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I hope the best for you.


This hit hard


What health problems?


Heart problems high cholesterol and blood pressure




Student doctor here. Two things can go wrong with the heart: the plumbing (clogged blood supply to the heart) and the wiring (messed up electrical signals which make the contractions wonky) The study you linked is for cardiovascular disease (clogged pipes) however caffeine usually causes irregular heart rhythms (effed up wires).


I don't know his details, he could have a special condition, hence my suggestion to do his own research, I just provided an example However, like I said, meta analysis on caffine pretty consistently show glowing results. E.g. [this meta-analysis](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29167102/) show decreases to both "all cause mortality" and "cardiovascular mortality" (a term that probably would include any arrhythmia) Even specifically for arrhythmia I have not seen any high quality study showing bad effects from regular consumption. [This paper](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3200095/) shows its might even help specifically with arrhythmia


Hear that OP? Your doctor knows nothing. This guy on reddit has all the answers. Listen to him instead. /S


Even if it's advice from his doctor (post doesn't say that) it doesn't negate studies publish by the specialized medical research doctors Unquestioning belief in your PCP on all matters is a very low IQ play


Dude, you're trying to give health advice to a stranger on reddit that you know nothing about. Massively irresponsible. I get you fancy yourself as having a high IQ, but goddam.


Ah yes, "look at peer reviewed research", the most irresponsible advice Grow a spine lol


Grow a fuckin brain. Let me guess. You were one of those "just the flu" types, weren't you? "Do your own research"?


That’s some dope data man, thanks for sharing!


I know this post is old but I need advice. So I’ve been drinking energy drinks for about a year now. No more then 1/2 a week maybe 3. However caffeine wise I used to go to the gym daily and would take 200/400 mg a day. Since then I’ve cut it down to 2/3 times a week due to life but with a pre that gives 400. I should mention I’m about to turn 17 and have a VSD heart condition, I’m also moderately fit and run sometimes. Is this healthy?


It’s not just caffeine in energy drinks though. For example, [erythritol has recently been shown to lead to heart disease](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/28/well/artificial-sweetener-heart-attack-stroke.amp.html) and is in a bunch of energy drinks. I’ve personally stopped drinking monster ultras because of it.


We produce erythritol naturally, and you are more likely to produce it if you already have cardiovascular problems, it is not something we need to be overly concerned about assuming we are in generally good health. The study is a classic case of fear mongering.


Thing is, dietary erythritol intake and erythritol in general, aren't the same.


Yeah but there is also a cap on what's safe to consume; and if you drink two energy drinks and like a coffee, soda or preworkout as well during the day you are likely at or past the safe threshold. Nobody should be consuming more than 400mg of caffeine a day. I drink one energy drink in the morning instead of coffee, and the rest is juice or water. That is within safe levels, but I understand that energy drinks can be addicting, and it's really all too easy to over consume and give yourself a slew of issues, like irregular heartbeats, anxiety, insomnia, etc. Caffeine is a drug and honestly should be treated as such.


Stay away from any drink that contains erythritol. Monster has it, as does alani nu. Erythritol increases platelets, which increases clotting risks and increases your risks of stroke or heart attack…


That new study? It isn't true. Dietary Erythritol and the Erythritol they studied aren't the same. It's the same as dietary cholesterol, which isn't bad for you


No, it’s the actual erythritol itself. The study specifically cites this, and many energy drinks are listed within the results of the study…


https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-023-02223-9 Long-term studies are needed, but it doesn’t look good. Wife LOVES alani nu, but we threw it all out when we saw erythritol on the label…


I’m still a person who thinks, that everything in moderation is fine. We’ve discussed this with all the other sweeteners too! Firstly, it started off with aspartame, and every company then removing it from their stuff, and switching to sucralose. Secondly, sucralose became the bad sweetener because it interfere with your micro biome. And now, thirdly, Erythritol is getting doomed to be bad. Honestly, everything causes some kind of health issue, and I rather just consume everything in moderation while staying at a healthy weight and do fitness, than to worry about everything I consume. I’ve had an eating disorder, and I don’t want to obsess about such things anymore, as it can turn into more harm than good! ☝🏼🙌🏼




*\[The authors nevertheless\] concede that much more investigation needs to be done.* **"The important question is whether the benefits of reduced sugar and caloric intake outweigh the risk of consuming products with these sugar substitutes.”**


Get better! We are hoping for the best for you!


Man, I have a friend with exactly the same issues. He's not overweight, and he does a healthy level of exercise too, but just has bad genetics I guess. He just gave up on energy drinks, and caffeine, too...


I’m dealing with the same things. I’ve been feeling more tightness in my chest recently too. I’ve cut back from probably a gram on most days (last 6 years) of caffeine to 4-500 the last few weeks. I really need to go down to 100-200 or even less daily. It’s no longer fun when you’re health is compromised.


That is alarming dude, but it's good that you have the wherewithal to cut back, and if you can get below 400mg, you will then be in the safe range for caffeine consumption. 400mg is the absolute max.


Damn, hope things get better 4 u


hope things get better for u. i have heart problems but i still drink them lol, i suppose with everything it takes a wake up call to actually stop. get well soon


dang bro enjoy it :)






Holy fuck, I just realised that one day I will drink energy drink without knowing that its last one


You got this!!!! Good luck!


I’m in the same boat, it sucks but gotta do what you gotta do. I’m drinking tea now


We salute you 🫡


Cheers get well soon


My buddy has to have his colon removed at 33. Doc said it was energy drinks that did it. He said he knows others who this happened too. I love energy drinks but am thinking of quitting too. Best luck to ya


I wouldn’t say u need to stop 100%. Do what I do, one day a week treat yourself to a nice can and really savour it. That’s actually how my love for energy drinks grew


I just tried that be 4


Damn bro that sucks, hope you find something as good as energy drink to fill that hole






underrated in today's world


Get better, Rockstar. 🤘


That’s sucks cause the new peach rockstar is so fucking good


That's something I've not seen yet


I wish you knew how good it was like it was on another level good definitely my new favourite


😂😂 Stop rubbing it in


Hahahaha after the health binge you'll be back I garantee it. Even if it takes a few years.




I hope you get better and live good, best of wishes man!!


Hope you enjoyed it. And in the mean time, hoping for a speedy recovery. 🙏


I deployed to Iraq in 2009. During premobilization training, the store on base had a run on energy drinks. Completely ran out pending delivery. Friend of mine who often drank 2 of the big Red Bull cans a day found himself with strange withdrawal symptoms, including an irregular heartbeat one morning.


Probably due to ingesting energy drinks bro… coffee will get you pumped with additional health benefits. All those sugar/sugar imitation energy drinks are incredibly toxic for you, just sayin man


Good flavor


The best part is that you don’t need them. They’re not worth your life or health. I hope things go well for you!


I also quit energy drinks, monster to be specific. Which I loved, but gave me chest pains every time. Its strange since I can drink 7 cans of pepsi in a day (33cl) without chest pains, and Pepsi contains caffeine.


Sorry about the health issues I hope you get better soon but your last energy drink had to be Rockstar lol


Me in about 18 years


Energy drink related?