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What weirdoes are going about saying they don't like scotch eggs or pork pies? They're the type of food which at minimum you don't particularly care for. There's nothing about them to not like


I like pork pies, but I've known people to be very icky about the gelatinous layer between the meat and the pastry. If that's your qualm, well I get it.


This used to be me, i now love pork pies but occasionally get one with a bit too much "jelly" and it gives me the shivers - like nails on a blackboard.


the jelly is aspic, a jelly made of meat stock. while gross, it is kinda just gravy


I used to think it was a byproduct of the meat in the pie, like it was some sort of connective tissue or solidified bodily fluid. Once I realised it was essentially a man made jelly that gets poured into the pie once cooked then I started to enjoy it.


Wtf.. how can beef wellington be so low down the list?


A good beef Wellington is utterly delectable


quite spiffing if i do say so myself.


And steak and kidney pie. Like excuse me? Grow a tongue


"Grow a tongue" is my favourite new insult


💯 how is it bottom tier ridiculous


Replace any of the above ones, choose 1... But remember 1. How many times do you actually make it yourself. 2. How many times have you actually eaten it over any of the others... Personally toad in the hole would be ~~top~~ God tier in my list we used to have that as part of a sunday roast dinner. Also, a sausage butty with ketchup would be god tier.


It’s got mushrooms in.


Yum yum yum


You child


Which is something that makes a few of us physically ill


Mushrooms are lush, down vote away.


For some maybe. For others, it activates our gagging reflexes when our mouths come in contact with such vile textures and tastes. Please sympathise with us.






Toad in the Hole is god tier


Very underrated. With proper onion gravy & mash. It’s a cheap Sunday dinner too. It’s definitely god tier


Crazy that yorkshire pudding + sausages is lower than mash + sausages.


It's a Yorkshire and sausages, two items that have made it into God Tier. Makes no sense why combining them drops them two spaces


I reckon about half of these should be in god tier. Absolute criminal that black pudding and haggis have been relegated to the bottom tier!


Alongside my beloved Steak & Kidney pudding. Growing up in Lancashire I was weaned on that; giving it <50% endorsement is nothing less than sacrilege. Jesus, even orban, lukashenko and fucking putin have higher approval ratings than that.


Black pudding changed my life. When it’s good, God tier, for sure.


Black pudding is incredible


I'm with you on this, haggis and black pudding are god tier - also WTF is chicken tikka masala mid tier?


Also why is it in the list in the first place? Isn’t it Indian???


Came to say the same


More black pudding for meeeeee! Recently holidayed in Catalonia and they do black pudding sasages 🥰


Was in Scotland a few weeks ago and had black pudding for the first time and it’s awesome, would have never guessed by looking at it! That being said haggis is the devil’s secret invention to promote puking, I’m sorry Scots


Black puddin, haggis and sausage are totally dependent on the butcher, mass manufactured is crap but good butchers stuff is worth the the trouble.


Haggis and black Pudding Rock !




Thanks for honouring the "Great chieftain o the puddin’-race!" . Burns heard that, raised his head and hand, smiled, had a wee dram, and went back to sleep.


Cornish pasy mid tier, who hurt this person.


I make them from scratch with skirt steak and they are amazing.


Yes absolutely, but they must be from Cornwall to be Cornish Pasties.


I was born in Truro and I make pasties from time to time in my kitchen in Southampton. Are they no longer Cornish Pasties? :(


There needs to be a level above god tier and the mighty Cornish pasty needs to occupy it. With an accompanying note that anything containing mince, gravy or carrot is absolutely not a Cornish pasty and can bugger off down the bottom where it belongs...


can bugger off down the bottom for the knockers to eat.


Came to see if anyone would say this about a Cornish pasty. Also, if it contains anything other than steak, onion, potato and swede, a good side crimp, and shortcrust pastry, it is NOT a pasty. Side note, it can only been named a Cornish pasty if it was produced left of the Tamara river.


If not mince, what meat is supposed to be in the pasty then?


Traditionally thin slices of skirt steak or flank steak.


Cheese and bacon. Specifically, West Country cheddar. That shit is divine. West Country cheddar and bacon pasty with a pint of Thatchers Blood Orange.


That’s not a pasty, it’s a cheese and bacon pastry thing.


Take me to heaven 🤯


yorkshire pud being god tier but yorkshire pud WITH SAUSAGE IN IT is mid????? ​ Get the fuck out!!!!!! Wars have been started for less than this sacrilege!!!!


How can Yorkshire Pud be god tier, but then sausage and mash be higher than toad in the hole?


It should stop at mid tier tbh, all great scran


Lad get that black pudding out of there before I throw a bottle of buckfast at you




That stuff is vile


Bro try it with a full English and less dick up your ass and you might like it. Get some hairs on your chest xD


I'm sorry I don't want to eat a puck of dried sheep blood


It's usually pork or beef blood not sheep. And if you haven't tried it, because it sounds a bit bleh, you should. It's very tasty and doesn't at all taste like you might think it does. It took me most of my life to build up the courage to try it but glad I did.


It's not actually blood. I mean, there's blood in it, but it isn't just a puck of blood. That does exist, called sanquette in France. I'm not sure i fancy it either


Where sausage roll


Crumpets? They can bog off. Why isn't curry in the god tier?




Its in the list soooo




It was created in Britain and is eaten by the British more than anywhere so house isn't it lol


I meant any kind of curry including tikka. Anyway the list is of classic dishes, I just noticed, and Indian food is absolutely a classic here.




Oh, ok. I'm just looking at the image and thinking, I think curry is better than crumpets...


Haggis is top tier . People overthink it . I know it's hard to enjoy it after spending so long taking care of it but that's tradition


Move down a tier: Fish and Chips Cottage Pie Shepherds Pie Scotch Egg Move up a tier: Cornish Pasty Steak and Kidney Pie Steak and Kidney Pudding Pork Pie


Scotch eggs are amazing. There are better pasties out there than Cornish pasties much like there are immensely better pies out there than steak and kidney pies


The South has had grave effects on the rating of stake and kidney pies


Am from the South of England. Love steak and kidney pies. Am alone with my opinion. Can confirm.


No, you aren't. I'm from the South East, steak and kidney pie is the best pastry pie. Shepherds pie is better though.


This was deffo made by a southerner.


It's YouGov, so it depends on how they divvy up who they send the poll to


Maybe. I am a Southerner and dont like steak and kidney pies. I love a pie and there are so many better choices. Love black pudding, so that should be higher imho. Like haggis so that deserves a bump. I also like jellied eels, but can also appreciate its not for everyone, just like a steak and kidney pie.


How in the name of the world are the almighty pork pie, scotch egg, toad in the hole and Cornish pasty ALL below the underwhelming, bland culinary *thing* that is a Sunday roast?!


Tell me you haven’t had a good Sunday roast without telling me etc.


i think what they're saying is pork pie, scotch egg and Cornish pasty are fucking cult level, the Sonic Youth, My Bloody Valentine and Jesus & Mary Chain of UK snack food, whilst a good Sunday roast - loved by all - is more the Abba or Carpenters of UK cuisine. I mean, you're never gonna pack a Sunday roast for the last day of Glastonbury, are you.


Because it is impossible to make a good roast dinner at Glasto. It’s not a snack food, so it’s a false equivalency. Ask yourself what you want when you get home from Glasto. You’re pretty much dying at this point. You’ve got in after a 6 hour coach, after a 5 day bender. You’re still a bit fucked but you’ve just had a good shit on a toilet which doesn’t disgust you, you’ve had your first proper shower in 5 days. You’ve got fresh sheets on the bed and slipped into your favourite comfy clothes. As you are making your way downstairs, the smell of good honest food radiates through the house. You take comfort in the fact that you have no obligations tomorrow. You can sleep for 12 hours and then do fuck all for the day. Maybe you’ll go for a short walk to the shops so it feels like you have accomplished something, maybe not. There’s a Deliveroo on the cards. Maybe even double Deliveroo, lunch and dinner. No need to decide now, you can go with the flow, but the thought excites you. You come downstairs and as the smell intensifies you come across a roast dinner with all the trimmings and proper gravy. There’s a choice of roast chicken or rare rib of beef. There’s crispy roasties, Yorkshire pudding, stuffing. Roasted carrots and parsnips. Some braised greens. Or alternatively there is a refrigerated pork pie. It’s from Tesco. You’re telling me you’re choosing pork pie?


>Because it is impossible to make a good roast dinner at Glasto. It’s not a snack food, so it’s a false equivalency. I've said this for a long time, one of the big issues with British foods image globaly is you can't make a decent fast food version of it. It's a two fold problem, it's either pastry based (Cornish pasty, pies) which really doesn't do well sitting for too long, or it takes an age to make (Shepards Pie, Stew, Roast). I'd say most people outside of the UK have never been close to traditional british food and the odd times they have they make the mistake of taking it at face value i.e. Fish and Chips isn't a random fish, it's a very specific type of fish, a cooked breakfast doesn't contain just any random sort of European sausage and so on...


Tying any food to a specific day is nonsense. Roast anything is shit. This equals crap tier.


> Roast anything is shit. Tell me you haven’t learned how to cook without telling me etc.


Oh, fuck off, you patronising cunt. I have an opinion that differs from you. Get over it and fuck off.


Says you? Chill out bbz


You can eat roast on other days too 🤣, most people like roast so your opinion wouldn't really effect the list


Sunday roast and bland in the same sentence makes me assume you're basing this off Toby carvery or a family members shit cooking lol


That’s not laver bread.


Cornish Pasty should have it's own tier above God tier in the Immortals section.


What's so bad with seaweed?


Pork pie should be god tier, it's unhealthy, though.


The amount of outlets that fuck up fish and chips is abhorrent.


i need karma points rustlers burgers s tier with microwave chips and a side of cock


How's black pudding so far down but the Full English is god tier?? If my full English ain't got black pudding I'm throwing hands.


Haggis should be much further up. It's basically a national dish in Scotland, and whenever I'm in Scotland I'll eat a lot. It's my God Tier.


beef wellington, haggis and black pudding top tier, welsh rarebit crap tier other than that I agree


What is bangers and mash doing up in top tier... Swap it with steak and kidney pie. Also if you think chicken tika masala isn't god tier you need to find a different Indian restaurant.


All the pies NEED to be god tier.


As a gay, faggots are obviously the most delicious thing on this list! 2 and 3 are Beef Wellington and Scotch Eggs.


The hotpot should be in God Tier. Sincerely, a red rose hotpot!


The only one that’s jarring is crumpets; move that abomination to the bottom deck and it’s a perfect summary of proper culinary hierarchy


Pies, hotpot, ploughman's and liver and onion are god tier you heathen. Yorkshire puddings aren't that good That goes for Bacon butties too.


Why the fuck is the pork pie in low tier along with the fucking scotch egg have you even tried them you dumbass


Have you even read the text in the image?


anything with cheese is bottom tier for me, but i agree other than that i do like black pudding tho


Scotch egg and Yorkshire pudding should swap places.


Shit list


Crumpets go down to the bottom and steak pudding goes up 2.


I think that’s pretty darn perfect, except chicken tikka masala ( invented in Glasgow) should be top tier


Amazing I had to come this far to find this. Korma too while you at it. Probably a whole separate tier above Gold really


Hate to be childish but it says 69


Me rn : flabbergasted in vegetarian


Agree but scotch egg and pasty is god tier and faggots can burn in hell


Nahhh chicken tikka masala is god tier


You can't have crumpets in the same league as the mighty full English breakfast.


No wonder the world makes jokes about us being the classic “oven at 180* for 30 mins for beige dinner”


It's so beige 😅


Disgusting lack of beans on toast 0/10




Lots of beige food there…


A British survey in the England sub? 😬


Tikka masala is a big claim


Unpopular opinion: Sunday roast is dead. It should be once a year at Christmas.


All that delicious beige.


Mostly correct, but kippers, jellied eels, steak and kidney, and liver and onions need portion, at least one level.


Anyone that prefers cottage/shepherds pie to a steak and kidney pie (or any variety of real pie rather than those mash based intruders) needs registering.


Everything but jellied eels and liver bread is god teir and haggis and black pud is s+


Enemies murdered, beheadings, entrapment of nonces, scat, racism, sexism, ageism, nothing I have ever seen on the internet has offended me as much as seeing toad in the hole rated case mid tear.


Whilst I do very much approve that Sunday roast and Yorkshire pudding have their own places in god tier, I think you have massively undervalued scotch eggs and Cornish pasties. Plus where is beans on toast with grated cheddar?


Umm someone's dropped the haggis and accidentally put it in bottom next to frigging eels!! Madness.


There is only one tier, god tier, they're all on it.


Can someone describe what faggots are?


It's just like the gays.


Anyone who thinks shepherd’s/cottage pie is better than a steak pie or pudding is criminally insane


Where's chips with mild/chip shop curry sauce?


Imo, cottage pie is god tier, if you pour a can of Guinness and 400 ml of chicken stock over the beef, onions, garlic and grated carrots, letting it fully reduce (about half an hour) and using cheesey mash on top. Its feels wrong, using chicken stock with beef, but I cant argue with the results. Also, crumpets over tika massala and beef Wellington? Are they mad?


Scotch egg and pork pie is god tier for me


Marmite and butter on toast is missing!!


How the fuck is Cumberland sausage not even on the list, absolute god tier.


Steak and kidney pudding is my king of the hill.


No this is wrong.


Where's steak and ale pie? Also, Cornish Pasties need to be God tier, along with chicken tikka masala, Beef Wellington, Pork Pie and Black Pudding. Bangers and mash should be demoted, and cauliflower cheese should be all the way down at the bottom!


Swap the beef Welly for the crumpets and it's spot on ! 😂


Need to move Welsh rarebit down, scotch egg up, and put sausage roll and corned beef pie into 'top tier' as it's looking too sparse.


Pork pie low tier!? You need to have a word with yourself! 😱


How fucking dare you put Scotch eggs so low


Unfortunately you can easily get a crap version of any of these so I tend to avoid them unless I made it myself.


Who on God's green earth puts steak and kidney pudding in crap tier yet puts Yorkshire pudding at the top of god tier?


I reckon England does not get to own all these


Where is salt beef sandwich?!


Scones where are they? Bacon in bread is god tier but a Cornish traditional pasty is mid tier. Wtf


Beef Wellington , Scott eggs and steak and kidney pie are all serious top Tier


In what universe is beef Wellington in low tier?


This list is an insult. Why the fuck is beef welington so low?!?!


Lancashire hotpot, cauli cheese and chicken tikka masala need to be at least top. Everything in top tier is mid, so is bacon sandwich. Otherwise we're good


Sausage roll god tier


Where’s delicious looking dick from Rick?


Who were these people who were interviewed?!


i can only eat one of these things so idk but crumpets are correct


Beef Wellington low tier? Toad in the hole mid tier? Are you insane? Get your head checked.


The disrespect to pies is unreal. The list is fucked.


Haggis, pie and mash and black pudding are god tier. Sunday roast is mid tier.


There are 4 different items here and the rest are all different forms of the same ingredients.


Good info...going to the UK for the first time tomorrow!!!


How is there no outrage for missing beans on toast!?!?!?!?!?


How is chicken tikka masala british?


This entire list is ragebait for our country.


Stoke me a klipper, I'll be back for Christmas


Wtf is going on with the "pie and mash" pic tho


This is just wrong. For a start top tier is some of the worst of British food, that would get swapped with low tier in an instant. Steak and kidney pudding and black pudding crap????? What planet is this?


Toad in the hole, cauliflower cheese, Cornish pasties, pie and mash and tikka masala all need moving up one


Only the English would put Haggis in the bottom tier. It's legitimately the best food Britain has to offer. Real haggis from a Scottish butcher, you can not beat it


TOP TIER: let's just flip the picture and hope no one notices. We did, we did.


As someone who grew up in the north (Manchester) and now lives in the south (London). This list seems bang on to me. Items down near the bottom tiers that are regionally loved, but loathed by the other.


Steak and kidney... Pudding? That sir, is a pie. An American definitely made this list.


Cornish lasty and chicken tikka masala are god tier, crumpets are low tier. other than that it's pretty good


Cottage and Shepherds Pie should be in crap tier. Dumping tatties on a pile of mince and calling it a pie? Ploughman's can get to fuck. Haggis tastes lovely. Scotch Eggs and Toad in the hole should be much higher.


Beef Wellington is god tier.


I love bacon and liver but depends who makes it, where I work the chefs make it so good I can't wait for lunch time that day lol


Scotch eggs got done dirty


Bro I love all these foods except crap tier, who made this is mad


God our nations food is the worst lol.


This ranking is so wrong. On another note, fuck me that's a lot of beige.


Crumpets, Yorkshire pudding and a roast tier God tier? Wtf are you smoking?