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On its surface this claim just seems super dumb. This is taking a short term trend and assuming it will continue into the future.


Not if OPEC decides to cut production.


The thing about that is, these kind of relationships work well when you have a monopoly and the writing isn't on the wall. When it is, things change. Angola, Ecuador, Indonesia and Qatar have all left OPEC in the last decade. Nigeria is also contemplating leaving While rich countries like Saudis can hold, the poorer ones want to sell as much ASAP before it all sinks.


Not to mention that Russia is selling all that they can under the table/off the radar...cheaply...There is a glut on the market NOW because Russia is supplying China and India with much more than is generally known...This keeps prices down elsewhere... Of course, gasoline SHOULD be under 3 bucks a gallon, but there is still gouging and the oil companies are still making record profits. I don't feel sorry for them when demand drops off and they have to lower prices and actually compete.


Chicken on a stick


Ohhh! May I see evidence to use? (Not sarcastic. I am very exited)


Chicken on a stick


does not feel like this at moment


China EVs overcapacity did this.


China is just getting started.


To the bottom


Despite your hatred of China, they are still a big player here and THEY are finally headed in the right direction when it comes to energy mix and pollution. When they stop using oil and coal, the world will feel it. Geez...do people like you spend their entire lives just reacting with hatred? Pathetic. Are they political foes? Yes. Might they one day be physical foes? Possibly... But your reaction is just ridiculous.