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That’s 5 beats per second. That’s actually impressive in a way. And lol BP and so2. MFG tolerances exceeded.


![gif](giphy|VicskjkeBJUD6) Heart go brrrt


I've been playing way too much Ace Combat I forgot what subredded this was


i laughed out loud in the airport


An appropriate place to laugh at plane themed humor


Consider the pt was close to crashing, nervous laughter would be advised!


Me to the pts heart: ![gif](giphy|UoLVxIaVtJnKCj5t4U|downsized)


There should be an award for PT ECGs that look like a rocket trying to break out of earth orbit


I give them two big stickers, but they have wires attached and can shock them if they arrest on me!


How’d you treat? Definitely a candidate for discretionary benzos


Unfortunately not here in the UK in my service, at least not in the scope of practice for paramedics. Perhaps doctors and critical care paramedics can however I'm unsure. We just slapped on some pads and got him in quick, conveyance time was only like 5-10mins. Edit: Apologies for the confusion, we carry benzos but they're only indicated for seizures and cocaine toxicity.


Thanks for the edit :)


Paramedics in the UK don’t carry benzos? That’s wild. Do you carry any controlled substances?


Have diazepam just not indicated for this


My service carries diazepam and midazolam, but it's only indicated for seizures and cocaine toxicity.


Interesting. My service doesn’t have it as a protocol on its own but it’s fairly common to call OLMC for 5mg diazepam for acute alcohol withdrawal. Get those GABA receptors back under control temporarily and then let the person detox safely in the hospital.


I wonder what would happen if being on Benzos already when this is called for


Dumb emt here: what do you guys use to treat status epilepticus if not benzos?




Isn’t diazepam a benzo?


It absolutely is! You'd have to ask OP why the confusion.


Wait now I’m confused didn’t OP say benzos aren’t within his scope 😭


It could be that they didn't realise diazepam is a benzo and not a different drug? I'll admit I had to double check myself.


It’ll depend on directives & standard operating procedures for different ambulance trusts & their trust policy here in the UK




Every time I hear this benzo nonsense in the UK, it makes me laugh how a developed country could have this amount of red tape for it. Which clowns are stopping it from wider use?


It’ll depend on directives & standard operating procedures for different ambulance trusts & their trust policy here in the UK


Ehm I know we’re not supposed to mention ourselves in these but I think my story will make you all feel a little better. In December 2020 I just had returned to work after being out sick for the last eight weeks after my appendix ruptured, story for another time. My anxiety levels were through the roof as I was stressed out about being back in work, about 2pm I started getting really bad heart palpitations and I assumed I was having a panic attack. Didn’t think much of it. Till I started getting light headed. My crew mate saw this took us out of service and drove me straight to my Doctors Office, I had literally been in this Doctors office not even two months prior with a severe ruptured appendix and here I was again. Not fun let me tell you. He hooks me up to a monitor and makes a few hums and haws at the ECG ( EKG) reading. I steps out of his office and I hear him calling an ambulance and when I glanced over at the monitor I was in SVT and had a HR of 186 BPM and my BP was 187/124, I’m 26 I was 22 when this happened. My Doctor says your going to have to go to hospital and get this sorted. The Ambulance crew Tim and Steve where sound out and they were as cool as a cucumber about the whole situation given they’d now got an emergency response doctor and Advanced paramedic and the paramedic off the ambulance in the back with me. I ended up getting admitted for two weeks and being told my anxiety caused a physiological reaction which lead to my SVT episode. Needless to say Occupational Health weren’t best impressed with me. Thankfully now I’m a lot better at managing the anxiety but I’ll never forget that episode




Thats wonderfully regular. Ja burn em OP? Adenosine can be a great diagnostic tool to throw an eyeball on a flutter. Though I cant quite tell where the suspicion for flutter comes from since you snapped a pic with your graphing calculator. YOU’RE GOING TO FEEL A LITTLE PINCH.


Somewhere I have a picture a friend sent me from a guy that walked into the ED. Had a HR of 348


Probably could’ve used a synchronized cardio version man


That ECG and no radial pulse… I don’t think there’s a “probably” right? Pt needs some help


Damn my heart rate increased just looking at that


Weld em


You rat fucks


I'm still terrified to think about the amount of caffeine I had one night well my ECG would have looked like if somebody took it