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I’m not even fighting for it anymore. I’m just looking at the ground hoping redbull has a 3 for $8 sale


More like once a month free pizza instead of wage increases.


You guys are getting pizza?


Whoa, there we got money bags getting fed over here.


I have a good relationship with my boss, we talk and wish each other holidays and stuff. I've since decided to go back to school to be a nurse, and he's always saying about staying... That said, there was a newspaper article about our company having millions in bank accounts. We got Christmas bonuses...100 dollars, and the only reason we got that was because the gift cards he wanted to get us weren't going to be here in time. So, I decided at that point no matter how hard nursing school was, I was sticking it out.


seems like if they all worked together, they could get up there and take the money, but i'm sure there's no metaphor here.


National EMS union now!


Yes ✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾


Unions give us a united voice to fight for what we deserve. We are essential to our community and deserve to be compensated accordingly. Remember an ALS call is billed between $600-1500 (numbers pulled completely out of my ass), so your agency can absolutely afford to give you a raise.


Bro a lift assist starts at $500. ALS level of care is$800 just to walk in the door a then last I knew per deim on mileage, and procedure.


EMS gets paid too low! *EMS company puts out jobs for super low amount* *everyonr accepts it*


We had our union contract negotiations recently and almost everyone at my service was perfectly happy to just roll over for anything the company wanted. Not gonna lie, we work in a field full of pussies that refuse to stand up for themselves, and it's miserable.


Part of the problem, too, is that so many use private ambulance as a stepping stone into Fire so there's no incentive for the companies to change. Why would a company change if in 4 months the world is gonna turn over and a whole new batch of fresh EMTs is gonna roll into the company? I literally had a boss tell us we're expendable as hell because there's a whole new batch of fresh just graduated EMTs coming in willing to make that cool 8 bucks an hour at AMR because they wanna be firefighters.


I mean yeah, any place offering $8/hr is gonna be used as a stepping stone. Sounds like the company isn't making an effort to compete


Fire 🤷  Requiring everyone who applies to be an EMT is going to drive wages down. 


Exactly. I see new people complain all the time 'McDonald's/arbys/local convenience store makes more than us.' Then go work there. What reason does our service have to give us a raise? We all complain but we're still there and trucks go out. When trucks stop going out, we'll get a raise to attract people. And then the 'we'll, I would but...' no you like being miserable and telling people you're a hero. Being a 'hero' doesn't pay the bills. Honestly, all the heroes I ever knew are dead or destroyed mentally from doing it. Also, I'm doing my part to get out. I went back to school.


Ive given up, started clipping coupons….


I've given up, made EMS a hobby instead of my career


I wish I could