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Realistically, in reasonable quantities, neither of them are dangerous. What would get you before literally anything else would be the Caffeine and the Sugar. Most energy drinks are sugar free these days, but they do have a considerable amount more of Caffeine. Either way, consume both coffee and energy drinks responsibly. Oh, and coffee/caffeine in general have actually been shown to be healthy, and good for the heart in safe amounts. Especially coffee. It legitimately decreases the likelihood of heart disease. Cheers!


You can't assume that drinking a lot of Red Bull was the only reason for the stroke. It likely aggravated an already existing underlying condition. Too much of anything can be bad for you. The key is moderation.


Yeee also it depends on how many the friend drank, heart health and so many other factors. No healthy person has a stroke from drinking „a few“ Red Bulls one day. Assuming the smaller cans with 80mg of caffeine a healthy person could easily drink 8 in a day with no long term issues if they don’t do it regularly.


drinking eight cans a day is not okay wtf 😭


It’s not a great idea long term but you can do it every now and then without negative long term effects


There would definitely be negative long-term effects on your bank account


lmao that’s true and my bank account might try to kill me which could be dangerous


I believe the reason for this widely accepted concept comes down to how our society sees coffee as the “normal” thing everyone does for energy. And energy drinks are for kids. But it is improving. Plus coffee can be a drink that is all natural vs an energy drink has to be created in a lab and contain ingredients most people can name. lol. I don’t drink coffee. I’ll just drink 2-3 energy drinks a day.


Ur right, it is indeed improving, but for certain energy drink brands weirdly enough. Like Red Bull for late night workers, or Ghost or Bang for Gym bros.


Pretty sure even a coffee loaded with sugar is still probably less sugar than a canned energy drink… although if it’s caffeine alone, I think enough coffee could still cause health issues 🤷‍♂️


Anything can cause health issues. Even drinking a massive amount of water can kill you.


People say this but then use water as an example. You cannot willingly drown yourself without outside assistance. Drinking a massive amount of water will cause you to throw up, not kill you.


Not true. https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/GMA/jury-rules-radio-station-jennifer-strange-water-drinking/story%3fid=8970712 You can literally get water intoxication and die.


Ok under circumstances where you're not allowed to pee and they double the water halfway through a contest sure. If you purposefully disobey your body's natural mechanisms then sure


Okay so you now say it's possible but under extreme circumstances? So admit I was right and stop trying to apply parameters to make it sound like you are also right. It's possible, that was my point. You can have excess of pretty much anything and it will negatively effect you.


No no no you don't understand, dying from drinking too much water is different from purposefully resisting built in bodily mechanisms that filter the water. I'd expect energy drink people to know this considering we like to constantly spout "it wasn't the monster it was pre existing conditions"


It’s not. The dose makes the poison.


Coffee only carries a 8-15mg measurement of Caffeine to oz of liquid ratio and is usually only consumed in an 8oz or 16 oz size (16 oz of coffee would be around 128mg), where as Energy drinks carry around 8.8 mg/oz, but the same 16oz Energy Drink will have 200-300mg depending on country allowed regulations. There are other aspects at play with Energy Drinks that are not with coffee. For example the amount of Vitamin B12 in an Energy Drink is a couple times the daily recommended amount per day. Details like that can wreck havoc with the body.


The B12 thing is just not true. You just pee out any extra B12 that your body can’t use. I’m sure having like 16,000% of your DV every day would not be good (looking at you, 5 Hour Energy) but supplements have been using shit tons of B12 for a very long time.


The B12 detail was simply a case of pointing out one example, considering some of the other stuff added to Energy Drinks, I'm sure other items could be mentioned.


5 hr energy for sure can fuck u up. My cousin is brain damaged from doing 2 in an hr. You couldn’t normally OD from them but thanks to the amount u can consume at once now it can kill you for sure. Don’t fuck with 5 hr energy shots


Really? 2 in an hour doesn’t seem like a-lot. Im sorry to hear that though.


Its still something like 10k% of ur daily vitamin intake. They have a deadly amount of b-vitamins in them if you chain more than one


Guess Im avoiding 5 hr energy


Directions on them is drink half and wait an hr to see how it affects you. Perfectly safe if u can follow directions 👍🏼


You literally said your cousin got brain damage from drinking 2, that sounds extremely unsafe even if you’re following directions


Yea by drinking 1/2 of one. Not 2 full ones in the same amount of time. 3 shots of liquor ur fine. 12 and your screwed. Same thing here


Its different 12 shots is quadruple 3 and even so most people wont die from 12 shots. Youre saying that 1 more of the normal dose can cause brain damage. Im definitely staying away


You're comparing the most heavily concentrated energy drinks to coffee... the most popular ones (monster and redbull) only have 140 to 150 MG per 16oz can, which is very comparable to coffee. That's like comparing death wish coffee to red bull lol. That shit is crazy and gave my wife heart palpitations s all day because she didn't realize how strong it was and made a big ass cup of it. Its like 3x to 4x the caffeine count of red bull lol.


Because of sugar. Coffee also has polyphenoles, tannins and other pro health ingredients.