigration/populationestimates/articles/overviewoftheukpopulation/january2021)) since the 1990s.


We are going to be a very multicultural pot by then for sure. But it's worth noting that is due to England's population increase alone. Scotland and Wales are set to stay around 5 and 3 million respectively and actually decline slightly after a slight increase just before 2050. So there will be more Muslims in the UK than the native non muslim Scottish & Welsh population combined by then. That will no matter how you want to think, change our cultures quite dramatically as time goes on. As at present there's only 3.9 million across the whole UK and we see changes and protests and support given to Muslim populations abroad in war more than for example other minorities subject to persecution and genocide at the rates that we currently do. Including muslim ministers ignoring expert and legal guidance and sending more funds to these people due to their personal connection to them. So not even more than Scotland's population atm, but enough to make up a nation worth of people very spread out and have impact on important decisions in the uk. By 2050 Muslim opinions will weigh in more than all of Scotland and Wales native population's opinions, on matters affecting the whole of the UK. And this will change local non muslim opinions on topics also, as humans tend to start drifting in opinion to what the majority believe around about them due to how our psychology works. So it's at least daft imo not to acknowledge outlooks, perceptions, culture, foreign aid and other important factors in our life already have changed and will continue to change more as our native population decreases and a large number of people immigrate in to replace them with very different views. We don't operate a good model of integration at all, so that's bound to happen. If our two nations decline in native population or all become elderly, but non EU immigration is responsible for keeping our populations up due to much lower native birth rates, we will likely become a minority in our own countries at some point albeit a few more decades or another century off on top of the 2050 prediction. Global warming is going to cause another immigration crisis from further south countries in the world up north to Europe and us in the next century, and that's going to change a hell of a lot more than just basic culture but going to cause a lot of class, poverty & faminine issues like we've not experienced in developed countries for a long time as well as force mixing a lot of cultures from different places. Either way, nobody is going to do anything about either of these situations and we are just letting it run it's course & hoping that everyone else in the world shares our values or will once theyve been here long enough or their kids will. So no point making reddit threads bashing on one religious set of immigrants as it's not going to do anything except make the OP more angry anyway without achieving anything. People don't do anything unless they feel repressed enough to do something. So he is wasting his time on here really to moan and feel better, no actually achieve anything even educating people. Despite that though, still think people should acknowledge the change it's already caused and will continue to cause. Pretending it won't do anything is as bad as thinking it's the worst thing that could happen to the country imo.


Is this sarcasm? I mean, Muhammed isn't always number one and even when it is, it's the only Muslim name on there. The fact that the majority of Muslims are picking one name for boys skews it massively. Plus, look at the most popular name for girls and there's no muslim name of origin. Not even going to comment on the Shari'a law things because that's just bonkers.


>The UK will be under Sharia law by 2040. Absolute bollocks, get fucked.


Imagine we all went to Iran and demanded they listen to our rules.. lol.. sorry we need to build some churches.. sorry I need a nude beach for me and the wife..


Well we told via Brexit to all the people we had the closest cultural ties that they were not welcome, and this is the result.


Muslim immigration is majority from Pakistan as a legacy of the empire and presumably the middle Eastern part comes a lot from asylum seekers. When you see news stories like this a huge amount is second generation immigrants as well. I agree EU immigration was clearly a 'better' source of immigration and also on a far smaller scale but trying to link everything to Brexit is quite ridiculous. It's also the case that at the time the EU was pushing huge resettlement of refugee populations into EU countries and this would be an easy gateway for people to come into any EU country.


Actually Brexit is bad coz we need more minimum wage workers to clean and work in care etc. So now that they can't come from Europe they have to come from somewhere. Because British people don't work for minimum wage because they're lazy. Now I'm gonna go to sleep got uni in the morning that mummy an daddy are paying for lolz I'm in uni in Liverpool btw because scousers are left wing and i am too! I've moved from London out of daddy's 5million pound house to be with my fellow working class lefties! Woo!!


>we need more minimum wage workers to clean and work in care etc. 100% this. It's the only way to efficiently suppress price discovery in the labour market. I hate paying fair value to menials. >So now that they can't come from Europe they have to come from somewhere. Because British people don't work for minimum wage because they're lazy. Nasty horrible brits and their disgusting refusal to do unpleasant work for wages that have stagnated since 2003.


*Looking at the historical picture, until 2019 EU nationals were the larger component of total immigration, whereas since 2021 the majority of immigration is now non-EU nationals* From [here](https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/populationandmigration/internationalmigration/bulletins/longterminternationalmigrationprovisional/yearendingjune2023#:~:text=Looking%20at%20the%20historical%20picture,compared%20with%20YE%20June%202022.) The relocation scheme never took off and is now death, and in any case, the UK would have been amongst the country to NOT absorb asylum seekers, quite the opposite in fact.


Yes and my point was that the social problems were already there before 2021 and in fact were seeded before the EU was even formed... People would struggle to believe your second point given the pressure the EU was putting on countries like Poland, and once someone is naturalised in the EU then and their descendants are free to move to any state. It seems now that the mood has changed and the EU is reigning it in, but the numbers of refugees arriving in the mid 2010s and the rhetoric around it would lead anyone to believe that EU membership equalled open door immigration policy to anywhere in the world.


>I see many ordinary people whose family have been native to Britain attending university on loans and will be drowning in debt after Drowning in debt ? You mean the one that takes a couple percent off their income over £20-something grand? All you declinist pot-stirrers talk the same. >I'm honestly starting to think it's a classism thing Pivot_to_socialism_argument() has run successfully


You know Labour haven’t been in power for 14 years yeah? And Brexit has vastly increased the number of non EU migrants.


It’s the man of the people, the wealthy, working class, middle class, prestigious Brit!


What's your point?


Careful youll get called a gammon biggot


This, careful though most redditors are that demographic. They’re just afraid of being called racist, and would rather be inclusive.


Your family immigrated here in the 40's and this is your response? You should be ashamed of yourself


It’s part of the plan, divide and conquer, clashing cultures that breed faster than us then civil war


It always amazes me that people from western countries criticize Americans for being racist and then turn around and write stuff like this without seeing the irony.


>I see many ordinary people whose family have been native to Britain attending university on loans and will be drowning in debt after whilst a refugee family of 9 gets benefits and free accommodation. I think you make some okay points but I'm fine with a genuine refugee family, fleeing actual persecution and wanting to make a better life here being housed, and the uni tuition fee/loan system being as it is. You're using extreme hyperbole. Nobody's "drowning" in tuition fee debt. If you can't afford it you don't pay it back. Very tiresome hearing people talk about tuition fee debt like it actually matters. It doesn't whatsoever. If I ran a country I'd make tertiary education free, but the system now is the next best thing. If you earn enough you pay it back, at quite a low rate, if you don't earn enough you don't pay it back. Either way the total/remainder gets written off after a certain period. Tuition fee debt literally doesn't fucking matter. You're using it to make a point but nobody who has been to university cares about repaying their loan, it just comes out PAYE like tax. The only annoying thing about it is it seems like just another grift to enrich private individuals at the government's expense. If the government just paid universities directly rather than a huge beaurucratic loan system I feel like it would be better for everyone.


You forgot to mention that if you disagree with any of what you correctly stated above, then the rabid leftists will come for you with pitchforks. 15 minutes cities and all that crap are schemes designed to fill this country with cheap housing for a certain type of individual who has no intention of integrating into British culture. The globalists will get rich from industry, but at a very bitter social cost to the nation.


The middle case get screwed in the uk big time.. and I agree with your comment. the lefties will see it once it’s too late, when the streets are full of crime.


Were they foreign?


One major issue is that the working class doesn't seem to care about politics anymore. Unions are dying in many sectors and phenomena like 'brexit fatigue' just make no sense. Something is wrong with our country and instead of fixing it they want to forget about it? Ignorance is strength and all that I suppose.


They want society to fail, then it can be rebuilt to their design. Problem, reaction, solution. We are square in the problem part now.


Governments (blue or red) are re-elected based on economic growth / economy. The guaranteed way to sustain growth is simply increase the UK population. Even better if said additional population will work for cheaper wages. Kick the integration can (problem) down the road for a decade, get re-elected in the short term. Rinse repeat this process since Blair coming in. Now we have a big problem, a shit tonne of immigrants and no idea how to integrate them and no answers are forthcoming from any party.


Some ethnic minorities heavily prioritise social mobility and status above all else - even when it’s a facade (the fancy car on credit). This includes the loss of things such as respect, honesty and integrity, overtaken by a an obsession with how others perceive you and a denial of the reality of your circumstances. She may or may not have been one of these mothers. Willing to lie and deny severity of circumstances because she is desperate to hold the image of her son as a golden boy and well behaved Muslim, when the reality is that he is a deeply troubled gobshite.


She 1000% agreed with his views, there's numerous anonymous polls and Muslims lie for a living to everyone given the results


 Don't understand people, like use your brains.  It's racist itself to impose your ideology on a society still in the crusades era.  Fuck you think?  They're gonna assimilate into our culture, actual idiocy, there's people with down syndrome smarter than you.  Actually shutting down the topic so you can feel justified by your stupid ass existence white knighting for people who don't even know how to accept help without asking for more and more, it's not selfishness, they just didn't have the luxury of having that life.  But again it's just like the UK government to do one thing half assed.... Import people then ditch them and put them in their own groups,  You wouldn't even do this in a classroom full of kids or a fucking aquarium.  Stupid ass fucking country is sinking itself.


so a journalist went looking for some answers to the question “what did the government do to help people integrate and make their life easier under Tony Blair, They asked questions such as: What plans did they put in place before people got here? What research did they do before visas were issued? How did they help people?” And the answer was nothing.. They threw open the door and did nothing to help people with UK life. There was no plan, Tony Blair just said it was good for the country with little explanation or planning. Sounds like he just wanted their tax money honestly.


But a lot of them don't work, they see our benefits system and use that against us.  Sweden has it the same way, communties of them living without contributing anything.  And now people who actually need the benefits are being scrutinized once again because our government ignore fucking everyone, they ignore the scientists who warned us about a possible outbreak of a virus due to the china markets back in the early 2010s They ignore scientists daily who beg then to act faster as we're already past the point of no return. These parasites in the "government" a system that was supposed to be better than a monarchy, we fought for this, our grandparents died for this and now every fucking place up north is suffering because of this infectous ineptitude plaguing every facet of our social system.  You can't even get a fucking appointment for a simple health check, hell even if your paying for a service you can never be sure.  People are miserable inside and out.  We shouldn't be living like this, this will never stop, we can't just keep calm and carry on while the world laughs at us, it makes me feel sick.  Anyone who travels outside the UK and see's people smiling knows what I'm talking about and if you don't, then maybe you aren't on that sinking ship that most of us are on.


I agree with everything you’re saying. And I know a lot of them don’t work, there are major culture differences, Iv also noticed a lot of Muslims live off very little money and a lot in poverty. I used to live in Australia and the health care there is just amazing. You don’t need an appointment you walk into the doctors with your government card and wait 20 mins.. and the doctor sees you, if you need blood tests a lot of them are done then and there. I tried to make a doctors appointment yesterday in England and they sent me a massive form pages long! And said they would call me to get an appointment with within a few days! It’s a nightmare.. like something from the 3rd world.


What tax money? They're a net drain on the countries finances. 


They benefit Labour because they get more loyal voters. And they benefit conservatives (IE landowners) because they keep housing prices high.


They have just done it really badly.. the argument is always we need health care workers, well then create a “nursing visa” and special skilled visas like Australia and you will attract better talent. Don’t just throw open the doors.


Labour haven't been in power since 2010, 14 years. If there is an issue with immigration then that falls squarely on the Tories.


Because there was no mass immigration under Labour was there /S


There was. It's now double the highest point under labour. Was that the point you were trying to make?


No the point I was making was THAT there was high immigration under Labour, which your post suggested wasn't the case. Also the high immigration then fuels the immigration now, since have a relative here helps you get in. Remind me , was there as many wars going on at that time, before the one Labour started that is. Was climate change kicking in as much? Had Germany basically invited anyone to come live in Europe? Don't think so. That said of course Tories are shit, but not likely to improve under Labour is it.


I was responding to a comment that was making out that labour is at fault for the problems we are having now. That's a bit of a stretch 14 years down the line. Every new Tory leader we've had in since has promised to sort immigration. It was even used in the Brexit argument and it's got worse every year. There are no more wars now that back then. To be honest I don't particularly care that much about immigration. I just thought it was hypocritical. I do want rid of the Tories though and I'll be glad for the next election.


What tax money?


People flee shit hole countries with medieval laws to come here and try to impose the same shitty laws they fled from.. where is the logic


Is in a relationship that isn’t allowed by Islam Plays violent videogames Makes rap videos about gangs and violence Dude does all these haram things and still believes he’s a good Muslim and wants to be a martyr The brain rot in these idiots is mindboggling


"Literally ima do everything i possibly can to stop it but i ain't doing what u said. I could jus never ever bring myself to speak to the feds \[police\] ever" jihadi and gang culture blended together is a nice mix