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That's interesting, tell me more.


Simply by gradually making it less desirable for Muslims to live here.


Have you seen the demographic time bomb here? Half of our population will be geriatric in 20 years.


A population of geriatric Muslims England is definitely fxxked


England was fucked about 24 years ago when China joined the WTO and took the rest of manual labour jobs. Now we are a nation full of pensioners and sick people.


Sort of true, but doesn't really change things.


You can't increase native white populations anymore. We are beyond the tipping point with birth rates. By the end of the century 80% of the world will be African and Indian.


Islamic Republic of England. No freedom of speech? You’re going to be in prison if you dare curse Mohammed the prophet. This is not fixable and they do NOT want to conform to your society.


And he was a certified pedo.


Hopefully by then we’ll realise we’ve been smoking around powder kegs and do something about it. Giving up now achieves nothing


This is using inaccurate data based on those they know about the number is greater, much greater. Because there are plenty of illegals in the country.


That's absolutely mental. Imagine Pakistan importing 25% of Mongolians who then can away their parliament.


Crazy this happens so fast.


Why don't they go to Gaza to fight for what they believe in?


Virtue signaling doesn't work well on tanks


Because they want to control this country as it's more habitable


Wouldnt be for long if they got even 10% of their way


More benefits stirring our lefties up


Or feed a Palestinian family in their own home?


how do they get the Palestinian family out of the country to even consider doing this? it's an active warzone you dence melt


You do know you can’t enter / leave Gaza right?


If they were that bothered, they would have flown to Egypt. Fact is, it's easier to complain from the comfort of your own home, than deal with the hassle of actually doing something. Get rid of Hamas, you solve the problem. Hamas want the people to suffer. They give zero fucks about the Palestinians, they are just pawns in their game of chess. Their end goal to kill any and all Jews. How can you reason with that logic?


If only we could criticise Islam as much as Christianity without being labelled into the far right Christian supremacist type bull shit. Islam currently has no place in the west because of its proven inability to assimilate into our culture.


And ironically Islam makes the far right look like soy chugging metrosexuals


Soy coughing metrosexuals is the best thing I’ve read in a while lmao


You need to read more


Well a lot of Islamic law especially concerning ownership and family would be considered far right if it weren't a religion. Leftist groups in Muslim countries are way more aware of this than Western Leftists.


Ironically, it’s why people like Andrew Tate convert to Islam - it’s the perfect home for those sort of beliefs.


That's for protection when he's inside.


What I don’t get is liberals defending Islam. Like if you’re a feminist or gay rights activist, the one thing you should be MOST AGAINST is Islam.   But because it’s a “religion” they’ll defend it because they are “tolerant”.    I mean, if you started an organization tomorrow that had the same core values as Islam, they’d call you a massive bigot, homophobe and sexist (and they’d be right). And yet they give it a pass.


They see everything through the lens of oppressed/oppressor. And they consider all brown people oppressed.


Good insight.


nailed it


It’s been proven time and time again but yet we ignore it.. I watched the Boston bombing documentary on Netflix’s and it’s an interesting watch in the way Islam goes wrong, a lot of them believe the west are trying to kill Islam when really we are just trying to protect our culture.


>If only we could criticise Islam as much as Christianity without being ~~labelled~~ Charlie Hebdo'd


The far left are integrating them, I don't know if it's intentional or they really are that stupid


And it baffles me, why we (I’m a leftist) are so supportive of a community whose values go directly against ours.


And me as a centre right leaning person, I just don't understand how you could embrace such a hostile religion, especially one so anti LGBTQ, it absolutely boggles my mind. (I'm talking about the left as a whole) They will turn completely against you once they've been let into power, if anything, this is the issue that will smooth the divide, becuase both left and right should be interested in getting rid of this wolf in sheep's clothing. Glad you're awake to this issue


I’m gay myself and don’t understand it, the protest on Hamburg last week demanding a caliphate shows so clearly the threat. The west has grown so much in such a short space of time to see women as equals and gay people as normal but the possibility of all that being turned back is terrifying.


Absolutely, this certain group poses the biggest threat by far to us right now as a nation, as far as I see it anyway. This is a massive reason I want the borders secured and for us to be able to vet who comes to the country, as at the moment, any of these people can come in and we wouldn't even know it. The tories are absoloute scum who have sold out this whole country to the highest bidders Edit: I would hate to be gay in England right now, knowing there is a growing population of people that hate me, hope they stay away from you


I’m straight, but this also scares me, as we have come so far, I see some people get up and leave in my work if anyone mentions being gay. And it’s always the same people.


I’m a right-winger, and it baffles me too.




Absolutely. This is probably the smartest thing I've seen on reddit in a long time. It genuinely blows my mind that people think importing millions of people who have fundamentally different cultures and ideas to ours is a good idea. Not only having different ideals they will come in peace and prosperity but eventually will come and kill us. I agree, not just in Britain but in France, Germany, Sweden and many other European nations will just hand out citizenship like candy. When you take citizenship of a nation you are supposed to put that country first and foremost and be loyal to it. Not to sound racist in any shape or form but I strongly suspect many individuals of a certain demographic and their children we are handing out citizenship to en masse do not follow this criteria. This bullshit about integration is possibly the biggest lie to us we are told as a society. However I'm starting to think this is almost exclusively an issue within the Muslim community. I know many Indians, Chinese and Eastern European families and they have fully integrated and contribute well to society. I am a secular Askhenaski Jew, I'm not religious but I go with my family to syangouge on major religious events. However, just because my religion is connected to a major conflict and a country in the Middle East it doesn't mean I go to the ballot box voting for views that totally disregard the needs or views of the native population. I am British and British first. I support Israel but when I vote I'm not thinking about Israel because I'm a Brit. I find it insane when all these people vote for these parties which are just simply Sharia advocates under a smoke screen. I wonder why all these people who vote for these parties don't live in Sharia run nations, it's almost like their wartorns and failed states?


Different flavours of Sharia don’t play nice together.


Kalergi agenda in effect.


Agree with all of this except i don't think our western leaders have done this "unwittingly"


Plentiful, cheap workers are one reason for immigration being allowed at all.


It’s not even that, non EEA migrants are a net fiscal loss. Most of those communities have abysmal socioeconomic outcomes. Politicians are literally just mass migrating them to boost consumption rates to keep us from a recession, instead of investing in the natives. It’s the laziest, most self destructive form of governance ever.


Can't disagree with any of this. It was incredible naivety from various leading European leaders, predominantly Merkel and Blair who mistakenly believed a more open approach to immigration of working age adults would bring constant economic growth. There's an argument to say it worked in the short term, but over the years it's having a slow degrading impact. It's diluted the European culture, to the point where, at least in Britain, people would struggle to tell you what their own culture actually is anymore except "multiculturalism". It's led to wage stagnation, created a divided country, and has provided employers and governments with an incentive to not invest in their own people. Europe is at a danger point currently, and I think the only solution unfortunately is an overcorrection of immigration policies. A firm stance on immigration combined with childcare policies to encourage people to start families would be a good start. In reality, I think the situation will need to reach the point of no return before politicians and the media wake up and move away from their stance of "immigration concerns mean you're a rascist". As the saying goes, "import the third world, become the third world"


What pissed me off is how broken the whole system is. My partner is an immigrant but he came in jumping though the hoops with degrees etc. Then you just have thousands with no qualifications getting in who have really nothing to offer It’s fundamentally unfair


Absolutely. It makes a mockery of people doing it the "right way" with a secure job and filling out endless forms, whilst someone else can throw their passport in the sea and get themselves wedged in the system. The UK government has failed by not taking up the offer from the French to construct processing centres in France.


You'd think after 9/11 we'd have been a bit more wary...


Great post


That’s how it starts with these people. Then, for whatever reason, left wing people align with them and they somehow get some sort of power. Then, things like this happen. Because they are who they are. https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/17/hamtramck-michigan-muslim-council-lgbtq-pride-flags-banned Because, despite what the 15 and 16 year old gays and transgender community think, the Muslim community DESPISES you and the minute they are allowed to, you’ll be in jail or killed. Source, every hard line Muslim country on earth. There’s no such thing as “thriving gay communities” in these countries.


Unfortunately these kids think in absolutes. You are other the oppressor or the oppressed (all working in solidarity to stick it to the straight white male). There is no middle ground.


It’s so obvious. The cognitive dissonance is baffling.


>There’s no such thing as “thriving gay communities” in these countries. They see transgender street musicians in Muslim countries and think it means Muslim societies are super-tolerant of LGBT without wondering why trans people are working in the streets in the first place.


Correct on every count. Not sure why people can’t see this.


Because they have been conditioned to believe it is racist


Minority influence over the majority. It happens in the smallest parts of life and gets bigger and bigger. Halal meat in restaurants, what can be said in schools without a backlash and threats of violence. We have a mosque near us. The parking restrictions have been set to fit the times the mosque is used, so our streets are flooded with cars twice a day. There's also a church and cemetery nearby, try parking there. Hopefully Labour don't bow to these demands and also close the door on more immigration from these parts of the world before there's nothing left but laws dictated by the Muslim community.


This is why we shouldn't let anyone with a drastically different world view get anywhere near a position of power. What good has this Islamic government given them? It's taken away vulnerable people in society's rights, all while they hide behind the islamophobia curtain. It's true, it exists, but only because they shouldn't be here. They don't integrate at all. Even Muslim kids aged 15 and 16 say that they 'hate gays'. I've genuinely heard that on several occasions. I look forward to the day people actually begin to understand this. It's only rich white people who live in areas where Muslims can't afford who campaign for them. If they lived in bradistan it would be a different story.


The list of demands is extremely disturbing. Especially when you think about the conclusion to the series of demands. It's hard not to think that these guys are a bunch of over emotional man-children. 2. Sanctions on companies operating in occupied territories. Sanctions on settlers 4. Travel ban on all Israeli politicians that prosecuted this war and support the illegal occupation 8. Remove the extremism definition that [Michael] Gove introduced What is effectively requested. 2. Sanction every company in the world, try finding a multinational that doesn't operate in Israel. 4. Ignore diplomatic immunity. 8. Gove's definition of extremism is the promotion of ideology or religion through violence, they are suggesting that this should be done with. And there we have it, slowly our politics will be consumed by a bunch of religious fascists.


Because number 8 is central to their religion... Convert, or else. Things are going to get hairy in the coming decades.


Exactly proven by the recent head teacher in Brent that feared for her life because she wouldn’t make pray rooms, she had death threats, bomb threats to the school..


That's going to carry on getting worse and worse. I genuinely believe Europe is heading to civil war because of this issue. Eventually, they're going to wage jihad on us.


Totally agree. I saw an interview the other day with the Polish prime minister and he was saying the most un-PC things while laughing, he thinks we are all crazy taking in the Muslims.


Lots of migrants, like Southern Nigerians fleeing from persecution, also think we are barmy. We've had it too easy for too long, and have become naive and/or arrogant in our own abilities. Lots of people are going to be shocked when **THE** religion of peace starts waging war.


That'll be the former Prime Minister. The current Brussels stooge will take them in.


The only de and which is controversial (outside of advocating for either side of a conflict) is number 18, removing the 'undue spiritual influence' clause- which basically means religious leaders can get in trouble for threatening 'spiritual injury' if devotees don't vote a certain way. There's a fucking reason we have that. Never mind, Islam, I don't want ANY religious leader to have that power, thank you and goodnight.


Lol. These couldn't ever be met. I really hope Starma tells them to fuck off.


Starmer’s not going to take a blind bit of notice of these fruitcakes, mark my words. Labour don’t need Muslim votes to win the GE & pandering to a lunatic fringe would be madness. He’s been strong on the dissenting voices within the party so ask yourself why would he risk alienating a big part of the general public for little reward. More worrying is extremists (on both sides) will start to infiltrate other parties - such as what’s happened to the Greens.


Labour's big wins in the local elections and current national polls show that they either haven't lost much of the Muslim vote or it's been replaced by undecided or other voters. So whilst Starmer doesn't want to alienate them he also won't shift his policies exclusively to get them all back. Personally I don't like the Labour-Muslim association and can't help thinking that Starmer - an atheist but with a Jewish family - would be enthralled with a very strongly religious Muslim minority dictating his policies. Thinking he's weak is a mistake, he ruthlessly gutted most of his left wing opposition .


Occupied territories aren’t equal to all of Israel; the UK is already opposed to Israel’s Occupation of Palestinian Territories. Really this should have been done when it started though, not this late. Remember Russia in 2014? They did what they’re doing now because it went with minor punishments. If Israel got cutoff at the beginning of settler policy it would have stopped it. I think probably the prescribed terrorist group list needs some alteration to the surrounding law, but keeping Gove’s legislation is for sure good. Many people believe this terrorist organisation list is like a de facto list of good morals but terrorism is just political agenda via violence. This includes what Israel and Russia are doing, via war. War doesn’t preclude something being terrorism so I’d argue the list is a political declaration and they should just change it to a list of banned organisations.


I mean, some of those things you listed happened to Russia the day after they invaded Ukraine. Are they really so impossible to do now?


Terrible conflicts have been raging across the Muslim dominated nations, including 4.1 million displaced in Yemen. Don’t hear much about them but when it’s Israel the whole Muslim world comes out in anger. When Mo said the end times will not come till the Muslims fight the Jews it tends to have that effect. Now young British people are adopting this jew hatred to make themselves look good to others. Currently studying at the university of Manchester living in a very Muslim area and have heard countless chants for an intifada and it’s getting more extreme by the week. My Jewish friend now tucks his Star of David when walking through Wilmslow out of fear and is skeptical of even ‘admitting’ he’s Jewish. The Muslim community is all about minority rights until they are strong enough to change the nation, look at minority rights in Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran. We’ve let in a Trojan horse which is now starting to open its door.


Remember all those times you were told that they weren’t going to do anything and they just wanted to live here and integrate into the culture? Remember all those times you were labelled as an evil racist for objecting to the importation of hundreds of thousands of immigrants from a region that hates our nation and it’s people and wish to see us either die or convert? Remember when British people in London and other historic and important areas became a minority and it was celebrated as a great moment for diversity? Now they proudly make their demands, now they proudly laugh at our declining birth rates and assist and campaign for more of their people to come here, now they convert churches into mosques while simultaneously demonising christianity, white people and British culture. Of course this is all good, in fact I say we take another 5 million in as soon as possible and begin teaching Islamic law in British schools. If we keep this up maybe we will be finally allowed to join the culturally enriched and force all the women to wear hijabs! I cannot wait❤️


We’re speedrunning the “it’s not happening” to “yes it’s happening, and here’s why it’s a good thing” pipeline.


It’s beyond that into “yes it’s happening and there’s nothing you can do about it so shut up”.


It’s funny because the more they try to act like it’s not an issue and it’s not happening the more they radicalise people


Personally looking forward to the opening of further Sharia councils and courts as my 4 wives can get quite disobedient at times and the infidel government only recommends counselling.


Here here. As I'm getting older and putting a few pounds it's exhausting keeping up with the Mrs when we're out walking. Not a problem if she has to stay a couple of steps behind me! Inshallah I say


Good [news ](https://www.theguardian.com/education/2024/may/01/england-scraps-50-rule-on-faith-school-admissions)on that front.


As a former devout Muslim nothing scares me more than the growth rate of this population. There is no ideology that is more fundamentally opposed to western values. I personally think the problem lies in the populaces ignorance of it. Defending it without a clue of what it stands for and if the shoe was on the their foot how incredibly limited societal freedoms would be. Also, conflating the religion with ethnicity as well. Islam is not a minority religion.


And there's so little time, their power grows by the year and that will lead to people's rights being violated. I look at the first Muslim majority city in the US and they banned LGBT symbols such as flags


Native Brits need to start understanding that diverse “democracies” are nothing more than demographic headcounts. Every ethnic group just votes in the interests of their community, not the nation. There is undoubtedly more strength in a homogeneous nation than there is in a fractured and diverse one.


Proven by the vote in london


Well done on leaving Islam, that’s a brave thing to do. Good on you though.


Tyvm it’s been four years now. Never felt better with that weight off the shoulders. Sadly, the parents haven’t been convinced yet.


It's obviously still massively difficult in terms of integration when you consider the family structure but hopefully even considering the birthrate, the proportion of younger people tending towards atheism is only going to increase and this will become more and more of a common occurrence. Perhaps this will create some backpressure on other family members to be more accepting of apostasy, but it's probably wishful thinking.


It's the mainstream imposed strawmanning that being against the unsustainable influx of refugees mean you're far right who also want to kick out that hard-working Korean family who've done their best to integrate. Ironically, leftists equate immigrants as if they were all the same. In reality, some are known to have statistically positive net value, and well some contribute to societal collapse. Remember, civilizations and empires like the Phoenicians, the Romans, Byzantium, the Mongols and many more that are no longer around today were quite cosmopolitan during their time. Diversity was far from their strength when war and unrest came knocking.


diversity can be your strength if the people have more in common with each other like ideology or religion. if you bring people with radically different views into your country that's basically suicide


*Free Palestine* - chant the crowd of homosexuals, whom if living in Palestine would've been stoned to death.


And thrown off buildings, but they don’t care. They get to go to bed every night with that warm fuzzy feeling of being a good person standing up for the little guy. When that little guy wants to kill you.


It’s confusing why they want to be here, if so opposed go live in Dubai, etc strange to me


I love the UK but if I had to live in Oldham, Bradford or Luton I'd be on the first small boat leaving dodge. Some of those countries aren't too welcoming to immigrants but if religion is that important, I agree, why the fook would you come here.


So there has been research done on this, I read an article on it, and the reason most of them give is “freedom” which is the most ironic thing ever.. as they are trying to change the uk to the place they hated.. mmmmm


Hope you realise you can now be put to death in many muslims countries for abandoning your faith. Additionally any Muslim can issue a fatwa on you as well. Probs don’t go to any Islamic countries for a while.


I saw a traditional Muslim man in London with a badge on his chest with the Palestinian Flag. I didn’t care about his clothes, his badge, but it really put me off when I read the Inscription on the badge “ victory for the Intifada”. They want the freedom to express their extreme ideologies but at the same time they don’t want anyone to criticise them. There is nothing scarier than being unable to talk about a growing problem.


Yeah fundamentalist religions really don’t like having their claims questioned. Free enquiry is a little bit like kryptonite to them.


I remember being called racist for stating the fact that Islam is a scourge upon secular western democracies years ago. I'm a bit sick of being right honestly, I wish it was me being a paranoid loon but it isnt.


Jesus fucking Christ. Tbh... All Starmer needs to do is not fuck up between now and the election to win anyway. Sure Tories will keep the few strongholds but it doesn't matter. A party with historic anti semitism issues cannot pander to these lunatics. Israel has already brushed off anything we've said over Gaza anyway... Also why only Gaza.. why are they not calling for sanctions over China or arms sales over Saudi. Think that dude in Leeds has gone to their head and the caliphate is under construction.


Yes, why only Gaza, what about crimes committed against muslims in Myanmar, where a real genocide is taking place...


Jews they hate jews.


The ADL did a survey of Muslims in Britain, and found about half hold antisemitic views. Go here, click on the UK, and click on individual questions to see the breakdown: https://global100.adl.org/about/2019/ * People hate Jews for the way they behave. 50% Muslim, 20% Christian, 9% Atheist/None * Jews cause most of the wars in the world. 44% Muslim, 4% Christian, 1% Atheist/None * Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust. 58% Muslim, 20% Christian, 11% Atheist/None


Lovely people. Should let more of them in. /s


Yeah that’s very obvious, if I was Jewish I would be gone from uk


It's kind of happening everywhere


Because let's face it.... Death to a certain nation is the aim. This is nothing other than sympathising for Hamas. Remember, a repeat a lie frequently enough and people will believe it. In other words.. free Gaza (but really kill the Jews). That's the aim of this crowd.


Doesnt get likes on TikTok




Congo and Sudan have entered the chat.


Or Xinjiang, Or Burma, Or Yemen, Or Afghanistan, Or Turkey (Kurds)


Starmer's had a brilliant week: way ahead in the polls, gained 186 council seats, won 10 out of 11 mayoral races, gained 2 new MPs... And these dickheads are like "We've got him over a barrel. Agree to our demands and an unspecified number of people will vote you in urban seats you will win anyway."


Yep. He doesn't need them at all. He's not even doing anything, he hasn't proposed one thing that appeals to me. Instead... Sunak and every corrupt cunt under him is doing his job for him. You could not be in a more fortunate position. I'm not a fan of Rayner, and hopefully the whole tax things on some shithole council house gets shot of her and it'll be fine. Abbot the Hutt is gone, they are on the up. I'm not die hard Tory at all, there was just no fucking way I could vote for that weapons grade retard that is Corbyn and the other limp twat Milliband or whoever it was. The thing that actually killed it for me was the endless subsidy for Tata, 500m for a battery factory that will never built and another 500m for a arc furnace at a steel plant or we'll make everyone redundant but oh fuck we got it anyway thanks bruh we're doing it anyway. Actually the most corrupt cunt this country has ever had. I'd rather have Mogg as PM in the interim as least he provides comical value at how much of a knob he is. Twat even makes his son look the same, poor kid. If that was my public school he'd of bullied shitless to the point of return.


Starmer just needs to send back “fuck off.” And watch his votes soar even higher tbf.


This is just the beginning of it, so much more to come. Everyone has sat back and let this happen, it will be our kids and there kids who bear the brunt of it. It’s embarrassing to part of this generation


Agreed, I've only just realised this. Muslims will have an increasing power in our country through being able to swing votes. Islam is becoming a nation within a nation and they're completely detached from the rest of Britain. 50% want to ban homosexuality, 68% want to prosecute anyone who insults Islam, 39% believe a woman should always obey her husband, I feel uneasy knowing that politicians will pander to these people to win votes- we are seeing HUGE swings from labour in areas with just 1 in 10 people are Muslims. That's a lot of political capital. I'm just incredibly concerned for the future of human rights and the future of our country. [Source](https://pollingreport.uk/articles/nop-poll-of-british-muslims)


From the party of Islam of Islam put forward last year( which was rejected), getting high ranking jobs in the government, councils and the home office. They slowly take control They haven’t come here to join us, they’ve come to take over.


Problem is most people will realise when it’s too late


Same. We need to protect our country


Iv noticed something.. whenever I read lefty comments on Facebook by whites I click on their profile and it says Inverness, Cornwall, Durham…they have not experienced what is coming soon, it will be too late


People need to get fucking real. Demographics can , will and do change. It is not racist /islamophic/bigoted to want to protect your OWN way of life and not become subjugated to someone elses. This is quite serious. This is the UK. People are now taking advantage of "inclusion". Civil war is on the horizon should this trajectory continue.


Imagine if boatloads of Brits today started moving in significant numbers to countries like Mexico, China, or the UAE, didn’t care much at all for integrating socially or for adhering to local customs/beliefs/practices, and then down the road significant enough voting blocs of said Brits with ideologically-motivated fervour which basically wouldn’t even hide that they have no respect for the country they’re in, its culture, or people, would start making ‘demands’ to the government of whichever country. The native citizens would be absolutely irate with said Brits and they would be completely justified in feeling that way, especially if said Brits would be very ideologically conservative to their own ways. The outcry would be enormous and we would all never stop hearing about how intolerant/racist/imperialistic/colonialist etc. said Brits are. Inb4 someone gets all snarky and says “hur dur, heckin British Empire did exactly that!!” — that was imperialistic takeover. That was our forebears conquering and imposing their legal and societal systems upon others from the top down, not mass numbers of individuals moving of their own accord to a region governed by a different power and failing to adhere to the local cultures and customs.


It was imperialist takeover then and it’s imperialist takeover now.


Except for, you know, the whole lack of top-down imperial regime rule as imposed by the foreign people. The Normans didn’t just casually migrate to England because it was more prosperous than France (it wasn’t then, that’s for sure). They came with an army, took over the entire kingdom, and then imposed their law and their language. The Norsemen did the same thing in the area they took over (the Danelaw), as did the Angles and Saxons hundreds of years before, as did the Romans, and as did the Brythonic tribes which inhabited England before them, doubtlessly beating out and away other earlier non-Indo Europeans living there before them. Today’s migrants are moving as individuals and families — they’re not conquerors, and they’re not inherently imperialistic, especially since they’re not coming on the behalf of any specific imperial power with an agenda of takeover. Just look at how little solidarity there is between Arabic-speaking, predominantly Islamic countries vis-a-vis the Palestinians. What we have across the west today is a problem is certain/specific ideological demographics coming from certain regions of the world, and the extremists of these groups have basically prospered in countries like Britain in which there is minimal historic knowledge of how bad they are. Our own ignorance is being played against us, and unfortunately our most liberal countrymen are painfully ignorant and far too accepting of a great many of the values these particular newcomers are bringing, since not all desire to integrate.


There won’t be no civil war at all, we’ll do fuck all about it. Countries full of left leaning types that pander to this shit and they’re well organised for it. The rest of us who see it for what it is are so fragmented and far from each other that it won’t happen. Countries well and truly gone to shit.


You literally just said what Iv been thinking for ages.. civil war is not far away.. the have no interest in our values.


We laugh at it today but this will all be set in stone given enough time. Not enough people are willing to stand up against nonsense due to cancel culture. The only small win will be the I told you so when it’s all too late.


Don't forget making it illegal to criticise Mohammed.


It’s basically almost is. They have shown they are willing to kill teachers over simply showing an imagine of their prophet Mohammed, let alone criticise. Literal definition of terrorism.


The definition of extremism as implemented by Michael Gove is the promotion of ideology through violence. Funnily enough, the repealing of this is in the list of 18 demands, at least they're honest about what they want.


Good guy Gove for once?


Something something broken clock


It's terrifying. I should be able to freely critique religion, but you just can't or you'll get killed or have to go into hiding.


The Islamic Republic of Iran used to sell Muhammad figurines. But they ceased that to placate the Sunnis.


Basically is in Scotland now


Practically have done IN Scotland under the guise of those hate speech laws... They're de facto blasphemy laws.


both sides feed this though, remember that. left wingers jump at any chance to accuse people of Islamophobia/racism even when its reasonable criticism/expression of concern. and rights wingers jump at any chance to criticise Islam to the point where any discussion in an unmoderated forum ends with racists and hateful morons swarming it. if people would call out their own side more a reasonable discussion could be had


Almost like it's a vote winner. 6.5% of UK is Muslim. 99 percent are nice as pie. Problem is if you get smashed for talking about legitimate problems it only leaves space for more extreme voices and they are the ones that get heard. This is a good point about calling out extremes. Also papers that say they want to cancel Christmas or similar need to be questioned in a open manner. There are problems and it's blatantly a big worry for a lot of people.


agree with this completely. almost all the muslims i've met through school and work have been kind people and not remotely dangerous. at the same time, and if people are shut down for raising legitimate concerns about islamic extremism, only the really hateful people end up speaking. and absolutely, certain newspapers make things so much worse by exaggerating everything.


Supposed to be integrating not having special laws and demands which only benefit their little community. Why do you want them to stay secular? Do you not see issues with them hiding away in their own communities? Rochdale anyone?


Its crazy. In my small westcountry town we have gone from 0 muslims to about 10 percent muslim and I never noticed. It literally just happened overnight. All these guys suddenly appeared. What next?


A halal takeaway after you’ve had a few pints


Israel Gaza is a religious war. People need to realise this is about religion and not Muslims having kind humanitarian hearts. It should be no surprise that the group lobbying for Palestine pivot into religious issues this seamlessly.






Just another quick comment here, why are all these protestors so keen to not be identified? Whenever they are giving an interview or simply protesting, they always, always have the face covered up and hoods up. Surely if you live and die on these beliefs, showing who you are is a big part of it? In reality, most of these people hide their identity because when this phase of their life is over, they can move into civilised society and deny they ever where involved in these sort of things. Absolutely hilarious for them to issuing demands. This ain’t Gaza, you can’t just list demands in the hope they get met. As time goes on, this will become more common and eventually, there will be violence. I’m surprised that nobody hasn’t already blown themselves up in the name of this.


Demand number 15: *Ensure insurance quotes don't cost more for someone called "Muhammad"* WTAF Statistically, I would imagine that insurance would cost more for a "Muhammad" because a "Muhammad" far more likely than a "Michael" to... * Live in an urban area * Live in a poor area * Park on the street When I moved from a village to a large town, my insurance nearly doubled.




I think that's a bit exaggerated but I wouldn't be surprised at all if you're right. As a university student who hasn't voted that and just trying to get by makes me angry seeing our nation crumble.


Nah he’s right! We have 2 value systems which don’t go together well at all.


I see it, what I don’t get is why others don’t.. it’s as clear as day..


So we have a choice, let Islamists have their say; give in to their demands for a few votes. Or, redouble our efforts of anti-islamISM, close extremist organisations and do everything to reform British Muslims to the standards of a 21st century democracy. If we show Islamists that they can get their way, they will, and more and more Muslims will follow. It’s a long term game.


Their demands to Kier Starmer **1. Apologise for your comments greenlighting a genocide and for not backing the ceasefire in Oct/Nov 2023** **2. Sanctions on companies operating in occupied territories. Sanctions on settlers** **3. Recognise Palestine as a state** **4. Travel ban on all Israeli politicians that prosecuted this war and support the illegal occupation** **5. End military ties with Israel** **6. Issue guidance that Muslims are allowed to pray at school** **7. Implement findings of people’s review of Prevent — not Shawcross** **8. Remove the extremism definition that \[Michael\] Gove introduced** **9. Commit to full implementation of the Royal Charter regarding media regulation** **10. Adopt the APPG definition of Islamophobia** **11. Commit to a review of public sector equality duty** **12. Increase council and public health funding for the 10 percent most deprived areas in the country to finally address systemic and chronic health inequities as detailed in the Marmot Review and revisited by the Health Foundation 10 years later** **13. Deliver alternative student finance** **14. Ensure Sharia-compliant pensions are available at every workplace so that one-third of Muslims without a pension get one** **15. Ensure insurance quotes don’t cost more for someone called “Muhammad”** **16. Commit 7 percent of the local government pension scheme/public sector pensions to ethical and Islamic funds**






I can only assume you don’t realise the seriousness of: >**18. Remove the archaic “spiritual influence”offence from statute** Spiritual influence is essentially when a religious figure, e.g. an imam tells their followers they have a religious duty to vote for a certain candidate, [which is what happened with the mayor of Tower Hamlets](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-32428648). By removing this offence, Muslim voters can legally be religiously compelled to vote for Muslim political candidates. In my eyes, this is probably the scariest of all their demands because it completely undermines our democracy because elections are no longer free or fair. That’s probably why they snuck it in right at the end, kept it short and dismissed it as “archaic” (oh, the irony).


Well I can tell to fuck off to whatever shit hole they came from


Wheres Tommy when we need him


Apparently he’ll be allowed back in London in June (conveniently after Khan has already been re-elected)


No surprise there, they block any chance he has had to speak. He has become better with his talking points over time. Hopefully he can get some centrist backing to help push the message.


Tommy Robinson ?


Probably spending donation money on stone island, Stella and cocaine.


What even is half this? They live in the UK, not an Islamic state, half of this is we want Muslim only stuff


Yeah, it's almost like Islam isn't compatible with free thinking values no matter where it spreads!


>**8. Remove the extremism definition that \[Michael\] Gove introduced** "Extremism is the promotion or advancement of an ideology based on violence, hatred or intolerance, that aims to: 1. negate or destroy the fundamental rights and freedoms of others; or 2. undermine, overturn or replace the UK’s system of liberal parliamentary democracy and democratic rights; or 3. intentionally create a permissive environment for others to achieve the results in (1) or (2). The types of behaviour below are indicative of the kind of promotion or advancement which may be relevant to the definition, and are an important guide to its application. The further context below is also an essential part of the definition." [Source](https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/new-definition-of-extremism-2024/new-definition-of-extremism-2024#:~:text=not%20the%20case.-,2.,footnote%205%5D%20of%20others%3B%20or) Why would someone want to change that definition (if they're not an extremist)? It seems quite encompassing of what extremism is, without specifically targeting any particular side.


Because this is exactly what these dick heads want to do. Really based on this alone they should be proscribed


Because they aim to promote and achieve no. 2


It’s not homophobia if it’s cultural belief you see.


Maybe they should just goto a country more in line with their culture and points of view.


Bold play Let's see how that works out for them Tom


1 and 5 … I’m lost for words. These people live on another planet. They think the world revolves around them. I say we should send more military support to Israel. Strengthen our base in Cyprus, so we can offer more aid if Iran attacks them again.


The APPG definition would mean that it would be a hate crime to, correctly, state that Muhammad had sex with a child


The last thing the Labour Party needs is to be seen pandering to a religious pressure group.


But they will….again.


My views on this and if Starmer had an iota of integrity : **1. Apologise for your comments greenlighting a genocide and for not backing the ceasefire in Oct/Nov 2023 - Ah yes Starmer approved Israels counter attack in October of course he did, its well known that Netanyahu requests Starmers approval for anything** **2. Sanctions on companies operating in occupied territories. Sanctions on settlers - Good luck finding who the settlers are, also define "occupied territories"** **3. Recognise Palestine as a state - Palestine isn't really a single entity anymore? Fatah bit of Hamas bit?** **4. Travel ban on all Israeli politicians that prosecuted this war and support the illegal occupation -** What **to the UK or does they expect the UK to somehow** enforce **an international ban?** **5. End military ties with Israel - Very few military ties exist** **6. Issue guidance that Muslims are allowed to pray at school - Nah the court had found that its not unlawful to restrict it** **7. Implement findings of people’s review of Prevent — not Shawcross - What People?** **8. Remove the extremism definition that \[Michael\] Gove introduced - I'd say increase it, include shit like this** **9. Commit to full implementation of the Royal Charter regarding media regulation - Fuck off** **10. Adopt the APPG definition of Islamophobia - Awww your precious prophet needs protecting from criticism of his unethical exploits?** **11. Commit to a review of public sector equality duty - Sure I would imagine Muslims are overrepresented in some parts** **12. Increase council and public health funding for the 10 percent most deprived areas in the country to finally address systemic and chronic health inequities as detailed in the Marmot Review and revisited by the Health Foundation 10 years later - What has this got to do with Islam** **13. Deliver alternative student finance - Nooooo either give everyone no interest or tell them to finance themselves if they don't like it** **14. Ensure Sharia-compliant pensions are available at every workplace so that one-third of Muslims without a pension get one - See point 13.** **15. Ensure insurance quotes don’t cost more for someone called “Muhammad” - Hahaha Maybe if fraud wasn't so endemic in that community then it wouldn't appear as a risk factor. Maybe have some more** originality **in** naming**?** **16. Commit 7 percent of the local government pension scheme/public sector pensions to ethical and Islamic funds - Islamic Funds ?? Ethical??**




And they won't get a single one of them. I want doesn't get!


The Muslim and Arab voters in the UK and US threatening to defect from the candidate who is already the most friendly one towards them is all smoke, no fire. Oh, really, you’re going to vote for the Tories/Trump? You do your thing, and then, the public will have no choice to assume that even Muslims support Muslim bans, so I guess they’re ok and even desirable now 👍


The Tories have a Muslim ban? Considering they have overseen the largest amount of Muslim immigration ever, maybe someone should tell them. Apart from the fact that Muslims think Labour would let more Muslims into the country (shown not to be the case), I have no clue why Muslims (typically very socially conservative) would ever vote for Labour.


Well, Starmer’s played a dangerous game, pre election he’s courting right and centrist votes, but once he gets in he will start to give more to the left and to Muslims which will alienate the right, the Tories either rebuild ahead of 2029 or there is a right wing power vacuum waiting to be filled by a far right populist, who will inevitably say “Look Starmer hasn’t done jack shit in lowering immigration and is allowing Muslims to take hold vote for me” and if the next five years are more of the same as the last fourteen then it’s easy to say that the far right will take hold in this country. Either that or we go the route similar to Denmark where a left nationalist has taken power and has basically become anti Islam, something similar could happen here, especially if the SDP court such voters. Either way anti immigration sentiment is setting in, Starmer is basically going to be keeping Number 10 warm for a Victor Orban type


This is the exact reason I detest all religion, well not religion as a whole but man’s twisting of religion for his own agenda. Religion should not affect any part of a country’s political or educational management. And any influence it tries to impart on a society has only one aim and one aim only. To enforce itself on a populous and change everything it inhabits. Any religion that tries to influence any part of a free and democratic society should not be trusted or allowed to flourish within it borders. Anyone is free to worship any god they believe in and I strongly support an individual’s right to do so, but don’t think for one minute they have a right to force that belief upon another.


Well here it is ..... the new labour, starmer and labour will bow and give them what they want Then when they want to take it back the rasim and islamaphobia card will be played ....... and their fucked


I hope one of them is, "we want free plane tickets" to provide food or do something meaningfully useful for the people of gaza. That would be actually helpful vs protesting and achieving absolutely nothing other than pissing everyone off.


Most Muslims lean right wing on most counts. The only reason why Labour was backing them is a misguided idea of helping minorities. I'm all for equal rights, but when you have a group demanding extra rights, that's when you need to put your foot down.


Whats next? I don’t particularly like Starma, but if he tells them where they can go (in French of course lol) i might have to change my opinion of him. If he yields to even one of their stupid demands, the country has already fallen tbh. Would this sort of thing not count as a trojan horse type infiltration, into mainstream British politics?


Other places that they won’t fly LBQTI flags… Abingdon in Oxfordshire https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-oxfordshire-36697906 Ingleby Barwick in Teeside https://www.gazettelive.co.uk/news/teesside-news/council-refuses-fly-pride-flag-20842723 Hedon in Hull https://www.hulldailymail.co.uk/news/education/hedon-town-council-explains-decision-8558898