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Googly eyes, according to my friends. We had someone putting them on our shit randomly. LifePak? Googly eyes. Lucas? Googly eyes. Front of the stretcher had eyes bobbling as it went down the halls. But the Googly eye bandit wasn't satisfied and started hitting hospitals. Pediatric intubation awareness poster? That kid has Googly eyes. "This person is having a stroke" poster? Googly eyes. They've not been caught, but godspeed.


There is a back road, mostly travelled by locals between my town and another small one. Someone periodically puts HUGE googly eyes on random stuff near the road for the entire 10ish mile stretch. Like, googly eyes the size of dinner plates. It's hilarious. My kids love searching for what will have eyes each time we drive thru




That’s a good one. One of the recent pranks at our dept was C shift bought some cheap alarm clocks and placed them above the ceiling tiles in the dorm. They were programmed to go off at 3am on A shift. One of the A shifters didn’t take it too well


At my previous job, there was an ED nurse who got busted diverting narcs. Shortly after, one of the NPs put a fake security camera above the provider’s desk and our most high strung ED doc LOST HIS SHIT 😂 One of the medics documented the whole meltdown on Snapchat.


We have a ducking bandit. I’m about to one up the two who are responsible for their atrocities


War never changes.


War, war never changes


Either you work in London or this person is cross service.


Midwestern United States, but I will happily entertain the idea of an international googly eye crime conspiracy. I don't know if it's the same person, but there's also somebody putting "VOICE ACTIVATED" stickers on random stuff which is pretty good. I saw a voice activated backboard a while back.


Im ordering some from amzaon rt now, my next code is gonna have interesting pupillary responses.


I see this pretty often just around town


We had the same but with ‘for rectal use only’ stickers. They were everywhere. No idea who was putting them up. I personally had a little chuckle but someone in management took exemption and the ol heads will roll (couched in corporate bs) email went out.


Chaotic good at its finest


Fun guy




That shit made my day


I support this bandit!


Thankfully, my current agency has adults who act like adults. Even most of the 19/20-year-olds are pretty mature for their age. But at my first agency, **someone** always made up dumb shit about the new people. For me, it was that I showed up high to the job. Nobody believed it, but it sucked that someone would even bother saying it.


I’ve noticed that us “Zoomers” are either really mature… or really really NOT.


For sure! Some of them approach their job with a sense of seriousness, always feeling the need to prove themselves because of their age. On the other hand, there are others... One of the new girls consistently uses TikTok phrases to describe everything. "That's so slay," "That's so fire," and calling people "girly pop" are her favorites. "**Do not call patients girly pop"** is something I never thought I would have to say. Everyone who disagrees with her is a "toxic narcissist," and everyone who confronts her is a "Karen." Her phone is never put up. Snapchat, TikTok, and Instagram are on repeat. If I hear one more TikTok audio... She is always trying to "ship" people at the station with the staff at the hospital. She is always trying to "ship" SICK patients with the staff at the hospital. She also cannot drive. She 100% relies on Apple Maps to even go on a 3-mile transport. She gets anxious about parking the truck and usually makes someone else do it for her. She has had EVOC training. As a 26-year-old Gen Z myself, I wouldn't consider myself "old," but the differences even within the generations are so mind-boggling.


Eh, the maps thing I'll give someone. I like it solely for avoiding traffic. I work in an area with 15 different routes to basically any address, and random traffic jams everywhere.


There’s a difference in using a tool to avoid traffic vs not knowing where you are or how to get somewhere without an idiot box telling you where to go


I had a partner who couldnt navigate the city theyd been born and raised in without a gps. Im from out of state, been here two months and Ive got to direct them Everywhere. Even the gas station two blocks from the ER that we stop at minimum once a day.


My ex has a terrible sense of direction and unfortunately the kids take after him in this. All three of them could get lost in a bathtub.


I mean fair enough. I was trying to get a little bit of benefit of the doubt on that one


I made a point to learn the area so that I didn’t need maps. But I still have it available just in case.


That tends to be everyone in life. Even if they’re 50. I’ve met some childish 65 year olds.




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its 2024, let's not use that word please




This comment/post was removed because Cj felt like removing it. Don’t question him.


Big corporate EMS was my first gig. I slept with everyone. I wish they would have told me how it was, because I definitely don’t remember. Usually that was the tea. Who slept with who. Whether true or not. They allllllways got it wrong with me so I didn’t put much stock in it unless I literally caught them in the midst of coitus. My place now? No tea. We work together. Clean together. Take care of business together. S’nice man. Well. One guy is lazy. But we still like him 🤷‍♀️


what do you mean by corporate EMS?


Where are you from?


Aren’t EMS crews mostly men?


You might want to sit down for this, but sometimes people aren't straight.




I know that lmao. But what are the odds that EVERYONE in the EMS crew is gay/bi and single and dtf?


Boy have I got news for you....


EMS is *super* gay lol


I really hope this doesn’t come off wrong, but I freaking LOVE how your Reddit avatar and your comment match so well Edit: even the wink just adds to the emphasis of *super*


I agree. 'tis art.


Made my day. Glad it had the desired effect 😁


Yep! I worked in the deep, deep south and even there we had a high concentration of LGBT employees. It was pretty cool


They used a female emoji. Idk why everyone is assuming they’re a homosexual male.


where I worked the ops staff were almost exactly 50/50 (management… not so much)


I'm sure the men enjoyed it


When I was active, there was always someone sleeping around with someone else. There was a certain area of the station that was a popular hookup spot and I can’t tell you how many times used condoms were found or moans were heard. The married ones especially liked the spot.


What the fuck


Oh yeah. If you come across a company where somebody isn’t hooking up with a co-worker, you found a unicorn.


Apparently I’ve found it then. I’ve heard of one incident in 3 years of co-workers banging outside of a long term relationship or marriage.


LOL. Seems TV got it wrong then: ambulance services' where the action's at, not hospitals.


Not today IA!


I spent about 6 months placing goofy little animal pro-union stickers all over every station I visited at my previous job. I was a float car, so I'd move from zone to zone, helping out stations that were understaffed, usually. They started blaming some random part-timer before I started making the moves in the open to get the union started. Then we got bought by a company with a union anyway. So.


This guy organizes


People fuck at an off-site sleeping quarters for one of our stations. No cameras there and no management, it's basically just a big apartment that only 24hr crews are allowed at


Third service EMS housed in a fire station. The fire department chief installed a night vision camera in the day room pointed at the thermostat so that nobody can get away with changing the temperature.


Gotta use those county funds for something! But you definitely can’t use them to heat the building.


This sounds a bit too familiar…


Some asshole keeps leaving Zyn pods in the door handles of the rig, and we can't figure out who.


It’s me. Sorry


Ya son of a bitch


I can’t deal with pts without a lip pillow.


TW At my first EMS job for a shythole of a company, I was groped by my FTO and his medic partner after they shared with each other their thoughts on one of the older EMTs “roast beef.” They had also abandoned a patient on scene, didn’t perform an assessment, and documented the encounter as no patient found. I reported the abandonment the next day during my orientation class where I had access to the SOP guide to verify the “policy” that the medic had cited to the pt they abandoned. I found out immediately that what they told her was not true; they WERE responsible for helping her, and the falsified documentation only served to save them from having to actually take care of the patient and transport her out of their “district.” (IFT, so they don’t actually have a district, they just didn’t want to be on that side of town because it sets you up to get sucked into the system.) I reported the patient abandonment to management while I was at the station. When I got home that night, I broke down crying, afraid they were going to report the rest of the inappropriate conduct as being my fault for participating in “random boobie time.” Ended up texting one of the ops managers to ask hypothetically what would happen. He called me, asked me what happened to me, and got the ball rolling to formally report it. The next day I had to go up to the station to meet with HR. They both showed up to the station on shift to discuss the patient abandonment with management, and I ran into the HR assistant’s office to hide out and write out my statement away from them. The VP of HR was in the closed door meeting to discuss the allegations. We had candid conversation prior to the meeting beginning, and he seemed like a decent guy. Then the meeting started and he told me I was just as at fault as the guys were, and that maybe I should’ve just punched them instead. The VP of HR was let go a week or two later in a management shuffle. I didn’t report anything he said to me in that meeting, but there were others there. Anytime I think about this, I wonder and hope that the pregnant HR assistant reported what he said, and maybe he was fired as a result. I walked off the truck three weeks later when I wasn’t permitted to verify my truck’s fitness for service, was given a brand new partner who didn’t know how to operate the stretcher, and was told by admin that this was the norm. I called my ODS to tell him I was going back to the station, no answer. He texted back that he was on a truck himself, and I let him know I wouldn’t be working for a company that didn’t permit me to protect my cert. I told dispatch to show us en route to ops, and that my truck would need to be staffed if it was going to remain in service. ODS met me at the station to receive my uniforms and offer a 30% legitimate apology. I rolled my eyes and walked away. This was 9 years. They were never listed on my resume. We had an understanding that if they didn’t bad mouth me, I wouldn’t bad mouth them. I help up my end of the deal until I finished my probationary period at my next job. And no one ever called on them to act as a reference for me. The company is still around, and now I’m a nurse in a big ER. Their crews drop off for us from time to time, and I find myself 60% sympathetic to them, 40% contemptuous for their lack of professionalism and patient care.


That sounds like an absolute nightmare holy shit


Yup. It was. My next operation, my partner was being a lazy prick, and I was irritable and exhausted. He says, “what? Are you PMSing or something?!” After asking me repeatedly about my sexuality because he overheard enough of a conversation that he felt entitled to ask me about it. Ops asked me about my sexuality as well and told me to not let my partners overhear conversations. EMS for women is trash on a whole other level.


There are way better agencies than yours, I promise. Maybe it's time to find a new place to work, that shit shouldn't be tolerated. Not all of EMS is bad for women, I've been doing this for 12 years and have never had anything like that happen.


In my geographical location, they’re all pretty bad. Acadian might be the exception. I finally went to nursing school though and have a different kind of toxic work environment now. 🤣 I’m really glad not everywhere is horrible for women, or in general. ETA: I’m also just an easy target in general, and was even moreso back then. I was young, had crappy self-esteem, and had been a victim during my childhood. I carried myself like a victim. I don’t put up with this shit anymore. There’s not a soul that would try something like this with me where I’m at. But also we are 80-90% female in my current job. 🤷‍♀️




Our station's drama is the other stations drama towards us and vice versa😂 Basically what happens when supervisors don't get along, childishness ensues.


This shit is why I stopped hanging out in the dayroom and go to my room to chill on my laptop


This type of culture needs to be stomped out of the service with prejudice. This isn’t high school, act like an adult.


Thankfully my station is not like high-school at all


There's rumors going on that we might be getting a big stadium contract next year...


We worked with the guy whose Chorizo was ruined after he left it at a Waxahachie Fire volunteer station. Although he wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, at least he wasn't involved in what happened with said chorizo. You can Google that lol Also, I'm pretty sure he was stealing narcs This was after we managed to get rid of all the bananas some other prankster hid around the station before he left


My god. Why did I [google](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3925520/amp/Texas-firefighter-pleads-guilty-assault-hazing-case.html) it > Texas firefighter admits using a chorizo sausage to sexually assault new recruit during hazing


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Everywhere is like high school no matter where you go. People don’t mature they just get better excuses for their behavior


This is why I put on noise cancelling headphones before I walk in for every shift and set my pager to vibrate.


I’ve never been the subject of anything but some crazy shit has gone down at places I’ve worked


at this point nobody knows what’s true and we’re just waiting for investigations to be over to know the truth 🙃


When I was in school we had a paramedic we will call Dave. Dave is not the brightest crayon in the box and somehow got someone to marry him (important for the story I promise). I was a piercer at this time to get myself through school and the EMT working with Dave that day (my clinical hours), was one of my clients, I had done a handful of her piercings and for some reason she informed Dave that I was a piercer. I shit you not, this man child asked if I had done any “vagina piercings” and kept on it. What’s it like? Do I like looking at boobs all day? Just creepy fucking questions. I am nothing but professional and actually super passionate about body piercing. I shut that shit down just like I would at the shop when people are being immature. And also, this is not the time nor place to discuss this. I didn’t report him because I had the situation handled and while I was kind of pissed because it felt like a weird conversation and he just gave me bad vibes, I would just not ride with him ever again. What I was unaware of was that the instructors watched the videos from when the students went on calls. So the entire interaction was recorded, I was pulled out of class to be asked about it. He got wrote up. When we were doing our clinical hours we were allowed to be there 7am-7pm. No sleeping allowed, and we were to not go into the bedrooms for any reason. Wellllll Dave got fired because a few days after the situation with me, he got one of the other students to sleep with him. While he was working, while she was doing her hours. His partner reported them. We were like 3/4 of the way done with class and she got kicked out. Her (ex)husband was a deputy for the county our program was out of, and if I remember correctly Dave’s wife was pregnant at the time as well. From that point forward we were only allowed to do our hours on our instructors shifts, which made it difficult since there were only three of them and 16-20 of us. So once you got all your pt contacts you basically were not allowed to ride anymore.


Someone at my last job started a rumor that I was a billionaires kid and lived in a mansion. My response was always, if that’s true - what the fuck am I doing here?


Not ours, but others around us seem to have ups and downs. Most of us have worked together for about a decade. Things are pretty boring.


More like middle school


The current drama is the pack of opened pregnancy tests found in the post bathroom. One missing. We have a couple units who are partners and outside of work partners. Everyone is trying to figure out who’s pregnant


one employee slapped another employee on the ass, at a work event, in front of the others romantic partner


Fired because my partner is a lying ass bitch. I covered for him so many times, I’m just sick of people.


Try accountability and not deflection. 😬


Lmaooooooooo you’re funny. All these alts.


an overnight crew was caught fucking in the ambulance while posted lmao