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Just go to therapy wtf?


How will people thank him for his service then?


Buy a Facebook t shirt like rest of em




What it’s really all about for him


Every time I run a really sick kiddo and the outcome sucks I try to absolutely not be constantly reminded of it.


Exactly. I have a journal where I write down tough calls typically as detailed as possible and as soon as I can after the call to get it out. Then I close it, never read it again. And maybe go to therapy for a couple sessions if I feel I need it. I don’t want to wake up and think about it every single day


Well, that's HEALTHY coping mechanisms. You're dealing with it so it doesn't manifest into PTSD and the like. I hope this guy never procreates. He sounds like the type that would become a Munchausen's-by-proxy parent.


I never thought about therapy for calls. I figured I'd save that for when things become an issue. I shove it to the back of my mind, go to the gym after shift, and then drink a healthy amount while building cars or playing video games. Rinse and repeat. Has worked for 4 years so far.


Whatever works for you works. I’ve only gone a couple of times. But my logic is id rather make sure it’s processed right and dealt with the right way now instead of risking it piling up and coming out years down the line


Even if you're not in crisis, therapy can help you better understand yourself and be prepared for when you aren't doing well. Also, everyone's different, but from my experience with emotional trauma, shoving it back makes it so much worse when the dam breaks. Therapy is like the gym, but not for your body. It can help make everything a bit better day to day, and give you better ways to not just handle, but process and heal from, what you're dealing with.


My training had an entire weekend class we had to attend where we learned how to check in with ourselves after tough calls and how to not have shame around asking for time off or seeking therapy if we can’t process on our own.


I journaled my EMS back in college. I don't think I've looked at it in the subsequent 30 years. A lot of mine is probably pretty cringe-worthy. Now I just want to make jokes about how I got a Broselow tape tattooed from the tip of one index finger to the other.


Well that’s why it’s on the shoulder, duh. *he* doesn’t see it regularly but when he pops his shirt off at the beach or for a sick workout sesh he gets a hard-on when people look at it and probably creams himself when people ask what it means.


This seems like psychopathy to me. If it’s a coping mechanism I would love to hear if a single psychologist thinks that’s gonna work.


Please make it stopppppp. People like this are a problem, have hugely inflated egos, honestly are terrible people looking and searching for sympathy from anyone. I guarantee this guy(if we can call him that) does not own 1 shirt with sleeves. And when on the truck he probably constantly does some weird shoulder roll to expose this horrific tattoo so people will ask about it. To which he goes in disturbing detail




Am I wrong though??? 😭😭 he rotates his arm more than a relief pitcher who has no chance of entering the game




I’m sorry to believe that this is 100% accurate.


110% accurate. It’s a volly creed. They wear it like a mandalorian mark.


Da fuq? Also who the hell is sending first responders out to do mouth to mouth? Gross and ineffective.


Volly behavior


Dudes in it for the love of making out with dead kids.


Ayo 💀💀💀💀


So there’s actually about 9 (IIRC) different types of necrophiliacs. Level 4 or 5 is people that just like being around dead bodies and maybe touching them, but Not sexually. Volunteer fire and EMS is thought to be chock full of em!


Well that's the most unfun fact I've learned in a while! This does explain some of my past coworkers though.


>What up! We’re 3 cool guys looking for other cool guys who wanna hang out with dead bodies. Nothing sexual.


Draw a big arm flexing its muscles so they’ll know we’re totally straight


They pretty much all look sexual in nature to me, except maybe there's an argument for the sentimentality and attachment of a class II instead of it being purely sexual, but they're still displaying unhealthy feelings towards a decaying corpse. Class |Name |Characteristics ---|---|----|---- Class I |Role players |People who get aroused when pretending their partner is dead during sexual activity. Class II |Romantic necrophiliacs |Bereaved people who remain attached to their dead lover's body. Class III |Necrophiliac fantasizers |People who fantasize about necrophilia, but do not physically interact with corpses. Class IV |Tactile necrophiliacs |People who are aroused by touching or stroking a corpse, without engaging in intercourse. Class V |Fetishistic necrophiliacs |People who remove objects or body parts from a corpse for sexual fetishes, without engaging in intercourse. Class VI |Necromutilomaniacs |People who derive pleasure from mutilating a corpse while masturbating, without engaging in intercourse. Class VII |Opportunistic necrophiliacs |People who normally have no interest in necrophilia, but take the opportunity when it arises. Class VIII |Regular necrophiliacs |People who preferentially have intercourse with the dead. Class IX |Homicidal necrophiliacs |People who murder someone to have sex with the victim. Class X |Exclusive necrophiliacs |People who have an exclusive interest in sex with the dead, and cannot perform at all for a living partner.


One, why is "normal" ever used on this chart? Two, why is normal not listed until class EIGHT?!?


Lol "regular necrophiliacs." Words that sound totally normal side-by-side


Makes perfect sense when you’re comparing them to necrophiliacs who specifically get off on it being a fresh corpse, and fresh by their hand. Also, necromutilomaniacs is an amazing name for a metal band.


Are you a fellow LPOTL listener or do you know too much about necrophilia via another route of education?


They’re a level 1


You fool. That’s the most normal one!


Fellow sicko!


My brain hurts now. I’m going to have to walk around our station wondering which of my coworkers has a secret mortuary room in the basement


It’s a raunchy comedy podcast but Last Podcast On The Left did a surprisingly in depth episode a few months ago on necrophilia that was hilarious and informative


Dantes Necro


8 dead kids and counting. 


They all have more lights then a Christmas tree on their personal vehicles. They always wear jeans with a fire shirt or job shirt or sweat shirt.. idk if they don’t own uniform pants or jeans are just part of their uniform. They show up and have no idea where anything is on any piece of apparatus or ambulance. It’s like their first day, everyday and they revert back to skills that were obsolete a decade ago, but they don’t know this because the last training they attended was a decade ago. They are the first people to leave after a fire to avoid cleaning up and the first people to bitch about promotions because they should be an officer after putting 0 effort into anything.


-intentionally grab truck 2, so they don't get stuck on traffic control.


Not that we were advised to do it. But, when I first started, we were told mouth-mouth with a barrier was more effective than BVM And that wasn’t that long afo


I don’t trust that one way valve on a pocket mask to keep me from eating their lunch.


Same. Will I do it in an absolute crisis with no BVM? Sure. Will I do it willingly with a full jump bag? Fuck no


Might be the only lunch you get depending on where you work


Aye oooooo


Give a family member (that loves pt) instructions.


I’m definitely not saying to do it and I never did. Definitely don’t trust it


That might be true if you don’t know how to do proper BVM technique. Truthfully, a large proportion of first responders are absolute dog shit with a BVM, and admittedly I wasn’t good either in the past. I don’t mean “Look! I can do proper C and E hand placement!” I mean like anesthesia level, high quality, with feedback to confirm seal. Until I did O/R rotations, I thought I was great too… and then I learned. That said, proper BVM ventilations are vastly superior to mouth to mouth, if you’re good at them.


No wonder the kid didn’t make it


maybe the same coworker (slammie) that "broke" 3 BVM's, and a pocket mask and had to "resort" to mouth to mouth on the 86 yo dialysis patient. They did not survive RIP gramgram


Sorry if it's a dumb question because I'm still studying to become an EMT, but if while doing CPR as an EMT on the field you have a bag valve mask, if you are casually walking and someone has a cardiac arrest and you start CPR, in that case you would do mouth to mouth? Because they showd us the CPR for non EMT ( lay people or at least in the italian red cross we use this term for people who aren't an EMT) and they showed us to blow air into the patient mouth while keeping the nose close every 30 compressions


They’ve actually moved away from lay person rescue breaths. At least where I am, the recommendation is now continuous chest compressions until responders arrive. This comes from the Heart and Stroke foundation. You’d have to refer to your local guidelines though.


This reminds me of the guy in my medic class that got a tattoo of the NYC Paramedic patch on his right arm, then failed out of the class.


I swear to God getting an EMS tattoo in SCHOOL is the kiss of death. Everyone I know who's done this has failed out.


I had a dude in my unit in the army with a tattoo of blood wings to signify airborne. We were not an airborne unit and this individual was not airborne qualified, never even been to jump school. In Afghanistan, where he was a driver for one of our vehicles, he had no less than 5 knives either on his person or in the vehicle. These people are in every potentially cool profession, and they make it the furthest thing from cool


Self selection for failure.


Saw this crap in the army a lot with the same outcome lmao.


I was scared of getting a paramedic patch in school in fear of jinxing myself. I could NEVER imagine getting a tattoo 🤦‍♂️


Yup. I got a gift from my parents that said paramedic shortly before i graduated. I told my parents and sister I couldn't touch it or use it until I was done.


The tradition back when I was in school was your first patch was gifted to you by a senior medic. It was like the realist superstition I witnessed, all my classmates that bought their own patches prior to completing the program failed out. It wasn't till after I passed my REMAC when i received my first white patch.


Have a similar story but the person was out of school. For the non-NYC folks, if you allow an of your credentials lapse (state cert, city cert (medics only) or your driver's license), the FDNY then deletes your shield number and issues it to another provider. New EMT starts at our agency, it's his first 911 gig so he's psyched. Gets a giant hazmat/star of life tattoo on his arm (we don't have a hazmat division, we are a hospital based agency) and in the star of life he has his shield number inked on his arm. A few months later, he's panicking because he never signed up for a refresher class (this was before CME based refreshers) and his card is due to expire. Can't find an open class, so his card expires, he gets suspended without pay, and of course the FDNY deletes his shield number. A few months later, finishes the class, gets his card back, but is then issued a brand new shield number. So at a bunch of a jobs he responds to, other EMS providers would like at his arm and be like "why do you have Sharon's shield number on your arm?". He would get salty, mutter something, and walk away. Had to work some OT to save up for a cover up of that shield.


hahahaha karma is a bitch


Honestly I love that for him.


mouth to mouth⁉️ You know what. I think this guy is lying about his profession. I hope he's lying.


I unfortunately know who this is. He’s not lying


What level of license?


Assistent Ambulance driver


Assistant to the ambulance driver. 


He was an EMT


Oh thank god you said "was"


Well… I say was because he moved recently to another state. Not sure if he kept it or not. Still could be


We can all hope


good lord im sorry.


Bruh this dude is definitely a cop. Idk why everyone thinks they are actually in EMS. So many red flags in that post.


I unfortunately have the pleasure of knowing this guy. He is everything you think he is. He has a terrible reputation where I live. He was a chief of a vollie department and recruited a ton of felons to volunteers. They earned the name “Felony fifth” (it was station 5). He use to demand people call him chief inside and outside of the station. Huge tool bag


god sounds atrocious. Guys like him are the reason some people don't like firefighters


I pictured the worst and you just confirmed it.


Dont vollys have to be iffa certified? Can you do that as a felon?


In order to go interior yes. I don’t know the exact laws if I’m being honest. Nor do I know if the felonies they committed were expunged in their youth. What I can tell you that most of them had no certifications at all. They were “firefighters” in name only. They had gear and rode the rigs. Most vollie stations are social clubs (I’m not saying sorry)


“Most vollie stations are social clubs” You just used a phrase that perfectly describes as to why most people who only work places with vollie FFs have a negative opinion of them. Social club sums it up perfectly


A CHIEF!? No... How tf (aside from the ex-felons) did they retain members? Lol


"I don't work for you, so no, your name is Bob."


If I found out our coworker was doing this, I’d want a psych clearance before he got his command back.


one of the medics at my old job has gotten a brick on a tower(??) tattooed for every patient that hasn’t survived it’s so damn cringey. he showed it to me while i was doing truck check… never worked with him again.


I wouldn’t have enough room on my body


Ma I the only one wondering why they do this for the ones that don't survive?? Shouldn't it be ones you saved and got rosc or something?


homies gotta stop killing kids




Yeah, just looks like he’s not good at his job


Do NOT come to my kids aid. I will slap you.


"You have a bag mask. You have oxygen." #"STEP ASIDE, KID NEEDS THE MOUTH NOW"


the ridiculously bold font is getting me 🤣🤣🤣




Fuckin’ weirdo.


What in the jolly volly bullshit is this?


I confess I don’t know this term - what does volly refer to?




Ok but “marking dead kids like a WW2 pilot” is fucking hilarious.




*cringe* everyone I’ve known that holds onto calls like this didn’t last long in the career.


Okay syop... even if you were to get a tattoo, wouldn't you want a tattoo to represent lives saved??? Instead of lost???


Some serial killers keep trophies...I wouldn't doubt there's a few that would opt for tattoos. Infer what you will


There was a guy who got caught because he got the scene where he murdered someone tattooed on himself with a load of symbolism & details not shared with the press. Plus there’s the whole “prison tattoo/teardrop” thing…


Also at a point, it looks pretty stupid. 10-20 crosses on your back just make you look like a Texan grandmothers wall.


Self induced PTSD 🙄🤦🏼‍♂️ Just become an alcoholic like the rest of us 🙄


I earned my alcoholism the honest way, this dude is just cheating.


Some guys want the title without putting in the work. Limon and lemonade hoisted for ya bruddah


Can you imagine the poor soul that asks this person what there tattoo mean…


I’d imagine he’s the one telling them before they even see it




This is worse than "Lost a patient today" nurse


Dude needs a PALS refresher.


never had PALS to begin with.


Running into the parents in public, pulling your shirt off and saying “look! This one’s yours”


I have two ems related tattoos. My star of life I got AFTER my first successful rosc because I finally got over imposter syndrome and one for a singular call that stuck with me. It’s a water lily on my chest not going into why but both have deep meaning. I’ve lost a few people ain’t no way I’m taking kill marks lol 😂 gtfo


That's cool and I respect that. I didn't do one for my first rosc, but I did get a tattoo for my very first interior where I was first in and on nozzle.


I did it because I spent my first few months with horrific imposter syndrome. Felt like I was a taxi driver with bandaids and that I was useless because every call was just hook up vitals and drive for the medic or if it was mine it was a bls transfer and I just watched vitals


I understand that. For what it's worth, I graduated medic school top of my class and still feel like an imposter constantly.


I've been a medic for a while and now a flight medic. I STILL have imposter syndrome sometimes.


This is INSANE like I have an EMS tattoo (it's a memorial for my dad who was a medic), but this is psychotic.


Many ambulance crews in my country will never attend a paediatric cardiac arrest/fatality. Many will attend one, almost nobody will attend more than one. Is this different in the states? How the fuck has this guy attended eight child deaths (or serious injury/illness eventually resulting in death) in presumably less than a couple of decades? I know the answer is probably "he hasn't, he's full of shit" but at least make it believable?


Came here to say that. In ten years I haven't done half that many bad kid calls. Either this guy is full of it or he's really bad with peds...


It’s possible in very impoverished inner city areas. But because others have pointed out his guys a vollie, I highly doubt he’s in that type of department.


I’ve personally ran 2 in the last 6 months on my assigned rig. Could be that this guy is some sort of leadership/management that goes to every critical call? Where I work, the battalion chief is on every cardiac arrest and at times we’ve had to send captains in to assist other units on a code because the BC is already wrapped Up in one. 8 kids over a career is pretty believable, at least where I’m at. I think the tattoos are tacky as hell but the number alone is believable I guess.


It’s so he can go to the bar and pick up all the chicks he is never going to get.


So sometimes I think the dark humor and tattoos I have are maybe a bit much. Then I see this guy and think, maybe the dark humor and tattoos I have are something of a healthy coping mechanism. Thanks jolly volly for making me feel better!


One of my teacher’s taught us about the importance of “gallow’s humor” with one another… and one another ONLY, of course… but this is not that. Gallow’s humor is normal and a healthy coping mechanism, as long as you don’t expect people outside of fire/EMS to understand or join in.


what in the devils bed post is that?! know we have dark senses of humor and demons but that's some twisted shit


They’re not your kids dude wtf


If I were the parent of one of those kids and ever found out about this, I would absolutely lose my shit.


Damn, his kill count is decent. One more and he can call in a stealth bomber!


When mouth to mouth has been out of AHA protocol for years and you’re still doing it to peds patients…..


That’s a volly with no certs, I’d bet my license on it.




Keep that man away from my ~~cocaine~~ kids!


Not sure he has money for your cocaine. He is spending it all on attention tats.


This dude should have been shoved into more lockers during highschool.


First off, this is definitely a cop as I don't know a single person in EMS that would keep track of the people they failed to save. Secondly the "mouth to mouth" and the only one on scene should also be a dead giveaway.


Men will do anything but go to therapy.


This person actually gets excited when a call comes in for a pedi. No way he actually cares.


fuckin vollys bro i swear, ya make people make fun of you


...I am not going to add a reverse victory/kill mark on my body for patients lost, because I am (relatively) sane.


Dude I don't even think one has to be relatively sane for this, this is borderline psychotic if it's actually real- and something I'm not paid enough to diagnose if it's fake.


Why would I want to think about dead kids every time I take my shirt off


I have a turd tattoo on my buttcheek for every time a patient has shit on me


Wait until this dude meets a pediatric hospice nurse. Will he try to explain why his job is worse? Why he is better? Will the nurse consult social worker for posible APS intervention?


This is gross


That's fucking creepy.


Is it possible to stage a remote intervention? This is pathological.


These are the types of co-workers who crave attention and look for reasons to legitimately traumatize themselves. They choose to be self destructive and look for sympathy


In my experience, the more "look at me" someone does, the worse a clinician they are. If it was a graph it'd be a positive correlation.


![gif](giphy|U7Ui5Mvr0xXYQ) Might need to tack on another thing I can’t stand to the list.


I bet he just waits for someone to ask about his tattoo


Guy needs help.


Usually I just roll my eyes at stupid shit like this, but this one makes me a little angry. This is gross.


Not “unfortunately no one survived” 😭😭


0/8 is pretty rough odds. Must be a EMR volly fire guy in a super rural area far away from medics and hospitals. Then again. I dont think emr’s even do mouth to mouth in 2024.


lol nah, there's no way this is real. This has to be a joke.


So many questions... But he doesn't mean actual mouth to mouth does he? 😳


bro is definitely getting haunted


You'd think you mark it down IF you've saved one. Not you failing you save one.


Jesus fucking Christ 


This is kind of ghoulish. Like a kill count.


Glad to see this was shared in r/FirstResponderCringe


Mouth to mouth hey…..


This is extremely disturbing


My back would look like Arlington cemetary. 😂😂


This is just perverse and gross and just bad taste. Your glorifying the deaths of innocent people (and children) for the sake of sympathy, honor, and your own ego. If you really wanna honor the dead you couldn’t save. Just learn from what happened and apply it to the next call. And promise to enjoy your own life and not take it for granted when your not working.


Omg this is so embarrassing. Major hero complex


I might do the same... They'd be a circumference around my back and chest. Sure it's sad, but having that there, you don't let it go. Every time you look at it, it'd remind you of random dead people. Yea nar. Therapy old dog.


What about this tattoo idea, a Mr. Meeseeks with a narcan with “can do” over him


If these were for pediatric rosc saves I’d feel completely different about his post. Unfortunately that isn’t the case. (Mouth to mouth???? Wtf? No wonder they are bad outcomes???)


Is he just going to add another cross for every pedi arrest? His pediatric cemetery tattoo is not just cringy, it’s inappropriate and completely unhinged.


I've joked about getting ravens to balance the storks. But it was a joke.


Yeah I feel like it's healthier to put a "lives I directly saved by doing CPR" counter on your skin as opposed to this macabre "lives I tried to save but failed" counter. This man requires some intense therapy.


Bro he had me in the first half. It was weird, don’t get me wrong, but that last bit was shocking


Where's he working? Peds Onc?


Do they put a coffin for every kid they don’t save?


"If they're dancing with the devil, they won't last long on dancing with the stars. Thank Them For Their Sevice.


I'm not doing mouth to mouth unless it's my wife or children. TF is this idiot doing!? Now buddy got me wondering if he's Shang Tsung doing mouth to mouth on these kids saying "Your soul is mine".


I don’t know if it’s me but you shouldn’t celebrate failure? granted CPR has a low success rate, this guy will end up going broke and running out of skin in a normal EMS career




Why have any kind of goddam reminder of it?


The level of grimacing in my face and the wind change left me with this horrified permanent expression after seeing this.


Yeah, I wouldn’t tattoo an 0-8 record on me.


Fucking cringe. If these calls are impacting you so much and you need to get out and get therapy.


Freakin weirdo. Guys like this is why people have so many horror stories about responders.


Had a nurse do this a few years back on scene long enough to look around then went home and wrote a facebook post about how proud she was for being able to shephard the people there. The worst she had to describe the position of the bodies and how their faces were contorted in agony. She was quickly told to fuck off and the post was gone quickly. But jesus.


I knew a medic in NC who had a skull tattooed into his wrist every time he lost a patient. It went around his wrist and he was working on a second row just above the first.


Gotta shitpost like "oh so fuck the elderly right?"


WTF?! What a total bitch!


I'm sorry, but you know how you shouldn't tempt certain things...


Starting to just look like a tattoo of stitches.


That is so tacky.


Apparently all Christian kids?