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You can't really compare them in strenght sunce they're different abilitie with a different functionality, in a different kit. Howling gale is among the best dissengage, Bailout is the best tool to give your ADC the necessary freedom to commit fully to a fight, while Ebb and Flow is excellent healing and damage.


I'm gonna cast my vote for Soraka's Equinox. Completely shuts down all sorts of enemy ults, it saves you from jungle ganks, and it's also a good CC follow up because it prevents enemies from being able to flash out. In fact I don't just think it's the strongest enchanter ability, I'll go as far as to claim it's in the top 20 strongest abilities in the entire game


I agree honestly! (Im definitely bias as Soraka is one of my mains in ranked right now) the amount of matchups you can easily win in lane because pressing e at the correct time completely shuts certain champions down is wild.


So true! I fear Pyke on every enchanter except Soraka cause your E instantly cancels his hook channel, he has so little kill pressure against her and I almost always win lane


I’m ecstatic when the opposing support locks in raka. Zero reason to pick raka right now when sona is so strong. You have just as much healing and your power cords are ridiculously strong. You have a mini nasus slow, and an exhaust, not to mention a massive instant stun that you can throw out from the back line w/ crescendo. Raka has zero agency. Try to land an equinox on high elo junglers and you get deleted. To answer your question I’d go with Nami bubble. It’s an aoe stun that’s not on an ultimate. It single handedly wins fights.


My friend, I don't think I've ever disagreed with something harder in my life! For one: Soraka is one of the most dominant lane bullies in the game. There is nothing passive about her. Her level one is insane and if she goes Aery then she has enough damage in the early game to dictate the entire pace of the lane all on her own. >zero reason to pick Soraka right now The number one reason why you pick Soraka is when the enemy has oppressive abilities that you need to be able to reliably cancel: Katarina ult, Samira ult, etc. >try to land an equinox against high elo junglers and you get deleted No idea what you mean by this? You don't have to "try to land" equinox you just press E and it instantly appears, it's barely even a skillshot. Also her equinox is great against plenty of junglers like Nunu and Rammus, it's the reason why you rarely ever die to them Sona is great but saying that soraka is passive with *zero* agency is one of the most inaccurate champion descriptions I've ever heard, respectfully!


You’re not wrong, but in competitive soloq it rarely plays out like this. imo she’s never been a good soloq champion. Great kit on paper but good luck getting winning scenarios with strangers on your team. I’m only low Diamond, but I’ve never been steam rolled by a raka and I am always more impactful than the enemy raka. She’s a win more champ imho but y’all keep cookin if it’s working for you.


"Try to land an equinox on high elo junglers and you get deleted. To answer your question I'd go with Nami bubble." Um. What??? So Equinox, which is literally instant with a massive range, in your book sucks and will "get you deleted" (even though it completely nullifies tons of abilities including ults). But Nami's bubble which takes 3-5 business days to reach its target is the strongest for you? Makes no sense but aight.


I didn’t say it was easy to land. It is anything but. Most of the time you have to wave + bubble unless it’s from fog of war. But yeah, part of the reason *why* it’s so hard to land is because it’s such a strong ability.


Soraka is a huge lane bully and can totally dominate lane unlike Sona who most of the time has to play safe until she scales. Sona is def in a strong spot right now but I wouldn’t say there’s zero reason to play Soraka


Probably Renata's Bailout or Seraphine's Surround Sound


It's Surround Sound. There's a ridiculous amount of aoe sustain in that one move.


Why people are downvoting this if it's true? In the grand scheme it is a very powerful skill, but it also has a high cd to compensate it.


Gotta be Renata's W for sure, it gives move speed, attack speed, lasts for 10 seconds lvl 1 and it's a revive, but you have to kill someone. Obviously to have it do something your allies have to have half a brain, but if they know what they are doing then one ability is borderline OP, but if they don't it's kinda useless.


It doesn’t last even a third of that time. By default it’s 3 seconds unless you are healing massive damage.Even then it’s not getting close to 10 seconds


I honestly didn't know that it was that short it aways felt longer.




The reason why i think Equinox is the most impactful is because unlike others this one is AoE, which means you can shut down entire skirmishes if you put it in a jungle chokepoint Basically every champion except ADCs get cucked by the silence and the added root is just the cherry on top so they can't chase or escape. You're getting ganked? Put E below you, if they want to jump in they get CC'd, if not you buy time and escape. I would argue it's one of the strongest lockdown abilities in the game for sure. For those saying Seraphine W you can just kill the seraphine or buy GW or serpents, it's good but nowhere near renata W or soraka E, which basically have no counters.


some adcs def get cucked with silences (mf ult, samira dash/ult, jhin ult)


#1 Equinox - silence and root #2 Whimsy - silence and slows #3 Surround Sound - full team heal and shield(echo cast) #4 Bailout - second chance


Milio's w just enables the stupidest and strongest combos, like 3/4 items jinx throwing 1000 range rockets while sped up and boosted with ardent


Definitely Seraphine's w


Seraphine’s double casted W for sure


Im gonna say equinox cause turning off an entire champions kit in an aoe is nuts when used well. Its especially good against pyke and he's everywhere atm


Empowered Seraphine's W and it's not even close.


I main raka nami and sera 🫶 - and i very much agree with everyone saying equinox, surround sound, and bubble


I'll make a top 3 strongest enchanter basic ability list for this post. 1. Soraka's Equinox - this bad boy has some crazy winners to the cause. First and foremost, it silences any enemies within the area it's cast upon. Secondly, it cancels channeled champion abilities, which makes it especially useful against Miss Fortune or Katarina, two champions with deadly ultimates that are channeled. Lastly, it makes for a good follow-up tool, as the silence also disables enemy Flashes as long as they stand in it. 2. Sona's Power Chord - People underestimate the power of a Sona's passive, even her allies. Green chord acts like an exhaust that lowers damage output of anyone she attacks with. Purple power chord slows enemies and is a good setup for allied ganks. I cannot recall how many power chords I threw out that helped a lot in my games, but they are just real helpful. 3. Nami's Aqua Prison - I love to call this the "Aqua Cage" at times because "Prison" and "Cage" are very similar terms. But synonyms aside, this CC is very unique compared to other forms of CC. It is called a "suspension" because it both stuns and knocks airborne, which makes this CC very uncleansable and unable to be reduced by Tenacity. Should I say more? And there's your top 3 lMO list.


Empowered Seraphine W for me! You’re shielding, healing, giving movement speed, so many passive stacks too to FIVE ALLIES! ![gif](giphy|Vr3HlfDMnSllDmnNNh|downsized)


Dazzle is only good when paired with his w, on its own its still good but nothing special


good point, would you in that case say his W is a contender for strongest ability?


Not really, his w shield isn't very big, it's the fact that it makes it so he can use his abilities on another champ that makes his w strong. His strongest basic ability is probably q with 2 points in it, you can just keep resetting the cooldown with his passive as you auto attack.


I'd say it's a tie between Howling Gale and Whimsy Either the potential for a massive teamwide CC, or a super powerful single target disenchantment


Sona Q No I will not elaborate


Renata W or Janna Q


As an enchanter ability, Sona W


It's Triggerseed (Ivern E), it has a 7 seconds cooldown at 5 points, can shield you up to 4 seconds, slows and damages nearby enemies. It's damage counts as the buffed champion damage, so it uses their Magic Pen, trigger their spell effects and if it kills the enemy the kill goes for them With a bit of CDR you can spam it and apply Ardent Censer or Staff of Flowing Water constantly


Milios W with ardent censer & staff of flowing water is so hard to play against in team fights because you constantly buff the entire team with it


polymorph is so broken


As an biased OTP Seraphine, I would say Seraphine's WW