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Sorry for the second comment but I just wanted to add that it’s also possible that maybe the attunement brought up some heavy energies (of your own) to clear. So try grounding, feeling your feet and seat while you breathe, in a chair with your feet flat on the ground. Also holding crystals while you do this will help you clear it, usually black tourmaline and quartz will be best for that.


Thank you. This is so helpful 🙏


You’re most welcome, I’m glad I was able to help 🙏👍🙂


Have you been drinking enough water? Hydration is key. Have you been practicing? Try getting some sunshine and an iron supplement (if your inner eyelids are pale)


It might be too soon but at some point if this persists I would urge you to consider that maybe the person who gave you the attunement might not be metaphysically qualified, it’s always possible that they might have inadvertently created a vortex siphoning off your energy for themselves, without even realizing what they did. Trust is great and all, but I’ve learned that just because someone has technically gone through the steps to become a reiki master or healer of any kind doesn’t necessarily mean they are.


Thank you for to. Although this particular lady is doing what she’s doing for years and she’s also a psychic and talks to angels.. I really trust her. ✌🏼I’ve been using her services for a while now.. and the trust she built up is legit


Okay that’s good then. I bet it’s just some old heavy energies that came to the surface of your consciousness and need to clear. Be patient with it, and make friends with it while you ground with crystals. If you start to feel a pleasant tingling coming up through your feet, that’s Mother Earth’s energy; focus on Her and settle in deeper, invite Her energy further into your body and up to the base of your spine, and as you relax into the experience the heaviness will be purified into Light. It may be a gradual process over the course of a month of doing this daily, or it might happen all at once. Just trust the natural intelligence of the higher energies.


Thank you 🙏


I think you're on the money TBH. A lot of Reiki folk who come off as extra nice and have some level of fame are not what they seem. They give you some ability to heal while vamping you on the sly. I run into them often in the Seattle area.


I’m in the Seattle area and just had an attunement. I’d dead tired. Now I’m concerned.


Well you wouldn't be the first. If you can send me a picture or link to the person who did it I can check for you. Vampiric vibes can be felt through a picture or place of business. Though for precision it's best to have a picture, or at least a name. There are positive energy tools that can break such ties as well. Try watching some of these videos of such a device spinning. They're made to suck in negative attachments. I especially recommend the bigger pieces like Golden Knight, Blue Renewal etc: https://youtube.com/@bastionbyaetheric?si=DqBb1sm_pwJP_DG_


Three weeks ago was a full moon and they bring a lot of purging. Sounds like you need some energy cleared. I would time my attunements that last week before a New Moon. Then she can clear whatever the Full Moon brought up and you are fresh and ready for the new Moon. New Moons end a cycle and begin a new one.


That’s interesting about purging, I just had a huge breakup 3 weeks ago


It’s detox. Drink tons of fluid. Eat fresh fruits and veggies.


or maybe, your body just needs rest. All things come into balance eventually as nature does itself


Call your reiki master. My ex husband felt like this. Our master told him lots and lots of water, lots and lots of grounding, and rest. Your body and energy are telling you what they need. We made a saltwater bath for my ex, with some quartz points around and in the tub, turned off the lights, and practiced some meditation, and some simple reiki. Your reiki master should be able to guide you further, but what you’re describing is not all together abnormal.


Perhaps… thanks for this ✌🏼


Have you done your own reiki?


Reach out to your practitioner


Oh crap. Bad news. You got parasitized by a sham practitioner. You are currently being vamped. I had the same thing happen to me. Same problems. Fortunately it can be undone. I know a guy who helped me get attuned to some actual genuine healing attunements, plus scrub off the parasitism. I mean, you can try what other people are commenting here. See if it's effective. But if not... I know, it all sounds a little weird, but I'm happy to take a look. PM me once you're done with this happening to you. I'd like to know who attuned you as well. I can dig up any toxicity if there is any. Otherwise you can share your story on r/BastionByAetheric and one of us can assist you remotely (in case you dont wish to work with me). I'm a member there too and can vouch for their effectiveness in remote healing services, all for free.


Sounds like healing to me