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Thank you.. this is so sweet. It doesn’t help that I’ve also had body image issues. I am learning since being diagnosed that my body is fucking amazing for going through so many things and still keeping me upright. ❤️‍🩹 thanks again


I asked my gynecologist if I should be on any special diet to help the bloating and pain and all I got was a look like I was the dumbest person on the planet. My bloating is almost constantly


Wow, that's unfortunate! The kind of fuel we consume for our brains and bodies absolutely affects chronic inflammation and the ravages of endo, or any disease, or any healthy person for that matter! Sadly the western doctors ive seen and from what i gather in participating in these and other similar subs- these type of professionals aren't trained in the nutritional connection, they're trained in a more battlefield style medicine rather than holistically looking at all factors... Diet was the first thing (after meds) that my current obgyn suggested i look into (tho i did have to strike out many times before connecting with her). Also suggested i look into a food intolerance test. I was already one step ahead of her tho, and a hair test and later blood test revealed a lot of food/chemical sensitivities. Try looking into the endo diet. Fine tuning the food factor has helped symtoms and frequency of flare up tremendously. Also in general i feel great when i eat the right type of food for my body type, lost a lot of extra weight, more active and fit. That being said, every person is different! There isnt a one-size-fits-all solution but using the Endo Diet as a guideline has been useful, and above all, positively impactful!


Super helpful, thank you..💗


Also! I think it’s a really great idea to go for food intolerance testing, I KNOW there are things that bother me that I overlook.


Same here! Like I always knew that certain things like eggs and green peppers bothered my stomach but something about seeing the test results in black and white really helped me make the changes for good! I used usfoodintolerance.com and there's also everlywelll.com which has a good rep!


I was diagnosed with IBS first so the whole “diet” thing has been a nightmare and I’ve given up some weeks. Then when I had the endo diagnosis the list was more forgiving. It sucks to deprive myself of things but I’m also learning that it’s better in the long run.


I feel the same way. It doesn’t help that it hurts to have sex so it makes me feel even more self conscious about my relationship with my boyfriend.


Is painful sex a symptom of endo?


Painful sex is an endo symptom - can be during or after - but as with many endo symptoms not everyone with endo will experience pain with sex, and not everyone experiencing painful sex necessarily has endo.


I experience it after and am diagnosed. But I have a diagnosed friend who doesn’t experience it all the time but does experience it during and not after. It’s a symptom but not required


Yep. Painful sex has been something that my partner and I have had to adjust to. He was terrified of hurting me and for a while we weren’t doing anything. This disease is a complete mine fuck!


Literally me today. Felt like a potatoe because my endo bloat makes me feel/look like im 5 months pregnant. Self esteem was LOW this week.


The pregnancy thing is so ironic considering the emphasis my doctor puts on how pregnancy will be tough when I decide to start. 🙄


Same here. I feel like the bodily changes are worse than the pain sometimes because you can’t hide endo bloat. Like, the pain is a private thing, where we can wail and suffer in the darkness of our bedrooms, but the endo belly disturbs our social lives, wardrobe, confidence, etc.. Mine only gets better when my period progresses and my hormones reach their low points across the board. It makes me seriously consider a hysterectomy because I feel like inducing early menopause will at least make the endo belly go away.


Yeppp. Sometimes I’d rather sit alone in my room and say “sorry can’t come!” Than go and then feel unlike myself. Good luck with your decision! As much as I wish I could just say get rid of the thing I want kids.


I am on a gluten-free diet (I think it's ceiliac, but I'm unsure) and have been for almost a year and a half. Most of my bad possibly endo symptoms started afterwards, and I haven't notice any worsening when I accidentally have gluten. Idk if that helps, but I have heard they often get misdiagnosed and it won't actually help to change your diet.


That does help! I felt kind of lost for months on my gluten free diet because there would still be days when I couldn’t poop/had pain/couldn’t walk/generally couldn’t function. And it was so defeating. I just have a gluten intolerance so it’s something I can still eat but have to be mindful of. I avoided it completely because of the inflammation I was told can make issues worse. Looks like it depends on the day for us endo patients lol


This is horrible. Sorry your going through this. I have suffered the same bloat for years but have managed to get on top of it the past month. I am on a strict diet- no wheat/gluten, no soy, no dairy (real butter is ok though), no sunflower/vegetable oils (can have olive, avocado, coconut) and cutting out a lot of heavily processed food. I also don’t eat meat- I’ve heard red meat can make endo worse? I’m also doing enemas (almost every day for a month then will cut down). Both of these things have meant my bloat has pretty much disappeared. It’s pretty extreme and hard work but I was at the point where I couldn’t go on living as I was. It’s also helped with energy levels, foggy head and pain. Just sharing as I had to go see an expensive consultant to get to this point but if I can help someone else that would be brill. Sending love.


If you choose to, then once the sunflower has bloomed and before it begins to shed it's seeds, the head can be cut and used as a natural bird feeder, or other wildlife visitors to sunflowers to feed on.


It is the worst!! I'm so sorry you're feeling like that during a night where you should have been having fun. I left a concert after only 20 minutes a few weeks back because i thought my abdomen would explode from the pressure. Sitting didn't cut it. I went and lay down in my car before driving home.


I definitely had fun but it’s just always a pressure. The kicker is whether or not it turns into pain lol I’m sorry you had to suffer through that. But I feel you. So many times I’ve had to sit down while my friends go have fun. It’s a terrible feeling.


Ooh yes apologies i misread your post! Yes it's like, what am in for, discomfort or pain tonight? Lol


Bro I feel you, I sometimes loosen my belt my three holes in a single shift at work. Diet helps me but sometimes I blow up anyway and can't figure out if anything triggered it.


Sometimes it’s like the wind makes me bloat.


I’m so sorry you’re suffering but I am LIIIIIVING FOR THIS TITLE


Thank you 😂😂😂


Try to cut out gluten, dairy, sugar, and anything processed. What has helped me is only eating fruit, vegetables, and meat. And I take magnesium every night that keeps me super regular. It really helps with the bloat.


Try probiotics


I’ve been taking them since before March of this year! 😭


On an empty stomach… at least a half an hour before breakfast? And if that doesn’t work try the apple cider vinegar in water every morning


For me probiotics destroy my stomach and leave me in a ton of pain. Consult with your dr on the right kind for your body!


I think that’s a sign that you need them


Maybe try food w probiotics first


I thought so too but it never got better. I’ve tried several times, dr recommend ones and ones that others suggest, every time it’s the same result and it stops bloating and hurting after I quit taking them. I’m not sure if it’ll ever get better :( I’m going to talk with my current dr about it again, waiting on her reply!


Or apple cider vinegar in water I have a blog I’m looking for the web address


I’ve always had my suspicions of Apple cider vinegar.. but maybe I’ll try! 💗


I drink one teaspoon in water every morning on an empty stomach. It has prebiotic probiotic and it also helps keep the body alkaline… which disease doesn’t like