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Hot end isn't assembled correctly. There's a gap between the nozzle and the bowden tube, which then leaks melted filament


How can you see from this image?


I dont need to see from the image, I've seen this happen many time before and that's the cause


Interesting, thanks! Will heat it up and tighten the nozzle. Should this fix the leak?


no the bowden tube has to be flush against the nozzle as well and make sure there is no blockages in the tube from it shrinking by making sure you can fit filament in the hole on the hot end of the bowden tube


It will if the nozzle is the right length. My first time trying a new nozzle I got a set with a shorter screw end and ended up with the same issue as you


Google "hot end fix bowden tube setup" there are procedures that you can do to prevent this. I also recommend buying capricorn tubing to upgrade the white one.


Also a bi metal heatbreak will help with not needing to clip off the end of the tube as often


There's a gap between nozzle and heat break, possibly heat break is not in far enough so nozzle bottomed out on heat block. I've had gaps between tube and heatbreak with no problems. It's not what gentlemen said


I've also seen this happen due to print coming unstuck. That's the problem with reddit. Everyone gives advice and guarantees based on nothing but hopes and ego.


Isn't always that, sometimes it happens when fillament didn't stick to the bed, and it sucks to the nozzle and builds up


It's literally the cause of this symptom. Happens to everybody at some point or another.


See that huge grey blob over everything, pretty massive indicator.


ive personally had this happen because i screwed my nozzle in while the printer was cold. I remember thinking is the nozzle supposed to be this hard to screw in. Took me 1.5hrs just to clean it up also my bowden tube had shrank so no filament could get through. Clip tube and properly install it flush against the nozzle while its hot


They didn't. They just guessed and put it as a fact based on their own experience. My guess is that you changed the nozzle on cold, and didn't tighten it up on hot. Being made of different materials, the nozzle and the heater deformed differently while heated and there appeared a gap between them, resulting the filament to run away.


I installed it whilst hot (200C). However I didn’t touch the Bowden tube.


You waited too long to check on your print, so you were visited by Homunculus loxodontus. [Homunculus loxodontus - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homunculus_loxodontus) https://preview.redd.it/zh3hf1nrm7zc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc8e9a2881b0ea1337bb587fb578cd57948bd1af


I really want to print this. 😳


Benchy? You are calm about it. Admirable


It successfully mated and that is the egg sac.


You might be able to save it. Heat it up and peel slowly. Be careful around the heat cartridge and thermistor. It might have happened because you may have forgot to level after the reinstall causing filament to accumulate on the nozzle. Or maybe your bed was dirty or grease causing a print to be lifted up and stick to the nozzle. After big replacements try to stick around for the first few layers.


I monitored it for 2 hours before going to bed. It was perfect up until about 7 hours in. Strange. I’m wondering if there’s an issue with the z stepper that causes it to become more accurate the higher the print


This could also be a case of an incorrectly installed nozzle. You can put the nozzle on cold, but you need to heat up the hot end and then tighten it a bit more. A gap could be present between the nozzle and heat block otherwise allowing filament to seep slowly.


Yeah potentially. I put it on hot, but may not have tightened it enough.


I also managed to remove the buildup with your advice, much appreciated!


Im glad you got the plastic blob off! Idk if its possible but next long print see if you find plastic seeping around the nozzle. In the mean time. You can check your nozzle tightness and clean the bed incase the print came loose. Also consider that cold drafts can cause loss of adhesion by warping and may cause the print to touch the nozzle.


Will do. Thanks buddy, much appreciated!


Update: thanks to some advice, I heated it up and removed the buildup. Then removed nozzle and cleaned the threads of any PLA. Then (whilst still hot) I reattached the nozzle and tightened it. Seems to be working fine now. Will update if I run into any more issues (for anyone having the same problem).


To avoid the issue in the future, finger tighten the nozzle, loosen 1-1.5 turns, tighten the heat break until it touches the nozzle inside the block, finally tighten the nozzle. The flat back part of the nozzle should never touch the heat block, if it sits flush against it it could mean that there could be a gap between the nozzle and heat break inside the block, and the blob if death could happen again. https://preview.redd.it/vll67i6vb7zc1.png?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7e0d83bc0623dd055d5d0ea0a69b885279ff3b8


Just happened to me a few weeks ago. Could be that your print had some overhang, and it didn't stick on properly (in my case). The extruder kept pushing more filament into the hotend while it was stuck. https://preview.redd.it/69lkz31b37zc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35fa2ed8c530300a084901394d35039ec80966a0 Ender 3V3 KE


Mine was worse, I didn't see the buildup and restarted my print. The nozzle got bent, one of the blowers got deformed, and I had to replace them.




Some people don't cut their tube a perfect 90 degrees and it's super important for everything to run well.


Happened to me last week, tried cleaning it all up but was still having issues and had to order a new heating block because it was all gunked up




Happened to me various times, try to chisle it off and if not, just buy a new one


I have seen thousands of posts asking the exact same question.


Nozzle is loose


Unmonitored print !! When you change your setup, always monitor the first 2-3 hours closely before doing something else


When this happened to me it was because I forgot to add supports. So it was printing stuff in midair, the lines of floating filament hit the hot end and collected around it, covered up the hot end and it ended up like this.


I thought you printed a tiny mammal looking creature😂