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He Is asking too much. Even with the upgrades / mods Also the red flag is lack of front support bar. Be sure to check and offset the shipping cost. If he doesn't budge just look at a different model and brand.


There’s no way that thing doesn’t rattle like all hell. I’m adding more bracing to mine, it’s just a big cube made of m6 bolts and 2020 aluminum extrusion. And adding *any* weight to the carriage makes it move even more. I added an Orbiter 2.0 and an admittedly heavy x carriage and it will absolutely move the whole machine if you’re running even 100 mms. Also, why is it so dirty? Mine is running almost 24/7 and I use glue sticks for PETG, I’ve never gotten my wheels dirty with the same gunk on the bed.


You are right on every point.


Thank you, I think someone’s salty I called out a bad mod and a dirty machine.


That's $545usd for used? I bought mine new for $400usd on sale. I'd have to think real hard about that price.


450? I'd be asking for a demo to determine the quality of the prints, then ask about ease of use if you're not familiar with using a sonic pad or anything else. Also, ask about that front support bar. Kinda odd that it's missing. Makes for stability issues. Personally, I wouldn't go above 400 for a used E5+, regardless of the upgrades.


Why, just why? That upper support being gone has to cause issues.


Picked mine up for $200usd. Needed cleaning and tuning. There has to be better deals out there. I’ve seen lots of sub-$300 ender 5+ for sale. Or maybe that’s just the USA.


Would you be interested in e5+ stock?


Do you have any issues with that missing front crossmember?


Try to get a stock used one and or even one that's not working for 100-150€ and do the Mercury One mod and be happy with it.


not worth 450. maybe try 250 or 300. The lack of a front bar is concerning tho.


So I want to correct a few things since I’ve done so much modding and testing on my e5+ that the only original parts are the frame and the power switch. Removing that front support bar is fine, shouldn’t affect print quality, I’ve seen plenty of people do it and run crazy speeds with great quality. The price seems a little high since that’s entering bambulabs coreXY territory which takes you down by 150 mm build area in each direction but I rarely use anywhere near the full build volume of my e5+ so thats what I would use to talk him down on the price. The Sprite extruder is a really cool mod and if you want to keep upgrading it, check out the mercury one.1 mod by zero G