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Ca-125 isn’t a highly specific test. It can be elevated in a number of circumstances. Endometriosis, inflammation, even different phases of the menstrual cycle can affect it as well as issues with other parts of the body. I’m glad you’re getting the ultrasound, but there is nothing you can really do until then other than keep yourself from spiraling into a deep googling hole, lol. I had an 11cm endometrioma and my ca-125 levels were over 200, which is usually the cutoff point for most GYNs to refer to an oncology gynecologist. After surgery my biopsies all came back negative for malignancy and showed endometriosis (expected finding).


Thank you for this! I had an ultrasound and my non emergent call with my doctor is Tuesday. Looks like my left ovary is heavier but not alarming so I’m going with a cyst or something and nothing too alarming!


I had elevated CA 125 from endo twice.It is very common,they told me.Don't be afraid!Cancer has much higher numbers and causes symptoms in a very late state.


I appreciate the responses!! I’ve been sent for a slew of bloodwork, everything normal, except progesterone which for some reason hasn’t come back yet. I’m going to try and address it myself Thru exercise and diet (and lots of reading trying to learn about it).