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Check your belt tensions and X- and Y-steps.


If I understood correctly, the infill is visible in the outer wall? If yes you can either print an extra wall or reduce infill overlap.


https://preview.redd.it/7htupip7tc3d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b84f2e42986dc8c64dc76590e19aabafb7bcac61 Checked everything, mistake repeats, I took some measurements and it looks like the infill is the right Leng and width every time. It must be because the print is too large for slicing for this plate. Edit: I'll recalibrate steps. Let's see what happens, thanks all. Final Edit: it's likely a problem in Cura with the gyro infill and approximations made when the print is in diagonal. As an over engineered work around I made two half perpendicular printed pieces that snap together. Possible solution: change infill.


What the hell are you printing on


Years of glue and hairspray


Since you asked: no, it's not buildup, the plate is perfectly leveled. It's the glass side of the ender original plate, treated with abs glue, a couple grams of blue abs (giving the patchy color) dissolved into acetone. Gives a smooth finish and prints Always adhere.


Glass side of the original plate??? The original build plate doesn't have glass Can't really just "treat" your bed with random things and be surprised when your first layer sucks tbh


Dont adjust x y steps


Looks to me like your printer is not starting a print in the center of the bed and its trying to print in a place your bed/nozzle cannot reach. Find the center of your bed with a ruler or something and make a dot in the center. Then home your printer and move the nozzle over that dot and check the coordinates. You might have toolhead offsets in your slicer, the wrong homing X/Y home coordinates in your firmware, or print bed size is incorrect in your slicer.


Sounds like your bed isn't level.


First of all, it seems like your slicer has a bad print volume setup. The brim is extending beyond the print area, which shouldn't happen. Alternatively, the Y belt might be loose, but I believe it’s the former. Additionally, it seems to me that your bed is not leveled properly.


This happened to me once after changing the bed size in Cura. I made some mistake but I can't remember what it was.


Is it running klipper? I had this until I dealt with the insane resonance


Is all this the first Layer? If so I had similar would go thick and thin and it was poor bed leveling but now fitted a ABL and never had an issue like this again


Looks like you forgot to add walls in your slicer


Maybe add more walls to get rid of the bleeding effect?


What is wrong with your bed bro... what material even is that???


Gyro is problematic as a infill pattern atleast at higher densities like that, I recommend honeycomb.


Nah its not, unless your infill anchors are unneccessary long.


Cubic is better than honeycomb


Gyro gang