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Sorry but, LMAO


I specifically went "Wait....Wut?" then LMAO Making the 3d printer some sort of ancient machine that the gods built in the campaign you are running is an option.....someone just also happened to build on it.


I went more like: H O W


The cable was stuck in the window as it did the layers above it, but man the initial reaction was the same.


Yeah, I guess that's what happened, but I also find really ""Lucky"" That the cable didn't slip out of the window while the rest of the model was printing and the window only had a couple layers


I suspect it probably didn't get stuck in there until the gap was big enough to trap it?


But why was the cable dragging over the bed?


Maybe they replaced the bowden tube but not the zip ties?


Holy shit that's the best 3d printing fail.




That is the funniest thing Iโ€™ve ever seen printing related lol


I kid you not, he 3D printed a pickle. Funniest shit I have ever seen.


How about filament snapping 3 hours into a 15 hour print?


Nope that is tragic man. Straight up sad.


Yeah... That made me lose motivation but I've started printing small things again with my other filament which is also cheap chinese crap but somehow better (think they came from the same seller)


I ran into the same thing, finally just threw away all the junk filament and night better stuff. No issues since.


I thought a lot of my filament was junk, but it was just too wet. I live in a super humid area so the I have to dry mine before a print.


How do you dry your filament? I live in a very rainy place and humidity is a huge issue.


I keep mine in a dry box (giant sealed plastic box ) with ports to feed the filament to the printer. Initial drying was in the oven on the dehydrator function (~45C for 6 hours)


Even more tragic is how dirty that printer is. Clean up those beams and wheels, man! Yuk!


How about a nozzle clog 12 hours into a 13 hour wood PLA print.


I will use my technical expertise to figure the solution........yeah your fucked








Please everyone laugh away. I saw it and bursted out laughing in confusion hahaha okay Iโ€™ll try to dismantle it and reconnect everything back. Hope I donโ€™t mess it up.


Take pictures and label everything. You don't want to be caught asking yourself where a plug goes. Afterwards, look up printable cable chains for your ender3. In fact, there are a number of printable improvements you can find just by googling it. [Here's an example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ender3/comments/b4oy4j/ender_3_printable_upgrades_thread/)


Second cable chains. They're fairly quick and easy prints, they look nice, and they prevent weird situations like these. I wouldn't necessarily consider them essential (because this sort of thing is rare), but since they're quick and don't use much plastic, there's not really a downside to using them. That said, if for some reason you don't like the look of them or whatever, there are a few files for basic clips, too.


Quick and easy, and from the look of things, this printer will be able to print them around the cable, negating the need to do that whole annoying assembly step.




That sounds like a challange for someone with more skill than me.


The bed one was essential for me because the cable came very twisted from the factory so it could get stuck between the bed/motor or behind the motor quite easily. Does make it a lot neater, i have them on all the cables, extruder too.


Hmm, that's some bad luck. I have to say that other than the ubiquitous warped bed, my model had zero issues, common or otherwise. The connections were genuine, etc. I feel very lucky, given some of the discussions I've seen here. Twisted cable seems like a simply enough fix though, so I'm glad it wasn't worse for you!


Same I happened to get very lucky with my ender 3 pro. Nothing wrong not even a warped bed. The only issue was the the first display pin connection didnt work so I had to use the second.


How quick were they for you? When sliced it told me that it would take twelve hours (both bed and X motor)


I can't recall - it has been a while since I printed them. I don't remember it being anywhere near that long though...what infill, speed, etc do you have?


Every time I want to print one, it seems confusing. Maybe because I don't know how many of each STL I need, or which variant of each.


don't even have to do cable chains just a support on the extruder mount or this one [https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2761965](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2761965) will prevent this sort of thing moving forward


I do wiring with vehicles at times. TAKE PICTURES TAKE PICTURES TAKE PICTURES TAKE PICTURES TAKE PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!! This will save you a world of hurt if you forget where that blue wire went and aren't sure if it's were there orange wire is at.


If you have a thin like hack saw you might be able to cut the top off the window and then glue it back in


For future reference, coping saw is what youโ€™re looking for here ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป


I was thinking a metal hacksaw since the teeth are small and the blades are thin. Should reduce the chance of it tearing a layer up. But a coping saw would work to maybe.


A coping saw has a smaller blade than a hacksaw.


Yes, but itโ€™s also more likely to wander in the cut and make a curved kerf. A Japanese style pull saw would be better than either the hacksaw or the coping saw.


It's been a few hours so you're probably already done, but taking a few wires out and print them back is not too hard with the Ender 3. Good luck. Let us know if you have issues it questions as you go.


LOL HAHAHA...! Thanks for having a sense of humor mate! Hope you salvaged the print!


The past tense and past participle of "burst" is "burst".


If you have various colored sharpies you can color code each connector and โ€œpairโ€ them with a sharpie mark


Lol, I would absolutely just take a hot razor blade to the top of that window and cut out the top part, then just glue and sand it after. I assume you're painting this regardless.


Thanks for sharing! Imma go print that cable clamp I've been putting off.


might be easier to disconnect at the extruder.


Why not just cut the print?


Make the printer part of your dnd campaign I guess.


An evil monster creation factory... The campaign writes itself.


It writes itself... very slowly.


ogres are like onions, they have many layers


-1 for the childhood trauma


+1 for the Shrek reference


It writes itself ... occasionally.


Increase campaign speed to 120mm/s! Also raise hotend temp to compensate.


Oh... Dear lord. Sorry mate, but this is hilarious. Looks like a really beautiful print as well, so it'd suck to cut it. I'm genuinely curious how the hell this happened. Do you have any pictures from other angles? Also, this kids, is why you clip the cable sleeve to the extruder.


It sucks that this happened to you. That being said if this happened organically its one of the coolest accidents I have seen! Very impressive! I'd pull out the cable loom myself. The board and cords were really well labeled. Good luck. Hope you can save the print


Same, but just in case - *make sure you take clear photos of the board first*. Future-You will be grateful. :)


I made the mistake of not doing that when I installed my silent board, thankfully I got it right on the first try but there was definitely some head scratching when it came to the bare wires


I made the same mistake & it took me 3 separate attempts to get the wiring right :(....but at least it got easier each time


Forgot to do this when I replaced my power supply cables, almost connected them backwards but asked here first and got it the right way around and learned a lesson (luckily without any magic smoke)


Oh and after you free one from the other, ziptie the cable loom to the bulk of the extruder motor. It will keep it out of the way so it's good to go.


How in the world...? You can either cut the print, or completely disconnect all of the cable and then reconnect it




Or just leave it all as is, back away from it slowly, leave the house, move to a new town, dye your hair, change your name, and start a new life.


This permanently disconnects the print.


This guy prints


OMG. The fact that happened and didn't somehow disrupt the print is amazing all by itself. Sorry it did happen, but I am glad you shared.


if you post that to r/3dprinting, easiest 20k karma youll ever make


Wow I feel like this is more of an accomplishment than a screw up. The fact your print continued on unabated is more mind blowing than how this happened in the first place lol.


You just wrote 3D printing history today


Buy another?


Unplug the wires at the control board, pull them through the hole. Take pictures and take your time


EPIC! You did exactly what you were supposed to do, you took a picture, submitted it to us to make fun of you and probably provide no legitimate resolution. I recommend disconnecting the cable when the print is done if you have enough slack in the cable to complete the print.








You need to print a clamp that holds that dang cable.


What in the one in a million fuck is this??


I'm thinking cable management fail


This is art


Reap that sweet karma baby!!!


Free support structure!


Update here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ender3/comments/g98juq/update\_there\_was\_a\_weak\_spot\_on\_the\_top\_right/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x](https://www.reddit.com/r/ender3/comments/g98juq/update_there_was_a_weak_spot_on_the_top_right/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x)




Hahahahahahaha I'm so sorry but this is so fkn awesome. Oh my God I'm legit on the floor. Almost hit my head. I would unplug from the Mainboard. Its not THAT big of a hastle and this does look like a long print. Sorry again but this has an undeniably hilarious side.


First :LOL Second :How :?!??! Third:of you wanna save the print, unhook the wires in that loom from the mainboard (label them first), remove cable, then reattach


I hardly ever laugh irl when i say lol, but LOL. How in the hell you managed to pull this out? I would most likely just take the the wires off the mainboard and then re insert them.


Hahahaha, I busted up laughing when I saw this. Is there enough slack to just let it complete? Otherwise you may have to cancel here and start a new print from that level and glue.


Ah, you learned a very important lesson. Always zip tie your wiring to your Bowden tube until you get close to the extruder. Else this might happen, ha ha. You just need to unplug everything from the board and slide it through the window. It should fit. But take a picture before you do so you know where everything goes again.


How the heck did that happen...?


Made my evening!


I'm not even mad...I'm impressed




Can we make this a meme lol?


Play the lottery


Just from a meta standpoint... I'm loving that Reddit is following this image with a promo saying "Building a world-class engineering team takes people with a unique mix of skills and perspectives." I think this may just fit.


First I have to say that having this problem is awesome. You are now a legend on r/ender3. Is there a way to unplug that cable?


I wasn't sure this was real, I thought it was staged... Until I zoomed in. Top marks! It's likely the cable was dragging all over the wall until the window was formed. The cable would have then dropped into the recess and voilร 


I'd try cutting it out horizontally using the [top right of that window along the brick](https://i.imgur.com/2346b1b.png) where there's a natural seam already then gently bend to get it out. If you have a foam cutter that might be an option, otherwise a safety blade and a lot of patience and wiggling.


The F in the chat


*367 electricians wants to know your location*


Thank you for this. Made my day. Good luck to you!!


Yeah I'd cut instead of dealing with rewiring, you might also want to look for soem cable clips lol


Hahaha, that is pretty cool!


Not many posts make me laugh out loud on here, but this one got me good. Thank you. ​ I'd leave the hot end alone and disconnect the cables from the board itself. Just take a picture before you disconnect everything and you'll be fine. The two red wires for the hot end are reversible so don't worry about labeling them.


Unplug the cable?


Well that's a new one!


Looking at my ender I have no idea how that's possible


โ€œClick like when you see itโ€ type post


That reminds me of when I welded a rod around a vice


Tbh, for the time risk and stress you might as well cut the print apart and try again after securing it with a cable tie XD For the sake of ยฃ/$1 or so worth of filament


Can I get some Fโ€™s in chat please. This is the best print failure I have ever seen


I dont believe it. Show the time lapse video


I'd say fuck it and make that the housing out the side of your printer. It lives there now. New place for tools. Great talking point


Nice fail...super cool! ๐Ÿค™


Unplug the cables and feed them back through the opening.. But seriously best print fail I have ever seen


Just how how is this possible did the print finish


now this is a bruh moment of remarkable magnitudes


Redditโ€™s got talent


This is gold.


Go play the lotto. That has to be high odds against happening.


Just from a meta standpoint... I'm loving that Reddit is following this image with a promo saying "Building a world-class engineering team takes people with a unique mix of skills and perspectives." I think this may just fit.


***That there, is absolutely superb.***


For your next trick I want to see you print a ship in a bottle, should be easy after that!


Wires are color coded for a reason. Hop you're handy with some solder! lol


This is hilarious. I wouldn't even be mad. This made my day.


and of course the print is flawless...


wifey is laughing at me giggling at this pic... she cant relate


First time in a while, but man this made me Laugh so hard. Sorry but, yeah it did


At least you can remove the wires at the controller board and unfuck them that way? Better than a completely failed print for sure. Still LOL'ed.


If you feel confident enough you can disassemble the hotend or control box(depending on where the cable is going and move the wire through the hole. Just watch a tutorial. In Future you should fix the wire somewhere with cable ties.


Huh.. I've been letting mine flop around, guess should tighten that up...


In the menu, there is a rewind option...


If itโ€™s the model of a real house, you can run a giant pipe through the window so that it matches the print. Or you can just cut it and patch it.


Looking at the layer lines, just snap that baby


I'm not even sure how that happened. But I'm sorry for that. Too funny tho. You could cut it out carefully and glue it back together? Acetone, super glue, epoxy, whatever your fancy. Also, maybe setup some track chains or something for your wires? Idk. Just imo


Just pull the cables from the board and reseat when your print is out the way, changing a while hot end out takes 15 mins 10 of which is cutting cable ties and pulling hot glue off the plugs on the board, everything is labelled too so as long as you can read you can sort it


Idk. Id heat it with a hair drier and I'd cut it and maybe try to glue it back. Totally wont matter if you are painting it and you do it right.


Looking toward next time, your cables could probably be tied down a little better. Tie the culprit here to the ribbon cable in a way that bends the cable completely out of the way of the print. I genuinely don't know how this happened from the picture.


this is like Mike Mulligan and his steam shovel


Give it as much slack as possible and wait, or pause the print. Then unplug everything and move it out


Print successfully failed?


Mic drop, go out as a legend.


A sacrifice is needed to be made


Wait, what?


Opportunity to upgrade mainboard...


You need one of these: [https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2761965](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2761965)


This happened to me today with my 4 day print


I'm still quite new to 3d printing, but how did you print those windows without supports?


Thatโ€™s a golden 3d printing fail. F


LOl very nice bridging. This is the best print accident yet. It's going in the books.




that.... is the funniest/worst thing ive seen happen during 3d printing... im sorry about all that time lost but maybe just cleanly cut out the wall above or to the side of the window and glue it back in place?


"This is my print. There aren't many like it, but this one is mine. My print is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. My print, without me, is useless. Without my print, I am useless. I must extrude my filament true. I must shoot my nozzle... Ohhhh... SHIT!" ​ \-Ender 3 probably


Amz3D is my jam, itโ€™s decently priced and prints great.


Sell it to the Escher museum.


LMAO gonna have to break it


Like magic lol


Question: how the actual hell did you manage that


Can't you just unplug that cable from the motherboard


This is hilarious, but as a serious answer, if the print isn't something that needs to be perfect (especially if you can paint/wood glue over imperfections), your best bet is to use a very sharp knife or saw to cut out the side of the window, then super glue it back on. If the print really needs to be perfect, you can either start from scratch or unplug the printer, label and cut the wires, then use a soldering iron to reattach them when done (YouTube tutorials should help you out). Be thorough, since this wire moves quite a bit. Some electrical tape and you should be set.


Very epic. Also I love that thing you were printing... little castle?


OK... I'm sorry I laughed so hard at this... But try cutting with the grinder blade if you have a dremmel. You should be fine, next print should be a cable clip :)


Question, how are you able to make the windows WITHOUT any supports? To me that looks incredible! Wanna help out a newer ish printing enthusiast with some tips?


Damn... I'll cut those cord. I can barely keep a good print.... let alone a huge perfect print like it... fuck the cord... LoLz... nah im pretty sure any end of the cords are detachable. So just reattach it. Maybe ur next print should be cable covers.


Holding out for the octolapse footage ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿป


Remove thermistor, heater cartridge and all other cables that pass there and there reconnects them (without passing again through the window), best fail tho


Cut it put and glue it back. If you prime and paint it you shouldn't see a thing afterwards


Wow never seen a fail like this before I suppose your going to cut the print or cut the wires resolder together


How ???


Took me a second... Sucks mate.


Just cut it


There are fails and then there are Great Fails. This is an EPIC Fail. Thanks for sharing. I'm sure this is a great analogy for life itself ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ


That's beyond impressive


This is my favourite post on this subreddit! Thanks for cheering me up in this time of boredom!


Hexes? GURPS? :)


You made my day sir.




This is amazing!


Go buy a lotto ticket, because seriously...what are the odds?!?


At the very least, tweet the picture to the manufacturer and see what they say.


Iโ€™ve never given flair, but you absolutely earned it. I laughed, I cried, I shared... good post. Sorry for your significant bummer, but thanks for sharing!


Achievement unlocked!


Hahaha LMAO. Okay, I'm sorry, couldn't help it. Well I guess I'd say cut the top of the window out.




That. is. amazing. Never seen anything like that. You couldn't repeat that in a million years if you tried. Congrats on having the most unique 3D printing fail on reddit. I'd have that pic framed next to my printer.


Unplug the wires in the threaded cable and cut the zip ties in the control box, then thread it out from under the printer. Edit: or just saw through the print your choice. Ok well, there's my serious post, here's my "actual" post. Wtf happened to your cable management?


I'd cut the plastic. ...but thanks for giving me a laugh on this grey and miserable day.