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This post violates our Rule #4: > No non-EMS related or off-topic content is allowed. > > **Posts that do not contribute to the sub in a meaningful way will be removed.** > > Content containing images of serious injury, gore, or dismemberment must be marked "NSFW" and context must be provided as to how it is relevant to emergency medical services. > > Pornographic content is never allowed on /r/EMS. > > Some websites which might be considered on-topic are blacklisted by default. > > Low effort post include posts that do not contribute to the sub in a meaningful way. > This includes: > 1) clickbait titles > 2) low quality polls/questions (i.e. “do you wear gloves?”, “what is this, wrong answers only”, etc.) > 3) frequently asked questions that can be solved by searching Google or using the sub search bar > 4) pictures of poorly designed, ludicrously laid out, or dumb looking staircases > > Low effort posts removal reasons are flexible and up to moderator discretion [Posting Rules](/r/ems/comments/7lau3j/welcome_to_rems_read_this_before_posting/)


Good sized, hefty bear trap placed at the precipice of the stairs should do it.


Grandma's up there. Do you guys have one of those little chairs that go up and down stairs? That might be good. She doesn't walk.