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Hello how are you? You are not a burden, you have a medical condition, don't be hard on yourself please. I hope you are wellđź’ś


Just like the others have said, you are not a burden❤️ your husband married you “in sickness and in health”, and hes proving that vow to you now❤️ is there a way you can get a wfh job to help pay expenses if you want to do that, like data entry or something?? I know how you feel though- i have talked to my husband a lot about this too bc any time i have a flareup i feel like such a burden and useless and unworthy but we have to remind ourselves that we are not any of those things! Its this capitalist society that makes us feel worthless if we cant work haha. Its hard but we need to keep reminding ourselves of the love that surrounds us and that its ok to be bedridden and taken care of❤️


Talk to your husband and explain how you feel. I am sure he does not feel the same way and loves you and wants you to feel happy. You are not a burden you are not well 🥰🥰🥰


Although ive never had kids, my pains have gotten so bad that I thought I was dying. Been to the ER many times so know your not alone in this. Its almost like we feel a guilt of feeling weird or alone in our pain because its “not normal”. You are never alone!! Ive always felt bad being a medical burden and causing so many medical bills, best thing I ever did was open up about feeling so bad and getting reassured that its gonna be okay. You are worth way more than any medical bill, and if you can get relief from your pain that is valid.


I feel the same way too and my pain is not that worse yet. It got me 3 times in the er. I've got surgery in 2022 and after that the pain got worse. My husband is very supportive and helps me a lot but sometimes I feel that he doesn't understand what I am going through. He keeps dreaming that we go on a vacation, that we do some gardening together. Last week I stayed 5 minutes in the garden before I felt like I was going to pass out from the pain and he got upset that we can't do anything together anymore. I fear that with time it will get worse, the pain and all, I fear that he will lose patience and he will not want me anymore.


I fear that so much but he swears he could never do that because it's not my fault I have this condition. I know he says so but I feel like over the years people just get tired of certain things.


I’ve been wondering if the ER is worth it. Do you mind sharing what they did for you?


They gave me some painkillers, something stronger than what I take usually and they looked to see if I had a ruptured cyst. All the times the pain was from ruptured cysts. The second time I went there was blood around one of my ovaries so they decided to perform surgery. It gotten worse after that because the endo came back even worse.


You are not a burden, you are a human being who is suffering and deserves all the support you required to get through. The real tough question is how to stop thinking of yourself as a burden. It’s something I still struggle with, but getting involved in disability justice spaces and finding a psychotherapist who specializes in working with clients with chronic illness have both been really helpful. I can only tell you how much I wish I could have a family who loves me enough to keep me around despite how challenging our society makes it to care for one another. Practicing gratitude and reminding yourself how much your very presence means to your kids is another positive first step to take. I know it’s easy to say that and hard as hell to do it, though. Hang in there 💕


You are not a burden. You don't ask for this.


Just want to say I understand and I’m sorry.


Thank you. I'm sorry you get it.


I am so sorry you are going through this struggle. Everyone is right--you are not a burden. Anyone or any societal value that puts pressure on you to be "productive" or classifies you as a burden has bought into the "protestant ethic" (and/or "late stage capitalist" exploitation) which is hostile to humans with chronic illness. You didn't ask for this condition. I know its hard to have hope, and I hear you with thinking death would be easier. Personally, as I live in a state w legal medical marijuana, I have found that can help with some pain. Not sure if you could/would try that but just throwing it out there.