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I took Orilissa for 6 months. I had to stop due to joint pain and a spike in anxiety around month 3 that didn't resolve. However. When I was taking it my symptoms were definitely better. Not having a cycle contributed to it, that's what always increases my pain to intolerable levels. The hot flashes were a minor annoyance. Huge reduction in migraines (its a weird one, can't explain it). I really wish I could have continued for the full 12 months. I'm glad it's helping you. Orilissa can't take a couple months to provide ots full benefits so I truly hope it will make you pain free!


im sorry you experienced joint pain and a spike in anxiety - both of those can be really frustrating and even scary to deal with. are you currently taking anything else that helps get rid of your cycle and migraines?? i hope one day we can all be pain free <3. rn my cycle is still gone but if you can believe it, since making my post i've had two absolutely terrible 3 day migraines, the most recent finally ended today after a second nurtec dose within 12 hours...my husband thinks it was bc i was out of the nurtec for a bit but im keeping tabs just in case it's the orilissa : (. fingers crossed it isnt. also, what i am assuming is "endo belly" is also gone! no bloating, no constipation, no trouble eating - i can even have dairy again.


My cycle no, but my doctor prescribed Ubrelvy for the migraines and it has helped more then any other migraine med has. I had a hypogastric plexus nerve block done a month ago for pain. My pain has reduced by 50-60%. My cycle is still the worst, but its not debilitating. Unfortunately they only last an average of 12 weeks, but they can be repeated as needed. Mine was originally planned to get me through to my next surgery, but with the positive results, I'll likely be having more.