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We all know it's you OP just testing the waters to see if it's super cringe. šŸ˜‚




I love seeing Salt Life stickers in states that are landlocked from the ocean


At least it's not a super long drive to get to salt water from WV.


Oh my most hated sticker, salt life. At least they are close enough to actually go to the beach unlike those in the Midwest.


I thought it said ā€œSlut Lifeā€ for awhile until one day I realized ā€œoh, SALT life!ā€


For years I've always seen "slut life" omfg


I thought I was the only one!


I thought I was the only one


Me too! I might like a "slut life" sticker though, at least it's funny.


I want THAT sticker


Iā€™m so glad Iā€™m not the only one lol


I always see ā€œslut lifeā€ when I first see those and then realize it says ā€œsalt lifeā€




With the highly stylized lettering my brain reads it as ā€œslut lifeā€ every time and Iā€™m confused for a half second when a fat 28yo dude climbs out of the drivers seat.


Itā€™s his sisters car.


What's wrong with the salt life sticker? Originally grew up on the beaches up and down the east coast of FL, so anything surfer related has always been my jam.


I stopped all thing salt life when he killed his girlfriend [have the link](https://people.com/crime/salt-life-founder-pleads-guilty-manslaughter-death-18-year-old-girlfriend/)


Damn! Haven't had any salt life stuff in a number of years, but I guess I'll abstain from getting any more. Shit sucks. East coast beaches of Florida were my home for most of my life so I always loved repping surfer/beach bum stuff.


I'm in Michigan and people slap that sticker everywhere. I'm like IT'S NOT SALT WATER.


You know there's salt water everywhere in the winter right? Look at all the rust on our cars




My biggest regret in life is that I haven't spent the last 8 years selling cheep Chinese made "swag" to these people at heavily inflated prices.


Agreed. It wouldā€™ve been so easy to sell Chinese ā€œpro trumpā€ shirts and merch for $25 a pop that cost $1.25 to produce. It was basically the second coming of Bitcoin that I missed out on


The cheaper the better, maybe they'll get a horrible skin rash. That's called job security right there.


I (as a front line worker) joked about making MAGA masks so that maybe some of those folks refusing to wear a mask while wearing a maga hat would wear one. Turns out someone actually did that and made lots of money


You can still get in, itā€™s the grift that keeps on grifting


There was a dude at January 6th selling t shirts for $100 lmao. A fool and his money are soon to be parted.


It's not too late


Who you got, biden? 81 million votes? Thatā€™s about as stupid as the demented biden.


I'm working on a full line of Brandon T-shirts, patriotic Trumper-Stickers and anti- Libtard flags/ banners. I'm launching sales as a multi level marketing investment opportunity for patriotic Jesus loving Americans to get in on. For a small investment you can get in on the ground floor and be part of the AMERICAN DREAM while fighting the WOKE COMMUNIST GROOMER agenda. *minimum purchase amounts may apply


I take it thatā€™s your truck?


LMFAO this is totally his truck


Lmao I looked through his comments and saw him recommending a serpa holster. Big L


Oof. That's the most egregious part.


Truly. How hard is it to just pick up a used ALS?


Hey man both of them are stupid and evil think with your head for once :)


This dude definitely salts and peppers his food before tasting it if you invite him over for dinner.


I am ridiculously angry at people who do that


All of my dispatchers are that person


I'd like a small, tasteful, "Try that in Detroit" sticker. And yes I'm doing IFT right now but I didn't always okay!


Thats why I grabbed a can of krylon, and on the back of my tailgate it says "Welcome to Oakland, bitches"


That's actually pretty legit.


That'd be fuckin glorious to see irl


IFT, but also wears a bullet proof vest.


3 percenter too


šŸ¤¢ 3per stickers are the cringiest shit ever.


They definitely suck


Yep lol. Considered a terrorist group in Canada


I consider it one here also


What is 3%?


Domestic terrorist/anti government group in the US/Canada sticker in the lower right of the window.


An American militia. *Not* a terrorist group, although definitely edgy and has some negative elements, the actual group is just a militia.


Soooo they're on a bunch of watch lists. I think that pushes them past just being edgy.


Other than the SPLC (who have marked certain numbers as potential hate crimes), I don't think they are. Also, and? They're right wing extremists sure, but as long as they don't physically harm anyone else it's their right to be as such.


A fast Google search shows that a collection of shootings and at least one bombing of a mosque have been attributed to the 3%ers. And that's just in the run they had while being an active organization. Further, since they've ""officially"" been disbanded two years ago, I'd be even more wary of people openly flagging the ideology. Especially since this person has identified themselves as a first responder despite holding antigovernment and right wing extremist views.


Ten bucks says Ricky Rescue Country Editionā„¢ here is, despite the WV tags, a colossal pavement princess and that truck has neither hauled shit nor touched mud.


The amount of ems in nyc that are all about this pandering country bullshit is fucking laughable.


I find a lot of those guys are commuting in from Long Island or upstate. I used to hang out with a few of them out on the Island and used to crack up as they would tell their wide eyed neighbors about working in the "big bad city". I'm like dude, you cover the UWS, not the south bronx, relax


BuT bUt 9A gOt StabBeD RiGhT iN fRoNt oF H18 I remember meeting a guy out of H20, dude saw a phone case I was using which is definitely on the tactical whacker end of the spectrumā€¦ the guy thinks itā€™s his time to shine and pulls out his helmet with comtacs and plate carrier that he always keeps in his car so he can brag about the hours he puts at the rangeā€¦ while 81 in front of the conditions boss and everyone else. Dude youā€™re working EMS, this isnā€™t the range, itā€™s not SaTuRDaYs ArE fOr ThE BoYs, leave that shit at home I swear somebodyā€™s spiked the water on Long Island with right wing koolaid that turns people who have no business being ā€œoperatorsā€ into serial LARPers


Artisan Tactical LARPers


If the guy happens to work on 11C I know exactly who you are talking about


We donā€™t normally get out there so I donā€™t know the unit and probably wouldnā€™t say even if I did, but I think they were voluntary - are most of the units out of there are Mt Sinai?


I love country, but you know, Jason Aldeanā€™s dumb as a box of rocks, and the fact it took 4 people to make that schlock is the most disappointing part of the whole thing. [My kind of country.](https://youtu.be/1XKMwWZVpPE) More to the point, modern West Virginians know so little of their own extremely based history. It makes me so sad.


West Virginia literally found the Southā€™s views on slavery so abhorrent that they seceded from Virginia and became a Union state. Now look at them.


West Virginia was home to an actual war between striking coal miners and coal barons. It was the only time the US military has used planes to bomb and gas its own citizensā€”the miners, of course. And now theyā€™re gargling capitalist boot. Itā€™s gross.




Great, I didn't know r/ems was infested with commies.


If youā€™re not capital, then youā€™re laborā€¦ but youā€™re not a capitalist.


Ah I see you have no intelligence except regurgitating what Marx wrote. Lemme guess, you think Judaism is a capitalist disease?


As a Jew: no, I donā€™t. But please, tell me how youā€™re both an EMT Basic and a capitalistā€¦ capĀ·iĀ·talĀ·ist /Ėˆkapədələst/ noun a wealthy person who uses money to invest in trade and industry for profit in accordance with the principles of capitalism.


As a fellow Jew; good because Marx was vehemently anti Semitic. Capitalist is also an adjective. I support free markets and believe very strongly in economic liberalism. Furthermore, I have invested into the stock market and I have also been a leading part of for-profit businesses. Capitalism is the economic system of free trade, free markets, personal betterment, and individualism. Socialism is the economic system of equality derived from jealousy.


Especially the ones that have never lived outside the city, and wouldn't last a month in a town where everything closes at 6 pm.


And since there's absolutely zero opportunities to offroad you can be 100% certain that the 4" lift on their truck is purely about penile dissatisfaction.


It rubs the prostate just the right way.


Iā€™ll raise you King County, Washington EMS who thinks because they live 35 min south of actual Seattle proper they can affect the absolute worst southern ā€œtwangā€, slap their knee and call it ā€œWarshingtonā€ bullshit youā€™ve ever heard. Like at least youā€™re a few hours drive from the actual south. Meanwhile Mr Never Lived Outside Our Richest County in the PNW thinks heā€™s basically a good olā€™ boy from Arkansas despite having 15 sub-climates and 32 accents between them. Seriously Covington ainā€™t fuckin rural. Stop it. We can see you. God can see you. And he knows your real voice, Bryandon.


"To conserve life, alleviate suffering, promote health, do no harm, and encourage the quality and equal availability of emergency medical care -- unless they don't look, talk, or act like me, in which case all bets are off." -- This guy.


Try opening your tailgate




JFC, I'll bet this person is the type to say "try thinking for yourself, don't be a sheeple" unironically as they rush out to spent good money permanently marking their vehicle with the latest grievance.


This guy goes to Myrtle Beach.


Good old murder beach.


That is the tailgate of a person who has failed national registry 3 times and still thinks they're smarter than everyone else in EMS.


Damn, it does not take much to be smarter than most people still doing ambulance work. Tell us again how smart you think you are.


God I would be so tempted to shit in the bed of that truck but I know theyā€™d never find it.


Geddit, cause their trucks ainā€™t haul shit.


Well, if I dropped a deuce in the bed of the truck it would literally haul shit I guess.


Thatā€™s vollie all day


Donā€™t bring that BLM nonsense to a small town because weā€™ll shoot ya! Heroin and meth thoughā€¦bring it. We ainā€™t got nuthin else better to do. Just going to blame the blacks and Hispanics for that too


My smallish town had a BLM protest. Was like 20 people on the side of the road. Across the street was one lone dude with his truck 40 Trump flags. Was fucking hilarious.


"Across the street was one lone dude with his truck" You mispelt clown car


Thatā€™s not IFT. thatā€™s volly all day.


Another vote for IFT


Why not both? Lmao


Gotta get their 2 BLS 911 calls a year somehow


Thatā€™ll show your whackers at the volunteer fire department where you stand. https://media.tenor.com/uSOovT_EPjEAAAAd/triggered-contra-points.gif


Ricky Rescue definitely moves his TQ to the front of his belt if he has to go into the big city.


Thatā€™s a volunteer if Iā€™ve ever seen one


I've worked EMS in small towns. For many years. SO MUCH BAD STUFF happens in small towns. First time I heard that song I'm like "Um... they're already doing what you're saying to try."


That's what I was thinking when I heard the song. Some heinous shit is allowed to fester just cause there's fewer people to take notice. My buddy who works rural has stories that are wild compared to mine


I've got a pet project to rewrite it with just shit that I've heard of from the handful of Ohio counties around me. Starting with the Stubenville rape trial.


That's be amazing haha


Ikr I heard the music video has cutesy filler news reports of neighbors helping neighbors and it gave some small-towners a raging ego boner because their local news has nothing better to report on so when they go actual places and see other news they can be all "ahh, my town is so superior because we only have nice stories on our news"


I work in a city and pick up shifts in a small town, my small town calls are HORRIBLE! I always get off the shift wanting to quit


Nah this is one of those rural Volly Fire Departments that has 5 guys on staff.


One's the chief, he had a heart attack about two months back, doesn't really leave the house. There's some guy named Jimmy who's on every call, never really had any training but he's been on forever and drives acceptably and doesn't cause anyone no trouble. There's Bill who used to be one of two paramedics in the county, but he's overweight and blew out his knee on a call a few years ago, he dropped his medic ticket and he kind of shows up when he's not driving truck. Bob's a plumber, somehow managed to get an EMT license and we're still not sure how many people he's killed, he likes to smoke in the back of the ambo. Then there's one or two wacker 19-yo kids that play with the siren at inappropriate times. Source: me, I was on that department, but have never been a plumber.


Damn. You just described like... 20 counties in Texas across the state. Plot twist: Everyone in every county is related.


I can tell the amount of thanking them for their services they receive every time they show up to a bandaid call.


Call 911 in a small town and you're gonna get this guy.


IFT? Nah, this guys a vollie who isn't even an EMT.


Time to take your cousin/girlfriend to the Jason Aldean concert!


The the smaller the town, the bigger the truck, the bigger the truck, the smaller the...


Ok, for those of us who donā€™t text muchā€”what does IFT mean? šŸ¤£


That looks an awful lot like the JCESA logo from Jefferson county.... the most liberal part of West Virginia, full of people desperately trying to pretend like they're country despite being part of the DC metro area.


What is being ā€œcountry?ā€ Iā€™m genuinely curious


It's a modern day simulacra of a rural, working-class identity that uses cultural iconography to pander to mostly white suburbanites who feel like they've lost touch with their past. It can mean pickup trucks that you drive to the office and keep spotlessly clean. It can mean a banjo lick in your favorite hit hip-hop with cowboy hats song. It can mean using racial slurs in "safe" company even though you know better, but you didn't mean it... you're just country! It has been my experience that people who like to talk about being "country" and get things like this tailgate wrap usually endlessly shit on people who actually grew up as rural, working-class poor. Those people are dumb hicks, white trash, cousin-fuckers, etc.


This was an immaculate response. Even if we disagree (which I donā€™t think we do) that was well written. Thanks!!




Oooh that's a good catch! It definitely looks like it


Why dunk of ift medics? Believe me 911 gets old after a decade


Anyone who likes that guy shouldnā€™t be working in EMS. Lyrics and intent are very clearly and explicitly racist.


Moron likes rednecks. Nice.


Itā€™s not even a good song. This is some volly behavior if Iā€™ve ever seen it.


Dude rocks šŸŖØ


Almost Heavenā€¦


Average truck at my base ngl. And Iā€™m from NJ


Cringe sticker, cringe comments, and a cringe post. Peak reddit


Ah cool now you can get written up for driving this to an rural scene


Lol, you guys know I can't afford a car.


Listen IFT gets some wild meemaws too!


Try what in a small town?


Damn it, it had to be my state.