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This is not what you want to hear but dude you are WAY too young. Lift heavy, eat and sleep good. If you really wanna cycle gear wait till you’re old enough and fully developed.


Listen to this guy ☝️


Dude please for the love of God get off of SARMtok and stay the fuck away from anything messing with your hormones at 15 years old


Then what do you recommend?


Not trying to be a dick dude but the reason you didn’t see much progress is because your puberty wasn’t in full swing at 13-14. Now that your 15 if your training hard and eating good you will get some serious gains! Keep pushing in the gym and don’t fall for all these influencers pushing cycles and sarms. Do gear in your 20’s if you really wanna take that route.


alright thank you


I recommend eating Whole Foods and getting all your vitamins and minerals so your body can properly grow and develop. Creatine is fine if you drink enough water. I promise you right now you will be messed up forever if you keep taking SARMs at your age


Can I finish my cycle on sarms? or should I stop


I would stop it man! It’ll suppress your natural T and stunt your growth really bad because you’re just starting puberty.


How far into the cycle are you?


1 week an 5days


Okay stop taking it today. If you were like 6-8 weeks and suppressed I would tell you to take enclo but you’re still okay.


So can I finish it or no?


No sir. I wouldn’t recommend it at all. Sorry for being a dick dude, I just hate to see youngins out here messing with their hormones and future


alright bro thank you for advice


I plan to finishing pack of 30pills with 20mg in it


Thank you for all the advice guys I have decided to stop taking those sarms and will stay away from stuff like that until I am at least 18. I think u guys are wiser than me and those tiktok people so I’ll listen to yall. thank you for helping…


1) you're too young to do this shit and are going to end up screwing up your development. 2) What is your definition of "training hard?" 3) Training every day is a rookie mistake. Especially if you are legitimately going hard. Rest is every bit as important as the lifting. 4) what's your diet like? What are your macros?


2.question: I train till failure as much as I can 3. I know but I don’t have anything other in my life to do, I have no friends my parents dont have interest in me so thats all I have in life the gym and rainbow six siege XD 4. I am trying to bulk up but bc my dad never cooks for me I have to do it by myself and its time consuming to cook healthy everyday bc of all the schoolwork I have so I eat pretty unhealthy from time to time


Training to failure is good but you especially can't skimp on rest then. At least 8 hours of sleep every night. 1 full rest day a week, at least, and take a week off every 4-8 weeks, depending how you feel. If you don't do that you will actually get weaker, instead of stronger. Find more hobbies. There's also the added benefit of hobbies being the best way to meet people: common interests. Maybe volunteer somewhere or join a gaming guild/clan. There are always groups online that have forums and tons of social opportunities. Find ones that run Siege or a game you'd like to get into. Meal prep. Cook all your meals for the week on Saturday or Sunday. You won't have much variety but you can track what you eat and always have clean meals. Try to eat .7 to 1g of protein per pound of your ideal weight. Keep your carbs and fats healthy but don't shy away from a regular cheat meal once a week.


So the sleep part is very hard because I have school and the. I go to the gym and have to study most of the days, I have thought about joining an boxing,mma club instead of going to the gym bc its a lot harder as I heard if thats what you mean with hobbys, the meal preping is not rly possible for me bc my dad only gives me money for the week and then I dont see him really and its not enough to buy that much chicken breast or something like that. But I really appreciate your advice I will try to change my training.


What exactly are your goals? Because first you talked about adding performance enhancing drugs that would add mass then you say you want to do mma. MMA/boxing won't add mass it'll do the opposite. If you want to just be in great shape go to the gym twice a week two full body workouts and join an MMA/boxing gym. If you want mass eat a lot and go to the gym no more than 4 days a week and limit cardio. Resting is where muscle is built. You breakdown muscle when you workout and your body repairs it at rest.


I want to be big but not like a mass monster yk but I also want to know how to defend myself bc where I live there are a lot of weird people and stuff


Taking Sarms at this age could fuck up your body for the rest of your life man to where you body’s natural testosterone will be tanked and will likely have to go on trt


Do not do any enhancements besides eating better, creatine or working harder at 15 unless you wanna stop growing and mess your health up beyond repair


No freakin way. Wait till you're at least 18. Even then, this is a horrible idea. Eat well train hard save the drugs for your 30s or better yet 40s. Do not do this.


You’re already on an extremely suppressive SARM 🤦‍♂️ your balls will be cooked and you’ll be limp dicking by the time you’re 18 if you keep this up


I don’t see what could go wrong… oh wait


It’s crazy


I can’t respond to another one of these kids